Level | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Feature |
1 | +1 | +2 | +0 | +2 | Daelkyr body, Corrupting Touch, +1 Str |
2 | +2 | +3 | +0 | +3 | Daelkyr, Breed War Symbiot |
3 | +3 | +3 | +1 | +3 | Daelkyr Flesh, Daelkyr Operation, +1 Con |
4 | +4 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Personal Creation |
5 | +5 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Flesh Poet, +1 Int |
6 | +6 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Breed Symbiot, Alien Mind |
7 | +7 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Flesh Musician, +1 Str |
8 | +8 | +6 | +2 | +5 | Master of Flesh, Great operation, +1 Con |
9 | +9 | +6 | +3 | +6 | Flesh Sculptor, +1 Int |
10 | +10 | +7 | +3 | +7 | Breed Symbiot, Aura of Madness |
11 | +11 | +7 | +3 | +7 | Flesh Artist, +1 Str |
12 | +12 | +8 | +4 | +8 | Horror Legion, +1 Con |
13 | +13 | +8 | +4 | +8 | Revolutionary Operation, +1 Int |
14 | +14 | +9 | +4 | +9 | Breed Symbiot, +1 Str, +1 Con |
15 | +15 | +9 | +5 | +9 | Flesh Sculpture, +1 Int |
16 | +16 | +10 | +5 | +10 | Flesh Conversion, +1 Str |
17 | +17 | +10 | +5 | +10 | Instant Operation, +1 Con, +1 Int |
18 | +18 | +11 | +6 | +11 | Breed Symbiot, +1 Str, +1 Con, +1 Int |
19 | +19 | +11 | +6 | +11 | Aura of Insanity, +1 Str, +1 Con, +1 Int |
20 | +20 | +12 | +6 | +12 | Gate to Madness, +1 Str, +1 Con, +1 Int |
Skills: 6+int modifier per level, quadruple at 1st level, all skills are class skills for a Daelkyr.
Proficiencies:Simple and martial weapons, its own natural weapons.
Features:Daelkyr body:The Daelkyr loses all other racial bonus and gains outsider traits (basicaly darkvision 60 feet). It's a medium sized outsider with base speed 40 feets and one natural slam attack dealing 1d3+1,5 Str mod damage. Unlike normal natural weapons, the Daelkyr may perform iterative attacks with its Slam attack.
The Daelkyr also gains a bonus to Nat armor equal to his Con modifier.
Ability increase:The Daelkyr gains +1 Str at levels 1, 7, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20
The Daelkyr gains +1 Con at levels 3, 8, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20
The Daelkyr gains +1 Int at levels 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20
For a total of +8 Str, +8 Con, +8 Int at 20th level.
Corrupting Touch:A daelkyr possesses the innate power to twist and corrupt any creature that it touches. On a successful touch attack, grapple check, natural attack, or unarmed strike,
a daelkyr deals 1d3 points of damage to an ability of the daelkyr’s choosing (no save, if Con is the chosen stat then the damage is halved).
For every 4 HD of the Daelkyr, this ability damage increases one die size.
At 10 HD this ignores immunity to Ability damage, but oponents with such immunity get a save with DC 10+1/2HD+Str mod to resist this effect.
Daelkyr:At 2nd level the Daelkyr gains immunity to transmutation, and a bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects, poison and disease equal to its HD. The Daelkyr also gains the evil subtype and his weapons/natural attacks count as evil for bypassing DR.
Breed War Symbiot : At 2nd level the Daelkyr learns how to breed a living piece of equipment for both personal use and its minions, a War Symbiot
War Symbiot base statsAll War Symbiots are tiny aberrations with Str 1, Dex 1, Con 10, Int+1d6, Wis 10+1d6, Cha+1d6, Natural armor of +3, DR 10/cold iron, one single HD (d8) providing a base +2 to Will saves and (2+Int mod)x4 Skill points, no class skills and base speed 10 feet.
