The Absolute Guide to Cleric Prestige ClassesBy Ikeren
Note to self: To do:
Cityscape, Manual of the Planes, Five Nations, other eberron stuff.
This guide is the complete guide to cleric prestige classes; so complete you can't believe it didn't exist till now. I'll be listing prestige classes that have no value to clerics with a zero. Aside from that, I'll use a 1-5 scale.
0=A useuless prestige class. These will have their names bolded.
1= a very weak prestige class. These will have their names in red
2=slightly weaker than a normal cleric 20. These will have their names in orange
3=about as powerful as a normal cleric 20. These will have their names in italics
4=slightly more powerful than a normal cleric 20. These will have their names in green
5=substantially more powerful prestige class.. These will have their names in blue
I'm about to return to a place where I have more hard copies of books that I may not have checked here; if people could mention books that they know I've missed from 3.5E it'd be greatly appreciated.
Generally, this resource is compiled for me; but one of the other reasons is to laugh at all the prestige classes you never hear of someone using.
Also; I will only mention if something has changed.
If you see: Swap fort for ref, that means you've got bad fort, good ref.
If you see "drop fort" that means you've got bad fort with no upgrade.
If you see "drop BAB" that means you've got 0.5 BAB.
Hit dice will be mentioned if it's changed usually.
Skills will be mentioned if they're changed.
Arcane Archer: You can do something like Arcane Caster 1/Cleric 17/Arcane Archer 2. That gets you imbue arrow and a reflex save boost in exchange for some top level spells, and will save.
Assassin: A 1 level dip will get you a death attack, sneak attack, and poison use...but you're probably better off with your spells.
Blackguard: A 2 level dip will get you charisma to saves...but you're probably better off with your spells.
Dragon Disciple: If you take 2 levels of it at level 18, and qualify with a feat rather than a class level, you trade a 6th and 7th level spell and 2 caster levels for 1 natural armor (2000gp), +2 stacking strength (4000gp) claws and bite attacks, and d12 hit die.
Heirophant: Losing the caster levels aren't worth the special abilities.
Loremaster: You're down hit dice, for save, and BAB. You gain 4 skills from a better list, and a bunch of minor abilities. Qualify at level 7
Mystic Theurge: You're down hit dice, BAB, fort save; but you're gaining versatilty. It's better if you can qualify Wizard 1/Cleric 3 with precocious apprentice (perhaps to equal or marginally better), or using some other way to qualify with only one level of Wizard or Cleric. Qualify at level 4 or 6.
Shadowdancer 1 or 2 levels for HIPS or Evasion, Darkvision, and Uncanny Dodge. Still very likely to be a mistake for a cleric.
Thaumaturgist: You're down hit dice, BAB, fort save. Free extend at level 3 is pretty good, extra contingent spell is okay. Still, summoning is generally non-optimal, though this becomes okay with a combination of Malconvoker. Qualify at level 7.
Arcane Trickster: This is not meant for a cleric.
Red Wizard: This is not meant for a cleric.
Archmage: This is not meant for a cleric.
Duelist:: This is not meant for a cleric.
Dwarven Defender: This is not meant for a cleric.
Eldritch Knight: This is not meant for a cleric.
Horizon Walker: This is not meant for a cleric.
Complete Adventurer
Daggerspell Shaper: Hit die goes down 1 step, skills go up to 6, and you trade fortitude save for ref. Need wildshape to qualify which would involve some wrangling (Divine Minion Template) and 2 bad feats. You get 9/10 casting, sneak attack progression, some wild-shape abilities, and a decent captstone. That being said, the wrangling means that you probably won't use it, and there are better ways to do the rogue-cleric thing.
Fochlucan Lyracist: Getting in with cleric requires quite a lot of wrangling, but in general, this prestige class is a step down in power for a straight cleric. With ur-priest and sublime chord this can become good late in the game. See the Tools for a Fochlucan Lyracist thread here: Dwarven Historian, 3/5ths casting, Lose fort and BAB, gain skills, and bardic-music style effects.
Shadowbane Inquisitor: Requires turn undead, but really makes more sense for a paladin/rogue than a cleric/rogue due to lack of spellcasting progression.
Shadowbane Stalker: Requires skills and 1d6 sneak attack. Gain 6+ int skills from a better list, and lost spell casting levels at 4 and 9, and trade fort save for ref save. 3 levels doesn't lose you any spell caster levels, and gains you some skill bonuses and another d6 of sneak attack. 8 levels gets you better skill boosts and a defensive ability, and the 10th level gets you arcane strike, except no attack bonus, and sneak attack dice instead of 1d4 untyped damage. Still, 3 or 8 levels is one of the better choices for a Sneak-Styled cleric. Qualify at level 5
Shadowmind: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Spymaster: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Street Fighter: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Tempest: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Thief-Acrobat: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Vigilante: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Virtuoso: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Wild Plains Outrider: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Ghost Faced Killer: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Highland Stalker:: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Maester: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Master of Many Forms: You might need to cheese your way in. It's a pretty good prestige class, but more for druids than clerics.
Dread Pirate: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Dungeon Delver: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Exemplar: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Animal Lord: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Beast Master: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Bloodhound: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Daggerspell Mage: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Nightsong Enforcer: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Nightsong Infiltrator: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Complete Arcane
Acolyte of the Skin: 5/10th casting makes this class worthless. 2 levels loses you only 1 caster level but gains you fire resistance 10; except that's still a crummy trade off. Qualify at level 5.
