Author Topic: Hatchet Job Port Thread  (Read 60024 times)

Offline Toptomcat

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #80 on: April 11, 2013, 03:18:19 PM »
Races Handbook

by HCL

Tier System for D&D 3.5 Races


A lot of work has been done on BG in regards to the levels of optimization that a class or prestige class can achieve. I want to make a handbook about the power level of races available in D&D, and how and why they make a character more powerful. I generally will not be addressing templates (with a couple exceptions) or races with racial hit dice, or very high level adjustments. The reason is that these templates and monster classes tend to be totally pidgeonholed into a particular role, and they are generally either totally underpowered or wildly overpowered. For example, take a look at the Gnoll and Ogre right out of your Monster Manual. A character of one of these races has completely lopsided stats (geared towards melee), and loses a bunch of class levels due to racial HD and level adjustment so they can get some mediocre melee class levels in humanoid and giant respectively. This is what the majority of monster classes are like, though there are of course a few gems that one may find, like the Choker and Pixie.

First off, what is a race? In short, its a template that is applied to a class. For example, think of a bard. That bard could be a gnome, a human, a halfling, etc. And each race would offer its own strengths and weaknesses to augment the class. This handbook will explain how each race augments the classes, where they can shine best, and how they stack up in overall power. The quick rule of thumb to class balance is that monsters are designed to fight against players, not against each other. Shapeshifting and Summoning/Calling spells easily break the game, and so do the classes that access these.

Before you can judge whether a race is better than another overall, you need to know what classes are the best. So, a brief overview:

Tier 1 Classes: Primary Spellcasters. These classes get access to the best spells, earlier than the spontaneous casters. Clerics and Druids do not have issues of spells known, they know all the godliness on their list, and can cast them while wearing heavy armor or shapeshifted into a monster. The Archivist can pick and choose any spell from any spell list of divine caster so long as the DM allows. The Wizard can generalize to pick from a big list like the archivist, or specialize in one of the stronger schools to get a ton of the most powerful spells in the game several times per day. The Artificier abuses magic in a different way: through magic items.
Tier 2 Classes: Spontaneous Casters. Spontaneous casters, like the Favored Soul, Psion, Spirit Shaman and Sorcerer get a ton of spells per day. However, their casting progresses very slightly slower than the prepared spellcasters, they are limited in terms of spells known, and they have less powerful class features.
Tier 3 Classes: Hybrids. These are the Tome of Battle classes, classes with thematically restricted spell lists (Beguiler, Necromancer, Psychic Warrior), skillmonkeys, etc. They get some strong class features, but are more limited compared to firing off high level Transmutations, etc.
Tier 4 Classes: Specialized classes. These classes do one or two things, and they do them fairly well. The Barbarian runs up and hits things with his glaive. The Rogue backstabs and unlocks doors. The Ranger fires arrows. The Dungeoncrasher crashes dungeons. Fun, but lack versatility.
Tier 5 Classes: Subpar. The Healer and Adept are crappy Clerics, the Expert is a crappy Factotum, and the Knight and Paladin are crappy Crusaders. These classes can be still be enjoyable, but they are generally watered down versions of what other classes can already do.
Tier 6 Classes: Bare bones. These classes have almost no class features to their names, and if they do its easy to replicate them. What does a Samurai do that the Ranger can't?

With that said, one should break down what makes a good race a good race.
Good ability score adjustments
A good size to reflect what it does. Small is better for casters and skillmonkeys, Medium and Large are better for melee. Casters and skillmonkeys are better than melee, so smaller races tend to be stronger overall.
Extraordinary, Supernatural, and Spell-like abilities. These are what make the Tier 1s the Tier 1s.
Favored Class? Well, most DMs do not enforce multiclass penalties, and I will be rating assuming yours does not. If this is not true, races with bad FCs get weaker (Dwarf), and races with good FCs (Halfelf, Illumian) get stronger.
Racial feats and prestige classes. These become important in optimization outside of core. Oh cool, your High Elf Conjurer has levels in Archmage? Well my Forest Gnome Sorcerer is a Shadowcraft Mage, and he can use a Heightened Silent Image to cast anything in the Conjuration and Evocation schools, except its 20% stronger and he can do it more times per day than you can, spontaneously.

Next, we need to talk about those ability score adjustments, as those are the most obvious part of picking any given race.

Strength: Strength affects your melee attack rolls, damage rolls with many weapons, and ability with physical skills. The fact is that Wizards overestimated the importance of Strength when they made the game (see the Half-Orc and Orc). This is primarily for people who hit things and execute melee maneuvers. Not important otherwise.
Dexterity: Affects your abilities with ranged attack rolls (including Rays), Armor Class, Initiative, Reflex Saves (avoiding damage), and a lot of skills (Tumble is the most desirable of these). Most classes want some of this, but dedicated melee who wear heavy armor and have a ton of health can skip it.
Constitution: Affects your Fortitude Save (Save or die, Save or suck), Health Points per level, and a couple skills (mainly Concentration). Everyone wants this, you generally want to think hard about races with constitution penalties.
Intelligence: Affects your skill points per level, certain skills (usually not so important like knowledge), and casting for certain classes (Wizards, Archvists, etc). When all is said and done, you want to try to get at least a 10 here so you can get some skillpoints. Otherwise you aren't just an illiterate barbarian, you are a retarded barbarian. Overall this is a very powerful stat since it controls casting for some Tier 1s, and gives skill points to boot.
Wisdom: Affects your Will Save (Save or suck, Save or be controlled), some generally unimportant skills, and some casting. Botching a will save can really fuck you over, so unless being blind sounds like your idea of a good time, make sure you have a good will save. Like Intelligence, this can be a pretty powerful stat to boost, since the priest classes have been buffed A LOT since AD&D.
Charisma: Mainly affects casting for personality classes like Sorcerer, things like smiting and turning undead, and a few skills. The premier of these skills are Use Magic Device and Diplomacy. Generally, you don't need to get your UMD that high, a 4th level spell wand is still DC 20 (hard to hit at low levels, not bad at all once you get some experience). And a lot of characters skip Diplomacy and just dominate the world. A decent stat for a race to boost, but it often comes at cost of Constitution: Not a good trade. A commonly dumped stat in game, not so much IRL.

Yet another thing needs to be mentioned: Type. There are a few different common types of PC races. This is important since they have slightly different traits and spells such as Alter Self work differently with different types.
1)Humanoid. Your standard people, get analyzed by Knowledge(Local) or (Nobility). The Dragonblood subtype lets you qualify for some special options in Races of the Dragons. Other subtypes can qualify you for various other perks.
2)Monstrous Humanoid. The racial class for this is slightly different than the humanoid class. But generally the main difference between a Human and, lets say a Goliath, is that Monstrous Humanoids are filed under Knowledge(Nature). Fey and Giant types are similar. Interestingly, Giants get free Martial Weapon Proficiency.
3)Abberations. There are a few of these, most notably Elans and Chokers. These have some cool inherent traits and get filed under Knowledge (Dungeoneering). I just want to randomly mention that if you can find a way to play or turn yourself into a beholder, there is a really sick prestige class in Lords of Madness called the Beholder Mage. You get full wizard/sorcerer casting in 10 levels, cast spontaneously, and you don't carry a spellbook, instead you permanently know any scroll you read. Good stuff.
4)Outsider. Most notably Tiefling and Aasimar. The racial class for these guys is seriously dominant, though if you are playing these you probably aren't as concerned about that. But if you are Polymorphing/Alter Selfing, you can get some sweet forms. Filed under Knowledge (The Planes). Also, you get free Martial Weapon Proficiency which is sweet for gish builds.
5)And the single most awesome is of course Dragon. You can shapeshift into dragons. Races of The Dragons has special sorcerer spells for you that are extra strong. If you are of at least old age you qualify for EPIC FEATS. There are more goodies to be had in Dragons of Ebberron, Dragon Magic, and Dragonomicon. For example, sovereign archetypes. Loredrake gives you +2 sorcerer casting, another lets you cast druid spells as arcane. Filed under Knowledge (Arcana)
6)Animal and Magical Beast: Just mentioning that some people play awakened animals, and some prestige classes actually turn you into an animal or Magical Beast. Some of the options in Savage Species are pretty sick in fact. Knowledge (Nature)
7)Undead: You can get some cool templates like Necropolitan and Dry Lich to become undead. This has various benefits and costs. Knowledge (Religion)
8)Living Construct, AKA Warforged: True constructs are usually mindless, but Warforged are from the Ebberon campaign setting. They get a ton of immunities and light fortification. I don't know what knowledge type these guys are filed under. I will cover them later in their own section.

Alright, lets get into the rating system. It needs to be said that these ratings are generally based on theoretical evidence, and an overall concensus that I have seen on the boards from players and DMs. It might be that the High Elf in your game blew the Dwarf out of the water. But generally Dwarves are a stronger race. Also, being a Tier 1 does not mean “Must play” and a Tier 5 does not mean “Never play”. An Orc Wizard can undoubtedly be a strong character. It just isn't generally as good as a Halfling. Also, for many races I will be posting a couple ratings. The first is the “out of the box” rating, which is if you are not using any templates, substitution levels, or variants from outside the book that the race is provided in; and the second is the “all sources are go” rating, meaning all the goodies are allowed. Example: The Halforc is a Tier 3 race, but the Unearthed Arcana Desert Halforc with the Races of Destiny material available is a Tier 2 race.

Tier 1: This is an generally optimized race for a variety of classes, especially spellcasters. EX: Dwarf, Gnome, Human, Water and Strongheart Halflings, Raptorans
Tier 2: This race does well in its niche, however it is slightly less powerful or versatile overall as a Tier 1 race. EX: Gray, Fire, and Wild Elves, Halflings
Tier 3: This race can do very well in a couple roles, but those are generally suboptimal roles, and this is a suboptimal race in other roles. EX: Half-orc, Wood Elf, Half-Giant, Goblin
Tier 4: This race is pidgeonholed into a very specific role, and doesn't quite achieve what the designers intended to do. That said, with a good template, the right books, and some determination, you can make it into a monster. EX: Fullblood Orc, Spellscale, Hobgoblin
Tier 5: This race generally fails at what it was trying to do, and is suboptimal in almost roles compared to a tier 1 race, though it may work in a few gimmick builds like a (non-Dragonwrought) Kobold Trapsmith or a High Elf Arcane Archer. EX: Half-elf, High Elf, (non-Dragonwrought) Kobolds

cru thought it would be effective to link the "Master Lists of races"

PHB Races

Human: Tier 1
   We don't have racial ability modifiers, we don't have substitution levels, and we can't see in the dark. But we have a bonus feat, good size and speed, and extra skill points. And that makes us good at just about everything.

Dwarf: Tier 1
   Con bonus at cost of Cha is generally good for almost everyone. Size is alright, but they are slower than humans (though luckily armor doesn't slow them down any further). But now we keep reading, and we find a whole jackpot of Ex abilities. Bonuses on saving throws, bonuses against combat maneuvers, bonuses against commonly fought enemies, weapon familiarities (Dwarven Waraxe is pretty solid as far as 1 handers go). Really good race for anything not charisma based, and not bad even if it is. Sadly, dwarves didn't get as much lovin' in terms of feats and prestige classes as Gnomes did in Races of Stone. Earth Spell, Ancestral Knowledge, and the Deepwarden are pretty sweet though.

Gnome: Tier 1
   Lets get the negatives out of the way, you trade -2 Str for +2 Con, and you are Small size. Wait, thats a GREAT thing, never mind. Oh, and you get some spell like abilities, +1 on Illusion save DCs, saving throw bonuses Low light vision, skill bonuses, bonuses against commonly fought enemies. These are great for casters, and all sorts of casters: arcane casters, priests, psions, bards, you name it. The REAL negative is your 20 foot move speed, so fix that with a 75 gold light horse. Oh, and you qualify for Shadowcraft Mage and get some great substitution levels in Races of Stone, congratulations.

Halflings: Tier 2 (Tier 1)
   We get a similar package to the Gnome. -2 Str for +2 Dex. Dex is a slightly less useful ability, but they get some better skill bonuses, and +1 on all saving throws. Overall, this race is slightly less caster oriented than the gnome, and more Rogue oriented, and therefore slightly worse. The Halfling prestige classes in Races of the Wild aren't that good, but there are some great feats and substitution levels. Check out Yndolla's Sense and Confound the Big Folk. What can really kick this race up to Tier 1 though is a couple variants. The first is the Water Halfling that gives you a +2 to Con. The other is the Strongheart Halfling (Ebberron, I believe) which trades the +1 on saving throws for a bonus feat- the best parts of Human with the best parts of Halfling.

Half-Orc: Tier 3 (Tier 2)
   I am tempted to drop these guys to Tier 4, but they are better than fullblood Orcs. +2 Str for -2 Int and Cha isn't bad for melee. And Darkvision helps. But look at what you could be playing: a human or a dwarf. Generally this is suboptimal, except for a Barbarian or a Monk who likes to get right up there and beat on em. Now, on the other hand, Unearthed Arcana brings us the Desert Half-Orc, which has +2 Con for -2 Int, and Run as a bonus feat. And Races of Destiny gives us some AWESOME substitution levels to go with that for Barbarians, Druids (REALLY GOOD), and Paladins. You put those both together, and possibly the Dragonborn template from Races of the Dragons, and you have yourself a very strong character, though you are still rather pidgeonholed.

Elf, High: Tier 5
   +2 Dex for -2 Con is generally a bad trade. Sure there is sleep immunity, some skill bonuses, and weapon familiarity, but a Tiefling is a better Fighter/Wizard, and Sleep is a 1st level spell. You could say “I'm playing an archer”, but there are better archer races even in core, like the Wild Elf and Human. And Cleric archers are suboptimal in core, because there is no Elf Domain. And if you have the Spell Compendium and all the other books you still want to be playing another elf subrace.

Half-Elf: Tier 5 (Tier 3?)
   This race is basically High-Elf-Lite. Low light vision, sleep immunity, and a couple skill bonuses. Really bare bones compared to human. In Races of Destiny, you have some feats, and some great Bard sub levels. If your group is running multiclass penalties, you can qualify for the elf prestige classes, like Eternal Blade which is cool. Overall this race is pretty bland, but it isn't as pidgeonholed as Orcs are.

Monster Manual: There is a ton here, and I am probably going to miss a bunch.


Deep: Tier 1
Bonus on Saving Throws against magic and poison increases to +3, but you get Light Sensetivity. Good trade in my book. This is the race I would pick if I was going for a heavy survivability character.

Duergar: Tier 3 (Tier 2)
Increased Darkvision, immunities, and spell like abilities at the cost of an extra -2 Cha, Light Sensetivity, and +1 LA. Probably worth it in an evil campaign with Level Adjustment Buyoff (Unearthed Arcana). Otherwise they are for fighters even with the LA.


Aquatic: Tier 3
+2 Dex for -2 Int instead of the old trade, good swim speed, and superior low light vision. Not bad for an aquatic ranger or whatever.

Drow: Tier 5 (Tier 2)
+2 Int and Cha, Spell Resistance 11+ Class Levels, +2 on Will Saves, and some Spell like abilities. Cons are Light Blindness and a whopping +2 LA. If you are playing in a high level Underdark campaign with LA buyoff, go for it. Otherwise stick with human, halfling, and grey elf for your wizardly needs.

Gray Elf: Tier 2
Finally, a good elf race! +2 Int, -2 Str in addition to the old elf traits makes this a unique and viable race. Crank up the int on your wizard or rogue, get bonus spells, higher save DCs, and more skill points. If you don't like the elf thing, snag the Dragonborn template and keep the high int score.

Wild Elf: Tier 2
I am split on this race, not quite as good as the Gray Elf, not quite as bad as the Wood Elf. +2 Dex for -2 Int instead of the old elf racial modifiers. Decent for archer builds.

Wood Elf: Tier 3
This race tacks on +2 Str for -2 Int on top of the old elf racial modifiers. Kind of alright for melee and archers, though that Con penalty still hurts. I think the Wild Elf is a marginally better race overall.


Githyanki: Tier 3?
Not sure how to rate these guys as they are presented in the MM. +2 Dex +2 Con -2 Wis, Darkvision, DR 5 + Character Level, and PSIONICS. These Psionics aren't as good as your Expanded Psionics Handbook stuff, and it is +2 LA, so generally suboptimal, though they are unique as far as MM races go, and the XPH version might be a bit better.

Githzerai: Tier 3?
Kind of cool monk race, +6 Dex -2 Int, +2 Wis. Darkvision and spell resistance as Githyanki, Psionics are slightly different, and they  get the Inertial Armor supernatural ability. Looks like a pretty cool race with LA buyoff.


Forest Gnome: Tier 1
If you were on the fence about your Rock Gnome being Tier 1, I have some great news. We put some more hide bonus on your hide bonus, Pass without Trace as a supernatural ability, an extra +1 attack against commonly fought enemies, and your Speak with Animals is a permanently known bonus language. Oh, and you live longer. This is definitely a superior subrace and I strongly recommend it.

Sfirneblin: Tier 5 (Tier 3?)
Lets get the negatives out of the way: These guys have +3 LA. On the other hand, if you can buy it off, these guys are pretty cool. The new ability score adjustment set is -2 Str +2 Dex +2 Wis -4 Cha. You have both low light and dark vision, and the Dwarves' stonecunning. SR = 11 + Class Levels. You get  +4 AC against everything instead of just giants, different spell like abilities, another +1 to Illusion save DCs, and an additional +1 on attack rolls vs kobolds and goblinoids. Also, more skill bonuses, and Nondetection as a supernatural ability.

Goblins: Tier 3
-2 Str +2 Dex -2 Cha, Darkvision, and +4 Move Silently and Ride. The really interesting thing though is that they are a small race with 30 foot move speed. So sneak around on foot, or get a Worg. Kind of a cool rogue race in a core only game. Unfortunately,  Whisper Gnomes in Races of Stone blow them out of the water. The Air goblin (UA) gets an additional +2 Dex -2 Con if you want to go for a dex heavy skirmisher/sneak attacker, and the Blue (XPH) has psionics. Otherwise these guys are really bare bones compared to halflings and they get less support.

Hobgoblins: Tier 4
These guys get +2 Con and Dex, Darkvision, and a +4 on move silently checks for +1 LA. These guys are on the weak side of +1, but if you like them and/or are running with LA buyoff, go for it.

Halfling, Tallfellow: Tier 2
This is a slightly different skill point bonus mix. If you like what you see, go for it.

Halfling, Deep: Tier 2
Another different skill bonus mix, this time more dwarf like. Also, stonecunning and darkvision. If you are running in the Underdark, this might be a good option.

Half-Fiend, Celestial, Dragon, Lich: Tier 5
Hey, its some +4 LA templates (Half Dragon is +3, but who is counting?). Just dropped by to let you know that these aren't worth it, and neither are the regular fiendish and celestial ones. These are for NPC's if you couldnt figure it out.

Kobold: Tier 5 (Tier 1)
-4 Str and -2 Con for +2 dex, +1 natural armor, Dark vision, +2 Craft trapmaking, Profession Miner, Search, and Light Sensetivity. Definitely worse than Gnomes. On the other hand, if you have access to Races of the Dragons and the online web enchancement, these guys get some cool stuff. The Dragonwrought feat gives you free aging to venerable, and you are now a True Dragon and qualify for some crazy options. As I said above, this opens the door to some fun stuff. The web enhancement gets you the Draconic Rite of Passage (+1 effective Sorcerer level), slight build (considered tiny for certain purposes), and some natural armor and a fantastic racial cleric domain. Really turns this race into something cool, I wish they did that with the Goblins.

Merfolk: Tier 3?
Low light vision, amphibious, and a bonus on swim checks. These are just an aquatic option if you want it.

Orc, Fullblood: Tier 4
+4 Str for -2 Int, Wis, and Cha. Darkvision and Light sensetivity. Not really a PC race, totally pidgeonholed into Barbarian, and a human is generally better for that. If you are an Orc lover, check out the Water Orc in Unearthed Arcana. I also recommend the Dragonborn template, and/or maybe some others to make yourself a mean melee character. Just make sure you pad your will save or else you can count on being mind controlled and killing your Factotum buddy somewhere down the line.

Aasimar: Tier 3 (Tier 1)
Tier 1 if LA buyoff is allowed. +2 Wis and Cha, Outsider type, Daylight 1/day, Resistance to acid, lightning, cold 5, +2 spot and listen. Lots of goodies for LA +1, makes a great divine caster. I think the Player's Guide to Faerun has an LA 0 one that is still crazy awesome, just drops the outsider type and resistances.

Tiefling: Tier 3 (Tier 1)
Again, tier 1 if LA is allowed. +2 Bluff and Hide instead of the spot and listen, Darkness replaces daylight. +2 Dex and Int, -2 Cha instead of the Aasimar traits. Otherwise the same resistances and Outsider goodness. Awesome for a Transmuter.

Races of Books:


Illumians: Tier 1
Several minor fluff things like Superior Literacy, but what makes this race unique is the power sigils. Krau gives +x to effective caster level for your classes up to your HD, while the rest give increases to ability based checks (Yes, Uur also improves initiative). Starts at +1, increases at +2 at second level. But what is really interesting is that at level 2 you get a second one and they form a word. Some of the words are REALLY GOOD. The one that stands out the most is Naenhoon, its like getting Divine Metamagic as a bonus feat. Except it doesn't specify divine so you can use it on your arcane spells too if you are a Dread Necro or have Cleric/Urpriest levels. Also, the UurKrau and AeshKrau tie your bonus spells to Dex and Str instead of a mental stat respectively. Improved Sigil Krau can get you into prestige classes faster as well as raising save DCs. Great race for skill monkeys and multiclassers overall, and they are humanoid (human) so they qualify for Human Paragon and human only feats. Overall I decided to bump Illumians up to tier 1.

