I would like to start an Alter Self discussion thread, and open the topic of 'things missing from the handbook'.
1.) Dragon forms for a Dragonwrought Kobold
tiny: bite 1d4, 2 claws 1d3
smll: bite 1d6, 2 claws 1d4
medium: bite 1d8, 2 claws 1d6, 2 wings 1d4
Black Dragon 4 HD, 3 NA, t, 60 ft, fly 100 ft (average), swim 60 ft, possible water breathing
Green Dragon 5 hd, 4 na, s, 40 ft, fly 100 ft (average), swim 40 ft, possible water breathing
White Dragon 3 hd, 2 na, t, 60 ft, burrow 30 ft, fly maxed at 120 ft (average), swim 60 feet, possible icewalking (spider climb on ice)
Brass Dragon 4 hd, 3 na, t, 60 ft, burrow 30 ft, fly maxed at 120 ft (average)
Copper Dragon, 5 hd, 4 na, t, 40 ft, fly 100 ft (average), possible spider climb on stone surfaces
(and non core dragons!)
2.) How about the Incarnum stuff? Do Rilkan get a +1 to knowledge checks when you Alter Self into them? In fact, the entire Incarnum book seems to be missing!