Alienist Full casting, requires augment summoning. Lose BAB, Hit dice, Fort save. Gain summoning style abilities focused around pseudonaturals. The prestige class further gives permenant wisdom loss. Qualify at level 5
Effigy Master: Lose BAB, Fort save, Hit die, 1 caster level, gets you effigy stuff. Sorta okay if you want effigies, and IIRC, you can do crazy things with them. Qualify at level 5
Elemental Savant: Lose BAB, Fort save, hit dice. Caster level losses at 5 and 10, making levels 1-4 good; except that the first level ability removes versatility massively. At 10th level you become an elemental, but it's probably not worth it. Qualify at level 5
Wayfarer Guide: 2/3rds, casting loss at 3; requires Teleport (try the Travel Domain). Hit die drops, fort save drops, BAB drops. Gets you better teleporting. Qualify at level 9
Wild Mage: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Enlightened Fist: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Argent Savant: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Blood Magus:: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Fatespinner: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric. (It progresses any casting class, but requires 4th level arcane spells.).
Geometer: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Green Star Adept: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Initiative of the Sevenfold Veil: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Mage of the Arcane Order: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Master Transmogrifist: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Mindbender: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Seeker of the Song: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Sublime Chord: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Suel Arcanamach: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Complete Champion
Fist of the Forest: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric. A 1 level dip for con to AC could be considered, except for the steep feat requirements.
Holt Warden: Hit dice down 1 step, skills up one step, requires plant domain basically, but otherwise easy requirements (level 5). You get skill bonuses, spontaneous plant domain, heal as early as Char level 8, and regaining a few spell levels. Pretty good stuff.
Mythic Exemplar: Easy requirements (level 4 or 5): You lose fort save, gain 4 skills rather than 2, and it's 8/10ths casting (the 5/10ths casting paths aren't worth looking at). You gain a bunch of minor abilities, including luck reroll, short wisdom boosts, short death ward. 10th level loses you your second caster level, but gains you an ability boost +2, and spontaneous casting from 3 domains. Still not great.
Ordained Champion: Easy requirements (level 4), war domain basically: 3/5ths casting (lost at 1 and 4). Gain an extra domain, bonus feats, smites, channel spells, defensive abilities, swift actions from war domain spells, etcetera. If you're looking to play a combat cleric, this is a substantial upgrade. If you're concern is casting, it might simply be a 3
Pragnostic Apostle: Easy requirements (level 5), lose hit die, bab, fort save; gain 4 skills and abilities. None of the abilities are any good.
Sanctified One: 2/5ths casting: gain reflex save, requires BAB5. Gain weak abilities.
Shadowspy: 1 feat, skills, qualify at level 3. ½ casting, d6, fort goes to ref, 6 skills, totally awful class.
Squire of Legend: Skills only, qualify by level 4. 2/3rd casting. 1 good save. 6+int skills, bad class abilities.
Shadowstriker: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Pragnostic Initiate: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Forest Reeve: This prestige class is not meant for a cleric.
Complete Divine
Black Flame Zealot 2 bad feats, sneak attack 1d6. 5/10ths casting. Hit dice goes to d6, fort save goes to ref, skills are 4+int. If you want to do the skilled cleric, used shadowbane stalker and holt warden.
Church Inquisitor: Qualify at level 3, no feat requirement. Lose good fortsave, gain 4 skills from a good list, +inquisition domain, and a bunch of minor abilities. No lost caster levels.
Contemplative: Qualify at level 10. d6, lose fort save, lose BAB. Gain bonus domains at 1 and 6, slippery mind, and a few other minor abilities. It's pretty good for caster clerics; a 1 level dip for the bonus domain at no cost should be in pretty much every build. General breakpoints are 1 and 6.
Divine Oracle: Down to d6, ½ BAB, no fort save; costs 1 feat, qualify at level 5. Get the orcale domain, evasion in heavy armor, then immunity to surprise.
Entropmancer: Half casting; gain minor entropy focused abilities. Travesty. Even a 2 level dip (lose 1 caster level) is awful compared to a 2 level divine orcale dip.
Geomancer: Requires 2nd level arcane/divine spells, but only progresses 1. There are weird things going on here. If you qualify Wiz1/Cle3 you're sorta okay. You gain a bunch of minor abilities, often natural attacks; but your hit dice is only d6. (skills is +4).
Hospitalor: 2 bad feats, level 7. Get LoH, some paladin style abilities, full BAB. 7/10ths casting. In general, if you want a melee-cleric, there are better options (ordained champion, for example).
Pious Templar: Not really meant for a cleric, but for a single bad feat, and a level dip, you can gain mettle.
Radiant Servant of Pelor: Sun Domain, extra turning. Level 6. You drop to a d6, but get martial weapons, extra turning, empowered and maximized healing, bonus domain. One of the few great cleric prestige classes.
Sacred Exorcist: Level 7: easy requisites. Lose your fort save, Gain minor abilities, including favoured enemy, dispel evil, holy aura. Not much useful.
Sacred Fist: Will save goes to Ref, Full BAB. Text versus table conflict; full casting or casting loss at 4 and 8. It's your monk/cleric prestige class; it's about equal power level if you don't lose the caster levels, or weaker if it does. Monk 1/Cleric 5 or Monk 2/Cleric 4. Blindsense is a pretty good ability.
Seeker of the Misty Isle: Level 5, easy prerequisites (except Elf). Will save goes to Ref, 6+int skills. Lose caster level at 5 and 10. Gets martial weapons. Gets Travel and Magic domains, two great domains. A 4 level dip is a substantial improvement. After that, losing the caster levels is sketch. Plus you have to be elf, which is bad (except for Archer clerics, if you want that).
The text says that this is a full casting prestige class; if your DM allows that, it is a pretty good prestige class; especially the skills and weak requirements. The best abilities are the domains at 1 and 7.
Shining Blade of Heironius: d10, Full BAB: 5/10ths casting. Qualify at 10 for cleric. Crummy weapon enhancements as a standard action.
Stormlord: Level 5; 3 bad feats; don't lose anything over normal cleric aside from turn undead progression. Javelin boosting effects and electrical immunity and some other minor fly abilities. If you some reason want to waste the feats and go for this flavour; at least you aren't losing the caster levels.