Half-ogre: Tier 3 (Tier 2)
A Large race with no racial hit dice. Obviously great for melee. Interestingly that Giant type gives you the ability to Alter Self into other kinds of Giants, and Martial Weapon Proficiency.

Mongrelfolk: Tier 3 (Tier 1?)
The main attraction here is the +4 constitution, though it comes at the cost of -2 Int and -4 Cha. This is mainly for melee and wisdom based classes who want a lot of health. I think that if your DM interprets the “emulate race” thing liberally and lets you qualify for the feats prestige classes and substitution levels of all of the parent races this could be a tier 1 race. Something like Halforc Lion Totem Barbarian/Warblade/Deepwarden/Eternal Blade.

Sea kin: Tier 4
My Races of Destiny is cut off here so I wasn't sure about what these guys did. Basically they swap the human bonus feat for some crappy skill boosts and fluff related things. Play them in an underwater campaign if you can't get better races approved or are looking for a challenge.

Shakarim: Tier 3 (Tier 2)
These are kind of like a combination between Grey Elves and Orcs. A cool wizard race if you are starting at a high level and can buy off the +1 LA. For lower levels stick with LA 0 races.

Underfolk: Tier 3
These guys give up the human bonus feat for some skill bonuses and get light sensitivity. Not really a good deal unless you really want to play a Medium race with a high Hide check modifier.


Dragonborn of Bahamut: Tier 2-3 depending on base race
Disclaimer- to use this template you need to be playing a good character. Once that is out of the way, pay 100 gold to wipe out your old races old statistics besides for size, modes of movement, and ability modifiers. Tack on +2 con -2 dex, the dragonblood subtype, and some bonuses against dragons. Then you get some scaling bonuses (flight/breath weapon/darkvision and skill bonuses) depending on which aspect you pick.
So, what is the best way to use this template? Tack it onto races where you care about the size, movement, and ability scores, and the Ex/Su/Sl abilities of the race are uninteresting or downright disadvantageous: Orc, Buomman, Grey Elf all come to mind. The reason that this can't be tier 1 is that the tier 1 races all have good Sl/Ex/Su abilities that put them head and shoulders above the rest, and none of the Dragonborn abilities are that good.

Draconic: Worth it with LA buyoff
Not much to say here, its a great template for pretty much anyone, especially casters, and especially sorcerers. Melee might want to get something else, like Mineral Warrior or Half-Minotaur. If you can buy off the +1 LA this is worth it.

Spellscale: Tier 4
These guys aren't good for the same reason dwarves are good: +2 cha -2 con. Dragonblood subtype like everything else in this book. They also get some blood quickening meditations that give you the ability to smite with spells, or give temporary bonus feats/skill bonuses. Now, for Cha based classes this is almost a good trade. But then you have to keep in mind that Dragonwrought Kobolds and Draconic Forest Gnomes are also available and are better. And if you want to look further, you also have Hellbred in the Fiendish Codex II which are better for Cha based classes. Not going to say these guys are as bad as halfelves, but they are to charisma based classes what orcs are to melee.


Raptoran: Tier 1
Like gnomes, a lot of people love them and a lot of people hate them. Not much middle ground. +1 caster level with Air spells, Low light vision, some skill bonuses and a couple fluff abilities. But there are two really interesting things here. One is that they don't take falling damage. Falling is a free action so get creative (and by creative I mean find a way to get above your opponents *cough* Animal Devotion *cough* then roll a lot of d6s). The second is flight as an extraordinary ability. Look at a typical Sorcerer/Wizard spell list at levels 5-15 and notice how many spells known and actions they spend during the course of a day on giving themselves flight. Raptorans do that for free. Also, there are some cool substitution levels for Clerics, Sorcerers, and Fighters, and a great prestige class called the Skypledged.

Catfolk: Tier 3 (Tier 1 or 2)
+4 Dex and +2 cha and a 40 foot move speed are the key abilities here but the other stuff is neat too. A couple racial feats in this book, so check it out if you are playing with LA buyoff.

Killoren: Tier 2
These guys are fey which is rare and there could probably be some neat tricks done with that. Killoren get a few cute supernatural abilities. They are more flavorful than functional, but they aren't that bad if you are looking for heavy nature themed character. There are a couple feats in the book that improve these abilities.


Golliaths: Tier 2
Another cool melee race! +4 Str +2 Con -2 Dex, Monstrous humanoid type, some skill bonuses and fluff things, and Powerful Build for LA +1. If you aren't in the know, Powerful build lets you use weapons, do special combat options (trip, grapple, etc) and take feats as if you were Large size instead of medium. This doesn't give you reach like actual large size would, but its still cool. There are some awesome feats and substitution levels in here for Barbarians (Mountain rage turns you Large and gives you reach), Druids (Earth elemetnal themed), and even Rogues. Buy off the LA if you can.

Chaos Gnome: Tier 1
LA +1 so if you want to make the most out of these guys buy it off. They get +2 Dex and Cha on top of the normal gnome bonuses, CAN REROLL ANY ROLL ONCE PER DAY AS PER THE LUCK DOMAIN, and get a different (better) set of SLAs (most notably Entropic Shield instead of Speak with Badgers) than the Rock Gnome. Definitely worth it.

Dream Dwarf: Tier 2
You get -2 Dex instead of Cha, which could be good if you want a Cha based dwarf character. The reason these guys go down a tier though is because they lose the old dwarf save bonuses to get some lesser, more fluff oriented abilities.

Whisper Gnome: Tier 1
These guys completely blow goblins out of the water, and many players think these guys should be LA +1 because they are so damn good. 30 foot move speed with small size, and +2 Dex -2 Cha added onto the old gnome traits. Add in another +4 Hide and Move silently, +2 spot and listen, and a different set of SLAs with SILENCE replacing Speak with Badgers. Some cool feats are available for those who like the Silence SLA and want to do it more or in conjunction with a sneak attack.

Offline Toptomcat

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #81 on: April 11, 2013, 03:19:27 PM »
Race Handbook

by Handbook_Writer


+2 con, -2 cha; Stone Cunning, Darkvision 60, Stability, Weapon Familiarity.

Dwarves make excellent just about anything due to their Con boost and their penalty to the all around dump stat, charisma. The only things they suck at are bards and sorcerors. Their ability to run around in heavy armor is a real boost, making them great frontliners. Dwarf Clerics rock, as do dwarf wizards and any fighting class that relies on heavy armor.

Feat access: Ancestral Knowledge, Battle Hardened, Clan Prestige, Dwarven Armor Proficiency, Earth Fist, Moradin's Smite, Titan Fighting
Prestige class access: Battlesmith, Deepwarden, Dwarf Paragon, Runesmith
sub levels: cleric, fighter, sorcerer.


High Elves

+2 dex, -2 con; immune to sleep, LL vision, elven weapon proficiencies

The elf is bad for a few reasons, mainly that they get something that screws everyone over in exchange for something that not everyone needs. The various variants are rather nice, but never ever ever play high elf.
Jungle Elf

Just as bad as the regular elves. Skip these over.
Desert Elf

Better than normal elves. -2 Str, +2 Dex, and they still get some weapon proficiencies. Not really a good choice for much other than a wizard, but there are better choices for wizard too.
Arctic Elf

As the Desert Elf, not bad but not so great either.


+2 con, -2 str; LL vision, weapon familiarity, spell like abilities, various bonuses, small

Con bonus, small size, access to shadowcraft mage? This is a great, great, great race. They even make decent rogues.

Feat access: Burrow Friend, Earth Fist, Gnome Foe Killer, Natural Trickster, Piercing Sight, Trivial Knowledge
PrC access: Blade Bravo, Divine Prankster, Shadowcraft Mage, Gnome Paragon
sub levels: Bard, Wizard (illusionist), Ranger


+2 dex, -2 str; small, various bonuses

Make good rogues and are killer with thrown weapons, except for the fact that the weapons are small. With their racial bonus on thrown weapons, you can have a pretty much constant +6 on damage with Bloodstorm Blade if you power throw. Overall a fun race to be, if a little bit meh.

Feat access: Dallah Thaun's Luck, Yondolla's Sense
PrC access: Halfling Outrider, Luck Stealer, Whisper Knife
sub levels: druid, monk, rogue

Half Elves:


The only use of this race is becoming an Eternal Blade without having to be a full elf and taking a Con hit. Skip them like you would a rock over a pond.

Half Orc:

+2 Str, -2 Cha, -2 Int, medium, bonus to intimidate, Darkvision, inconsequential bonuses to hit Dwarves. Favored Class reads barbarian, but the only thing they're good for is druids. The substitution levels are why this isn't red.

Racial Substitution Levels: Druid: Orcs make really good druids since they can do the whole Wild Empathy thing without having any Charisma. The summoning benefits are good, since you basically free up one whole feat that would have been spent obtaining Augment Summoning (you can make up the loss of wildshape with Extra Wildshape). D10 hit dice help a bit as well. Overally, Half-Orc druids are rivalled by few (Jermalines notwithstanding)


none, medium, bonus feat, bonus skill point

Only the greatest race ever! Bonus feat is huge. Bonus skill point also great. ANY FAVORED CLASS is huge for a player that uses multiclass penalties.

feat access: Able Learner, Fearless Destiny, Heroic Destiny, Protected Destiny.
Prestige class access: Chameleon, Human Paragon, Urban Soul


none, medium, bonus feat, bonus skill point

Ain't nothin' wrong with LA+0 Fey. They look cool too, and have some nice special abilities for Druids to use.


Wow. Awesome. The best type are Desert Kobolds, since they get a little bit of Wis penalty in exchange for no Con penalty.

The potential for the abuse of kobolds is in the feat Dragonwrought, which allows you to gain a free +3 to all your mental stats, along with small size, no CON penalty(if you took Desert), Dex bonus, and just general awesome. The Dragon type is pretty sweet too, and you could get wings if you wanted, but since you're being a Wizard/Druid anyway, there's no point. Their favored class says sorceror, but it should read "caster."


-4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom: Desert kobolds are hardier than other kobolds, but are weak-willed.
No light sensitivity.
Favored Class: Rogue.

EDIT: woodenbandman here, I'm the new master of this handbook. Thanks Tshern. Anyone can contribute here if you wants to. Just post and I'll try to get your advice in there. Thank you kindly. Just typing the actual races in, not really going into the analysis just yet.

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #82 on: April 11, 2013, 03:22:00 PM »
Level Adjustment Theoretical Optimization Mini Handbook

by nijineko

This mini handbook is designed to showcase a theory I came up with when reviewing the rules in detail attempting to optimize a ghost telekinetic. It is a thought experiment and would be surprising if allowed to be used in a real game. One of my DMs would allow this, but he subscribes to the school of "Let-them-do-what-they-want-'cause-the-more-they-take-advantage-the-more-I-feel-justified-in-PUNISHING-them-MUWAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Thus, it is not recommended to be attempted in game, even with my DM.

As this is the min/max section, I present it for your use and enjoyment. Feedback is welcome. 

Section 1: The Rules

Reducing Level Adjustments

When a character with a level adjustment advances in experience, the level adjustment he started with becomes more and more of a burden. Eventually, the benefits of the creature type may come to be eclipsed by those of his class features, and the player may regret his choice of race. Under this variant system, the character can pay an XP cost at certain intervals to decrease the burden of his level adjustment.

For instance, a gnoll's level adjustment is +1. When a gnoll character gains his third class level (remember, the gnoll's 2 starting Hit Dice don't count), he can pay an XP cost to reduce his level adjustment to +0.

If the level adjustment is greater than +1, this process repeats until the creature's level adjustment reaches +0. Each time, use the creature's current level adjustment to determine the point at which the level adjustment can go down by 1. For example, a drow (level adjustment +2) may drop to level adjustment +1 after gaining her sixth class level, and then to +0 after gaining an additional three class levels.

Table: Reducing Level Adjustments gives the levels at which level adjustments are eligible to be reduced for starting level adjustments of +1 to +6. Creatures with a level adjustment of +7 or more retain their full normal level adjustment until reaching epic levels (21st level or higher), and thus aren't included on the table. However, you can follow the pattern described above to determine when such creatures' level adjustments can be decreased.

SL    @CL
1    3
2    6,9
3    9, 15, 18
4    12
5    15
6    18

Experience Point Cost

Each time a character's level adjustment is eligible to be reduced, the character may pay an XP cost to take advantage of the reduction. The character must pay an amount of XP equal to (his current ECL -1) × 1,000. This amount is immediately deducted from the character's XP total. The deduction should reduce the character's effective character level (ECL) by 1. (If this deduction would not reduce the character's ECL by 1, the character's XP total is set at the maximum of the level below his current ECL instead.) This XP cost can't be reversed in any way, and the payment must be voluntary on the part of the character. The payment must be made immediately upon becoming eligible to reduce the character's level adjustment.

For instance, a 2nd-level gnoll fighter (ECL 5) who later gains a third class level has a minimum of 15,000 XP (his ECL has just gone from 5 to 6). He is eligible to reduce his level adjustment from +1 to +0. He must pay 5,000 XP, since his ECL is now 6 (2 Hit Dice plus 3 class levels plus his +1 level adjustment). After he pays the XP, his level adjustment decreases by 1 to +0. He now has 10,000 XP. His ECL falls to 5 (2 Hit Dice plus 3 class levels). Even if the XP payment would not reduce him to 5th level—for instance, if his XP total after reaching 6th level were 20,000 or more—his XP total can't remain above the maximum for 5th level, which is 10,000. Effectively, the gnoll has "paid off" his level adjustment with an XP cost, and he is now a 5th-level character.

Similarly, a drow cleric who has just reached 6th level (ECL 8) is eligible to reduce her level adjustment from +2 to +1. She must pay 7,000 XP, and her ECL becomes 7 (6 class levels plus her +1 level adjustment). When she gains her 9th class level (ECL 10), she can reduce her level adjustment to +0 (and her ECL to 9) by paying another 9,000 XP.

On the surface, this tradeoff may look like a bad deal. The drow cleric has now sacrificed 16,000 experience points, putting her behind her comrades in total class levels. Now, however, she progresses as if she had never had a level adjustment. With the self-correcting nature of the experience point system, she will soon catch up to the rest of her party, and will reach 20th level after earning a total of 206,000 XP (190,000 plus the 16,000 in XP costs). If she had not used this variant system, she would have had to amass 231,000 XP to reach her 20th class level (which is ECL 22 for a normal drow with a +2 level adjustment).

(Emphasis mine.)

Savage Progressions: Gaining a Template Midcampaign & General Rules for Template Classes

The following rules apply to the "class version" of any template.

    A character may take a level in a template class as long as the DM approves and the character has earned enough XP to gain a level.

    The DM may wish to require an appropriate ceremony, quest, ritual, or experience before allowing a character to gain levels in an inherited template class. This same option also applies if a character wants to gain levels in an acquired template class without the appropriate trigger (such as an attack by a wereboar to acquire the afflicted wereboar template).

    Template classes follow the normal rules for template acquisition according to creature type. For example, the wereboar template can be added only to a humanoid or giant. Thus, a half-dragon character (whose inherited template has already changed his type to dragon) could not take levels in the wereboar class.

    Unlike the regular template rules as given in the Monster Manual (see Adding More Than One Template, Monster Manual page 293), this variant rules system allows a character to gain levels in a desired inherited template class after gaining levels in an acquired template, if desired. (In effect, these rules turn all inherited templates into acquired templates that have special circumstances for acquisition later in a character's life.)

    The DM should disallow certain redundant combinations of monsters and templates. For example, it makes no sense for a hound archon to gain the celestial or half-celestial template, since it is already a kind of celestial.

    A character cannot take levels in a template class if she already has that template or has taken all the levels in that template class. For example, a natural wereboar (a character who already has "wereboar" as an inherited template) cannot take levels in the wereboar template class.

    Characters are not required to complete all the levels of a given template class in uninterrupted succession. For example, a character who takes a level of wereboar could then take a level of fighter and a level of rogue (or any other combination of other class levels) before taking another level of wereboar. A character must still take the first level of wereboar before taking the second, just as with a normal class.

    Each level in a template class increases the character's level adjustment by +1, just as would a level of any other character class.

    Template class levels can be lost due to any effect or circumstance that would normally cause a character to lose a level.

    Levels in a template class do not count when determining whether a character takes an XP penalty for multiclassing.

    In some cases, a certain monster ability presented in the Monster Manual for a given template is split over two or more class levels in a template class (often by limiting how often an ability can be used at the start). Alternatively, variant abilities may be introduced to build toward an ability that is too powerful for a lower-level character. In these situations, the template class features section explains how the ability works at each level. By the time a character has acquired all possible levels in a template class, the completed set of abilities relating to that particular function works exactly like the normal ability described in the Monster Manual.

    Example: In the vampire template class presented below, the template class has abilities called alternate form (lesser) and alternate form (greater). The description of the alternate form ability given in the class description explains that the vampire initially has access to only two of the vampire's normal alternate forms (bat and wolf) but will eventually be able to assume the other two forms (dire bat and dire wolf), as described in the Monster Manual.

    Example: In the vampire template class, the character slowly becomes more resistant to critical hits and sneak attacks via the fortification armor special ability. This ability thread culminates in immunity to those attack types once the creature finally gains the undead type. At that point, the fortification ability becomes redundant and can be ignored, and the vampire built with all levels of the template class works exactly like one built with the Monster Manual template.

    Unlike standard character classes (and the "monster classes" from Savage Species), most template classes do not increase Hit Dice, base attack bonus, base saving throw bonuses, or skill points with level. They also do not affect when a character acquires feats, since feat acquisition is based on HD, not ECL. However, some of these aspects of the character can be affected indirectly by alterations in Hit Die type, ability score changes, special attacks or qualities, bonus feats, and so on.

(Emphasis mine.)

Section Two: The Theory

Based on the rules highlighted above, the following summation can be drawn:

Qualifying leveled templates are gained the same as regular levels, by gaining enough xp to reach the next level.
Gaining a template level increases your LA, but most likely does not increase HD, BAB, saves, feats, or skill points.
If the given level of a template does not grant HD, then the LA can be bought off at the appropriate point.
There is no restriction on when a template level can be taken, so long as any prerequisites (for inherited templates converted to leveled templates by these rules) are met. Templates that change type might invalidate taking other templates that have type-based entry requirements.
Leveled templates must be taken in order from lowest to highest. (ie: 1st level of template, then 2nd level of template, then 3rd....)
There is no requirement that all levels of a leveled template must be taken.
The DM is supposed to veto anything that "does not make sense". The example given is taking a template that grants a type the character already possesses. (Taken to the logical conclusion, this rule would most likely invalidate the optimization concept in 99.9% of games out there.)
The only rule regulating when the LA must be bought off is that when the character reaches the level that puts them at a character level to LA ratio of 3:1, that one level of the LA must immediately be bought off by spending (ECL-1)*1000 in xp.
Furthermore, in the case where the starting LA is greater than 1, the text and table imply that the next LA buyoff is calculated from the starting point of the last LA buyoff. The best example of this is the drow example in the text, and the LA +3 line in the table.

The drow has an LA +2, so, 2*3 = 6, thus the first LA level you can buy off is at 6th level. The remaining LA +1 requires an additional 1*3 = 3 class levels before it can be bought off.

For the LA +3 line entry on the table: LA 3*3 = 9th level, LA 2*3 = another 6 levels or at 15th level, and LA 1*3 = another 3 levels or at 18th level. See the last paragraph in this post for a suggestion of combining this implied rule with the handbook concept of taking only one level adjustment at a time.

If this implied rule is taken as applicable to all LA buy-off, then a given character will be limited to 6 template levels taken one at a time in a 20 level build. Furthermore, the level at which the LA is gained, would become the starting point for counting levels for purposes of buy-off. See last paragraph this post for details.

According to these rules as written, one can start off as a 1st level character, take a single template level at 2nd level, and take two more character levels. The character has an ECL of 4, the xp of a 4th level character (6000), 3 class levels and +1 LA. According to the rules, one must now immediately buy off the +1 LA buy spending [ECL(4)-1=3]*1000 = 3000xp. This drops the character to 3000xp, the minimum needed for 3rd level, and removes the +1 LA.

The character is now a 3rd level character with 3000xp plus the abilities of the 1st level of the template. The rest of the party is now 4th level and has 6000xp.

The party continues the campaign (and for the purposes of simplicity) manages to gain another 3000xp. This places the party at 9000xp, and the example character at 6000xp. The player opts to add the second level of the template as per the gaining templates midcampaign rules. The template level adds +1 LA for a total of three character levels, one LA, and a total ECL of 4 at 6000xp.

Now, according to the buy-off rules, the character, being at a 3:1 ratio of character level to LA, must immediately spend (ECL-1)*1000 in xp, which again works out to 3000xp. This drops the character back to 3rd level, with a total of 3000xp. The character now has three class levels, no LA, and the abilities of two template levels.

From this point the potential progression is easily visible. In essence, each template level is costing 3000xp, so long as no more than one level is taken at a time, and a template level is taken every time the character levels up.

Assuming a 20th level party, and a flat xp progression (a DM who only grants evenly split up xp regardless of character level), the rest of the party will have a minimum of 190,000xp. Even if the example character takes 6 template levels as specified above for a total effective cost of 18,000xp behind the rest of the party, the character will have a total of 172,000xp, enough for 19th level, plus the abilities of 6 levels worth of templates.