War Symbiots take item slots and can be used by any willing living creature. They only take a fullround action to equip as they embrace the host unless they're weapons, in which case grabbing them is enough. While bonded, they count as items for all combat purposes. Even when they replicate armor or weapons, War Symbiots don't demand any specific proficiencies to use to full effect. They automatically adapt to the size of the user.
Telepathy-All War Symbiot can telepathically comunicate with their current hosts.
Bonding Tendrils- An equiped War Symbiot digs its tendrils into the host's body to draw sustenance, inflicting one negative level on the host, even if it would be normally immune to negative levels. This negative level cannot be removed by any means except removing the War Symbiot, which takes the same action as equiping it. The only exception to this rule is the Daelkyr using a War Symbiot it breeded itself.
On the other hand, the Bonding Tendrils also make impossible for War Symbiots to be disarmed, but they can still be sundered.
Dominate Host- A symbiot which dislikes its host's atitude may atempt to dominate it once per hour. The save DC is 11+Sum of all mental stat mods and works as a Dominate Monster effect that lasts for 24 hours, except it bypasses any mind-affecting immunities. The Daelkyr which breeded the War symbiot is however immune to this ability. A War Symbiot will always try to dominate the host if it turns against the Daelkyr that created it. But otherwise it has its own mind and will rather obey its host than the Daelkyr as long as well treated.
War Symbiot list
Second SkinWhen bonded, this symbiote works as a suit of light armor with the following stats:
-Armor bonus of 2+1/4 HD of the user.
-Armor check penalty of 0 and 0% arcane spell failure chance.
-No max dexterity bonus.
-Grants an enanchment bonus to Dex equal to 1/3 HD of the user.
-Automatically stablizes host when they drop to negative HP.
-Has the Glamered property.
-Allows the wearer to use the Hide skill whitout actually having anything to hide behind.
Living BreastplateWhen bonded, this symbiote works as a suit of medium armor with the following stats:
-Armor bonus of 5+1/4 HD of the user.
-Armor check penalty of -2 and 15% arcane spell failure chance.
-Maximum Dexterity bonus of +5
-Grants DR/cold iron equal to 1/2 HD of the user.
-Grants an enanchment bonus to Con equal to 1/3 HD of the user.
-Grants Light Fortification.
-Automatically stablizes host when they drop to negative HP.
Bonding ExoskeletonWhen bonded, this symbiote works as a suit of heavy armor with the following stats:
-Armor bonus of 8+1/4 HD of the user.
-Armor check penalty of -4 and 30% arcane spell failure chance.
-Maximum Dexterity bonus of +1.
-Grants DR/cold iron equal to the HD of the user.
-Grants an enanchment bonus to Str equal to 1/3 HD of the user.
-Grants Medium Fortification.
-Automatically stablizes host when they drop to negative HP.
Tentacle WhipWhen bonded, this symbiote fills one of the user's hands.
-Same stats as a whip, except it deals lethal damage, never provokes attacks of oportunity for attacking, and always threatens the area where you can attack.
-Can attack once per turn as a free action using the user's stats, or be used as a normal weapon (not both on the same round tough).
-Counts as a magic weapon for bypassing DR and affecting ethereal/incorporeal creatures.
-Tentacle whips can channel melee touch spells and abilities and any other abilities that would trigger with a sucessful hit from the used hand.
-Bonus to attack rolls equal to 1/4 HD of the user, and no penalties for being used by an off-hand.
-The user gains gains a bonus on an opposed attack roll made to disarm an opponent equal to the user's HD, and an equal bonus bonus on a Strength check made to trip an opponent. The wielder does not provoke attacks of opportunity when attempting to trip or disarm, and he cannot be tripped or disarmed if he fails his attempt.
-Sucessful hits from the tentacle Whip inflicts Poison dealing 1d2 Dex damage, Fort save DC 10+1/2 HD of the user+User's Con mod. This damage increases one die size for every 6 HD of the User. At 10 HD it can affect even creatures normally immune to it, but they gain a +5 bonus on their saves.
-For every 5 HD of the user, the reach of the tentacle whip increases by an extra 5 feet.