Ur-Priest:: This prestige class is great for a lot of things, but not a pure cleric. Fast track casting is just wonderful. Straight up, everyone knows how great this is; but not for a normal cleric (it requires giving up cleric casting).
Void Disciple: D6, lose BAB, lose fort save. 8/13 casting; qualify at level 7. Requires 2 okay feats, but you're wasting caster levels for meh abilities.
Warpriest: Requires level 7. Get full BAB, d10. Lose fort save. 5/10ths casting; loss at first. Gets martial weapons and tower shields, bonus domain, and a stack of spell like abilities. Still terrible.
Blighter: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Consecrated Harrier: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Divine Crusader: This prestige class is not meant for clerics. (though you could use it; cleric 10/divine Crusader 10 would get you 5th level cleric spells and 9th level spells from 1 domain, but that's pretty awful. There could be an amusing Paladin/Ordained Champion/Divine Crusader (War Domain) build out there.
Evangelist: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Holy Liberator: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Rainbow Servant: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Temple Raider of Olidammara: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Complete Divine Web Enhancement
Dweomerkeeper: 5th level; 2 feats; arcane casting; spell domain. D6, drop BAB, drop fort. Insane supernatural spell, mantle of spells, and metamagic cheapening. One of the few great prestige classes out there for clerics; too many dimish the core chasis (2 good saves, d8, 3/4ths BAB) without providing sufficient response. This does.
Master of Shrouds: This version is way weaker than the Libris Mortis version: 7th level entry and 5/10ths casting.
Moon Guardian: 2/5ths casting and you have to be a werewolf. Too bad.
Nightcloak: 5th level, 2 feats. Drop nothing. Gain some minor darkness abilities. It's okay; except you have to pay; better off with Church Inqusitor.
Complete Mage
Eldritch Disciple: Warlock/Cleric. Qualify at level 5. Lose a caster level at first, gain a bunch of minor things. If you like the idea of a Warlock/Cleric, this is for you. If you don't, stay away from it.
Abjurant Champion: This prestige class is not meant for clerics. (But we all wish it was).
Eldritch Theurge: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Enlightened Spirit: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Holy Scourge: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Lyric Thaumaturge: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Master Specialist: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Nightmare Spinner: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Ultimate Magus: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Unseen Seer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Wild Soul: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Complete Psionic
If you use radical magic—psionic transparency, then clerics can qualify for these, and they deserve review.
Anarchic Initiate: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Ebon Saint: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Ectopic Adept: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Flayerspawn Psychic: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Illumine Soul: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Soulbow: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Storm Disciple: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Zerth Cenobite: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Complete Scoundrel
Fortune's Friend: Enter by level 5; 1 luck feat. Gets 2/5th casting and luck feat focused bonuses. D6, ½ bab, ref save, 6+int skills. Casting progress at 2 and 4.
Grey Guard: 5/10ths divine casting; need Lay on Hands somehow; enter by level 5. Get d10, full BAB. Another modified paladin style prestige class.
Malconvoker: 8/9ths casting; d6, ½ bab, drop the fort save. I'd normally call it an even power trade off, but this guide here: says otherwise. I'd say great if you want to go summons, but if you want to go Caster, Undead destroy, rogue cleric, or battle-priest there are better choices.
Master of Masks: Easy entries, 4/10ths casting, drop BAB, ref intstead of fort, d6, 4+int skills. If you take 2 levels, you lose a caster level; but can get all exotic weapons, +2 CL for divine spells up to level (so, half-practiced caster) and 1d6 sneak attack; good for qualifying for other prestige classes. It's comparable to taking rogue 1. (Or natural attacks if you prefer that). It's still weak, but it's okay in a few niche circumstances.
Spellwarp Sniper 1 feat, and a 1 level dip (or something messy); qualify level 6. 4 skills, lose fort save, d6. A bunch of ray stuff, including making spells rays. Better for a wizard, but a flavourful option.
Uncanny Trickster: 2/3rds casting, 5th level. Skill tricks. D6, drop fort/will gain ref, 8+int skills. Okay if you want skill tricks or want to mix it into a rogueish build.
Avenging Executioner: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Battle Trickster: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Cloaked Dancer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Combat Trapsmith: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Magical Trickster: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
The Mountebanke: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Psibond Agent: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Complete Warrior
Natures Warrior: Need to wrangle in wildshape, 2/5ths casting, drop will save, d10, full BAB, and some minor abilities, some of which are good (DR3/-, fast healing 1)
Bear Warrior: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Blade Singer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Cavalier: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dark Hunter: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Darkwood Stalker: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dervish: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Drunken Master: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Exotic Weapon Master: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Eye of Gruumsh: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Frenzied Beserker: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Gnome Giant Slayer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Halfling Outrider: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Hulking Hurler: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Hunter of the Dead: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Invisible Blade: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Justicar: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Kensai: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Knight of the Chalice: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
The Knight Protector: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Master Thrower: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Master of the Unseen Hand: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Mindspy: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Occult Slayer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Order of the Bow Initiate: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Purple Dragon Knight: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Rage Mage: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Ravager: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Reaping Mauler: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Ronin: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Spellsword: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Stonelord: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Tattooed Monk: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Thayan Knight: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Warchanter: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Warshaper: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Races of Destiny
Scar Enforcer: Level 5 half-elf. Gain favoured enemy, smite, sneak attack, 6+int skills, lose fort save, 5/10ths casting.
Chameleon: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Loredelver: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Menacing Brute: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Outcast Champion: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Shadow Sentinel: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Urban Soul: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Races of Stone
Divine Prankster: Gnome, 5th level (with right domains, higher if cc skills), no feats. 6+int, full casting, drop BAB, fort turns to ref, d6. Gets bard style abilities, some other stuff, cool level 7 ability to use bluff in the place of AC for 1 AoO per round.