If the DM uses the xp charts as written, then the player must be certain that the character never falls behind more than 8 levels calculated from the average party level at any given time as this would cause the character to "fall off" the xp chart. It could be argued RAW that they cannot gain xp for encounters that exceed the character level by more than 8.

One possible method of compromising with the DM regarding buying extra template levels cheaply, would be to only take +1 LA every three levels. In other words, take three class levels, then take a +1 LA. Buy off the LA. Take another class three levels and take another +1 LA. Buy off the LA. Repeat.
This will cause the LA to be more costly each time you take it, but will still allow you to fit a +1 LA at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18, for a total of 6 template levels bought off in a 20 level build.
This would cost 3000xp the first time, 6000xp the second time, 9000xp the third time, and so forth. (Idea courtesy of Widow. Thank you.)

Section Three: Sample Build

To be added.

Section Four: List of Eligible Templates


Aasimar to Half Celestial transition class



Dwarf to Duergar transition class

Fiendish creature


Feytouched to Half-fey transition class


Gnome to Svirfneblin transition class


Half-drow to Drow transition class






Tiefling to Half-fiend transition class







Section Five: Miscellaneous

Synergy Levels

Legacy Champion: Levels in this prestige can advance a template that are using the "Gaining Templates Midcampaign" rules since templates count as class levels for purposes of level gaining. This has obvious benefits as it effectively adds HD, BAB, saves, skills, and feat progressions to templates that frequently do not grant such.

Uncanny Trickster: Same benefits as Legacy Champion.

Master of the Unseen Hand: Notable for dramatically boosting telekinesis-granting templates, such as Ghost.

Synergy Races and Templates

Customized Half-fiend template rules: These rules allow one to customize which fiend one gains the half template from, thereby adjusting stats and abilities accordingly. Using these rules as guidelines, one can postulate similar configurations for celestials as well.

Synergy Feats

Item Familiar: By linking to an item magically and it becoming a familiar to you, you can various benefits. One of these benefits is a bonus to awarded xp, which can be used to accelerate the recovery of xp spent in buying off levels.

There are a number of monstrous feats which can improve save DCs of various template granted abilities. To be added.

Synergy Items

Orange Ioun Stone: For templates that grant casting abilities with a specified caster level, this item can boost said caster level.

Memento Magica: For templates that grant x/day type spell-like abilities, a memento magica of the appropriate level could be considered to restore a single use of said ability.

Synergy Spells and Powers

To be added.


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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #83 on: April 11, 2013, 03:37:32 PM »
Optimized Races Niche Compendium

by PlzBreakMyCampaign

The Optimized Races Niche Compendium
A Work In Progress

Too many races got you down? Do you just want to know the best one for your character niche without all that icky fluff getting in the way? Then step right up, today's your lucky day.

Organized by Race:

This post is out of date and is being reorganized:

Anthropomorphic Bat

Anthropomorphic Bat (savage species pg.215)
   -4 Str +6 Wis -2 Cha
   5 ft. (fly 20 ft. average)
   blindsense (ex)
   Favored class: druid
   monstrous humanoid
Use: because you need Wisdom, and you need it now. The fly speed and blindsense are suboptimal but free. Makes for easy CoDzillas because the 1HD can explicitly be traded for your first class level.


Azurin (MoI 7)
   Human and Incarnum subtypes (meaning they count as human)
   1 Essentia
   Common + Any
   Soulborn Favored Class
Use: The Channel Incarnum Azurin Cleric substitution is needed for max DMM-able pools


Savage Progression Drow
   +2dex, -2con, +2int
   hand crossbow, rapier, and short sword proficiency
   Dancing Lights 1/day
   Darkvision 60'
   immune to magic sleep effects.
   Light Blindness
   +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks
   passing within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if he were actively looking for it.
   Common, Elven, Undercommon + Abyssal, Aquan, Draconic, Drow Sign Language, Gnome, Goblin.
   Favored Class: Wizard (male) or cleric (female)
Use: Take Drow paragon 1 for excellent early entry capability. I love PrCing with just 1 base spellcasting level.

Daelkyr half-blood

Darkvision 60'
Proficient with all simple weapons
Personal Symbiont (Ex): Gain one symbiote: breed leech, crawling gauntlet, or throwing scarab. If the personal symbiont is lost, a daelkyr half-blood can grow a replacement from his own flesh over a period of 2d4 days. A daelkyr halfblood can’t grow or regrow symbionts that he has gained in any other manner, nor can a daelkyr half-blood grow a replacement for a symbiont if the original symbiont yet lives. As a daelkyr half-blood advances in level, he can grow a new personal symbiont as indicated on the table below. Any new personal symbiont grown replaces the old symbiont. A daelkyr half-blood can choose additional symbionts from the list provided above, as well as from new choices as they become available, as indicated on the table:

1st Breed leech, crawling gauntlet, throwing scarab
5th Stormstalk, winter cyst
10th Spellwurm, tentacle whip
15th Tongue worm

Symbiont Mastery bonus feat.
Everyday without contact with a symbiont he takes 1 Con damage which cannot be restored by any means as long as no symbiont.

Any creature that even studies his mind, must make a cha-based Will save (1/2 half-blood’s level) or be dazed for 1 round.
Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Language: Daelkyr.
Favored Class: Rogue.


badlands (Sand42) dwarf for faith scion (w/o homebrew)
   BONUS Heat Endurance feat
   +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma.
   20' ms
   move at speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load
   Darkvision 60 feet
   +2 search on water related things, can spot it like elves
   Treat dwarven waraxes + dwarven urgroshes as martial weapons
   +2 racial vs poison.
   +2 racial vs spells and spell-like effects.
   +1 racial hit vs orcs and goblinoids.
   +4 dodge AC vs giants
   +2 survival
   Common, Dwarven + Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, Undercommon
   Favored Class: Fighter.
   48+con hours w/o water before dehydration
Use: Dwarven PrCs. No not the silly defender one. The only RAW way to get at this ridunkulous class which darn-near beats out Arcane Hierophant for max ubermountage.


-2 Charisma
No darkvision.
1 power point -> not need to eat or drink for 24 hours.
immediate action -> reduce 2 damage per 1pp
immediate action -> 1 power point for a racial +4 to saves until the beginning of his next turn.
Automatic Languages: Common.
Favored Class: Psion.
Use: Cohorts or followers with share pain. Even outside of battle they can be damage sponges. They make tanky Psion20s


gray fire elf (if wizard) or snow elf (if melee)
   -2 Str, -2con, +2dex, +4 Int, -2cha or +2dex, -cha
   Immunity to magic sleep effects
   +2 vs enchantments
   Low-Light Vision
   Weapon Proficiency: longsword, rapier, longbow and shortbow including composites
   +2 Listen, Search, and Spot checks
   passing within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.
   Common, Elven + Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan.
   Favored Class: Wizard
   +1hit vs fire creatures
   -2saves vs water or cold effects and creatures
   resist fire 5
Use: Eternal Blade. Yes its painful to get into, but that immediate turn thing is nearly game-breaking in low-magic campaigns.


savage progression feytouched
   +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma.
   Low-Light Vision
   +4 racial vs mind-affecting effects.
   Common, Sylvan + Elven, Gnome, Halfling.
   Favored Class: Bard or rogue.
Use: You're Fey. You get free and awesome feats. See its transition class if you want an army of peasants at level 2. Getting into Mindbender at ECL6 with only 1 level of a spellcasting class is fun too.


whisper gnome
   -2Str, +2dex, +2Con, -2cha
   Small with 30'
   Low-Light Vision
   Darkvision 60'
   hammers as martial weapons
   +4 dodge AC against giants
   +2listen, +2spot
   +1hit kobolds, goblinoids
   Common, Gnome + Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Orc
   1/day silence centered + if Charisma 10 mage hand, ghost sound, message.
   Favored Class: rogue
Use: Shadow craft mage without wasting the precious ECL of other entry methods. Because everyone loves conjuring fake things that are more real than reality! Wait, what?


water strongheart halfling
-2str, +2dex, +2con
   +1hit w/ thrown weapons and slings
   +2morale vs fear
   +2 racial Climb, Jump, Listen, Move Silently.
   rogue favored class
   swim speed (+8racial swim)
   -2saves on fire stuff
   +1hit againt fire creatures
   halfling, common + dwarven, gnoll, goblin, aquan, orc / halruaan,shaaran
Use: Halfling Outrider anyone? Belkar wanna-be? Still close to human, but small.


frostblood (DM10) desert half-orc (counts for all the orc stuff)
   +2con, -2int
   BONUS endurance feat
   BONUS run feat
   BONUS heat endurance feat
   resist cold 10
   vulnerability to fire
   no lowlight vision or lowlight vision after darkvision template
   Common, Orc + Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, and Abyssal.
   favored class: Barb
   +4racial fort vs hot weather
Use: Gets all those yummy orc feats and a few fuffy PrCs. Human-ish and clearly descended enough to use the 'counts as human' variant. The real benefit comes after you psychic reformation those bonus feats.

Ice Gensai:

Lesser Ice Gensai (forgot source)
   -2dex, +4con, +2wis, -2cha
   it gets some minor mist or something iirc. Feel free to correct.
Use: because you need Constitution, and you need it now. You get more bang for the buck without being an ugly mongrelfolk.


Desert kobold
   -4Str, +2Dex, -2Wis, +1nat
   small but 30'
   darkvision 60'
   +2 racial Survival, craft (trapmaking), search
   Draconic + Common, Undercommon.
   Favored Class: Rogue.
   +4racial fort vs hot weather
Use: Pazazu, Pazazu, Paz - nevermind. For a playable, but just really, really power (aka broken to most other people) take the dragonwraught feat and the Loredrake Sovereign Archetype. Now be a sorcerer with a few rituals and some dragonspawn templates. Its almost as good as min-maxed fast-casting!


muckdweller (serpent kingdoms pg.71)
   -6Str, +6Dex, -2Wis, -2Cha
   20 ft. (swim 20 ft.)
   Squirt [water] (ex) 25' Dex-based Reflex DC or be blinded for 1 round
   monstrous humanoid
Use: because you need dexterity and you need it now. The Tiny size is worth the 1RHD that most DM's throw out without question. Because its possible to interpret the 'humanoid-only update' to this as not being a reversal but only a clarification that doesn't apply in this case.


Outsider native to Limbo
   +2 Natural
   darkvision 60'
   '"Neraph Camoufl age (Ex): When charging an opponent or when using a thrown weapon, neraphim can use a technique known as motion camoufl age (also called neraph camoufl age by other races), which predatory insects use to trick prey into thinking they are stationary even though they are moving closer. The target creature can be fooled into believing that the charging neraph or the neraph’s thrown weapon is in fact not moving closer, or moving closer only very slowly. A neraph can make one camoufl age attack per enemy per encounter (once a foe sees the attack in action, that foe can discern it for what it is for the duration of that combat). Creatures that are subject to a neraph’s charge or that are targeted by a weapon thrown by a neraph may not apply their Dexterity bonuses to their Armor Class. All conditions that pertain when a foe cannot apply his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class also pertain to the neraph’s attack (for instance, a sneak attack could also be made with this attack, if the neraph can make such an attack)."
   Jump +5, Spot & Search +2
   annulats are martial weapons for them
   Automatic Languages: Neraph, Slaad. Bonus Languages: Common, Celestial, Abyssal.
   Favored Class: Ranger.

Sharn (Anauroch: The Empire of Shade 153) 4HD, +5LA

Large Aberration 4HD, +5LA
   +8str, +10dex, +10con, +8int, +8wis, +10cha, +5nat
   10', 40' fly (perfect)
   9 hands with claws & 3 heads with bites but 1 size smaller for wielding
   DR 10 cold iron or lawful
   darkvision 60
   regeneration 2/Lawful
   Immune to mind-effects, polymorping, petrifying or form-changing
   multiple actions: 3 standard + 1 move is wonderful
   alertness, multiattack, multiweapon fighting bonus feats
   6th/6th sorcerer/favored soul casting as SLAs
   cast spells as SLAs, but not from the same list more than once a round
   full round to make up to 3 (su)AoO threatening 1-way hex portals within 20' for line of sight abuse (100') with a swift action to move 20' but have 40% miss.
   automatic simple and martial weapon proficiency
   can't be polymorphed into but can't polymorph
   languages: common, draconic, dwarven, elven, sylvan
Use: The ultimate ghestalt race. Alternatively, high powered games with DMs who allow either fair ECL variants or LA buyoff and restoration cheese. Otherwise it won't make ninths, but it still has a nice power niche before then.

Spirit Folk

Bamboo Spirit Folk (OA)
   lowlight vision
   spirit subtype (beware shamans :smallwink:)
   Common, spirit language + Aquan, Giant, Goblin, 2 regionals
   ANY favored class
   +2 Survival, +4hide in woods
   Trackless Step
   +2 vs Earth, Rock, Stone, or Wood Effects
   1/day 1 min speak with animals
Use: Arcane Heirophant early entry for all DMs who dislike playing semantics.


Monstrous Humanoid
   +2dex, -2int
   20' swim
   Darkvision 60'
   2 1d4 claws
   favored class: monk
Use: when you need to be monstrous


You know you want to be a housecat just to kill a commoner :smallyuk:
I'm thinking the free form-change is worth it. Let me know if not. I haven't stated it because this one could be unnecesary.


Savage Progression Tiefling:
   +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma.
   Darkvision 60'
   Darkness (Sp) 1/day (1st-level spell)
   +2racial Bluff, Hide
   cold, electricity, and fire resistance 2
   Common, Infernal + Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc.
   Favored Class: Rogue
Use: Its paragon 1 is useful for saves-maximizing after its RHD1 (which can't be swapped for a class level by RAW, since you are an outsider)


+2con -2wis, -2cha
   living construct (alive but no eating, sleeping, or breathing)
   no natural healing, 50% healing gains, craft checks to heal
   immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, sickening and energy drain

Organized by Niche:
Alternate Form (small size)


Damage Sponges

-2 Charisma
No darkvision.
1 power point -> not need to eat or drink for 24 hours.
immediate action -> reduce 2 damage per 1pp
immediate action -> 1 power point for a racial +4 to saves until the beginning of his next turn.
Automatic Languages: Common.
Favored Class: Psion.
Hint: Cohorts or followers with share pain

Cohorts @ level 1:

Human Nomadic Noble Substitution 1 (Races of Ansalon 23)
More than one cohort allowed
They start Warrior 1 but at level 3 they become Barbarian or Fighter 1
Hint: The Tarmaks(+2str,-2int&cha)/Damjatt(+2dex,-2int)/Keena(-2str,+2wis) from pages 20,21 are the same as normal humans aside from favored class(barb/rogue/mystic) and languages(common is not automatic). Besides 2 Paladin variants, this is the only way I know of to gain cohorts before ECL6.

DMM-able Pools

Azurin (MoI 7)
   Human and Incarnum subtypes (meaning they count as human)
   1 Essentia
   Common + Any
   Soulborn Favored Class

Feats that are DCFS-able

frostblood (DM10) desert half-orc (counts for all the orc stuff)
   +2con, -2int
   BONUS endurance feat
   BONUS run feat
   BONUS heat endurance feat
   resist cold 10
   vulnerability to fire
   no lowlight vision or lowlight vision after darkvision template
   Common, Orc + Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, and Abyssal.
   favored class: Barb
   +4racial fort vs hot weather

Gestalting with RHD on one side and LA on the other:

Sharn (Anauroch: The Empire of Shade 153) 4HD, +5LA
   Large Aberration 4HD, +5LA
   +8str, +10dex, +10con, +8int, +8wis, +10cha, +5nat
   10', 40' fly (perfect)
   9 hands with claws & 3 heads with bites but 1 size smaller for wielding
   DR 10 cold iron or lawful
   darkvision 60
   regeneration 2/Lawful
   Immune to mind-effects, polymorping, petrifying or form-changing
   multiple actions: 3 standard + 1 move is wonderful
   alertness, multiattack, multiweapon fighting bonus feats
   6th/6th sorcerer/favored soul casting as SLAs
   cast spells as SLAs, but not from the same list more than once a round
   full round to make up to 3 (su)AoO threatening 1-way hex portals within 20' for line of sight abuse (100') with a swift action to move 20' but have 40% miss.
   automatic simple and martial weapon proficiency
   can't be polymorphed into but can't polymorph
   languages: common, draconic, dwarven, elven, sylvan

Low level diplomancy alternatives:

savage progression feytouched
   +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma.
   Low-Light Vision
   +4 racial vs mind-affecting effects.
   Common, Sylvan + Elven, Gnome, Halfling.
   Favored Class: Bard or rogue.
Take the transition class for an army of peasants at level 2. Getting into Mindbender at ECL6 with only 1 level of a spellcasting class is fun too.

Max Saves

Savage Progression Tiefling:
   +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma.
   Darkvision 60'
   Darkness (Sp) 1/day (1st-level spell)
   +2racial Bluff, Hide
   cold, electricity, and fire resistance 2
   Common, Infernal + Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc.
   Favored Class: Rogue

Not Fast-Casting Progression

Venerable Desert kobold
   -4Str, +2Dex, +3int, +1Wis, +3Cha +1nat
   small but 30'
   darkvision 60'
   +2 racial Survival, craft (trapmaking), search
   Draconic + Common, Undercommon.
   Favored Class: Rogue.
   +4racial fort vs hot weather
dragonwraught feat and the Loredrake Sovereign Archetype. Now be a sorcerer with a few rituals and some dragonspawn templates.

Permanent Image Abuse

The Creatures Carn Loves Best
Pixie: –4Str, +8Dex, +6Int, +4Wis, +6Char, +1Nat
Small size, 20', 60' (good), Low-light vision, +2 Listen, Search, & Spot
DR 10/cold iron, SR 15 + class levels, Alertness, Dodge, & Weapon Finnesse bonus feats
Greater Invisibility (Su): Constant, but the pixie can suppress or resume it as a free action.
CL8: 1/day - lesser confusion (DC 14), dancing lights, detect chaos, detect good, detect evil, detect law, detect thoughts (DC 15), dispel magic, entangle (DC 14), permanent image (DC 19; visual and auditory elements only)
Automatic Languages: Common, Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnome, Halfling.
Favored Class: Sorcerer.
Level adjustment +4
A pixie character exchanges its 1 HD of fey for its first class level.

Skill Points

See Lesser Ice Gensai (without using DM-dependent RoD150 variant) or Half-orc but add:
Wild: +2str, -2int, -2cha
   +5' base speed
   no SLAs
   +1skill point per die
   +2spot&listen, +4survival
Note: Be Good and Get flaws to take Human Heritage (+4 skill points), and Human Blood (DragMag324 78) and Nymph's Kiss each for +1 skill point per die. Since every level gaurantees 1 skill point per level no matter your intelligence, you can manage 4+4/hd skill points with an int of 3.

Organized by Type & Stat:
Aberration by Race

Daelkyr half-blood
Darkvision 60'
Proficient with all simple weapons
Personal Symbiont (Ex): Gain one symbiote: breed leech, crawling gauntlet, or throwing scarab. If the personal symbiont is lost, a daelkyr half-blood can grow a replacement from his own flesh over a period of 2d4 days. A daelkyr halfblood can’t grow or regrow symbionts that he has gained in any other manner, nor can a daelkyr half-blood grow a replacement for a symbiont if the original symbiont yet lives. As a daelkyr half-blood advances in level, he can grow a new personal symbiont as indicated on the table below. Any new personal symbiont grown replaces the old symbiont. A daelkyr half-blood can choose additional symbionts from the list provided above, as well as from new choices as they become available, as indicated on the table:

1st Breed leech, crawling gauntlet, throwing scarab
5th Stormstalk, winter cyst
10th Spellwurm, tentacle whip
15th Tongue worm

Symbiont Mastery bonus feat.
Everyday without contact with a symbiont he takes 1 Con damage which cannot be restored by any means as long as no symbiont.

Any creature that even studies his mind, must make a cha-based Will save (1/2 half-blood’s level) or be dazed for 1 round.
Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Language: Daelkyr.
Favored Class: Rogue.

Animal by Race

   These can't be player characters as animals correct?
   We may need to optimize awakened animal, ESPECIALLY after all those juicy animal-only templates


Venerable Aged Unseelie Fey Magic-Blooded (Drag Mag 306 p64) Lesser Cansin
Fey, -8Str, -4Dex, -8con, +5Int, +1Wis, +9Cha
Fire&Acid Rec 5, +2Bluff&Search, entropic shield 1/day
Favored Class: Sorcerer
Lowlight vision, +2Know(Arc)&Spellcraft both usuable untrained
1/day detect magic, read magic, Nystul's Magical&Undetectable Auras
+4Intimidate, Iron->+1d6weapon xor 1dam touch, Roll for wings and sight, Seasonal Options, DR from HD
Being necropolitan just before level 3 is a good idea.


Good to shit evil-shifted (post template but pre-feats) Proto Dragonborn Artic (Drag Mag 306 p61) Lesser Ice Para Gensai (Drag Mag 297) with Willing Deformity and Deformity (Obesse) [flaw required]
   +4str, -6dex, +12con, -2int, +2wis, -8cha
   +1 vs cold, +1 for every 5 lvls, Chill Metal 1/day @ECL
   +1 vs cold, -1 vs heat, +2 survival, CL1 Ray of frost 1/day
   Rage as Barbarian upon dealing damage to an opponent (DC15 will to negate)
   +4 vs Mind-effects, Instability: @-10hp becomes goo. May not be raised but may be ressurected   
   Dragonblood subtype, Favored class: Fighter + Paladin
Next level: lolth-touched.