Tongue WormThis War Symbiot bonds to the user's mouth, granting it a natural sting attack. This sting attack replaces the creature’s bite attack, if it has one.
-The tongue worm deals 1d3+Str damage, can be used to perform trip and disarm atempts, and counts as Evil aligned for overcoming DR.
-Sucessful hits with the tongue worm inject a poison with Fort DC 10+1/2 HD of the user+Con mod of the user that paralyzes the target for 1 round.
-If the user has at least 6 HD the paralyzis lasts 1d3 rounds instead, and every 6 HD after the paralyziz time increases one die size.
-If the user has 10 HD the paralyzis poison affects even creatures normally immune to it, but they get a +5 bonus on their saves.
-A tongue worm is immune to poison, and grants the user a bonus on saves against poison equal to its HD.
Breed LeechThis War symbiot takes no item slot, just needing to attach itself to some piece of naked skin.
-While a breed leech is attached to a creature, the host is flooded with bolstering chemicals. The supercharged host gains 5+5 per HD of the host bonus hit points per day (which replace any leftover bonus hit points granted by the breed leech on the previous day) and a +1 bonus on Fortitude saves plus an extra +1 per 4 HD of the host.
-If the creature is pregnant, the bolstering chemicals corrupt the new life, turning the unborn child into a random aberration which will tend to CE alignment and be at least friendly towards the Daelkyr.
Shadow SiblingA shadow sibling settles around its host like a second skin (but not taking any item slot), granting the host protection from some physical attacks.
-While wearing a shadow sibling, a creature can gain 50% concealment against any single attack as an immediate action. You must decide whether to use this benefit before you know the result of the attack roll.
The creature can use this ability a number of times per day equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum once per day). This concealment has no effect against weapons or effects that ignore the miss chance of incorporeal creatures (such as force effects or weapons enhanced with the ghost touch special ability). Using this ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
-Moreover, a shadow sibling partly blocks ambient light, giving the host creature and its equipment a shadowy appearance even in full daylight. This effect grants the host
a circumstance bonus on Hide checks equal to half its HD.
-As an attack action the host can make a disrupting melee touch attack dealing 1d6 untyped damage. This damage increases one die size for every 4 HD of the host.
-At 10 HD, the host can turn itself fully incorporeal for 1 round as an immediate action instead of just 50% concealment.
-At 15 HD the incorporeality can last up to 1 minute per use instead of 1 round, ending it is a free action.
-At 20 HD there's no time limit to the incorporeality duration.
Storm StalkThis eye on a stalk attaches itself to the host's head taking the helm slot.
-As a standard action, a stormstalk’s host can make a ranged touch attack with a ray of electricity emitted from the eye. This ray has a maximum range of 10 feet per HD of the host and deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per 2 HD of the host. It
also imposes a –2 penalty to Dexterity for 1 minute on the creature struck. For every 4 HD of the host, this penalty increases by an extra -1. Penalties from multiple rays (either from the same or separate stormstalks) do not stack.
-At 10 HD of the host it can be used as a swift action. At 15 HD of the host as a free action 1/round. At 20 HD of the host even if it isn't the host's turn.
Throwing ScarabThis War Symbiot attaches itself to one of the host's hand, taking a glove slot. It looks like some kind of exotic decoration untill used.
-A throwing scarab generates small shards of hard crystalline carapace. The host can grasp one of these shards as a free action and throw it as a normal ranged attack. The shard has a range increment of 20 feet. When thrown in this fashion, the shard is treated as a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. On a successful hit, the shard deals 1d6 points of slashing damage (critical 19–20/2) and then dissolves in its target, dealing an additional 1d6 points of acid damage.
Once a shard is thrown out, the throwing scarab secretes another shard, allowing the host to continuously throw them. Shards do not last for more than 1 round once detached from the symbiont. If a shard is not used as a weapon within 1 round after being pulled from the symbiont, it dissolves harmlessly.
-For every 4 HD of the host, the base damage and the extra acid damage increases by one die step.