Earth Dreamer: 7th level, 1 feat. D4 hit die, ½ bab; gain some random earth abilities, including partial tremoursense.
Shadowcraft Mage: Gnome, level 7 with right domains. D4, 4+int skills, drop fort, drop BAB. Legendary ultra-real illusions. If you want a gnome illusionist cleric; this is the best. Can enter earlier using various tricks; see Endarire's post her: Guardian: need to wrangle in wildshape. 5th level, 2 bad feats. Gain 4+int skills, plus natural armor, slam, fortification, other abilities.
Battlesmith: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Blade Bravo: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Cragtop Archer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dawncaller: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Deepwarden: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Goliath Liberator: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Iron Mind: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Peregrine Runner: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Runesmith: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Stoneblessed: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Stonedeath Assassin: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Races of the Dragon
Dragonheart Mage: Need spontaneous arcane spells, 5th level; but can progress cleric. 1 bad feat. Lose bab, get d6, lose casting at 1 and 6. Gain breath weapon and more bad feats.
Singer of Concordance: Relatively easy to qualify for, 5th level. Trade fort for ref, d6, ½ bab but 4+ skills. Full casting. Bonus domain, minor benefits. "Singer of concordance can be qualified for at level 2 thanks to the "dragon exception clause" baked into RotD." (thanks The_Mad_Linguist). I still don't think this prestige class gets a lot better for entering at level 2. The abilities are: bonus to saves versus compulsions, extra domain from list of 7 (Travel, Magic, Knowledge on that list), area affect sanctuary, globe of invulnerability twice per day, positive energy effects gain 1d8, do pathetic damage to people trying to do planar travel around you, and teleport to spheres of concordance. Generally I'd say 2 levels for the domain is good, and the rest is meh.
Disciple of the Eye: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dracolexi: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dragon Devotee: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Races of the Wild
Arcane Heirophant: Need to wrangle to get in it, 7th level probably for the BAB component. You can start to do some slightly funny things; but it's best as an upgrade to a Cleric/Wizard mystic theurge build, or while hacking Fochlucan Lyracist. D6, 3/4ths bab, 4+ int skills.
Luckstealer: 6th level halfling. D4, drop bab, drop fort, Lose casting at 1/7/10, 4+ skills. 4th level reroll ability is pretty good, and 6 levels loses you 1 caster level, but still pretty meh.
Ruathar: 5th level; swap fort for ref, d6, 4+int skills. 3/3 casting. Gain minor benefits; an elven proficiency, a small gift, and other benefits.
Skypleged: Light requirements aside from Raptoran, 7th level, d6, fort swaps for ref, 4+int skills. 10/10 casting Weaker version of archmage spell-pool. A bunch of flying/air elemental abilities.
Champion of Corellon Larethian: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Stormtallon: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Whisperknife: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Wildrunner: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Players guide to Faerun
Divine Disciple: 7th level, easy prereqs. Drop nothing, gain saves bonus, domain, spell like abilities. Native Outsider in 5 levels for nothing.
Eye of Horus-Re: 6th level, 1 bad feat, 1 okay feat, sun domain. 9/10ths casting, lose fort save. Just a bad version of the RsoP.
Harper Agent: 5th level, 1 bad feat. D6, drop fort, 6+int casting, 4/5ths casting. Bonus to saves.
Hathran]: 7th level, 2 feats. D4, drop BAB. Become ridiculously uber; in your Hathran lands as the level 1 ability. Get some spells and abilities that might be really good or really bad; depending on your DM and campaign. Circle Magic is incredibly powerful if you can get your followers to participate (which you should be able to) and if you're allowed to abuse an acorn of far Travel to constantly be on your home lands, you get all cleric casting spontaneously, which is just plain silly.
Justiciar of Tyr: No feats, level 7. Drop nothing; gain martial weapons, full casting, and some okay paladin styled abilities.
Morning Lord of Lathander: 5th level, lawful good. 1 feat. Get some okay turning and light style abilities and some spell likes a couple times a day. Drop nothing
Runecaster: 5th level, drop nothing, 1 feat. Gain some minor benefits all focused around using runes for your spells (which stand in for other magic items).
Shadow Adept: 5th level, 2 feats. Drop fort, bab, d4. Level 1 gets you 3 bonus feats, which is pretty funny. Gain shadow style abilities that are all decent, but you're losing a fair bit of the core cleric chasis.
Arcane Devotee: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Divine Champion:: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Divine Seeker: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Evereskan Tomb Guardian: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Hammer of Moradin: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Incantatrix: You wish this prestige class required caster levels and progressed caster levels, rather than specifically arcane.
Monk of the Long Death: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Purple Dragon Knight: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Shaaryan Hunter: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Shadowthief of Amn: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Spellguard of Silverymoon: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Zhentarim Spy: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Book of Exalted Deeds
Apostle of Peace: Gets an ur-priest styled fast casting progression without progressing your own spells. Good in some places, but not for a pure cleric.
Celestial Mystic: 7th level, 3 feats. D4, drop BAB, drop fort, gain 4+ skills, 9/10ths casting. Some okay effects, but nothing worth the feats or costs.
Fist of Raziel: 8th level (earlier if get BAB from somewhere), 2 feats (1 is good). Get d10, full bab, drop will, 9/10ths casting, paladin style abilities. 10th level ability is quite good. If you want to do the melee cleric, this plus ordained champion is pretty golden.
Lion of Talisid: 6th level, need to wrangle in animal companion and summon natures ally 2. Gain 4+int skills, and a bunch of druid/ranger abilities, including wildshape. Depending on how hard it is for you to get an animal companion and summon natures ally 2, this can be quite good.
Prophet of Erathaol: 7th level, 4 bad feats. D6, drop BAB, gain ref, 9/10ths casting. 1 crummy class ability.