Construct by Race:

   +2con -2wis, -2cha
   living construct (alive but no eating, sleeping, or breathing)
   no natural healing, 50% healing gains, craft checks to heal
   immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, sickening and energy drain
   Add 2LA-worth of templates (Lolth-touched and Half-ogre perhaps :smallwink:) and then the Incarnate Construct if you don't need the type but want more cheese. Can be done with pretty much any base race due to dustform.

With alternate form:

Evil-aligned Unseelie Fey Hengeyokai (sparrow form) (OA pg.71) with Willing Deformity and Deformity (Gaunt) [flaw required]
   -14Str (+0str if not in animal form), +16Dex (+6 if in hybrid form), -4Con, (-2con if not in animal form) -4Wis
   FINE SIZE (yes, the smallest size)
   1', 50' fly (average)
   lowlight vision, may speak with sparrows, +10 disguise in animal form
   Languages: Common&Hengeyokai + Giant, Goblin, Spirit
   Favored class: Wu Jen
        humanoid (shapechanger) -> fey (shapechanger)
   +4Intimidate, Iron->+1d6weapon xor 1dam touch, Roll for wings and sight, Seasonal Options, DR from HD
Without alternate form:

Evil-aligned Unseelie Fey Muckdweller (serpent kingdoms pg.71) with Willing Deformity and Deformity (Gaunt) [flaw required]
   -10Str, +10Dex, -2Con, -2Wis
   20 ft. (swim 20 ft.)
   Squirt [water] (ex) 25' Dex-based Reflex DC or be blinded for 1 round
   monstrous humanoid
   Languages: Draconic
   Fractional HD -> class level instead of RHD for even mean DMs
   +4Intimidate, Iron->+1d6weapon xor 1dam touch, Roll for wings and sight, Seasonal Options, DR from HD
1 LA of Half-Air Elemental monster class (DragMag326 80) is great for some SLAs, +2dex and outsider type to alter self away!

Dragon by Race:

The Ambush Drake Savage Progression for an great ECL1 campaign
   +4 Con, -4 Int
   darkvision 60 ft.
   immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis
   low-light vision
   1 Dragon HD


Spire Dragon (Sharn: City of Towers)
   -4str, +8dex, +2con, -4int, -2cha
   blindsense 60'
   10', 10' climb, 60' flight
   breath weapon = fog cloud
   can act as a swarm in a flock (2d4 distraction)
   lowlight vision
   immune to sleep and paralysis

Elemental by Race

   There are tons of sub-par templates for this type, any good base races?

Fey Type by Race

savage progression feytouched
   +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma.
   Low-Light Vision
   +4 racial vs mind-affecting effects.
   Common, Sylvan + Elven, Gnome, Halfling.
   Favored Class: Bard or rogue.

Giant by Race

   Some good templates, but I recall no LA+0 races right?

Intelligence (without PAO)

Venerable Age Fire Gray Elf
   -8 Str, -8con, -4dex, +7Int, +3wis, +1cha
   Immunity to magic sleep effects
   +2 vs enchantments
   Low-Light Vision
   Weapon Proficiency: longsword, rapier, longbow and shortbow including composites
   +2 Listen, Search, and Spot checks
   passing within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.
   Common, Elven + Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan.
   Favored Class: Wizard
   +1hit vs fire creatures
   -2saves vs water or cold effects and creatures
   resist fire 5
1 LA of Half-Water Elemental monster class (DragMag326 80) is great for some SLAs, +2int&wis and outsider type to alter self away! Going necropolitan is usually a good idea as well.

Magical Beast by Race:
If your DM allows cohort races, go Beguiler [ShS60]

Abrian, Medium
CE Magical beast (extraplanar), 2HD +1LA (d10/2+Int/Good BAB,Fort,Ref)
Natural weapons: beak 1d3/19-20/x3(!), kick 1d8
+2 natural armor
Speed: 50ft
Special attacks: Augmented critical (see natural weapons), Shriek (20ft burst, Fort save or dazed for 1 round, increases in power with additional abrians, does not affect abrians)
Special qualities: Darkvision 60ft, low-light vision, sonic resistance 10
Skills: +4 Spot
Abilities: Str 13 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 7 Wis 11 Cha 10 (Str +2 Dex +6 Con +2 Int -4 Wis +0 Cha +0)
Humanoid arms, but Str score is halved for determining carrying capacity
Abrian, Large
CE Magical beast (extraplanar), 3HD +1LA (d10/2+Int/Good BAB,Fort,Ref)
Natural weapons: beak 1d4/19-20/x3(!), kick 2d6
+4 natural armor
Speed: 50ft
Special attacks: Augmented critical (see natural weapons), Shriek (20ft burst, Fort save or dazed for 1 round, increases in power with additional abrians, does not affect abrians)
Special qualities: Darkvision 60ft, low-light vision, sonic resistance 10
Skills: +4 Spot
Abilities: Str 21 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 7 Wis 11 Cha 10 (Str +10 Dex +4 Con +6 Int -4 Wis +0 Cha +0)
Humanoid arms, but Str score is halved for determining carrying capacity
Enter play at ECL3, advance via RHD for even more win.

Monstrous Humanoid by Race: (non-anthro animals)

   +2dex, -2int
   20' swim
   Darkvision 60'
   2 1d4 claws
   favored class: monk

Ooze by Race:

Outside of Oozemaster, this isn't a PC race, like animal. Right?

Outsider by Race:
Door Number 1:

Neraphs are native to Limbo
   +2 Natural
   darkvision 60'
   '"Neraph Camouflage (Ex): When charging an opponent or when using a thrown weapon, neraphim can use a technique known as motion camoufl age (also called neraph camoufl age by other races), which predatory insects use to trick prey into thinking they are stationary even though they are moving closer. The target creature can be fooled into believing that the charging neraph or the neraph’s thrown weapon is in fact not moving closer, or moving closer only very slowly. A neraph can make one camoufl age attack per enemy per encounter (once a foe sees the attack in action, that foe can discern it for what it is for the duration of that combat). Creatures that are subject to a neraph’s charge or that are targeted by a weapon thrown by a neraph may not apply their Dexterity bonuses to their Armor Class. All conditions that pertain when a foe cannot apply his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class also pertain to the neraph’s attack (for instance, a sneak attack could also be made with this attack, if the neraph can make such an attack)."
   Jump +5, Spot & Search +2
   annulats are martial weapons for them
   Automatic Languages: Neraph, Slaad. Bonus Languages: Common, Celestial, Abyssal.
   Favored Class: Ranger.
Door Number 2:

+2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma, darkvision 60', (native)
Lesser Darkness (Sp): 1/day, darkness 5' radius, 1st-level spell.
Skill Bonuses: A tiefling has a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Hide checks.
Resistances (Ex): A tiefling starts play with resistance 2 to cold, electricity, and fire.
Automatic: Common, Infernal. Bonus: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc.
Favored Class: Rogue
Door Number 3:

+2 Charisma, darkvision 60', (native)
Light (Sp): light (caster level equals aasimar's character level) once per day.
Skill Bonuses: An aasimar has a +2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
Resistances (Ex): An aasimar starts play with resistance 2 to acid, cold, and electricity.
Automatic: Celestial, Common. Bonus: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan.
Favored Class: Paladin.

Plant by Race:

Option 1: Best if using RAW level-drain abuse or my balanced ECL variant
Needlefolk L+1, 3HD
+2str, +2con, -4int, +4wis, -6cha, +4nat
d12 ranged needs 20' increment
2 d4 claws
+16 forrest hide

Option 2:
Volodni LA+2, 1HD
+2con, +2Wis, -2Int, -2Cha
Cold Res 5
+4hide wooded
Half Damage from Piercing attacks
Sustenance = 2 hours sleep (discluding spell time) 25% food and water
Common, Sylvan
Druid Favored class

Total LA+1 stats

If non-WotC errata sources don't fully repalce WotC ones:
Greensnake Naga (OA173,203) +2 Str, +4 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis. Drag Mag would have made it only +2str, +4dex.
1d3con poison (DC 10+con mod)
30' telepathy (Ex)
Shadowland's Taint immunity
Alternate Form (female only) for legs.

Otherwise, I don't see any better than TML's:
Lesser Aasimar/ First level of Half-celestial transition savage progression
+2 Str, +2 Con, +2 wis, +2 Cha, nat+1
+4vs poison
disease immunity
res acid,cold,elec5
SLAs starting with prot from evil 3/day
SR=Character Levels

Undead by Race:

   Necropolitan before level 3. Done
   For TML, LA1 ghost template savage progression :smallsmile:


Proto Wild (Drag Mag 306 p65) Desert Water Orc Incarnate Construct from Dustform
30', +14Str, dex-2, +4con, –6Int (min 3), –2Wis, –8Cha, +3Nat
Lowlight, dazzled in bright sunlight or daylight spell, endurance bonus feat
Automatic Languages: Common and Orc. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Undercommon.
Favored Class: Ranger.
+1 skill points per level, +4survival, +2listen&spot
Half Minotaur (then) Half-ogre (Drag Mag 313 p94-96) are double trouble. Loth-touched is an excellent option.

Vermin by Race:

Warning: requires roll playing a mindless being - aka carried with the party. Great for a DMPC! I have no idea if this thing can cast in an int-based class.
Hairy, Subterranean Spider (LA+0)
-10str (seriously), +4dex, int --, -8cha
Darkvision 60', +8Spot, poison immunity, DC11 initial and secondary 1 dex damage poison


Venerable Anthropomorphic Bat (savage species pg.215)
-10Str, -6Dex, -6Con, +3Int, +9Wis, +1Cha
5 ft. (fly 20 ft. average)
blindsense (ex)
Favored class: druid
monstrous humanoid
1 LA of Half-Water Elemental monster class (DragMag326 80) is great for some SLAs, +2int&wis and outsider type to alter self away! If going undead try the Savage Progression ghost template. Laugh at your material plane opponents as your strength score becomes irrelevant.

Note that size abuse before templates was not used. Its TO, but could eek out another +4 to int or cha via Primordial Giant (SoX81), +8 on str or +2 on con (half ogre and minotaur). Yuck.

Organized by Prestige Class:
Arcane Heirophant

Bamboo Spirit Folk (OA
   lowlight vision
   spirit subtype (beware shamans :smallwink:)
   Common, spirit language + Aquan, Giant, Goblin, 2 regionals
   ANY favored class
   +2 Survival, +4hide in woods
   Trackless Step
   +2 vs Earth, Rock, Stone, or Wood Effects
   1/day 1 min speak with animals

Caster Base Class Minimizing

Savage Progression Drow
   +2dex, -2con, +2int
   hand crossbow, rapier, and short sword proficiency
   Dancing Lights 1/day
   Darkvision 60'
   immune to magic sleep effects.
   Light Blindness
   +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks
   passing within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if he were actively looking for it.
   Common, Elven, Undercommon + Abyssal, Aquan, Draconic, Drow Sign Language, Gnome, Goblin.
   Favored Class: Wizard (male) or cleric (female)

Dwarven Defender & Faith Scion:

Exiled (DragMag320 85) badlands (Sand42) Aleithian dwarf
   BONUS Heat Endurance feat
   +2 search on water related things, can spot them like elves
   48+con hours w/o water before dehydration
   +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -4 Charisma
   20' ms
   +1 racial hit vs orcs and goblinoids.
   +2 dodge AC vs giants
   +2 survival to find water
   Common, Dwarven + Draconic, Terran, and Undercommon.
   Favored Class: Barbarian
   +2 craft related to crystal
   Darkvision 30'
   Psionic Repair Damage, ego whip, empty mind 3/day
   Light Sensitivity

Eternal Blade

Declining (DragMag320 86) gray fire elf (ages and sleeps normally)
   -2 Str, -2con, +2dex, +4 Int, -2cha
   Weapon Foci: longsword or rapier and longbow or shortbow including composites
   Weapon Proficiency: longsword, rapier, longbow and shortbow including composites
   Low-Light Vision
   +2 Listen, Search, and Spot checks
   passing within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.
   Common, Elven + Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan.
   Favored Class: Ranger
   +1hit vs fire creatures
   -2saves vs water or cold effects and creatures
   resist fire 5

Halfling Outrider

water strongheart (or unsheltered DragMag320 88) halfling
-2str, +2dex, +2con
   +2morale vs fear
      or Dodge + Iron Will / Great Fortitude / Lightning Reflexes at 3rd instead of the above 2
   +1hit w/ thrown weapons and slings
   +2 racial Climb, Jump, Listen, Move Silently.
   rogue favored class
   swim speed (+8racial swim)
   -2saves on fire stuff
   +1hit againt fire creatures
   halfling, common + dwarven, gnoll, goblin, aquan, orc / halruaan,shaaran

Shadow craft Mage

whisper gnome
   -2Str, +2dex, +2Con, -2cha
   Small with 30'
   Low-Light Vision
   Darkvision 60'
   hammers as martial weapons
   +4 dodge AC against giants
   +2listen, +2spot
   +1hit kobolds, goblinoids
   Common, Gnome + Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Orc
   1/day silence centered + if Charisma 10 mage hand, ghost sound, message.
   Favored Class: rogue

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #84 on: April 11, 2013, 03:38:53 PM »
Mohrg Handbook

by Jopustopin

Wow no Mohrg builds?!  C'mon these guys have to be at least Tier 5.5;  Taken from Libris Mortis these guys have to be the worst of the savage progressions for Undead.  Truly terrible IMO. This build is ECL 20 so we can assume you have a level 20 wizard friend annoyed that you aren't playing something that helps out in battle (or really out of battle you're a Mohrg and you aren't welcome anywhere).

Someday someone will search for a Mohrg build and Yours Truly will have the only one.  Unless someone post one after me...   

Maximized Mohrg

Lawful Evil Human Mohrg (50 point buy, no flaws - traits)

Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 14d12
Initiative: +15
Speed: 30
Armor Class: 29 Touch: 18 Flat-footed: 21
Base Attack: +7/+2
Full Attack: (Spiked Chain +21/+16 (2d4+20/x2) or Slam +20 (1d6+19)) and Tongue +20 touch (Paralyzing touch: DC 20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./10ft.
Cool Stuff: Improved Grab, Create Spawn, Paralyzing Touch
Grapple: +20
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +11
Abilities: Str 36 (+2 level, +6 Enhancement, +10 Racial), Dex 30 (+6 Enhancement, +8 Racial), Con -, Cha 16 (+1 Level), Int 24 (+6 Enhancement), Wis 14
Skills: Arcana +29,  Dungeoneering +29, Local +30, Nature +29, Religion +30, The Planes +29, Use Magic Device +11, Tumble +20, Jump +20, Listen +10
Feats: Education 1st, Combat Expertise Human,Knowledge Devotion 3rd, Improved Trip 6th, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Spiked Chain 9th,Curling Wave Strike 12th
Languages Spoken: Common, Infernal, Draconic, Abyssal, Undercommon
Level Adjustment: +6

Notable Possessions: Helm of Battle, +1 Transmuting Sweeping Living Chain, +1 Greater Stamina Padded Armor, Ring of Mystic Defiance, +1 Warning Club, Cloak of Turn Resistance, Scrolls of Uncertain Provenance


+23 on opposed trip attempts. Trip as many people as you can and then let a capable combatant in to finish them.
I suppose if the knowledge check reveals the creature to be 'paralyzable' he could you know try that or something.
Endless Zombie Fun; find a small hamlet and kill everyone. Wait 1d4 days.
Where do you go from here?  Probably Crusader.
If you are forced to play this class with less then 50 point buy; damn man you're on your own.

Here is a second "assassin themed" Mohrg.  Added May 5, 2010

The Mohrg Assassin:
(50 Point Buy)
Human Mohrg
LE Medium Undead
Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 feet; Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages Common, Halfling, Elven, Dwarven, Gnome
AC 30, touch 19, flat-footed 21
hp 14d12
Fort +12, Ref +15, Will +8
Weakness Destroyed at 0.
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Space/Reach 5ft/5ft
Melee +1 Transmuting Keen Dagger +21 (1d4+25/17-20)
Full Attack +1 Transmuting Keen Dagger/+1 Transmuting Keen Dagger+19/+19/+14 (1d4+25/17-20)
Base Atk +7; Grp +20
Atk Options Improved Grab, Paralyzing Touch, Knowledge Devotion, Shadow Jaunt, Assassin's Stance (+2d6 Sneak Attack)
Abilities Str 37 (+3 Level, +6 Enhancement, +10 Racial) Dex 32 (+8 Racial, +6 Enhancement), Con -, Int 24 (+6 Enhancement), Wis 8, Cha 10
SQ Create Spawn
Feats Education, City Slicker, Knowledge Devotion, Martial Study (Shadow Jaunt), Two-Weapon Fighting, Shadow Hand
Skills Disguise +19, Bluff +5, Hide +17, Move Silently +17, The Planes +27, Arcana +27, Dungeoneering +27, Local +28, Religion +29, Nature +27
Possessions Greater Truedeath Crystal x2, Greater Demolition Crystal x2, +1 Greater Stamina Nimble Padded Armor, Ring of Mystic Defiance, Cloak of Turn Resistance, Scrolls of Uncertain Provenance, +1 transmuting keen dagger, +1 transmuting keen dagger, Novice Shadow Hands (Assassin's Stance), While on an assassin run he wears Greater Shadow Hands (Death in the Dark)


I'm sure someone could make this better; I just knocked it out as a joke.
This is someone who is designed to hit hard and then, if the enemies proove too powerful, bounce away with shadow jaunt and whatever other items I missed in the MIC.
He likes to parade around his victims in a grotesque fashion.  Think of his home like a museum where he can appreciate his finer kills forever.  Such fun with Create Spawn.

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #85 on: April 11, 2013, 03:47:00 PM »
Telthor Minihandbook

by Emy

Telthor Minihandbook

Telthor is a template from the Unapproachable East supplement for Forgotten Realms. It gives a few minor benefits, changes the base creature's type to fey, and adds the incorporeal subtype. It has level adjustment +2. I focus mostly on low levels in this guide, due to the Telthor's low level adjustment relative to other incorporeal templates. Also, the specific character I wanted to build (which I hope to use in a game some time) has only a couple class levels at most. In short, a ghostly character can be playable as early as ECL3.

As always, any input (related even vaguely) is quite appreciated.

post 0
post 1
1. Incorporeality
2. Attacks
3. Dealing With Items
4. Bound to the Land
5. Cat In A Box (Questionable Rules)
post 2
6. Sources
7. Sample Builds
8. Other means of becoming incorporeal

1. Incorporeality
Incorporeality is, by and large, an advantage. At low levels, not many enemies have the means to harm you. You can also bypass just about any physical obstacles, and detect invisible enemies if they happen to be next to you. Incidentally, you also have Charisma as a deflection bonus to AC, and no Strength score. Dex is used for melee attacks. Incorporeal creatures are also sneakier than most; they always move silently unless they wish to be heard, and certain detection methods such as scent or blindsight don't always work against them.

2. Attacks
Normally, incorporeal creatures have limited means of attacking corporeal foes. Most incorporeal monsters, for example, have an ability damaging or draining incorporeal touch. While Telthor get no such special draining attack, their attacks are modified.

If the base creature did not use weapons, what happens is simple: the base creature's melee attacks become incorporeal touch attacks.

If the base creature did use weapons, it's a little weirder. Here's what happens:
The base creature's melee attacks become incorporeal touch attacks, as with a non-weapon using creature.
The base creature can attack with its melee weapons as melee touch attacks. Note the lack of the word incorporeal here. Incorporeal touch attacks and touch attacks are not the same thing; the latter is superior. The first sentence of the attacks section should still apply, so a Telthor using weapons makes its weapon attacks as both melee touch attacks and incorporeal touch attacks.
The base creature loses its ranged attacks. So if the base creature could spit venom or similar becoming a Telthor, it loses those. (See the cat in a box section. Maybe.)

3. Dealing With Items
Telthor are incorporeal. This means they can't normally manipulate or benefit from items. They don't have a ghost's telekinesis ability or anything similar either. This is bad. Fortunately, there are some ways to compensate.

First, the Monster Manual 3 update to the incorporeal subtype added some very important text as far as the (usually heavily item dependent) player character is concerned.
Quote from: Monster Manual 3: incorporeal subtype, paragraph 3, sentence 1
Any equipment worn or carried by an incorporeal creature is also incorporeal as long as it remains in the creature's possession.

Vow of Poverty
If you want to ignore the existence of various items, take Vow of Poverty and pretend they don't exist. Thankfully, this is not the only option. While Vow of Poverty is quite fitting for some characters, it's quite limiting in alignment and roleplay (must be exalted). You also can't choose the bonuses you get from it.

Ghostly Grasp
This wonderful feat from Libris Mortis gives incorporeal characters of at least Charisma 15 the ability to manipulate and use corporeal items as if they were corporeal. Yay.

My Friend, The Wizard
If you have a friendly spellcaster that doesn't mind using a 3rd level spell slot for Permeable Form every once in a while, you can probably get by without another means of item handling. When they cast the spell, they become incorporeal for a round. This also makes their items incorporeal. So they fill a cheap sack with the stuff they want to give you, cast the spell, and hand it over. Once it's in your possession, it stays incorporeal until you drop it.

Alter Self
Maybe. See the Cat In A Box section.