-At 10 HD the shards ignore adverse wind conditions, including magic ones like wind wall.
Winter CystThis eye on a stalk attaches itself to the host's head taking the helm slot.
-As a standard action, a Wynter Cyst’s host can make a ranged touch attack with a ray of cold emitted from the eye. This ray has a maximum range of 10 feet per HD of the host and deals 1d6 points of cold damage per 2 HD of the host. It
also imposes a –2 penalty to Strenght for 1 minute on the creature struck. For every 4 HD of the host, this penalty increases by an extra -1. Penalties from multiple rays (either from the same or separate stormstalks) do not stack.
-At 10 HD of the host it can be used as a swift action. At 15 HD of the host as a free action 1/round. At 20 HD of the host even if it isn't the host's turn.
Angel ClawsWhen bonded, this symbiote fills both of the user's hands, with a layer of skin connecting around the back of the arms.
-They grant the user two natural claw attacks dealing 2d4+Str mod damage each, and can both be used to attack simultaneously whitout penalties as a standard action. For each 3 HD of the user, they deal damage as if they were one size category larger.
-The user also gains a racial bonus on Climb checks equal to 4+HD.
-If the user has 4 or more HD, the claws count as magic whenever it would be benefical for them.
-If the user has 8 or more HD, the claws count as [Good] whenever it would be benefical for them.
-If the user has 13 or more HD, if the user hits an opponent with both claws in the same turn, they rend the target dealing claw damage+1,5 Str mod.
-If the user has 19 HD or more, the user themself can count as [Good] whenever it would be benefical for them.
Control SlugThis War symbiot takes no item slot, just needing to attach itself to some piece of naked skin.
-The user can use Charm Person 1/day as a SLA with DC 10+1/2 HD+Highest stat mod.
-If the user has 3 HD or more they can use Charm Animal 1/day as a SLA with DC 10+1/2 HD+Highest stat mod.
-If the user has 5 HD or more they can use Charm Monster 1/day as a SLA with DC 10+1/2 HD+Highest stat mod.
-If the user has 7 HD or more they can use Dominate Person 1/day as a SLA with DC 10+1/2 HD+Highest stat mod.
-If the user has 9 HD or more enemies no longer receive a bonus on the save against their Charm effects even if they're threatned by the user or its allies.
-If the user has 11 HD or more it can use one of the SLAs granted by the Control Slug an additional time per day.
-If the user has 13 HD or more it can use its best ability score instead of Cha to persuade charmed/dominated creatures.
-If the user has 15 HD or more it can use Mass Charm Monster 1/day as a SLA with DC 10+1/2 HD+Highest stat mod.
-If the user has 17 or more HD it can use Dominate Monster 1/day as a SLA with DC 10+1/2 HD+Highest stat mod.
-If the user has 19 or more HD it recovers expended Control Slug SLA uses whenever the target suceeds on their save or prove immune.
Secret HeraldThis War symbiot takes no item slot, just needing to attach itself to some piece of naked skin.
-The user can use Message as a SLA at will as a standard action, but only towards other Flesh Heralds. Each Flesh Herald can perfectly remember up to 5 such messages sent/received, plus replicate one of them as a swift/move action from the user, taking a Will DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod to notice it's not the original voice speaking. Old messages can be forgoten to make room for new ones as a swift/move action. Instead of a specific message, the user can instead send/record up to 6 seconds of the surrounding sound activity.
-At 5 HD the user gains telepathy 10 feet per 5 HD, and nearby sound can be recorded up to 1 minute before being sent/stored, taking a swift or move action each turn to concentrate.
-At 10 HD the user can use Sending at will as a SLA at will as a standard action, but only towards other Flesh Heralds. It can record and store messages just as when using Message. Nearby sound can be recorded up to 1 hour before being sent/stored, taking a swift or move action each turn to concentrate.
-At 15 HD the herald can be used to send a static image of what the user is seeing instead of a spoken message, and its “storage” capacity upgrades to 10 recordings.