Sentinel of Bharri: 5th level, 2 bad feats. D4, drop BAB, drop Fort. 4+int skills. Polymorph into a bear, and get a class ability called "Cavalry of Dire Bears" which is pretty awesome in name, but not ability. The trade offs are more or less fair; you do gain some quickened spells, which is decent.
Skylord 10th level, 3 feats, lots of not-class skills. Get d10, full BAB, will turns to Ref, but still 5/10ths casting.
Swanmay: 5th level, 2 feats, need wild-empathy from somewhere. Full BAB, drop will, 4+int skills, 9/10ths casting. Gain fey type at 10th level, but otherwise, worse than Fist of Raziel for similar benefits and costs.
Wonderworker: 5th level, 2 feats; d6, 4+ skills, drop Fort, drop BAB. Gives you bonus spells. If you're level 17 and fill out last 3 levels with this; you trade 1 seventh level spell slot for two 8th level spell slots. If you've got practised caster, it's okay; the class returns the feats it wastes, sorta. So, mostly even trade offs.
Annointed Knight: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Beloved of Valarian: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Champion of Gwynharfyr: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Defender of Sealtiel: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Emissary of Barachiel: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Exalted Arcanist: This prestige class is not meant for clerics. (Progresses any, but requires 3rd level arcane spells)
Initiate of Pistis Sophia: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Risen Matyr: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Slayer of Domiel: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Stalker of Kharesh: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Sword of Righteousness: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Troubadour of the Stars: This prestige class is not meant for clerics. (Progresses any, but requires 4th level spontaneous arcane spells).
Vassal of Bahamut: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Book of Vile Darkness
Diabolist: 5th level, d4, 2 feats, drop fort, drop bab. Do a bit of extra spell damage. No thanks.
Disciple of Asmodeus: 6th level, 3 feats. D6, drop fort, gain 4+ skills. Get a bunch of command style abilities, but nothing worth 6/10ths casting. The first level doesn't cost a caster level and gets you...a bonus to gather information. In terms of dips, there is far better. In terms of taking more levels, there is still far better.
Thrall of Demogorgon or about equal if you take a 4 level dip: 6th level, 2 feats. Drop will save, gain full BAB, 4+int. 4/10ths casting; but you get caster levels at 1 and 4. All 10 levels is awful, but taking 4 levels gets you the 4th level ability; +2 natural armor, and 2/day getting two full round actions in a single round. Basically like having two belts of battle, if your DM doesn't allow MIC and does allow BoVD. 4 levels is pretty good if you're not getting extra actions from elsewhere : (see this guide:
Thrall of Gra'zzt: 5th level, 2 feats. D6, 4+skills. 6/10th casting, gain damage on spells. Not good.
Thrall of Orcus: 6th level, 2 feats. Gets full BAB, 4/10ths casting (same as Demogorgon), except the 4th level ability isn't anything special.
Ur-Priest: Just like the Complete Divine Reprint.
Vermin Lord: 7th level, easy prereqs, 1 feat. D6, 4+int skills, drop BAB, Drop Fort, 6/10ths casting. Bad class features.
Cancer Mage: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Demonologist: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Disciple of Baalzebub: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Disciple of Dispater: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Disciple of Mammon: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Disciple of Mephistopheles: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Lifedrinker: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Mortalhunter: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Soul Eater: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Thrall of Jubilex: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Warrior of Darkness: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dracolyte: 2 feats, 5th level. Lose nothing, gain domain, feat, other minor benefits, and capstone is summoning an adult dragon. (CR 10-15).
Dragonslayer: 2 bad feats (one can be bought, one can be domained or class featured in). Level 7. Gets martial weapons, tower shields, d10, full BAB. 5/10ths casting lost at even levels; good 1 level dip if you already have feats. 1 level dip = green
Dragon Lyrist: 1 feat, 2/5ths casting, clearly meant for bard but can qualify and progress cleric. D6, ref rather than fort, 4+int skills. Get meh abilities.
Platinum Knight: 7th level, 1 feat. 5/10ths casting, loss at odd. Full BAB, paladin style abilities, but nothing worth caster loss.
Talon of Tiamat: 6th level, 1 feat, 5/10ths casting, loss at odd. Breath weapon style abilities, but nothing worth massive caster loss.
Dragonkith: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dragonrider: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dragonstalker: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Hoardstealer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dragon Magic:
Swift Wing: 5th level, no prereqs you wouldn't have. 8/10ths casting (lost at 1 and 5). Drop will, gain ref. 4+ skills. Dragon abilities, none of them worth anything.
Diamond Dragon: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dragon Descendent: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dragonlord: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Hand of the Winged Masters: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Pact Bound Adept: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Wyrm Wizard: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Drow of the Underdark:
Arachnomancer: Need a 2nd level arcane spell, but can progress cleric. Bad feat, gets you lowered hit dice, ref instead of will/fort, and 5/8ths casting. Nah. 1 level gets you a ref save bump, no caster level loss, and the spider domain, but there are better dips.
Demonbinder: Need invocations, 5th level. Text says progresses invocations; chart says any class. 9/10ths casting. Gain lots of small abilities and resistances. Might be used for filling out an Eldritch Disciple build. Still bad there.
Eye of Lolth: Cleric/Rogue prestige class; 5th level for skills, can be entered Rogue 2/Cleric 3. ½ casting, d6, 4+ skills makes this blatently worse than Church Inquisitor, Shadowbane Stalker, Seeker of the Misty Isle, etc.
Insiduous Corrupter: 6th level, 1 bad feat. 5/10ths casting. Gain bad mind control abilities.
Cavestalker: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dread Fang of Lloth: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Kinslayer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dungeonlord: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Expanded Psionics Handbook:
Cerebremancer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Elocater: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Fist of Zuoken: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Illithid Slayer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Metamind: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Psion Uncarnate: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Pyrokineticist: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Thrallherd: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Warmind: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Fiendish Codex 2:
Soulguard: 6th level, 1 bad feat. 9/10th casting, 4+int skills, no other losses. Gain a bunch of minor immunities and resistences, including a permenent dimensional anchor.