Ectoplasm and other temporary items.
Ectoplasm. Equipment can be made out of it, which is usable by ghosts and other incorporeals. Unfortunately, it degrades over time. There are also some other items, such as Ectoplasmic Ichor can also allow incorporeal creatures to manipulate physical objects. As temporary solutions, I can't honestly recommend them.

4. Bound to the Land
Here is the disadvantage of being Telthor. Bound to the Land is a supernatural ability that deals the Telthor 1 damage per minute whenever they're outside of a certain 1-mile radius. Since the theoretical Telthor I'm discussing here is a player character, this damage is most likely constant. Fortunately, much like the difficulty inherent in item use, this can be overcome.

Get Rid Of It
The Ability Rip spell is normally horrible. You get a supernatural ability for 1 hour/level, and in exchange you permanently lose a supernatural ability. Fortunately, losing a supernatural ability is exactly what we want to do here. A scroll of it is 2,275 gp. According to the "spellcasting service" guidelines, it should cost 910gp (minimum CL) to 1400gp (CL 20) to have cast on you by an NPC Wizard.
If you have a way of getting a persistent antimagic field, you could have that active at all times, suppressing your supernatural abilities. An incorporeal creature in an AMF also sounds really tough. What are throw going to do, cast spells at you?
Becoming a Dragonborn will remove most of your racial abilities; this includes Bound to the Land.
Applying the Dustform Creature template followed by the Incarnate Construct template nets you +0 LA, -2 dex, the loss of all your SA/SQ, and a type change to humanoid. This gets rid of Bound to the Land quite handily, but is probably overkill.
Assuming you can count as a Scaled One somehow, manipulate form could get rid of Bound to the Land for you. This is definitely overkill.

Heal The Damage
Dragon Shaman 1 can have a Fast Healing aura. I hope you like being at half HP all the time, though.
Troll-blooded, a Dragon magazine feat, gives Regeneration 1. The fatigue in sunlight is a bit lame, but is easily justifiable for a ghostly character. Also, regeneration is way better than fast healing.
A Walker in the Waste turns into a Dry Lich at ECL15. Dry Lich is a +5 LA template that gives (among other things) Fast Healing. I believe that this and the other templates that give Fast Healing raise the Telthor's level adjustment more than I'd like.
See Surreal's Lists of Stuff for more methods of gaining Fast Healing.

Special Mention
The Acorn of Far Travel web spell makes you count as being under a target oak tree for 1 day/level. Since as a Telthor you're probably a native of Rashemen anyway, (if you're using the fluff as-written, that is) there's no reason not to go into the Hathran prestige class.

5. Cat In A Box (Questionable Rules)
It's entirely possible that these things listed both work and don't work until observed (by your DM).

While I interpreted the attacks section above as best I could, your DM might think "loses all ranged attacks." means something completely different, from the moderately reasonable "loses ranged proficiencies" to the utterly absurd "can never use a ranged weapon again, cannot cast spells other than touch/personal."

Alter Self
What happens when you Alter Self into a corporeal creature as a Telthor, or from a corporeal creature to an incorporeal creature? Alter Self doesn't specify, and while Polymorph states that it cannot cause the subject to become incorporeal, and that incorporeal creatures are immune, the inhertance clauses in the Polymorph chain do not work backwards. Here are two interpretations of the rules regarding Alter Self and incorporeality.

Because of this guide's subject, the following text assumes it's an incorporeal creature attempting to use Alter Self to become a corporeal creature. However, it is equally applicable to a corporeal spellcaster attempting to become incorporeal via Alter Self. Either:

(1) "Your creature type and subtype (if any) remain the same regardless of your new form." prevents you from gaining/losing the incorporeal subtype. Using Alter Self to transform into a corporeal creature will have some weird effects, perhaps effectively turning you into an incorporeal version of that creature.
(2) "You acquire the physical qualities of the new form while retaining your own mind" and "any gross physical qualities" are more specific than the prohibition against changing subtypes. Therefore, using Alter Self to turn into a corporeal creature grants corporeality.

I, for one, believe it is the latter. Asking which applies in your game is a useful question to ask your DM before a game, if you have a Telthor character that can or will be able to cast Alter Self.

Either of these interpretations can benefit a Telthor, though in different ways. If it's (2), it can be used to aquire, manipulate, and use items by transforming into a corporeal creature, picking up the items you need, and dismissing the Alter Self. If it's (1), Alter Self can be used with Assume Supernatural Ability to gain things like Greater Invisibility (plus the incorporeal's ability to be perfectly silent, and not show up on blindsight/similar), or a Sirine's Intelligence Damage (pretend you're an Allip).

It's is a great feat. It's entirely possible a DM will let Telthor Telepathy qualify you for Mindsight. So if you're interested in being a radar dish, ask about this.

Do Telthor really need to sleep? I mean, by RAW I think they do... but they don't have bodies or anything.

6. Sources

updated incorporeal subtype, Monster Manual 3 glossary
incorporeal section of "running undead encounters", Libris Mortis pg 140 - specifically states that incorporeal creatures don't have to eat, drink, or breathe. this was actually a concern of mine since Telthor are Fey and not Undead

Ability Rip, Serpent Kingdoms
Acorn of Far Travel,
Dragon Shaman, Player's Handbook II
Dragonborn, Races of the Dragon
Dry Lich, Sandstorm
Dustform Creature, Sandstorm
Ectoplasmic Ichor, Libris Mortis
Incarnate Construct, Savage Species
Intelligence Damage / Sirine, Monster Manual II
Manipulate Form, Serpent Kingdoms (this is the ability used to create Pun-pun. If you seriously haven't heard of it, google is your friend.)
Mindsight, Lords of Madness
Permeable Form, Lords of Madness
Surreal's Lists of Stuff AKA the Surrealodex,
Telthor template, Unapproachable East pg 75
Troll-blooded feat, Dragon 319
Vigor, Lesser, Complete Divine
Vow of Poverty, Book of Exalted Deeds

7. Sample builds
The only one I've really put much thought into is the Dread Necromancer. More/better builds would be appreciated.

ECL 3 Dread Necromancer

Magic-Blooded Lesser Aasimar Telthor Dread Necromancer
Type: Fey (Extraplanar, Incorporeal, Augmented Humanoid), Level 1 (+2 LA, ECL 3)
Feats: Tomb-tainted Soul, (flaw)Ghostly Grasp, Trait: Spellgifted (Necromancy)
Hopefully the Aasimar energy resistances will help her not die very early on. Can hit things with either a greatsword or a combo of Charnel Touch + Chill Touch.

ECL 4 Iaijutsu Dude

Star Elf Telthor Marshal 1/Fighter 1
Type Fey (Extraplanar, Incorporeal, Augmented Humanoid, Elf), Level 2 (+2 LA, ECL 4)
Feats: Aereni Focus (Iaijutsu Focus), (flaw)Ghostly Grasp, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Gnome Quickrazor)
Let's mix campaign settings! I'm sure there's some better way to do bonus damage, but hey, Iaijutsu Focus works alright. Just needs a way to get people flat-footed.

ECL 5 DFI Bard without flaws

Silverbrow Human Bard 3
Type Fey (Dragonblood, Incorporeal, Human, Augmented Humanoid), Level 3 (+2 LA, ECL 5)
Feats: Dragonfire Inspiration, Ghostly Grasp, Song of the Heart
Another attempt at getting bonus damage. The flawed version works better of course, due to Ghostly Grasp taking a valuable feat slot.

ECL 5 DFI Bard

Silverbrow Human Bard 3
Type Fey (Dragonblood, Incorporeal, Human, Augmented Humanoid), Level 3 (+2 LA, ECL 5)
Feats: Dragonfire Inspiration, Ghostly Grasp, (flaw)Two-weapon Fighting, (flaw)Extra Music, Song of the Heart
It's like the previous one, except better.

8. Other means of becoming incorporeal
Psion Uncarnate

Ghost (LA +5)
Ghost Brute (LA +5)
Ghostly Dragon (LA +5)
Spectral Creature (LA +7)
Umbral Creature (LA +5)
Unbodied (LA +4)
Vivacious Creature (LA +5)
Wraith (LA +7)

Savage Species Transformation Rituals:
Ritual of Transfiguration (+2 LA, 306k gold, 12,240 exp)

Spells (all are temporary, all are persistable)
Eladrin Form - Book of Exalted Deeds (Sor/wiz 7)
Ghostform - Libris Mortis/Spell Compendium/Complete Arcane (Sor/wiz 8)
Permeable Form - Lords of Madness (Sor/wiz 3)

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #86 on: April 11, 2013, 04:00:15 PM »
The Wish Handbook

by Arniha

The Use of Wish

“Wish is the mightiest spell a wizard or sorcerer can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter reality to better suit you.”

   This handbook is a primer on the art of wishcraft, using the spell wish to achieve mighty effects.

What can wish do?

As per the SRD, Wish can do any of the following:

•   Duplicate any wizard or sorcerer spell of 8th level or lower, provided the spell is not of a school prohibited to you.
o   This ability is rarely worth it, as it is extremely situational, and rarely worth the XP cost, furthermore, it is even less likely that you will have wish prepared when not trying to use it for a more powerful effect.

•   Duplicate any other spell of 6th level or lower, provided the spell is not of a school prohibited to you.
o   This can be situationally useful to gain spells with lasting effects in other schools. I need more examination to see if I can find a readily pertinent use.

•   Duplicate any wizard or sorcerer spell of 7th level or lower even if it’s of a prohibited school.
o   This is blue if you’ve banned both illusion and evocation and therefore have no other access to contingency. Best for focused specialists (or dare I say it, focused specialist Incantatrices)

•   Duplicate any other spell of 5th level or lower even if it’s of a prohibited school.
o   5000 XP for a 5th level spell? Nooooooooooo.

•   Undo the harmful effects of many other spells, such as geas/quest or insanity.
o   Some effects can only be undone with wish. Therefore it’s good at getting rid of them. Next.

•   Create a nonmagical item of up to 25,000 gp in value.
o   Meh, I don’t generally feel that 1 XP is worth 5 GP

•   Create a magic item, or add to the powers of an existing magic item.
o   AWESOME if you don’t have to pay the XP cost for the wish (from an item or the like). See the section on obtaining wish for proper abuse of this ability. Red otherwise.

•   Grant a creature a +1 inherent bonus to an ability score. Two to five wish spells cast in immediate succession can grant a creature a +2 to +5 inherent bonus to an ability score (two wishes for a +2 inherent bonus, three for a +3 inherent bonus, and so on). Inherent bonuses are instantaneous, so they cannot be dispelled. Note: An inherent bonus may not exceed +5 for a single ability score, and inherent bonuses to a particular ability score do not stack, so only the best one applies.
o   Can be good IF your DM rules that you can cast the wishes out of immediate succession. Else, go for a tome instead.

•   Remove injuries and afflictions. A single wish can aid one creature per caster level, and all subjects are cured of the same kind of affliction. For example, you could heal all the damage you and your companions have taken, or remove all poison effects from everyone in the party, but not do both with the same wish. A wish can never restore the experience point loss from casting a spell or the level or Constitution loss from being raised from the dead.
o   This is what Clerics are for. That said it CAN be useful for healing a large group, or if the cleric is down. Once again, unlikely you’ll have it prepared.

•   Revive the dead. A wish can bring a dead creature back to life by duplicating a resurrection spell. A wish can revive a dead creature whose body has been destroyed, but the task takes two wishes, one to recreate the body and another to infuse the body with life again. A wish cannot prevent a character who was brought back to life from losing an experience level.
o   Good only if you’re reviving the cleric and you have NO other means of doing so

•   Transport travelers. A wish can lift one creature per caster level from anywhere on any plane and place those creatures anywhere else on any plane regardless of local conditions. An unwilling target gets a Will save to negate the effect, and spell resistance (if any) applies.
o   No. Just NO.

•   Undo misfortune. A wish can undo a single recent event. The wish forces a reroll of any roll made within the last round (including your last turn). Reality reshapes itself to accommodate the new result. For example, a wish could undo an opponent’s successful save, a foe’s successful critical hit (either the attack roll or the critical roll), a friend’s failed save, and so on. The reroll, however, may be as bad as or worse than the original roll. An unwilling target gets a Will save to negate the effect, and spell resistance (if any) applies.
o   Another one that is potentially good if you have it prepared, which is damn unlikely. 5k XP can be worth unkilling a partner who natural 1 died. If he does it twice, smack him with your phb.

However, none of these are our focus. Rather, our focus is the last sentence of its effects:
“You may try to use a wish to produce greater effects than these, but doing so is dangerous. (The wish may pervert your intent into a literal but undesirable fulfillment or only a partial fulfillment.)”
How Can We Use This Power?
At this point we enter the realm of DM fiat. The DM will grant one of three effects:
1: Exactly what we wanted: This is the best option for us, as it gives us what we want, sadly, unless we are very inglorious about the effects of our wish, it is also the least likely.
2: A literal granting of the wish: For most DMs this is the most likely situation we as players will have to deal with if we attempt to abuse wish. It will be the focus of our guide. In a properly worded wish, this will be identical to possibility 1.
3: A partial fulfillment of the wish: This is the worst possible effect. The wish simply will not do what we want. This option is less likely than possibility 2, unless we seriously overreach ourselves. As players it will be our goal to avoid this possibility.

Wording is Everything

As noted above, the most likely circumstance we will experience is a literal interpretation of the Wish. As the saying goes: be careful what you wish for. The bulk of this guide will be devoted to the construction of a wish that provides a function literal interpretation. Throughout, we will be using a fairly standard wish: I wish I had one million gold pieces.

To avoid a negative effect (yes, a failure is a negative effect, the spell costs 5000 XP) we must first establish the parameters of the spell: Where, When, What, and How.


It is essential that we explicitly state where we want our effect to occur. This is especially important when we creating something or conjuring something. Take our example: I wish I had a million gold pieces. One million gold is going to weigh, by the PHB, is going to weigh 10 tons, and take up, by the Draconomicon, approximately 83 1/3 cubic feet of space. How does this affect our wish? Well, most sinisterly if that much gold happens to land on top of us, we had best pray that we have a contingency spell in place to prevent our imminent squishy death. Furthermore, the transportation of the gold is going to be a major factor. Even the largest bags of holding are far from capable of transporting such an amount of gold, so either you’ll need to wish for the gold to appear in the secure place you’d be wanting to transport it to (Such as your tower, you’re a wizard you should have one), or to have a portable hole.
Example rewording: I wish that I had one million gold pieces in my possession, located in the basement of my tower.

However, we are seriously overreaching this wish (by 975,000 gold to be precise) and therefore we do not know where this gold is coming from, we only have specified that we wish to possess it. If it perhaps came from the personal trove of a CR 50 dragon, we are, as we say in the business, screwed. Therefore it is necessary to specify not only where in the end location, but the starting location. It is best in this case to specify the creation of the gold (although this will likely get the partial fulfillment option, gaining us only 25,000, I’ll discuss workarounds below).

Example rewording: I wish for one million gold pieces to be created in the basement of my tower.


It’s a somewhat trivial parameter, however it is sometimes necessary to indicate a temporal aspect. If you are wishing to obtain something, or cause something to occur, the DM could simply have it occur far later in the future, thus making it a moot point. For example, if we wished for a mortal creature to die, the GM could rule that the wish does nothing, other than assuring that that creature eventually dies, possibly of natural causes. Therefore it is sometimes necessary to establish something like “ten seconds after the completed speaking of this spell.” (One should not use “after the completion of this spell,” as that could be seen as paradoxical, the spell not being fully completed until after the gold has appeared, thus causing the spell to go on infinitely, unable to ever complete).

Example rewording: I wish for one million gold pieces to be created in the basement of my tower ten seconds after the completed speaking of this spell.


This is a surprisingly easy parameter to detail, it is mostly important to be exact and unambiguous in what we want to occur, and to realize exactly what we want to occur. For example, in our above wish, in game terms, we want to obtain 1,000,000 GP. However, by stating gold pieces, we open ourselves up to ambiguity. A piece could be the size of a pinhead. So a closer statement would be that we want 1,000,000 gold coins. Once again, we run into the troubling question how big is a coin? So a less ambiguous version of what we want is 10 tons of gold minted as coins. If your DM is a dick however, you might end up with two 5 ton coins. So an even better approximation of what we want is 10 tons of gold minted as solid 1 inch wide, 1/10 inch high cylinders.

Example rewording: I wish for 10 tons of gold, minted as solid 1 inch wide, 1/10 inch high cylinders, to be created in the basement of my tower ten seconds after the completed speaking of this spell


This is a somewhat ambiguous parameter, but it helps us wrap up our other parameters nicely. It primarily concerns measurements, sources (see where above), and over all preciseness. This is the parameter in which we ‘exactify’ our wording. The most important aspect of this parameter is providing definitions of measurements. The phrase As per my understanding of the quantity/quality x is our absolute best friend in this case. This prevents the DM from using the timeless perspective argument (one day in the eyes of god is as a million years to mortals).

 Example rewording: I wish for 10 tons of pure gold, as per my understanding of the quantity ton and the quality gold, minted as solid 1 inch wide, 1/10 inch high cylinders, as per my understanding of the quantities cylinder and inch, to be created in the basement of my tower ten seconds, as per my understanding of the quantity seconds, after the completed speaking of this spell, as per my understanding of completed speaking.

However, we are still vastly overreaching ourselves, and our DM may simply rule that only 25,000 GP appears, as that is the guideline of the spell. Therefore it is necessary that we reevaluate our What and Where parameters. We do not really care if the spell creates the gold, we only care that we obtain said gold. Thus we could try to simply transmute the gold, or to transport it from elsewhere. I personally recommend the former (the epic level handbooks says that we can get many tons of adamantine when attempting to create an adamantine golem, which is worth more than gold, so there’s a precedent), however, for the sake of example let us choose the former, leaving the following example wish:

“I wish that 10 tons of pure gold, as per my understanding of the quantity ton and quality gold, be transported from deposits of ore unclaimed as property by sentient entities, as per my understanding of the qualities unclaimed, property, sentient, and entity, to the basement of my tower, as per my understanding of ‘basement of my tower,’ and be minted as solid cylinders one inch in diameter and one tenth inch in height, as per my understanding of the quantity inch and of the qualities solid and cylinder, ten seconds from the completed speaking of this spell, as per my understanding of the quantity second and quality completed speaking.”

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #87 on: April 11, 2013, 04:01:56 PM »
Ways to Expand a Spell List (III)

by ChristopherGroves

Updated and migrated

Specifically I want to list the ways a character can expand a limited spell list. I'm (for some reason) Warmage obsessed these days and that has always been one of my biggest gripes with them. I'm intersted here in ways to add to your spell list, not simply get a spell-like ability. 

If you have something to add, please let me know - similarly if you spot a mistake (I'm sure I've made a few), let me know!

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Prestige Classes
Some of these have more obvious entry requirements than others. Things listed as "any" I think really could be managed by "any" class, but it may have some serious pre-reqs. An example would be the "XXX Initiate" feats from the ECS which require summon nature's ally ... this typically only appears on the Druid list but if you added that spell to your list via another means (Recaster, for instance) you could concievably add this to just about any arcane caster (Warmage, for instance).

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Alternate Class Features
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Non-standard means
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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #88 on: April 11, 2013, 04:05:26 PM »
Caster Level Loops and You

by Bauglir

EDIT: You may find a revised version of this guide in the spoiler block at the very bottom of the post. I gave up when I realized that attempting to write a guide describing the most slavishly literal RAW was futile - the designers were never 100% consistent, so the system doesn't just get overpowered, it fails to be coherent entirely. Thus, this version of the guide will remain until I get bored enough to update it and port it over to the new boards.

Also, I realized how Consumptive Field works. I'm a seriously lazy dude, so I'm not going to add it in below, but essentially you nearly double your CL, with rounding errors. Because the stacking rules prohibit the spell from stacking with other castings ("Same Effect More than Once in Different Strengths"), each casting's maximum CL boost increases by 1/2 the previous casting's (with the initial casting working just as normal). This resolves to a series of +1/2, +3/4, +7/8, +15/16, rounding down, until rounding error brings the bonus down to +0 over the previous casting. Because it's a spell effect, it applies after all the rules below - so you can just about double all the numbers below.

And now the guide


One of the most preposterously overpowered tricks in the game is to take advantage of poorly worded class features, spells, and feats to boost your caster level to levels never intended by the designers. Many of these tricks work, but some of them don't work the way you think. This guide is your outline to the most common methods of jacking your CL into the stratosphere with feedback loops, and how these loops interact with each other. This is not a guide for practical optimization. Most of these will result in characters too powerful to play outside of PvP with similar characters.

I need tips on organizing this guide, so for now it's going to be more of a haphazard list. But let's get started anyway.

Mystic Fire Paladin is quite nice, since it will let you set your Paladin CL as equal to your caster level in anything else, +2. Since Master Spellthief only applies to your arcane spells, it doesn't help for crazy stacking, but you can still achieve nice results. Since this doesn't make your paladin casting Arcane, it also can't stack with any of the other methods for combining CLs mentioned here. Because of this, it doesn't get included below.

Oh, and the Phaerimm race is stupidly good. If you can talk your DM into letting you play it, you get 9th level spells no matter what you do, and an extra casting progression equal to your character level. This inflates your maximum CL dramatically, as you can seriously take the Knight of the Weave plus Circle Magic plus Master Spellthief route with maximum numbers of casting classes. You end with CL 1602 in this case.

