We have yet to see a war troll in action, but a few players have been considering read-"threatening" to roll one. heh it should be fun!
I've actually had floating in the back of my mind for a long time... the idea of playing a Shadow Creature War Troll as a 20th level character. Yes, +8 LA hurts like hell, but you only take lethal damage from acid, and you can heal that with your fast healing 2 you got from Shadow Creature.
Add in Robilar's Gambit and Deft Opportunist, and you'd still be able to be a decently effective tank/bruiser, especially if you've got 20th level wealth that you put to good use. Your total concealment most of the time wouldn't hurt, either.
I'm sure there are better ways to fill that roll by 20th level (Cleric 20, anyone?), but it would still be a hell of a lot of fun.
Edit: Just to clarify, I don't use straight-up War Trolls in my game. They are all Primordial Giant Half-Troll War Trolls (so they regain the Giant type, but still retain the Full BAB), and they are stronger, tougher, and smarter than normal War Trolls. Effectively regenerating 14 points a round is nice, but my PC's still took one down after a few rounds of trying to figure out how best to hit him (he was gestalted with Scout 12, and there were role-play restrictions on the ways they could attack him).
Double Edit:
Aha, my random knowledge of board members is growing! Someday I will successfully stalk you all!
Yeah, yeah... speaking of the off-topic topic-at-hand, my wife learned today that the chairman of another department at our university wants her help in recruiting a deaf Chinese researcher from USC. Pretty cool, if you ask me.