Hellbreaker: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Hellfire Warlock: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Hellreaver: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Magic of Faerun:
Harper Priest: 2 bad feats. Level 5. 4+int skills. Get 5 weak abilities; the best of which are 10 foot movement, 2 insight on saves versus spells, and Skill Focus: Knowledge (which can be used for Divine Orcale Qualification).
Mage killer: 3 bad feats, maybe 4. 7th level. D4, drop bab, drop fort. Gain spell focus things
Master Alchemist: 3 feats, 7th level. D4, drop BAB, drop fort. Brew massive potions (4 up to 9th level spells per day), but potions are still non-optimal.
Mystic Wanderer: 5th level, 1 bad feat that can be bought. Drop BAB, fort goes to ref. Cha to unarmoured AC at 1st level. Gains some potion making abilities and some other small abilities.
Spelldancer: 4 bad feats, 5th level. Gets d6. 4+int, drop BAB, fort to ref. Perform dance checks for free metamagic as the first level ability.
Gnome Artificer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Guild Wizard of Waterdeep: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Harper Mage: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Incantatrix: Reprinted later. This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Spellfire Wielder: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
War Wizard of Cormyr: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Races of Faerun
Battlerager: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Bladesinger: This prestige class is not meant for clerics. (Reprinted Later)
Breachgnome: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Elven High Mage: This prestige class is not meant for clerics. Epic.
Great Rift Skyguard: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Orc Warlord: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Spellsinger: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Warrior Skald: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Warsling Sniper: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Shining South
Halruaan Magehound: Drop BAB, Drop Fort, D4, 3 bad feats. 8/10ths casting, loss at 4 and 8. Gain resistences, magic sensing, and an anti-magic field you really don't want. Even 3 levels is terrible; if you want a dip, you're way better off with Divine Orcale, Contemplative, Church Inquisitor, etcetera.
Hand of the Adama: 5th level. No tough requirements, drop fort save. Gaing some healing/piercing illusion abilities. This one is passable.
Scourge Maiden: 6th level, 2 bad feats. Full BAB, 3/6ths casting; but losses at even levels. First level gets you a BAB and weapon focus, but still not worth the feats invested. Going further is a hideous mistake.
Crinti Shadow Master: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Great Rift Deep Defender: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Halruaan Elder: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
The Jordain Vizier: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Luiren Marchwarden: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Maquar Crusader: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Underdark: Some material gets reprinted in Drow of the Underdark
Arachnomancer: Progresses any but requires arcane spells; 7/10ths casting; so better than the reprinted one.
Deep Diviner: Requires 2nd level arcane spells; precocious apprentice dip could do it; 1 feat, 5th level. 9/10ths casting (loss at 5th), d4, BAB, fort save dropped; waste of time.
Drow Judicator: 7th level, 2 feats. 3/10ths casting; at 3/6/9. Full BAB, but still a complete waste of time.
Sea Mother Whip: 5th level, no requirements aside from Kuo-Toa race, drop nothing. Gain: a domain, spell like abilities, etc.
Shadowcrafter: 5th level; d4, drop BAB, drop fort. Extra real shadow evocations etcetera.
Vermin Keeper: 5th level, 1 bad feat; need to shoe in wildshape. 4+ skills. Druid abilites based around vermin.
Cavelord: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Illithid Body Tamer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Imaskari Vengeance Seeker: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Inquisitor of the Drowning Goddess: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Prime Underdark Guide: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Yathchol Webrider: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Forgotten Realm Campaign Setting
Divine Disciple: 7th level, no hard requirements. Drop BAB. Gain a domain, saves, imbue with spell like abilites, etc. Printed elsewhere.
Hathran: 4th level, but need 2nd level arcane and divine; then only progress one. D4, drop BAB.
Heirophant: Reprinted in core, still terrible.
Shadow Adept: 5th level, 2 feats. Drop fort, bab, d4. Level 1 gets you 3 bonus feats, which is pretty funny. Gain shadow style abilities that are all decent, but you're losing a fair bit of the core cleric chasis. Reprinted elsewhere.
Arcane Devotee: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Archmage: Gets reprinted. This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Divine Champion: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Divine Seeker: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Guild Thief: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Harper Scout: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Purple Dragon Knight: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Red Wizard: This prestige class is not meant for clerics. Reprinted elsewhere.
Runecaster: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Frost Mage: 5th level; would need 1st level arcane. D4. Drop BAB, drop fort. Gain natural armor, resistences, metamagic, and cold subtype.
Rimefire Witch: 6th level, 2 feats. D6, drop BAB. Detect stuff, bad damage ability, spell like abilities. Fey type.
Stormsinger: 5th level, 2 feats; must have bardic music somehow. D6, 4 skills, get bardic music abilities, full casting, resistences, drop BAB, fort to ref save.
Winterhaunt of Iborighu: 5th level, 3 feats, 1 is good. Drop BAB. Natural armor, cold damages, cold subtype, etc.
Cloud Anchorite: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Cryokineticist: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Disciple of Thyrm: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Frostrager: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Knight of the Iron Glacier: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Primeval: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Aboreal Guardian: swap fort/will for ref; 5th level; 4+skills, but 5/10ths casting and nothing good to make up for it.
Deathwarden Chanter: 6th level, dwarf, 2 bad feats. Drop fort. Gain some okay spell like abilities.
Bonecollector: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Ghost Slayer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Heroes of Horror
Dread Witch: 4/5ths casting, Enter level 3; no feats. D4, drop fort, drop BAB. Gain a bunch of fear styled abilities.