-At 19 HD the herald can be used to record up to 1 minute of images of what the user is seeing instead of a spoken message, taking a swift/move action each turn, and its “storage” capacity upgrades to 20 recordings.
Each War Symbiot takes 24 hours to breed. There's no limit to how many the Daelkyr can produce, but remember that they can't do anything by themselves and they inflict negative levels on anyone that uses them but the Daelkyr itself. Symbiotes of the same kind never stack.
When this ability is first gained the Daelkyr learns how to breed one of this War Symbiots. At levels 6, 10, 14 and 18 it learns how to breed a new kind.
Daelkyr Flesh: At 3rd level the Daelkyr gains Fast Healing equal to half it's HD and SR equal to 11+HD. It may rise or drop its SR as a free action at any time even if it isn't its turn.
Daelkyr Operation: At 3rd level the Daelkyr learns how to perform questionable chirurgies which involve an assortment of knives, saws, chunks of flesh and lots of blood. Each one takes 8 hours and grants one of the following
Claws: two of the subject's hands become claws dealing 1d6+Str mod, which can still be used for fine manipulation. If the subject already had claws they now deal damage as if they were one size category bigger.
Sharp Extremes: the subject gains either a gore or bite attack dealing 1d8+ 1/2 Str mod. If the subject already had one of those, it now deals damage as if they were one size category bigger.
Fast: The subject's movement speeds increase by 10 feet.
Scaly Skin: The subject's Natural armor increases by 2.
Superior: one of the subject's ability scores increases by 1.
Sharp Nose: the subject gains the Scent standard ability.
Skillful: the subject gains a +4 bonus on all checks with a single skill chosen at the moment of the operation.
Plastic Chirurgy: the subject gains a +10 bonus on disguise checks to pass as a specifific creature chosen at the time of the operation. Alternatively, the subject gains a +20 bonus on disguise checks to prevent others from figuring out its own identity.
Whatever the choice, the subject of the operation has its max HP permanently reduced by 1 HP per 2 HD of the subject itself(minimum 1). Diferent operations stack, but so do the max HP reductions. The Daelkyr can "reverse" operations with another 8 hours of work.
Alternatively, the Daelkyr may operate the subject for just minor cosmetic changes like skin color change, hair implants and removing signs. Those don't provide any mechanical bonus but neither do they reduce the subject's HP.
The Daelkyr cannot operate itself.
Personal Creation:At 4th level, the Daelkyr experiments produce a specimen with superior powers that doesn't die on the same day, so the Daelkyr dedicates itself to making sure it grows big and strong.
Treat this as a cohort of level -2 of the Daelkyr using either the Beholder or Mind Flayer monster classes with the elite array of stats and no equipment of its own. Once all the base monster levels are taken, it can take either template/prc-monster classes for which it qualifies or normal levels.
If it dies, the Daelkyr can "rebuild" it with one week of work.
Depending on the campaign and background of the character, other monsters may be used for Personal Creation, with DM's aproval.
Flesh Poet: At 5th level the Daelkyr can use Haste, Lesser Confusion and Slow as SLAs 1/day per 2 HD, save DCs 10+1/2HD+Int mod.
It may use its Lesser Confusion as a swift action.
At 10 HD its Lesser Confusion can affect creatures normally immune to it, but they gain a +5 bonus on their saves.
At 15 HD it may use Lesser Confusion as an immediate action.
Alien Mind:The mind of a daelkyr is a labyrinth that can swallow the thoughts of lesser creatures. At 6th level any creature who attempts to read the thoughts of a daelkyr or otherwise
study its mind must make a DC 10+1/2 HD+Int mod Will save or suffer the effect of an Insanity spell.
The Daelkyr also becomes fully immune to mind-affecting spells and effects.
Flesh Musician:At 7th level the Daelkyr can use Dimension Door, Polymorph and Confusion as SLAs 1/day per 3 HD, save DCs 10+1/2HD+Int mod.
At 12 HD its Confusion can affect creatures normally immune to it, but they gain a +5 bonus on their saves.
At 17 HD it may use its Dimension Door as a move action, and can use any remaining actions it has left after it.