Master Spellthief

Quote from: Complete Scoundrel
Master Spellthief
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells, steal spell.
Benefit: Your spellthief levels stack with levels of other arcane spellcaster classes (that is, levels of any class that grants arcane spellcasting other than the spellthief) for the purpose of determining what level of spell you can steal. For example, a 4th-level spellthief/4th-level wizard could steal spells of up to 4th level, as if he were an 8th-level spellthief.
Your spellthief and arcane spellcaster levels also stack when determining your caster level for all arcane spells. The character described above would have a caster level of 8th for both his spellthief spells and his wizard spells.
In addition, you do not incur a chance of arcane spell failure for arcane spells cast or stolen from other classes, but only if you are wearing light armor. You incur the normal arcane spell failure chance when wearing medium or heavy armor or when using a shield.

Emphasis is mine. This is the important part. What does it mean? You can add together your spellthief levels and your "arcane spellcasting levels" to determine your caster level for all arcane spells. How you interpret "arcane spellcasting levels" can lead to some different interpretations of how this feat is to work, but the common interpretation is to simply assume that your caster level in all arcane spellcasting classes other than spellthief get added to your level in spellthief. Depending on your DM, however, this may be interpreted to mean your actual level in other spellcasting classes; this essentially means that this feat cannot be used for any shenanigans, as it sums class levels and thus can never exceed your actual character level. Probably the intended interpretation of the feat.

The underlined statement is very important, however: you only add them for your spells, NOT to determine your caster level IN THAT CLASS. This means it cannot be used to meet prerequisites, and it can interact with other abilities that affect caster level in specific ways. Generally, you have to apply this ability last, because it only comes into effect when you actually cast a spell.

Sublime Chord

Quote from: Complete Arcane
A sublime chord’s caster level for both her sublime chord spells and the spells she gains from other arcane spellcasting classes is determined by adding her sublime chord level to her level in another arcane spellcasting class. If she had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a sublime chord, she must choose to which class to add her sublime chord levels for the purpose of determining her sublime chord spellcaster level.

Emphasis mine, again. The wording of this, the relevant portion of a Sublime Chord's Spells per Day ability, tells us precisely how to calculate the caster level for a Sublime Chord. This is an interesting ability, because it is dependent on a single other class's level, but applies to all arcane spellcasting classes. Additionally, it's important to bear in mind that it specifically calls out class level, not caster level.

Knight of the Weave

Quote from: Champions of Valor
Your caster level for your knight spells is equal to your knight class level plus any other arcane caster levels you may have.

This one is ok. It's Master Spellthief again, but it only applies to your spells for a single class. But it actually sets your caster level here, which allows some excellent looping. Here, unlike with Sublime Chords, your caster level is dependent on caster levels in other classes, and combines ALL of your caster levels, as opposed to a single one. Unfortunately, it sets only a single caster level.

(Greater) Consumptive Field

Quote from: Spell Compendium
Additionally, your effective caster level increases by one per death caused by this spell, to a maximum increase of half your original caster level, improving spell effects that are dependent on caster level. (This increase in effective caster level does not grant you access to more spells, and it does not increase the duration of this spell.)

EDIT: This spoiler is included only for posterity. Use the second paragraph at the beginning of the thread.

Circle Magic
Quote from: Dungeon Master's Guide
Increase the circle leader’s caster level by one for every circle bonus level expended (maximum caster level 40th). This benefit applies to level dependent variables of a spell such as range or duration, and to level checks (dispel checks, checks to overcome spell resistance, and so on)... These effects last for 24 hours or until expended. Circle bonus levels may be divided up as the circle leader sees fit. For example, the Red Wizard Hauth Var leads a circle in which four participants each cast a 2nd-level spell, so that Hauth Var gains eight circle bonus levels. Hauth Var chooses to use three circle bonus levels to maximize his cone of cold spell, three to increase his caster level from 10th to 13th for all level-based variables in his spells, and two to provide a +2 bonus on any level checks he needs to make. The maximized spell is used up whenever he casts his cone of cold, and the other two effects remain for the next 24 hours. Many high-level Red Wizards lead circles on a daily basis to exact magical power from their apprentices.

This provides a pretty absurd boost, but can't contribute to an infinite loop since it's capped. Nevertheless, being able to boost your CL to 40 is quite nice. This applies to all classes, since it specifies no specific class. The example makes clear that the caster level boost is not discharged, which is just tasty. If you're doing a non-infinite loop, a great way to start is to jack all your classes to 40 and then add them. This ability just exacerbates any other loops, so it might not actually belong here. But it's enough of a boost to be included, in my opinion.


This is where shit starts getting silly. Now that we've outlined what each ability actually does, we can get to the crazy awesome bits.


Master Spellthief with:
   Sublime Chord: This gets pretty silly. What you do here, is find your highest level arcane spellcasting class BEFORE you took Sublime Chord. It is very important that you, under no circumstances, take a prestige class that provides "+1 level of spellcasting" as its form of casting. These classes don't count toward Sublime Chord, because they're separate class levels from the class they advance, and don't have spellcasting of their own. Once you have a level of Sublime Chord, however, you CAN take such classes and advance Sublime Chord casting, which works just fine since you now gain the benefits of "just as if you'd gained a level of Sublime Chord".
Then you add your level of Sublime Chord to that level. You now have this caster level, as many times as you do arcane spellcasting progressions. Thus, a Bard 1/Wizard 8/Spellthief 1/Sublime Chord 2 has a caster level of 40 (8+2 = 10, 10+10+10+10 = 40) for spells, but only a CL of 10 for anything else CL becomes relevant for (which isn't much). Likewise, a Bard 1/Wizard 3/Master Specialist 4/Sorcerer 1/Spellthief 1/Sublime Chord 1 has a caster level of "only" 20 (3+1 = 4, 4+4+4+4+4 = 20).
   Knight of the Weave: This is less great than it at first appears, but it's still pretty nice. Essentially, every level that isn't Knight of the Weave counts twice; once for determining your Knight of the Weave caster level, and then again for determining your Master Spellthief level. So, a Wizard 18/Spellthief 1/Knight of the Weave 1 has CL 38, which isn't too shabby.
   Consumptive Field:
   Circle Magic: Heh. How many classes of spellcasting do you have? Multiply this number by 40. This is your caster level. Theoretically caps at 800, but if you want to be casting any spells worth your time you'll want 9 levels of Sublime Chord casting at minimum (the further effects of which are detailed below). So, in all likelihood, this is capped at 480.

Sublime Chord with:
   Knight of the Weave: This combination used to cause quite a stir, because some people extrapolated the result to be CL infinity. I'm here to tell you that this is not the case, fortunately. You calculate your Sublime Chord level just as in the Master Spellthief example above, and your Knight of the Weave caster level is set at the sum of that (times however many other classes you have) and your Knight of the Weave levels. Then you swear, loudly and at great length, because Sublime Chord sets it to your caster level in Sublime Chord anyway, just like it does every other class. Alternatively, you have an Undefined Caster Level in Knight of the Weave because it has to be equal, simultaneously, to two separate values. The only way to avoid this is to have Sublime Chord be dependent on Knight of the Weave, but in this case it's dependent on your actual levels in the class and so you suck anyway. Seriously, just don't do this, it saves everyone a great deal of trouble.
   Consumptive Field:
   Circle Magic: All your caster levels get set to 40. Not particularly impressive, but it does mean that you only need enough spell levels to boost your highest CL to 40, as oppose to your lowest (which would be the case if all your caster levels weren't equal). So there's a slight economic savings.

Knight of the Weave with:
   Consumptive Field:
   Circle Magic: All of your caster levels are set to 40, and added to your Knight of the Weave level, which can't be increased further because it's going to be above 40. It is wise, then, to take only a single level of Knight of the Weave; your CL in Knight of the Weave now has a maximum of 761 (19x40+1). Sublime Chord is denied you if you want to exploit this, for reasons discussed above. Unfortunately, that means you'll have to get 9th level spells the hard way, that is by reaching 17th level casting in proper casting classes. This... kinda sucks, actually, because it limits you to a mere 121 CL (17 levels at 40, plus 2 other levels at level 40, plus KotW).

Consumptive Field with:
   Circle Magic:

Master Spellthief AND Sublime Chord with:
   Knight of the Weave: Knight of the Weave counts as just another spellcasting class. Nothing special here, beyond what Master Spellthief and Sublime Chord already bring to the table. If stacking could occur, you'd basically be able to add your highest caster level a number of times equal to the square of how many different progressions you have, which would get pretty insane. CL*Progressions^2.
   Consumptive Field:
   Circle Magic: Works in basically the same way as Master Spellthief plus Circle Magic, with the economic effect granted by Sublime Chord plus Circle Magic. You can nab CL 480 and 9th level spells. Probably the best combination here.

Master Spellthief AND Knight of the Weave with:
   Consumptive Field
   Circle Magic: Absolutely hilarious. All your caster levels get set to 40, summed (for a maximum of 761, as above), to which is added all of your other caster levels (at 40) a second time, essentially sending your CL into the stratosphere at 1521. Unfortunately, you'll only be able to cast shitty spells, so unless you abuse the shit out of Reserves of Strength you can't use it for anything. If you want 9th level spells, you'll have to dump 16 extra levels into pursuing them, leaving you with (at best) CL 241.

Sublime Chord AND Knight of the Weave with:
Actually, I'm not typing this one. We've already established it either breaks the universe or is no different from standard Sublime Chord.

Sublime Chord AND Consumptive Field with:
   Circle Magic:

Knight of the Weave AND Consumptive Field with:
   Circle Magic:

Fuck it. The rules are inconsistent. They switch back and forth between the phrasing "caster level for her spells from X class" and "caster level for X class". We can treat those as identical, which they're clearly intended to be, but then we're in the magical fantasy land of the rules making sense and this whole exercise falls apart because CL shenanigans like this don't make sense. If we don't treat them as identical, then the system breaks because definitions are insufficient to cover all cases.

-Below is the work I'd done up until the above paragraph. I may later pick this up and finish off the equations, but I don't think I'll follow them through to their conclusions, as I strongly suspect the designers' inconsistency has hilariously worked out to balance the game slightly by preventing most of these loops-

Beginning revisions today. The previous guide will remain, spoilered, until I finish.

This guide is your handbook to working out just how to send your caster level spiraling into the stratosphere, using a variety of poorly worded effects. Because this whole thing relies on the literal application of the Rules as Written in flagrant violation of the authors' intent, it's important to be as strict as possible. This means accepting the flaws in the rules that hurt as as well as those that help us. This guide may only be for munchkins, but it's for honest munchkins. There'll be no cheating around here.

I'm going to accompany each of these rules with an equation for what it actually does to the calculation of your caster level. So, the first thing we are going to need is a little bit of notation. For clarity, this guide will always use * for multiplication; thus, CL is a single variable, not C*L.

CL is the variable for Caster Level.
L is the variable for Level in a Spellcasting Class.
ML is the variable for Manifester Level.
TL is the variable for Total Character Level.
A superscript will be used to denote the type of caster level used; Arc or Div for Arcane or Divine, respectively. A lack of a superscript implies that type is irrelevant.
A subscript will be used to denote which caster level is affected; 1 represents the highest value of that variable on a given character, while n represents the lowest. Thus, CL1 is a character's highest caster level.
A word in brackets accompanying an expression dealing with CL denotes which CL is being calculated; the CL of spells for a given class, or a character's CL for a given class. As established here, these can have different values, and thus we must keep track of it here.

Thus, by default,

[Spells] CLx = [Character] CLx = Lx

The caster level of spells for class x is equal to a character's caster level in class x is equal to a character's level in class x.

With that laid out, let us begin breaking the game into itty bitty pieces.

Master Spellthief

Master Spellthief is handy, but it's not as great as it could be. Unfortunately, the wording of "spellthief and arcane spellcaster levels" means that it stacks your actual levels in the class. If it said "spellthief and arcane caster levels", we'd be set. This is a shame, because it means a lot of the really key loops don't actually function. Further, you only use it to set your caster level for your spells, not your caster level in your classes; that means this can't be involved in loops. I cover it here because it's oft-used, and I actually thought it did work the last time I read it.

[Spells] CLArc1,...,n = LArc1+...+n

Sublime Chord

Quote from: Complete Arcane
A sublime chord’s caster level for both her sublime chord spells and the spells she gains from other arcane spellcasting classes is determined by adding her sublime chord level to her level in another arcane spellcasting class. If she had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a sublime chord, she must choose to which class to add her sublime chord levels for the purpose of determining her sublime chord spellcaster level.

Emphasis mine, again. The wording of this, the relevant portion of a Sublime Chord's Spells per Day ability, tells us precisely how to calculate the caster level for a Sublime Chord. This is an interesting ability, because it is dependent on a single other class's level, but applies to all arcane spellcasting classes. Additionally, it's important to bear in mind that it specifically calls out class level, not caster level.

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #89 on: April 11, 2013, 04:06:18 PM »
Tome of Battle for Dummies

by DaveTheMagicWeasel

Tome of Battle for Dummies
Crusaders, Swordsages and Warblades ... oh my!

What follows is a first attempt at a preliminary handbook for Tome of Battle.  I have however avoided calling it a handbook because an effort to make a guide so comprehensive as to deserve the name is likely a futile endeavour.  Instead this is intended as a general introduction to the book for someone just picking it up for the first time.

Right now this is a work in progress, some sections (PRCs especially) are very sparse at the moment, I'm just posting it now to get things started and start getting feedback/contributions (this job is too big for one person!).

So, what I'm looking for is any thoughts on good feats or other worthwhile options for the various classes, as well as sample builds for the various classes.  I'm quite happy with the Crusader section, but Swordsage and Warblade are harder to pin down to definable roles.  If anyone has more experience with them then any thoughts would be appreciated.  And if anyone has an iconic Swordsage 20 or Warblade 20 build with sample maneuver progressions to show people a suggested baseline from which to start working (I'll do em myself when I get chance, but if someone wants to do it great).  Also, any help on the Swordsage, Bloodstorm Blade, Deepstone Sentinel, JPM and Shadow Sun Ninja would be appreciated as they are the classes I am least familiar with.

Multiclassing: A Dippers' Guide to Tome of Battle
Prestige Classes
Discipline Focus
Choosing Maneuvers
Magic Items for Martial Adepts
Generally useful links:
Tome of Battle Tricks/Combos/Library (by Tleilaxu_Ghola).
Tome of Battle Build Compendium v2.0 (by Tleilaxu_Ghola/wolfie-kun)
Tome of Battle CustServ Q&A (by *R*)
Printable Card Format Maneuvers (notable as useful for randomly drawing Crusader maneuvers during sessions)

Multiclassing: A Dipper's Guide to Tome of Battle[/SIZE]

Tome of Battle is probably the single most dip-friendly supplement that WotC has ever produced.  This is because of the simple and elegant mechanic whereby 1/2 your HD in non-Martial Adept classes (or Racial HD) are added to your Initiator Level.

This allows almost any character that can be created to gain significant and worthwhile benefits with even just a single level of a ToB class (in the vast majority of cases using a level in a class is a better option than the Martial Study and Martial Stance feats, as doing so grants you more maneuvers as well as a recovery method for them).

This also allows you to delay entering a Martial Adept class so that the large number of maneuvers gained at 1st level do not have to be 1st level maneuvers.  This can be particularly appealing for builds that intend to enter a Prestige Class and will therefore not gain access to the ability to swap maneuvers - making low-level choices especially important.

When multiclassing with a Martial Adept Tleilaxu_Ghola's "leap frogging" is a good model to use.  This level progression pattern can apply equally well to combining a Martial Adept with a non-initiating class whilst maintaining an optimal maneuver progression.

As a simple rule, 3rd level maneuvers are a good level to aim for when dipping.  This includes a number of choice maneuvers whilst still giving you freedom to qualify for the maneuvers of your choice.  If you have your eye on maneuvers of a higher level then it is likely you need to be looking at a heavier investment in Martial Adept levels rather than a small dip.

Combining Martial Adepts: The utility of combining multiple Initiating classes bears mentioning.  This allows you to more easily meet the prerequisites for high level maneuvers by using the dipped class to choose maneuvers in a shared discipline.  Normally this means combining Warblade with one of the other two classes, since Crusader and Swordsage enjoy very little discipline overlap.  For example, a primarily Warblade character focused on Iron Heart and White Raven can use a single level in Swordsage to take low-level Diamond Mind and Tiger Claw maneuvers, allowing him to choose higher level Diamond Mind and Tiger Claw maneuvers that he would otherwise not qualify for with his later Warblade levels.

Dipping for Stances: An easily missed clause within Tome of Battle is that the stance granted at level 1 of each of the base classes has to be a 1st level stance (a restriction that does not apply to other maneuver choices).  This means dipping for higher level stances generally requires an investment of at least 2 levels.


The Crusader possesses the best recovery mechanic of any of the Martial Adepts because you recover maneuvers without ever having to spend an action to do so, giving you unparallelled stamina.  The Cha to will saves at 2nd level and ability to reroll saves at 3rd level are also very good class abilities to increase your defences.

[sblock=Analysis by Discipline]
Devoted Spirit: The main maneuver to dip for here is the 3rd level stance Thicket of Blades, a staple choice for battlefield control builds based around reach.  Other Class(es) 6 / Crusader 2 grants you this stance at the same level a straight Crusader acquires it, while Other Class(es) 8 / Crusader 2 delays its acquisition by a level in order to gain 3rd level maneuvers at the first Crusader level.  Foehammer, or one of Martial Spirit and Iron Guard's Glare are the usual choices in order to qualify for Thicket of Blades, whilst Defensive Rebuke is a good choice for tank builds that want to force opponents to attack them rather than your squishier party members.
Stone Dragon: Easy prerequisits make this a very dippable discipline.  The Mountain Hammer chain in particular scale well with their DR ignoring ability useful even at very high levels.  Stone Dragon strikes also tend to do more damage compared to maneuvers of the same level from other disciplines.
White Raven: The most interesting maneuver here is the 3rd level boost White Raven Tactics, which grants a fellow party member an additional round of actions.  This is one of the most powerful maneuvers in the game (note that CustServ actually ruled you can use this maneuver on yourself, in which case it becomes downright broken, and that the Sage subsequently reversed the CustServ ruling.  I strongly advise that you ignore CustServ on this one).
Recommended Dips:

Other Class(es) 6 / Crusader 3
1st level (5): Battle Leader's Charge, Charging Minotaur, Foehammer, Mountain Hammer, Tactical Strike + Bolstering Voice/Leading the Charge
2nd level: Thicket of Blades
3rd level: White Raven Tactics
Other Class(es) 8 / Crusader 2
1st level (5): Battle Leader's Charge, Defensive Rebuke, Foehammer, Mountain Hammer, White Raven Tactics + Bolstering Voice/Leading the Charge
2nd level: Thicket of Blades
Archerpwr's Lockdown 2.0 is an example of a primarily warblade build that dips Crusader 2 for Thicket of Blades and then builds around the stance.


In terms of maneuvers known Swordsage is the most front-loaded of the Martial Adepts, and gives access to the largest number of schools and a free Weapon Focus feat, good Ref and Will saves and 6+Int skill points.  The down side is the loss of a point of BAB and the Swordsage's poor recovery mechanic, but if you're okay with that then a Swordsage dip is a superb choice.

Swordsage is also commonly dipped to provide access to the Shadow Blade feat, normally used in conjunction with Assasin's Stance, and the Gloom Razor tactical feat (very useful for sneak attackers).

If you don't want Assassin's Stance then Swordsage is unusual amongst the Martial Adepts in that its lower level maneuvers are more dippable than either Warblade or Crusader (both of which I'd advise holding off on until 3rd level maneuvers).  Maneuvers such as Counter Charge, the Diamond Mind save counters, Sudden Leap and Shadow Jaunt can all remain useful throughout the levels.

[sblock=Analysis by Discipline]
Desert Wind: Burning Brand for the ability to grant yourself reach is the most notable maneuver here.  But in generral this is one of the weaker disciplines.
Diamond Mind: The three save replacing counters - Moment of Perfect Mind (Will), Action Before Thought (Ref) and Mind Over Body (Fort) - are the obvious choices here.  Picking counters that cover any weak saves is a good choice, but also notable is the fact that when using these counters you no longer automatically fail your save on a natural '1', which can be a lifesaver against save-or-die and save-or-suck spells and effects.  The Pearl of Black Doubt stance is also a very potent defensive option.
Setting Sun: My personal favourite here is Counter Charge as a method of avoiding attacks from charging opponents.  Feigned Opening can also be useful for Attack of Opportunity builds by giving you an extra way to generate an AoO.
Shadow Hand: Shadow Jaunt is your first pick here - with no prerequisites for a standard action teleport this is a great way to increase your characters maneuverability.  Otherwise, this is the discipline for sneak attackers - Assasin's Stance is a common choice for triggering Shadow Blade, as are Child of Shadows and Island of Blades.  Child of Shadows also combines well with the Gloom Razor feat to avoid attacks and then let you activate an invisibility effect in response (activating sneak attack).  Cloak of Deception is also useful as a sneak attack activator.
Stone Dragon: Easy prerequisites make this a very dippable discipline.  The Mountain Hammer chain in particular scale well with their DR ignoring ability useful even at very high levels.  Stone Dragon strikes also tend to do more damage compared to maneuvers of the same level from other disciplines.  Swordsages gain particular benefit from this discipline as they lack access to other disciplines with highly damaging standard action strikes.
Tiger Claw: A lack of worthwhile zero prerequisite maneuvers make this a dificult discipline to get into, if you do take either Wolf Fang Strike or Claw at the Moon and then simply ready other maneuvers.  Sudden Leap is a useful source of maneuverability (and allows for movement + full attack), Blood in the Water combines very well with a dual kukri wielding character and can amass very impressive bonuses, and Hunter's Sense is a useful choice for a party tracker.
Recommended Dips:

Other Class(es) 8 / Swordsage 2 (able to take Shadow Blade at 9th level)
1st level: Cloak of Deception, Counter Charge, Feigned Opening, Mind Over Body, Moment of Perfect Mind, Shadow Jaunt, + Island of Blades (Child of Shadows if taking Gloom Razor)
2nd level: Burning Brand + Assassin's Stance
Other Class(es) 4 / Swordsage 1
1st Level: Action Before Thought, Counter Charge, Moment of Perfect Mind, Shadow Jaunt, Sudden Leap, Wolf Fang Strike + Stance of choice


Warblade is the only base class with access to the powerful Iron Heart discipline, which then allows you to qualify for the Stormguard Warrior tactical feat.  In addition to a good shell and some useful, if unspectacular, class abilities at low level this makes for a good dip.  The only downside is that a Warblade's second stance does not come until 4th level, meaning that a dip for a particular stance is more likely a job for Crusader or Swordsage.