Fiend Blooded: 9/10ths casting, loss at 10 not 1. 2 feats, 2nd level arcane spells (Precocious apprentice dip). Drop fort, drop BAB, slowly gain Half-Fiend template.
Purifier of the Hallowed Doctrine: 5th level, 1 feat. 5/10ths casting; losses on even, but 1st level gets you nothing worth a dip.
Corrupt Avenger: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Death Delver: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Tainted Scholar: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Libris Mortis
Master of Radiance: 5th level, no feats. 4+ skills. 4/5ths casting. You're still losing a caster level for crummy abilities.
Master of Shrouds: 2 feats, as early as 3rd level. Drop fort saves, 9/10ths casting; but you get really badass summons.
Sacred Purifier: 5th level; requires extra turning get some RsoP styled abilities, but 4/5ths casting, and basically, the abilities are weaker.
True Necromancer: 5th level; cleric 3/wizard 1 will do it. Lose caster levels at 1 and 2, and 6 and 7 (they progress arcane/divine but not both at those levels). At the same time you get weak spell like abilities. If you need filler at the end of a mystic theurge build (Wiz 1/Cle3/MT10) and your DM doesn't let you just continue MT, I guess you can use this; but you'd be better off with a strong Wizard Prestige class like Incantatrix, or a strong cleric one (Contemplative, Divine orcale, etc).
Master Vampire: Have to be vampire, 2/3rds casting, d12, 4+int skills, drop BAB. Get more spawn, turn resistence, etc, but you have to be a vampire; which has bad LA.
Death's Chosen: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dirgesinger: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Pale Master: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Ethereal Exemplar: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Lurking Terror: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Tomb Warden: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Magic of Incarnum
Sapphire Heirarch: Drop BAB, drop Fort, d6. Get casting + meldshaping progression. Think entry can be done as early as 3, but I barely know this book. Gains DR and fortification as well. Not entirely sure about the value of this; so someone has to help me on this one.
See this post: that Sinfire Titan made; he clearly knows this material better than I.
Incandescent Champion: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Incarnum Blade: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Ironsoul Forgemaster: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Necrocarnate: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Soulcaster: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Spinemeld Warrior: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Totem Rager: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Umbral Disciple: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Witchborn Binder: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Miniatures Handbook
Bonded Summoner: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Dragon Samuri: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Havoc Mage: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Skullclan Hunter: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Tactical Soldier: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
War Hulk: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
War Chief: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Oriental Adventures
Shapeshifter: 7th level, 4+ skills. Gain ref save; 5/10ths casting. Gain wildshaping. Wildshaping is good; better to get it for cheaper.
Void Disciple: 7th level, 8/13ths casting. Drop fort, drop BAB, d6. Disapointing abilities.
Witch Hunter: 7th level, 5/10ths casting: Full BAB, 4+skills, Get feats and smites, but you're better with more casting (Fist of Raziel).
Battle Maiden: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Bear Warrior: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Blade Dancer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Eunuch Warlock: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Henshin Mystic: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Iaijitsu Master: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Kishi Charger: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Ninja Spy: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Shadowscout: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Shintao Monk: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Singh Rager: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Tattooed Monk: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Weapons Master (Kensai): This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Yakuza: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Planar Handbook:
Doomguard: 10th level, 2 bad feats. 5/10ths casting, full BAB. D12, drop Will. All martial weapons, and terrible, terrible abilities; including only getting ½ healing.
The Mind's Eye: 5th level; RP requirements and skills; d6, 4+ skills, get ref not fort/will. 5/10ths casting; though the first level doesn't lose casting and is sorta okay, but still there are a wide array of better dips.
The Ardent Dilettante: Requirements tiered based on levels in prestige class (seriously?): Drop BAB, drop fort/will for ref; 6+ skills, all skills are class skills. 1st level requirements are easy, 4th are slightly harder (martial weapons) 7th are stupid (both arcane and divine casting), 10th are harder (Exotic weapon and a bunch of skills). 9/10ths casting. Gain skill bonuses, lore, spell like abilities, 3 bonus feats, ability to repeat cast others spells, and no level loss on death. It's a pretty okay prestige class, except terribly strange.
Defiant: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Fatemaker: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Cipher Adept: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Chaotician: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Astral Dancer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Elemental Warrior: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Lord of Tides: 5th level, need a domain for survival, 1 feat. 9/10ths casting, drop nothing; 4+ skills. Gain some okay spell like abilities, but nothing worth the caster level loss.
Scion of Tem-Et-Nu: 7th level, Get d10, full BAB, but 5/10ths casting. You gain a bunch of abilities, some are good, some are weak (Fast healing 5 in Rivers),
Walker of the Waste: Arguable as early as level 3 if you take Sand and Thirst domains; intended is level 5. 8/10ths casting, Drop BAB, drop fort, d6, turns you into a Dry Lich. Arguably passable.
Ashworm Dragoon: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Sandshaper: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Scorpion Heritor: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Stormcaster: Might need to play for the spells; 5th level, d4, drop BAB, drop will gain Ref, 9/10ths casting. Gain a bunch of okay storm abilities; immediate action wind walls, +CL on some spells, resistences,
Wavekeeper: Need to shoe in animal companion; 6th level. 9/10ths casting gain 4+ skills. Gain domain, other water style powers, elemental style summoning.
Knight of the Pearl: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Legendary Captain: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Leviathan Hunter: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Scarlet Corsair: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Sea Witch: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Tome of Battle:
Ruby Knight Windicator: 5th level. 8/10ths casting (though you're likely to drop a level and end up with 17 CL to get into this); drop fort, full BAB, 4+ skills. Gets some weak manouver progression from Devoted Spirit, Shadow Hand, Stone Dragon, and White Raven, which is a decent enough set. 7th level ability is totally awesome, trade turn undead shots for swift actions. It's really a question of whether you're doing something else with your turning attempts or not (like DMM persist).