Master of Flesh:At 8th level the Daelkyr becomes fully immune to poison, ability damage and drain and diseases.
Great Operation: At 8th level the Daelkyr can perform even more risky operations. This works as Daelkyr operation, except it takes 16 hours and reduces the subject's max HP by 1 per each HD of the subject itself.
Wings: The subject gains a fly speed equal to its base speed with average maneuverability. If it already had a fly speed, its maneuverability increases by one step. If it was already perfect, then the fly speed increases by 20 feet.
War Tentacle: the subject gains one tentacle which can be used as a natural weapon dealing 1d4+Str mod damage for a medium creature and can perform basic manipulation like moving items, trip, grapple, disarms, but not complex manipuation like wielding weapons or shields and activating magic items.
Skeleton reinforce: the subject gains the powerful build trait. If it already had it, instead it loses it and grows one size category, but its ability scores and natural armor don't change.
Skeleton Reducement: the subject gains the slight build trait (as powerful build, but counting as one size category smaller). If it already had it, instead it loses it and is reduced one size category, but its ability scores and natural armor don't change.
Specialized: As skillful, but the skill bonus is +8.
Flesh Sculptor:at 9th level 1/day per 4 HD, the Daelkyr may use Baleful Polymorph, Feeblemind and Mind Fog as SLAs. Save DCs are 10+1/2 HD+Int mod.
At 13 HD its Feeblemind and Mind Fog can affect creatures normally immune to it, but they gain a +5 bonus on their saves.
Aura of Madness: At 10th level as a free action 1/round, a daelkyr can trigger a 20-foot-radius burst of mental chaos centered on itself. Any other creature in the area must succeed on a DC 10+1/2 HD+Int mod Will save or be affected as though by a confusion spell
(caster level equal to Daelkyr's HD). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same daelkyr’s aura of madness for 24 hours. This ability is a mind-affecting compulsion effect.
Flesh Artist At 11th level 1/day per 5 HD the Daelkyr may use Flesh to Stone, Flesh to Stone and Insanity as SLAs, save DCs are 10+1/2HD+Int mod.
At 14 HD its Insanity SLA can affect creatures normally immune to it, but they gain a +5 bonus on their saves.
At 17 HD it may use its Insanity SLA as a swift action.
At 20 HD it may use its Insanity SLA as an immediate action.
Horror Legion: At 12th level the Daelkyr learns how to twist other living creatures into its own servants. This demands 24 hours of work and at least one helpless or petrified creature, the details of which are unique to each Daelkyr but always messy to the extreme.
When the process ends the subject creature loses all its previous levels and HD and related abilities, replaces its stats with Elite Array, and gains an amount of levels in either the Tsochar, Beholder, Mind Flayer or Medusa monster classes equal to its previous CR, up to the Daelkyr's HD-6. The Daelkyr may stitch togheter several victims into a single servant of level equal to their combined CR.
If all the levels on the base monster class were taken, the servant may take template class levels it qualifies for untill it reaches the cap of Daelkyr HD-6.
Their alignment changes to CE, and the Daelkyr may control a number of such servants equal to its Int mod, with any servants over this limit running away and then spreading terror and destruction to satisfy their own destructive lusts. Daelkyr's aren't shy of creating servants over its control limit just to set them free to spread pain and suffering.
Depending on the campaign and background of the character, other monsters may be used for Personal Horror Legion, with DM's aproval.
Revolutionary Operation: At 13th level the Daelkyr may perform even more audacious operations. This works as Daelkyr operation, except it takes 24 hours and reduces the subject's max HP by 2 per each HD of the subject itself.
Extra Arm: The subject gains one extra arm that can be used to perform fine manipulation or as a natural Slam attack dealing 1d6+Str mod damage for a medium creature.
Flexible Limb: One of the subject's natural weapons reach is doubled and it gains a +4 bonus on grapple, trip and disarm atempts. Grapples performed with that limb also ignore freedom of movement effects.
Overspecialized: As skillful, but the skill bonus is +12.