[sblock=Analysis by Discipline]
Diamond Mind: The three save replacing counters - Moment of Perfect Mind (Will), Action Before Thought (Ref) and Mind Over Body (Fort) - are the obvious choices here.  Picking counters that cover any weak saves is a good choice, but also notable is the fact that when using these counters you no longer automatically fail your save on a natural '1', which can be a lifesaver against save-or-die and save-or-suck spells and effects.  The Pearl of Black Doubt stance is also a very potent defensive option.
Iron Heart: The choice maneuver here is the incredibly versatile Iron Heart Surge, which allows you to remove adverse conditions (the Q&A thread contains a clarification on what this actually means).  In order to qualify for this you will need another Iron Heart maneuver - Punishing Stance is a good choice as it will also allow you to qualify for the Ironheart Aura feat and latterly Stormguard Warrior, but Wall of Blades is also a very useful counter, especially if your AC is substantially less than your own roll to hit (characters using the Shock Trooper tactical feat from Complete Warrior are the best example of this).
Stone Dragon: Easy prerequisits make this a very dippable discipline.  The Mountain Hammer chain in particular scale well with their DR ignoring ability useful even at very high levels.  Stone Dragon strikes also tend to do more damage compared to maneuvers of the same level from other disciplines.
Tiger Claw: A lack of worthwhile zero prerequisite maneuvers make this a dificult discipline to get into, if you do take either Wolf Fang Strike or Claw at the Moon and then simply ready other maneuvers.  Sudden Leap is a useful source of maneuverability (and allows for movement + full attack), Blood in the Water combines very well with a dual kukri wielding character and can amass very impressive bonuses, and Hunter's Sense is a useful choice for a party tracker.
White Raven: The most interesting maneuver here is the 3rd level boost White Raven Tactics, which grants a fellow party member an additional round of actions.  This is one of the most powerful maneuvers in the game (note that CustServ actually ruled you can use this maneuver on yourself, in which case it becomes downright broken, and that the Sage subsequently reversed the CustServ ruling.  I strongly advise that you ignore CustServ on this one).
Recommended Dips:

Other Class(es) 8 / Warblade 1
Stormguard Warrior qualification version: Iron Heart Surge, Moment of Perfect Mind, Wall of Blades, + Punishing Stance
White Raven Tactics qualification version: Iron Heart Surge, Wall of Blades, White Raven Tactics + Bolstering Voice/Leading the Charge
Stormguard Warrior and White Raven Tactics qualification: Iron Heart Surge, Leading the Attack, White Raven Tactics + Punishing Stance



More so than any other class the Crusader is a tank right out of the box - this is what the Paladin and the Knight should have been all along.  The average Crusader can absorb an enormous amount of damage thanks to his Steely Resolve ability and healing from Devoted Spirit (and the Stone Power feat if you so choose), control the battlefield using reach weapon and attack of opportunity tactics, and buff and heal their fellow party members thanks to Devoted Spirit and White Raven maneuvers.  While not the biggest damage dealer on the block you can dish out your fair share with Furious Counterstrike and your offensive maneuvers, and the enormous stamina that your survivability and constantly refreshing maneuvers give you make you a formidable opponent.

Your correct position is stood directly in front of the biggest melee threat ranged against you, blocking the path to your party members as best you can.  Don't be afraid forgo full attacks in order to move around to adopt the best position (using Standard Action strikes to maintain your threat level), and don't hold back on using your maneuvers - its use them or lose them (and they'll be back in a round or two anyway).

Common Crusader tactics fall into two areas - 'Lockdown' and 'Crackdown' - the latter normally being an evolution of the former.  Lockdown refers to pinning your opponents in place so that they cannot attack weaker party members and instead have to face you, the ultra resilient tank (i.e. the classic fighter protecting the casters archetype).  Crackdown, meanwhile, refers to what you do your opponent next - having forced them to stand next to you you proceed to beat them to a bloody pulp.  While the Crusader excels at the Lockdown aspect of this strategy, Warblade excels at Crackdown by virtue of Diamond Mind strikes and Stormguard Warrior for damage.  See the second 'Stormguard Crusader' build for an example of this (and a Warblade dipping Crusader is also entirely viable).

Human: Because of the feat intensive nature of battlefield control tactics Human is, as usual, the most optimal choice for a Crusader.
Dwarf: The Con boost is nice, and if you can be a Gold Dwarf to avoid the Charisma penalty then this can be a good choice.  This also allows you to qualify for the Deepstone Sentinel PrC.
Elf or Half-elf: The Con penalty will severely hurt a Crusader, but a sub race that avoids that (e.g. Wood Elf) can be a good choice.  This also allows your to qualify for the powerful Eternal Blade PrC, for which Half-elf can sometimes be a good choice if your group enforces multiclassing penalties.
Aasimar: The LA is too much of a cost for what this gives you, but if you can buy back the LA and plan to head for Ruby Knight Vindicator then the stat boosts will serve you well.
Draconic (Draconomicon/Races of the Dragon): Stat boosts your three important stats (Str, Con and Cha), and you can put this template on a human to keep your bonus feat.  If playing with LA buy off then in the long run this will be a good choice, but you will be a level behind at low-mid levels.
Goliath (Races of Stone): Again, the LA hurts, but the physical stat boosts, access to Goliath Barbarian for Mountain Rage and the ability to qualify for the Knockback feat open up interesting possibilities.
Extra Granted Maneuver (ToB): This feat means that your maneuvers will now refresh themselves every 3 rounds instead of every 4, allowing you more uses of your most powerful maneuvers.  This is always a good choice for a Crusader and if you can fit it in then you should.
Stone Power (ToB): The main use of this feat is to tailor the hit points it provides so as to soak up the damage stored in your delayed damage pool from the previous round.  At low levels this can make a Crusader phenomenally hard to kill, but, while still useful, its utility fades away as you level up as 10 hp becomes rather trivial.  If retraining (PHB2) is allowed then this is a good choice for low levels before swapping out later.
Combat Reflexes: As a Crusader you will almost certainly want to wield a reach weapon.  Furthermore, this feat allows you to take Robilar's Gambit (see below).
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain): The classic weapon of the tripper is actually not the best choice for a Crusader.  Either a Guisarme (if tripping) or a Glaive (if using Stand Still) can both give you reach without having to spend a precious feat, while armour spikes and the 5-foot step should be sufficient for adjacent opponents.
Stand Still (XPH/SRD): Despite being in the XPH this is a non-psionic feat.  When combined with the Thicket of Blades stance this allows you to force an opponent to stay where it is, meaning that its attacks will have to be directed against you rather than squishier party members.  A superb tool in the tank's armoury this also has the advantage over Improved Trip in that in can be used on normally untrippable foes (Oozes and the like).
Combat Expertise + Improved Trip: If you're pressed for feats then Stand Still is the better choice due to its greater versatility, but against foes that you can trip this is the superior option since the free attack and AoO for standing from prone allow you to cause damage simultaneous to controlling the opponent's position.
Robilar's Gambit (PHB2): By granting your opponent bonuses to hit and damage this grants you an AoO after an opponent attacks you (whether they hit or miss).  This is useful on its own since you can likely absorb the hits better than your opponent (it can be a good idea to turn the feat off when you're low on hp though), but also combines very well with Stormguard Warrior's Channel the Storm ability if you work a way to qualify for it into your build.
Karmic Strike (Complete Warrior): Similar to Robilar's Gambit, but harder to qualify and only triggers if your opponent actaully hits you.  Frankly, Robilar's Gambit is better unless you make use of the fact that the Karmic Strike AoO takes place before the opponent's attack roll is made, allowing you to disrupt your opponent's attacks (e.g. by tripping them).  Its a bit cheesy, but also very effective.  Whether its right for your game/DM is up to you.
Mage Slayer (Complete Arcane): Combined with Thicket of Blades and Stand Still this can make for a very effective way to shut opposing casters down.  Sadly, casters being casters, quite often they'll have a trick up their sleeve to counter it so try and hit them with something to deny them actions as well, e.g. White Raven Hammer.
Defensive Sweep (PHB2): Opponents you threaten who do not attack you in their turn provoke an AoO from you - this has good synergy with the usual lockdown tactics employed by Crusaders and further reinforces the lose-lose situation you're aiming to put your opponent into.
Overwhelming Assault (PHB 2): Gain a +4 bonus on attacks against adjacent opponents who do not attack you.  Further reinforcement to the lose-lose situation.
Earth Devotion (CC): Creates difficult terrain as an immediate action - very useful for stopping people from making 5 ft. steps for Lockdown purposes.  Obviously better with Cleric levels (and hence RKV), and also useful as it can replace Thicket of Blades if you want to use a different stance.
Level 1 Optimization

There are two common choices here, both of which presume human.  The first is to take Extra Granted Maneuver and Stone Power while wielding a glaive/guisarme + armour spikes and functioning as a potent meatshield (adding more battlefield control as you level up).  The other option is to start as a battlefield controller, again with glaive/guisarme + armour spikes and take Combat Reflexes and Stand Still as your feats.  I would recommend this second option as it will level better (consider Extra Granted Maneuver at 3rd level).

If flaws are in play I would take all 4 of Combat Reflexes, Extra Granted Maneuver, Stand Still and Stone Power, which will make for a superb tank.

For 1st level stances the two stand out candidates are both from Devoted Spirit - Martial Spirit and Iron Guard's Glare.  Martial Spirit is very useful for healing both yourself and the party and is normally the best to take at level 1, with IGG at level 2 (this is combined with a reach weapon to give a de facto +4 AC to all nearby allies, so is a good stance to start a combat in before switching to Martial Spirit once you or your allies have taken some damage).

Tleilaxu_Ghola's Report from the Trenches on a low level Crusader in a real game environment is also useful reading for the aspiring Crusader.

Break Points

As a general rule, an even number of levels is a good guide - that maximizes the 1/2 IL from other classes (since an odd number will lead to rounding down of half an IL).  Some particular points to consider for a Crusader:
2: You've acquired 2 stances, likely Thicket of Blades if you're a dipper and good for a Charisma heavy dipper.
3: The ability to reroll '1's on saves is incredibly useful when you start facing save-or-dies and save-or-sucks
8: A 3rd stance (either Thicket of Blades or with multiclassing you can push this to one of the 6th level Devoted Spirit stances), and your Steely Resolve has just increased to 15.
14: The previous level you acquired Mettle and now you've just picked up the last stance Crusader has to offer.  Be sure to take that 14th level at the end of the build though - with 6 levels in any other class your IL is now 17 and you can grab a 9th level maneuver (Strike of Righteous Vitality is a popular choice).
After that, Crusader gets a little underwhelming.  A Crusader 20 will certainly be a solid choice (and epic ready), but have a look round for something else to fill those levels up.


There is an enormous amount of scope for multiclassing with a Crusader, but for now we shall limit ourselves to a straight Crusader 20 build as an example of typical tactics and to provide a baseline of maneuver choices.

Basic Crusader
Build Stub: Human Crusader 20

Human: Combat Reflexes
1: Stand Still
3: Extra Granted Maneuver
6: Combat Expertise
9: Improved Trip
12: Robilar’s Gambit
15: Defensive Sweep (PHB2)
18: Overwhelming Assault (PHB2)

[sblock=Maneuvers]watch this space...
What makes it good?

This build combines almost all of the usual reach and AoO optimization tricks and spends most of its time in the Thicket of Blades stance, with Stand Still and Improved trip to force an opponent to stand and face you.

The build then focuses on making this a lose-lose situation for your opponent.  If they choose to attack you they trigger Robilar's Gambit to grant you AoOs and charge up your Furious Counterstrike ability.  If they don't attack you then they trigger your Defensive Rebuke boost, and Defensive Sweep and Overwhelming Assault feats to grant you AoOs and bonuses on your attacks.

So, your opponent is punished if they (a) try and move away from you, (b) stand and attack you, and (c) stand and don't attack you.  There aren't many good options left for them really.

Stomguard Crusader
Build Stub: Human Crusader 16 / Warblade 4 (Crusader 8 / Warblade 1 / Crusader +2 / Warblade +1 / Crusader +2 / Warblade +1 / Crusader +2 / Warblade +1 / Crusader +2)

Human: Combat Reflexes
1: Stand Still
3: Extra Granted Maneuver
6: Stone Power
9: Ironheart Aura
12: Stormguard Warrior
15: Robilar's Gambit
18: Defensive Sweep (PHB2)

[sblock=Maneuvers]Maneuvers in Italics are later swapped out.

Crusader 1: Charging Minotaur (SD 1), Crusader's Strike (DS 1), Douse the Flames (WR 1), Leading the Attack (WR 1), Stone Bones (SD 1) + Martial Spirit (DS 1, Stance)
Crusader 2: Iron Guard's Glare (DS 1, Stance)
Crusader 3: Foehammer (DS 2)
Crusader 4: Swap Leading the Attack -> Battle Leader's Charge (WR 2)
Crusader 5: White Raven Tactics (WR 3)
Crusader 6: Swap Stone Bones -> Defensive Rebuke or Revitalising Strike (DS 3)
Crusader 7: Divine Surge (DS 4)
Crusader 8: Swap Charging Minotaur -> White Raven Strike (WR 4) + Thicket of Blades (DS 3. Stance)
Warblade 1: Iron Heart Surge (IH 3), Moment of Perfect Mind (DM 1), Wall of Blades (IH 2) + Punishing Stance (IH 1, Stance)
Crusader 9: Radiant Charge (DS 5)
Crusader 10: Swap Crusader's Strike -> Flanking Maneuver (WR 5)
Warblade 2: Lightning Recovery (IH 4)
Crusader 11: Order Forged From Chaos (WR 6)
Crusader 12: Swap Douse the Flames -> Rallying Strike (DS 6)
Warblade 3: Iron Heart Focus (IH 5)
Crusader 13: Clarion Call (WR 7)
Crusader 14: Swap Foehammer -> White Raven Hammer (WR 8) + Immortal Fortitude (DS 8, Stance)
Warblade 4: Dancing Blade Form (IH 5, Stance)
Crusader 15: Strike of Righteous Vitality (DS 9)
Crusader 16: Swap Battle Leader's Charge -> War Master's Charge (WR 9)
What makes it good?

This build is a good example of a leap-frogging pattern, acquiring Thicket of Blades as fast as possible before alternating between 2 Crusader levels and additional Warblade levels to allow for cherry picking of maneuvers.

It sacrifices the Improved Trip of the pure Crusader build and a slightly slowed maneuver progression so as to add in a smattering of useful warblade maneuvers and the powerful Stormguard Warrior feat.  This feat is added on the existing Crusader strategy of pinning down your opponent and then creating a lose-lose situation for them - any attacks they provoke from Robilar's Gambit can now be sacrificed for bonuses to attacks and damage with Channel the Storm.  Furthermore, you can spend a round charging up Combat Rhythm and then use Stand Still to prevent an opponent moving away from you - virtually guaranteeing that they will be on the receiving end of the hefty bonuses you're accumulated.

Put simply, compared to the straight Crusader build it trades a small amount of battlefield control capability for a significant increase in damage dealing ability.



The Swordsage has two main sources for optimization - hit and run tactics using its maneuverability and strikes, and Two-Weapon Fighting making use primarily of the Shadow Blade feat, as well as its wide selection of boosts.  These two fighting styles can actually be combined thanks to a number of swift action maneuvers allowing the Swordsage to move and full attack all in the same round (notably Sudden Leap, Shadow Blink, Pouncing Charge, Leaping Flame and Quicksilver Motion).  Further, the Swordsage has access to a wide variety of counters for defensive purposes.

However, the Swordsage is an incredibly versatile class and there are a great many fighting styles it can capably employ.  For example, Setting Sun throw maneuvers can be used to make a battlefield controller.

The classes main weakness is its awful recovery method (1 maneuver per full-round action).

Human: Usual deal, feats are good.
Strongheart Halfling: Gets a bonus feat like a human as well as the Dex boost of the Halfling
Whisper Gnome (Races of Stone): Very good stealth abilities and ability bonuses - arguably this race deserves to be LA+1.
Xeph (XPH/SRD): A bonus to Dex for Weapon Finesse/Shadow Blade synergy, a power point reserve for feat and PrC qualification and the ability to take 15 on Cocentration checks (for Diamond Mind), and a boost to speed which can help with the jump checks for Tiger Claw and the effects of Tornado Throw.  Also of note is the Xeph Burst, Extra feat in Complete Psionic.  Overall, this is a superb choice.

Adaptive Style (ToB): In and of itself this is a staple feat for Swordsage builds, since the Swordsage recovery method is incredibly slow.  It also allows you to rapidly tailor your maneuver selection when not adjacent to an opponent (i.e. changing to more appropriate maneuvers once you see your opponent is the Swordsage equivalent of casting a buff spell).  This is also an especially useful feat for a multiclassed Warblade/Swordsage who gains the ability to refresh both lists of maneuvers in a single round.  Furthermore, you can initiate a maneuver on the same round you use this - e.g. spend a swift action to use a maneuver, then spend a full-round to refresh maneuvers including refreshing the maneuver you just used).  Where this gets really good is when combined with the Moment of Alacrity maneuver (Diamond Mind 6), which allows you to move your next turn up in the initiative order - almost certainly to the front of the queue - so a Swordsage with Moment of Alacrity and Adaptive Style effectively has all his maneuvers ready at all times.
Extra Readied Maneuver (ToB): Not essential, but having more maneuvers available is intrinsically a good thing.
Shadow Blade (ToB): This allows you to add your Dex to damage when wielding Shadow Hand weapons in a Shadow Hand stance.  This makes for a good Dex based two-weapon fighting build, normally revolving around Assasin's Stance and dual wielding daggers, before entering Bloodclaw Master for 2 levels to remove the attack roll penalties.
Weapon Finesse: Combines with Shadow Blade for Dex based combatants.  Sadly you can't qualify for it at 1st level.
Gloom Razor (ToB): Requiring Shadow Blade to qualify, this is a good choice for rogues and other sneak attackers dipping into Swordsage because it allows you to become invisible if an opponent misses you due to a miss chance (such as provided by the Child of Shadows stance), and to render opponents flat-footed.
Level 1 Optimization

The main choices of feats at 1st level as a Swordsage are 2 from Two-Weapon Fighting, Shadow Blade and Adaptive Style.  Ideally use flaws for all 3, but if not I would likely sacrifice Adaptive Style.

For maneuvers I would suggest Wolf Fang Strike and Sudden Leap to allow for mobile full attacks, Child of Shadows as a stance to grant concealment whilst doing so, Counter Charge to deflect any attempts to get to grips with you and Burning Blade as a generic damage boost (primarily to combine with Wolf Fang Strike).  The final two (unreadied) maneuvers are very open, but Diamond Mind or Shadow Hand maneuvers to help meet later prerequisites would be my choices.

Break Points

As a general rule, an even number of levels is a good guide - that maximizes the 1/2 IL from other classes (since an odd number will lead to rounding down of half an IL). Some particular points to consider for a Swordsage:
2: Wis to AC, 2 stances (common to use multiclassing to make the second Assasin's Stance), boosts to Reflex and Will saves and a free Weapon focus to offset the BAB loss.
4: Still only 1 BAB loss, but now you've got more maneuvers and added Wis to damage with one school of strikes (especially useful for a Swordsage focusing heavily on one discipline).
9: 3 lost BAB hurts, but 4 stances and Evasion lessens the pain.
14: all set for a 9th level maneuver is you delay level 14 till the end, and you also pick up yet another stance at this level.
20: Epic ready, the powerful Dual boost ability and yet another new stance.


Swordsage 20 (TWFing mobility build - Shadow Blade + Gloom Razor)
Human: Two-Weapon Fighting
1: Shadow Blade
3: Weapon Finesse
6: Adaptive Style
9: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
12: Gloom Razor
15: Open
18: Open

Setting Sun focused battlefield controller/tank

- Beshadowed Blade v.2
- Daring Swordsage


Of the three base classes presented in Tome of Battle the Warblade is the hardest to pin down to a particular role within the party.  Whether its damage dealing, tanking, mobility or party buffing/aiding the Warblade has access to the tools to do the job.  Take advantage of this fact and make your Warblade as versatile as possible, able to respond to any situation and fill any gap in your party.  While the Crusader excels as the tank and the Swordsage excels on the move the one area where the Warblade can really shine is as a damage dealer - either through Stormguard Warrior or charging feats (or quite likely, both).  Amongst the traditional classes the Barbarian or the Paladin are probably the closest parallels, although the average Warblade should have rather more tricks up his/her sleeve.