Bloodclaw Master: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Bloodstorm Blade: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Deepstone Sentinel: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Eternal Blade: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Jade Pheonix Mage: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Master of Nine: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Shadow Sun Ninja: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Tome of Magic:
Tenebrous Apostate: 5th level; not sure what the multiclassing looks like (I don't know Tome of Magic very well, I'm afraid). No feats. 4/5ths casting. Turning damage, Tenebrous progress, ac and skill bonuses, do more damage to undead, etc. Really can't comment on this one.
Child of Night 5th level, 9/10ths casting. No feat requirements. Get blur, cold resistence. D6, drop BAB, drop Fort. I continue to admit my inability to judge this prestige class.
Master of Shadow: 5th level. 9/10ths casting, Drop BAB. Resist cold, empowering your familiar, etc.
Brimstone Speaker: 7th level, 6/10ths casting, skills only. Fire damage ability and summoning ability.
Fiendbinder: 7th level, skills only. 7/10th's casting. D6, drop BAB, drop Fort. Bind a fiend as companion; summon fiends, can gain yourself some abilities.
Anima Mage: "Anima mage from Tome of Magic has an adaption for clerics... it's really good, 3/day free metamagic (and as a cleric, you prolly have persist anyway), some vestiges give turn attempts (tenebrous and the green lady vestige from pathfinder), which can be used to fuel divine or devotion feats, full casting progression, full soulbinding progression, lose bab and fort. Could be blue imho." (Thanks Waazaraath)
Qualify level 4 or 5, 1 feat. D4, drop fort, drop BAB; full casting; gain free metamagic 1/day at 5/7/9, capstone gives you 1/day still, silent, immediate spell; extra spells instead of vestige abilities, and vestige progression. Pretty good.
Knight of the Sacred Seal: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Scion of Dantalion: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Witch Slayer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Noctumancer: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Shadowblade: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Shadowsmith: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Acolyte of the Ego: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Bereft: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Disciple of the Word: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Ebonmar Infiltrator: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Crimson Scourge: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Urban Savant: This prestige class is not meant for clerics. (progresses arcane only).
Manual of the Planes
Divine Agent: 6th level, no feat, okay requirements. 4 skills, drop fort. 5/10ths casting; bonus domain at 1 (casting loss at odds). Level 9 gets you DR 20/+1 (20/magic, I think), and 10 gets you gate; so that's almost okay except for the massive casting loss.
Gatecrasher: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Planar Champion: This prestige class is not meant for clerics.
Planeshifter: This prestige class is not meant for clerics. (Progresses any but requires 5th level arcane).
DMG 2: No prestige classes.
Fiend Folio: No prestige classes.
Elder Evils: No prestige classes.
Exemplars of Evil: No prestige classes.
Fiendish Codex 1: This book has no prestige classes.
Magic Item Compendium: This book has no prestige classes.
Players Handbook This book has no prestige classes.
Players Handbook 2 This book has no prestige classes.
Rules Compendium This book has no prestige classes.
Spell Compendium: This book has no prestige classes.
Skilled Cleric:
Elven: Rogue 1/Cloistered Cleric 3/Church Inquisitor5/Shadowbane Stalker 3/Seeker of the Misty Isle 4/ X4 (you can progress shadowbane stalker or Seeker of the Misty isle and lose a second caster level, or cleric or Church Inquisitor).
Get: (8+int*4) + 3*6 + 5*4 + 3*6 + 4*6 plus whatever you get your last 4 ~6+int skills/level.
You could also mix in spellwarp sniper (4 skills)
Or: Elven Cloistered Cleric 3/Church Inquisitor 5/Master of Masks 2/Shadowbane Stalker 3/Seeker of the Misty Isle 4/ X3
Melee cleric:
Simple: Cleric 5/Ordained Champion 5/Fist of Raziel 10: 18BAB, 17 casting.
Complex: Cleric 3/Church Inquisitor 1/Ordained Champion 3/Fist of Raziel 10/X3 17-19 BAB (depending on .5, .75, or 1), casting 18 as long as the last 3 levels have full casting.
Tome of Battle Melee Clerics:
Cleric 4/ToB class 1/RKV 10/X5 (you've got 13 or 14 BAB, so if X5 is 0.5, you get 15-16, 0.75, you get 17-18, and full BAB = 18-19, though you might have to lose caster levels to do that; and you don't want to lose more caster levels).
Decent ideas for X5: Contemplative 1 or 2, Divine Orcale 2: Evasion in Plate, RsoP 2 or 5: greater turning, empowered healing, etc. , Fist of Raziel 5 (If you can stand having 16 CL), Ordained Champion 5 (If you can stand having 15 CL), Church Inquisitor 1 or 2, Sacred Exorcis
Caster Cleric: You really want Dweomerkeeper if you can get it. Otherwise Contemplative, Divine Orcale, RsoP are all good enough.
L;DR version:
There are lots of bad cleric prestige classes that reduce BAB, Saves, hit dice, or casting without sufficiently paying for it.
Good cleric prestige classes (some of which get mentioned constantly, some of which get mentioned rarely):
CC: Holt Warden, Ordained Champion
CDiv: Church Inquisitor, Divine Orcale, Radiant Servant of Pelor, Dweomerkeeper (web).
CS: Malconvoker
RoS: Shadowcraft Mage
PGtF: Divine Disciple, Justiciar of Tyr, Morning Lord of Lathander, Runecaster. These ones rarely get mentioned.
BoED: Fist of Raziel
Draconomicon: Dracolyte
MoF: Spelldancer (if your DM doesn't allow DMM persist, this is a way to get some persisting in).
SS: Hand of the Adama
Underdark: Sea Mother Whip, Shadowcrafter.
FRCS: Divine Disciple
Libris Mortis: Master of Shrouds
Tome of Battle: Ruby Knight Windicator