Better:One of the subject's ability scores increases by 2.
Growth Stimulus: The subject grows one size category, but its ability scores and natural armor don't change.
Shrink:The subject becomes one size smaller, but its ability scores and natural armor don't change.
Flesh Sculpture:At 15th level the Daelkyr can use Polymorph any Object as a SLA 1/day per 6 HD. Save DC is 10+1/2HD+Int mod.
At 20 HD it may also use its Polymorph any Object SLA as a swift action.
Flesh Conversion:At 16th level whenever an oponent fails a save against a Transmutation SLA from the Daelkyr, the Daelkyr may choose to instantly convert them in a servant as in the Horror Legion ability.
In this case, even if the new servant would exceed the Daelkyr's max number of servants, it still remains under control for 1d6 rounds before running away.
Instant Operation: At 17th level the Daelkyr may perform a Daelkyr Operation on an adjacent willing creature as a free action 1/round even if it isn't its turn, a Greater Operation as a swift action and a Revolutionary operation as a standard action. Reversing it still takes the normal time tough.
The Daelkyr may also use this on adjacent oponents by suceeding on a melee attack as a free action as part of the Instant Operation.
Aura of Insanity:As a swift action, the Daelkyr may produce a 5 foot per HD radius burst of mental chaos centered on itself. Any other creature in the area must succeed on a DC 10+1/2 HD+Int mod Will save or be affected as though by an Insanity spell
(caster level equal to Daelkyr's HD). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same daelkyr’s aura of Insanity for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting effect, but affects even creatures immune to it, altough they gain a +5 bonus on their saves.
The Daelkyr may exclude any allies it wishes from this ability.
Gate to Madness:For a Daelkyr, destroying worlds is a form of art. At 20th level, it may create a Gate to Madness 1/day.
This works as a Gate SLA that only works for the Planar Travel form and doesn't demand concentration to maintain, but only lasts while the Daelkyr remains whitin 500 feet from it, up to 24 hours. While it lasts, whenever one of the Daelkyr's servants(even those under its direct control) or personal Experiment dies, it automatically reforms at full capacity at the Gate to Madness. Creatures trying to pass trough the Gate of Madness whitout the Daelkyr's permission are permanently rendered insane whitout save (even if they're immune to mind-affecting), but any creature aproaching the gate is aware of this effect as they feel their minds slipping away, and may willingly stop at any time. This won't stop the Daelkyr and its minions from trying to push oponents trough the gate to drive them crazy however.
Slaying the Daelkyr ends this effect, but in the moment before its death it is instantly moved to the other side of the Gate of Madness before it closes, with at least 1 HP and all ill effects removed from it.
Symbiot Specialist
Prerequisite: 2+ levels of Daelkyr
Benefit: Choose another War Symbiot you still don't know how to breed. You can now produce them normally.
Special:You may take this feat multiple times, each one learning to breed a new type of War Symbiote.
Damn this one was tough.
Funny thing about the Daelkyr, their "official" crunch isn't that hot. The top SLA they have is POA, and then most of the abilities that make them look so cool in the fluff like breeding beholders and mind flayers are left right there in the fluff.
Well not on my watch! The Daelkyr class is all about breeding your own aberrations and then performing crazy experiments on them and then experimenting on whatever creatures are unlucky enough to cross your path and your allies if you can persuade them. Interestingly enough, Daelkyrs aren't so hot about changing themselves, but considering the mind-shattering typic result of their experiments, I can't really blame them.
You'll notice I made the class Int focused since Daelkyrs seem to be more crazy scientist than crazy overlord. They get all skills as class skills because the original monster has more skills that you can shake a tentacle whip at.
Anyway by itself the Daelkyr only has some SLAs and solid physic stats and fast healing, but then can greatly augment itself with War Symbiots. You also get a personal flesh horror pet at 4th level and eventually mass-produced expendable minions, and smaller operations to customize them at your will. Your allies can choose to join the freak show if they're willing to endure the side effects.
So if you want to play a mad biologist from beyond, the Daelkyr's for you!