Human: Feats are good.
Elf: The Con penalty hurts, but entrance to Eternal Blade can be worth it.  A Wood Elf to avoid the Con penalty is a good choice.

Adaptive Style (ToB): In and of itself this is a useful feat, since it allows you to rapidly tailor your maneuver selection when out of combat (i.e. changing to more appropriate maneuvers once you see your opponent is the Warblade equivalent of casting a buff spell).  This is also an especially  useful feat for a multiclassed Warblade/Swordsage who gains the ability to refresh both lists of maneuvers in a single round.  Furthermore, unlike the normal Warblade recovery method you can initiate a maneuver on the same round you use this - e.g. spend a swift action to use a maneuver such as White Raven Tactics, then spend a full-round to refresh maneuvers including refreshing the maneuver you just used).  Where this gets really good is when combined with the Moment of Alacrity maneuver (Diamond Mind 6), which allows you to move your next turn up in the initiative order - almost certainly to the front of the queue - so a Warblade with Moment of Alacrity and Adaptive Style effectively has all his maneuvers ready at all times.  And as for Greater Celerity abusing warblade/JPMs ... I don't even want to think about it.
Stormguard Warrior (ToB): This is the staple of a great many damage dealing builds.  Combat Rhythm combines well with anything that increases number of attacks (e.g. two-wepon fighting, flurry of blows, haste, Avalanche of Blows, Dancing/Raging Mongoose, Time Stands Still, etc).  Channel the Storm combines well with anything that generates Attacks of Opportunity (Robilar's Gambit, Karmic Strike, reach weapon, Hold the Line, Thicket of Blades, Defensive Rebuke, etc).  Note that a more in-depth section on Stormguard Warrior is in teh Discipline Focus section under Iron Heart.
Robilar's Gambit (PHB 2): Useful in combination with Stormguard Warrior as an AoO generation method to fuel Channel the Storm.
Shock Trooper (Complete Warrior): The Heedless Charge ability lets you take a penalty to AC instead of your attack roll to fuel Power Attack when charging, which can lead to enormous amounts of damage.  Combine this with maneuvers used on the charge such as Pouncing Charge, and with Wall of Blades to allow you to replace your substantially reduced AC with an attack roll to minimize your vulnerability.
Combat Brute (Complete Warrior): This feat synergizes very well with Shock Trooper.  Its best to have both, but if you have to pick one then pick Shock Trooper.
Leap Attack (Complete Adventurer): Increase your Power Attack multiplier on the charge.  This is to stack on top of Shock Trooper.
Warblade Bonus Feats: Upon first sight the list of Warblade bonus feats looks like a poor one, but although it is a limited selection many of the feats presented can be put to good use in qualifying for other more powerful feats and prestige classes (and if all else fails Improved Initiative never did anyone any harm).
Blind Fight -> Master of Nine (ToB), Pierce Magicsl Concealment (CArc)
Combat Reflexes -> Robilar's Gambit (PHB 2)
Endurance -> Steadfast Determination (PHB 2)
Improved Initiative -> Master of Nine (ToB), Nightsong Enforcer (CAdv)
Ironheart Aura -> Stormguard Warrior (ToB)
Stone Power -> Shards of Granite (ToB)

Level 1 Optimization

Punishing Stance provides a good source of low level damage, Steel Wind and Wolf Fang Strike allow for multiple attacks to be made whilst on the move, with Sudden Leap for maneuverability.

Break Points

As a general rule, an even number of levels is a good guide - that maximizes the 1/2 IL from other classes (since an odd number will lead to rounding down of half an IL).  The Warblade actually possesses one of the smoothest progressions of any class with almost every level offering some sort of ability, nevertheless, some particular points to consider for a Warblade:
1: Short and sweet, this is normally used to grab an Iron Heart stance for Stormguard Warrior qualification and a couple of other maneuvers of choice.
4: Here you get your second stance.  One notable option is to take three Warblade levels and then multiclassing for two levels before returning to Warblade so as to bump up this stance to a 3rd level one
7: Int to damage against flanked ot flat-footed opponents.  This is the first of the Battle X abilities that is especially interesting and synergizes very well with Rogue and/or Swashbuckler builds.
10: A 3rd stance and you're set up to finish a 10 level PrC if so desired (Eternal Blade for instance).
20: Stance mastery is a very tempting capstone ability.  A Warblade 20 is a perfectly viable character.


CantripN's Factotum of War (Warblade 20)

Tleilaxu_Ghola 's Feral Dreadlord (Warblade heavy ToB Sneak Attack optimization)

CantripN's Phoenix the Fierce (Crackdown build)

[SIZE="5"]Prestige Classes[/SIZE][/B]

The main trade off to be made when entering an Initiator Level progressing Prestige Class is that you will lose the ability to swap out lower level maneuvers as you level up.  This means that you may have less high level maneuvers (Master of Nine with its large number of maneuvers known is the exsception to this), and also means that your choices of low level maneuvers becomes more important.

You can, however, attempt to get the best of both worlds by returning to your base class after finishing your Prestige Class and thereby gain the benefits of a couple of maneuver swaps.

Prestige Classes and IL Progression:
- thanks to DavidWL for writing this section
If a prestige classes progress IL then it does so for all the relevant classes.  Example:  Warblade 1/Swordsage 1/Crusader 3/Shadow Sun Ninja 10/Master of Nine 5

Warblade IL = 18
Swordsage IL = 18
Crusader IL = 19

This is most of note if you take a dip much later, for example: Swordsage 1/Cleric 1/Monk 1/Crusader 2/Ruby Knight Vindicator 9/Master of Nine 5/Warblade 1.  Amusingly enough, when you take the warblade level at 20th level, you have an IL of 17 for the Warblade.

Crusaders and Prestige Classes:
- thanks to DavidWL for writing this section
One wonderful thing about the way prestige classes effect the crusader is that, as stated on page 96 under the "Maneuvers Known" section, "If you choose to add the maneuver readied to a martial maneuver progression derived from crusader class levels, you also gain one additional maneuver granted at the beginning of the encounter for each additional maneuver you can ready."

This is the awesomeness behind a Crusader/Master of Nine build such as Reshar, by LogicNinja:

Bloodclaw Master
- great 2 level dip for TWFers, 3rd is nice for the extra REadied Maneuver, but the last two grant diminishing returns - stop at either 2 or 3 and either return to your base class or pick up another PrC.
- As pointed out by X-Codes, the 'pounce' ability is technically not a strike, which means a Warblade can use it on the same turn that he recovers maneuvers (otherwise its uninspiring, and the readied TC strike you lose will often be better than the ability itself)

Bloodstorm Blade
- Link to Dungeoncrasher Bloodstorm Blade build (JJ -

Deepstone Sentinel
- Deepstone Sentinel / Dwarven Defender synergy (they basically have the same restrictions).
- Ranged Option = Balthanon's Soulbow Sentinel

CantripN's Battlesmith / Deepstone Sentinel Build

Eternal Blade
The Eternal Blade is one of the most powerful ToB Prestige Classes - one of only three that grant full BAB, and the only one that doesn't require multiclassing to enter (so maintaining full IL if so desired) - and is therefore a popular choice.  However, a common misconception when optimizing an Eternal Blade is to focus on the abilities that add Intelligence to many things.  These are secondary, the real power comes from using Eternal Training for free action refreshing of your most powerful maneuvers, with the capstone Island in Time ability a superb option either as a tactical response or for nova tactics.

Elf: You've got to be an elf to qualify, so you have little choice here.
Sun Elf (FRCS): Loses the Dex bonus and instead gains an Int bonus.  If you're not using Weapon Finesse this is a good trade off.
Grey Elf: At first sight this may seem attractive for the +2 Int, but appearances can be deceiving and the loss of Strength will rarely be worth it (Swashbuckler entries are the exception).
Wild Elf: An elf without the Con penalty, although it comes at the price of -2 Int.
[COLOR="Blue"]Half Elf:[/COLOR] My group(s) haven't played for multiclassing penalties for years (the fact that they make a Half-Elf a better Eternal Blade than a normal elf is a perfect example of why we abandoned them), so if your group is the same ignore the following advice and pick an elf subrace that matches your ability score priorities.  If your DM does enforce xp penalties then they will cripple a lot of Eternal Blade builds, since no elf has a ToB class as a favored class, in which case Half-Elf becomes the best choice allowing for a more optimal division of class levels.
[SIZE="3"]Entry Classes[/SIZE]
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Crusader:[/COLOR] Access to Devoted Spirit and White Raven (two of the Eternal Blade's disciplines), as well as non-action recovery make this a good choice - the combination of Crusader recovery with Eternal Training allows you to initiate an endless stream of powerful maneuvers.  Furthermore, the comparative lack of swift/immediate action maneuvers available to the Crusader means they will be more likely to take advantage of the Eternal Blade's swift action class abilities, and the healing provided by Devoted Spirit can offset the Con penalty suffered by the elf.  simply ignore Indomitable Soul (use Diamond Mind  counters to cover your will save instead) and this doesn't even add any MAD to the build.  Crusader is especially good when multiclassed with Warblade so as to gain Diamond Mind and Iron Heart maneuvers to allow for later qualification.  The Crusader heavy option would probably be Crusader 8 / Warblade 2, to grant Thicket of Blades and then employ standard Lockdown tactics, with Guided Strike to help you with Crackdown by ensuring that every attack counts.
[COLOR="Blue"]Warblade:[/COLOR] The Int focus of the Eternal Blade, and Warblade's access to Diamond Mind, Iron Heart and White Raven seemingly make this the default entry class, but for the reasons cited above I'm actually of the opinion Crusader is the superior choice.  Warblade 7 is a good break point for Int synergy purposes (although Battle Cunning doesn't actually stack with Eternal Training since both provide Insight bonuses), although Warblade 10 also offers a second bonus feat and a 5th level stance.  Multiclassing with Crusader for Devoted Spirit maneuvers is also a good option - either Warblade 7 / Crusader 3 or Warblade 9 / Crusader 1.
Swordsage: At first sight you might think this a good choice, with its access to Diamond Mind maneuvers and free Weapon Focus for the prerequisite.  However, Swordsage offers no overlap with the Eternal Blade's other disciplines, possibly adds Wisdom to your build (normally a dump stat) and the lost point of BAB delays your entry - meaning you cannot get Island in Time before epic levels.
Swashbuckler (CWar): 3 levels for Intelligence to damage and Weapon Finesse (either to dual wield short swords or with an elven courtblade) make this a good choice for a Grey Elf, Swashbuckler 3 / Warblade 7 grants Int to damage twice before even starting Eternal Blade and still ensures you pick up a 9th level maneuver at EB 9.
[COLOR="Red"]Factotum (Dungeonscape):[/COLOR] The 3rd level ability to add Int to Str and Dex checks/skills has potential as part of a tripping build, the downside is the lost point of BAB, slower entry to Eternal Blade and lost Initiator Level - not worth it if you ask me.
[SIZE="3"]Class Features[/SIZE]
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Eternal Training:[/COLOR] Int to attacks and damage you say?  Its a trap say I!  The real power of this ability is using it to refresh a powerful maneuver to use again in an encounter, or to pick up a maneuver you don't have access to on your list.  An extra Time Stands Still or Strike of Righteous Vitality are better than Int to attacks and damage.  Also, "you can use this ability only once per encounter", and since if you were to use it for Int bonus it would obviously be best to use it at the start of an encounter, to maximize the benefit, I strongly suggest saving it for the maneuver at a pivotal point in the encounter.
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Guided Strike:[/COLOR] Uses your swift action for the round, but can be used an unlimited number of times per day, making this an excellent ability - even after you've expended all your maneuvers you can use this to maintain a very respectable damage output.  A 2-level dip for this ability is certainly justifiable, any more than that and you may as well go the whole way.
Armored Uncanny Dodge: Someone wasn't paying attention when they wrote this - you can use uncanny dodge while wearing armor normally.  Still, with a Warblade 2 entry this boosts you up to Improved Uncanny Dodge to thwart sneak attackers, and even without Uncanny Dodge never did anyone any harm
Eternal Knowledge: In and of itself this ability is handy without being amazing (with all 10 levels it amounts to 50 free skill points).  An interesting trick is to take the Knowledge Devotion feat (see below).
[COLOR="Blue"]Defensive Insight:[/COLOR] There is nothing intrinsically wrong with this ability, but where it falls down is that its competing for your swift action with Guided Strike, Warblade maneuver recovery and any swift/immediate actions boosts and counters you have, meaning it will often be a sub par choice.  That said, if you have nothing to use your swift action on Int to AC is better than a kick in the teeth, and if you opt for a Crusader-dominant entry you won't have as many swift action maneuvers competing with the ability.
[COLOR="Blue"]Tactical Insight:[/COLOR] Like Defensive Insight, the problem with this is what its competing with for your actions.  Useful if you have a hard-hitting ally (e.g. a Power Attacking Frenzied Berzerker).  Where these two abilities are good is in that they provide you with excellent staying power even if you run out of maneuvers, so use these abilities on weak mooks and unleash the maneuvers on the BBEG.
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Island in Time:[/COLOR] Once per encounter you get an extra turn.  This is well worth sticking through to the end of the class for, and there are two main uses for this ability:
     Nova: You can use your normal turn to make 2 full attacks using Time Stands Still, then use Island in Time to act immediately after your turn, use Eternal Training to regain Time Stands Still and make another 2 full attacks.  This can be used for both normal full attacks, or as a way of immediately gaining the benefits of Stormguard Warrior's Combat Rhythm, Shards of Granite's Unstoppable Onslaught before your opponent has a chance to react and nullify your bonuses, or just for normal full attacks.  There's very little that can take this kind of a beating (Time Stands Still is just one example of a powerful combo, there are lots).
     Interruption/Interception: The fact that this ability is an immediate action allows you to use it to block your enemies offensive moves.  Enemy caster casting a spell?  Act quickly and smash his face in to force a nice high Concentration check.  Enemy bruiser charging your party's squishy wizard?  Act quickly and stand before the brute.  A superb tactical advantage.
This is just a list of feats of specific use to the Eternal Blade, I suggest you consult the Crusader/Swordsage/Warblade sections for more ideas depending on what your entry to the class is.
[COLOR="Blue"]Knowledge Devotion (Complete Champion):[/COLOR] Use your Eternal Knowledge ability to make the checks and with a decent Int you should be able to get a reliable +3 bonus to attacks and damage without having to expend any actions or even skill points.  The relevant knowledge areas to choose for this purpose are: Arcana (constructs, dragons, magical beasts), Dungeoneering (aberrations, oozes), Local (humanoids), Nature (animals, fey, giants, monstrous humanoids, plants, vermin), Religion (undead) and Planes (elementals, outsiders), the exact choice you make will depend on the nature of your campaign - you know what your DM likes better than me.
Generally speaking the same maneuvers listed in the Discipline Focus section continue to hold true.  A word of warning though - take counters with your normal maneuver picks, taking them with Eternal Training will likely amount to bolting the stable door once the horse has bolted.  Specific to the Eternal Blade; it's a good idea to fit in a few maneuvers from both the Devoted Spirit and Diamond mind disciplines, that way you can qualify for a wider selection of choices when using your Eternal Training ability.  This is part of why I personally prefer a Warblade/Crusader entry.
Devoted Spirit: Foehammer makes for a good 0-prerequisite entry point to this discipline, while stances reliant on number of attacks made (e.g. Martial Spirit, Auras of Triumph) gain increased benefit when using Island in Time.  Healing strikes and stances can also go some way towards compensating for low hit points if you've opted for an elven subrace with a Con penalty.
Diamond Mind: If you do go for a counter heavy list of maneuvers try and fit in Stance of Alacrity (possibly via a feat at 18th level) - this will reduce the already intense competition for your swift actions that Eternal Blades face.
Iron Heart: The usual good choices apply.
White Raven: The usual good choices apply.
[SIZE="3"]Build Stubs[/SIZE]
As ever, the timing of your levels is important since it determines the level of maneuver known - many of these would best be played using a "leapfrog" pattern between the Martial Adept classes, and by taking levels in non-MArtial Adept classes first.
Half-elf Crusader 8 / Warblade 1 / Fighter 1 / Eternal Balde 10 - Lockdown version
Half-elf Warblade 9 / Crusader 1 / Eternal Blade 10 - Crackdown version[/B]
Basic Elf Warblade 10 / Eternal Blade 10 - 10 is a good break point for a Warblade, with 2 bonus feats, Int to flanking damage and a 5th level stance
Basic Wild Elf Crusader 10 / Eternal Blade 10 - with no Con penalty and a Crusader base this makes for a very survivable build, especially for an elf
Half Elf Warblade 7 / Crusader 3 / Eternal Blade 10 - a good tank version of an Eternal Blade
Half Elf Swashbuckler 3 / Warblade 7 / Eternal Balde 10 - probably the strongest Int synergy possible
Grey Elf Swashbuckler 3 / Warblade 4 / Crusader 3 / Eternal Blade 10 - need to avoid multiclassing xp penalties ruins the Grey Elf version tbh
JanusJones' Revenant Blade Handbook - includes two builds, one with the full 10 levels of Eternal Blade and one Warblade predominant with a 2 level dip
(Half Elf Crusader 4 / Cleric 1 OR Elf Crusader 3 / Cleric 2) / Ruby Knight Vindicator 7 / Eternal Blade 8 - late blooming, but extra swift actions and divine buff spells can combine very well with the Eternal Blade

Jade Phoenix Mage
- Recommend Crusader entry in order to qualify for higher level Devoted Spirit maneuvers, as well as for its no-action recovery method.
- Wizard 5 / Crusader 1 / JPM 4 / Abj Cha 4 / JPM +6 (9th level spells, 8th level maneuvers)
- Sorc 4 / Crusader 2 / JPM 4 / Abj Cha 4 / JPM +6 (Charisma synergy, 8th level spells, 8th level maneuvers)
- Bard 4 / Crusader 2 / JPM 4 / Sublime Chord 2 / Abj Cha or Sacred Exorcist 2 / JPM +6 (Cha synergy, 9th level spells + 8th level maneuvers)

« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 06:31:25 PM by Toptomcat »

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #90 on: April 11, 2013, 06:31:36 PM »

Master of Nine
List of sources of sources of prereq feats as bonus feats
Cleric 1 - Darkness domain (Blind-Fight), Time domain (Improved Initiative)
Cobra Strike Monk 1 (UA/SRD) - Dodge and Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk 1 - Improved Unarmed Strike
Swordsage (Unarmed variant) - Improved Unarmed Strike
Warblade bonus feats - Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative
Kobold Fighter 1 sub level - swaps heavy armour proficiency for the Dodge feat (good for a Swordsage entry, since you'll likely be in light armour for the Wis to AC anyway).

- Hypothetical builds on the boards tend to time this class for late in the build so as to acquire high level maneuvers.  But if you're not starting at a high level then entering early has its benefits (e.g. I'm a big fan of Dual Stance so would want it asap), and it gives you full progression of your likely ultiple Martial Adept classes ready to re-enter them for some higher level maneuver swaps.  In practice I would compromise, take 2/3 MoN levels as early as I could manage and then leave the rest for high level maneuver acquisition and a high level stance of choice (nb: 8th level maneuvers are often better than the 9th level ones imho).
- Counter Stance + Stance of Alacrity combo
- Mastery of Nine: ready at start of day from as many disciplines as possible to maximize bonus, then spend 5 minutes changing them as desired.
- Becoming Reshar: True Mastery of the Nine Swords by Gideon_Gideonson – access to all 9 9th level maneuvers

DavidWL's Swordsage 1/Cleric 1/Monk 1/Crusader 2/Ruby Knight Vindicator 10/Master of Nine 5
- Darkness and Time domains + Cobra Strike Monk mean 4/5 of the MoN prereq feats are bonus feats, also gets the RKV extra swift action (for swift action recovery, swift action spells - possibly with DMM (Quicken) - and swift action maneuvers).  While slow to start this gets very powerful.

Ruby Knight Vindicator
- spells heavy Cleric 4 / Crusader 1 entry version
- maneuvers heavy Crusader 4 / Cleric 1 entry version
- Ordained Vindicator: Cleric 4 / Ordained Champion 5 / Crusader 1 / Ruby Knight Vindicator 10 (requires adaptation of fluff - consult your DM - since Ordained Champion and RKV are devoted to different deities by the book)
- Ur-Vindicator: Swordsage 2 / Crusader 3 / Ur Priest 2 / Ruby Knight Vindicator 10 / X 3 (requires adaptation of fluff to allow an Ur Priest to qualify for the deity worshipping RKV)

Furthermore, the ability to get extra swift actions is generally awesome, and its potential for optimization huge.  I hold to what I regard as the only sane interpretation limiting it to only one extra swift action per round, but even with that caveat this class is very powerful.

- Metus Somnambulus (Dread Sleepwalker) by AllistairAldred - combining Ruby Knight Vindicator with Telflammar Shadowlord

Shadow Sun Ninja
- Necropolitan template (or any undead really, but Necropolitan is cheapest one) means you can ignore level drain from the 10th level ability.
- "Flash Bang Ninja" build based around conmstant sneak attacking - does anyone have a link to this?
- prototype00's SSN/MoN build =

[SIZE="5"]Discipline Focus[/SIZE][/B]

[SIZE="3"]Desert Wind[/SIZE]

The oft-commented upon disadvantage of this discipline is its reliance on fire damage, which is the most commonly resisted form of elemental damage. For this reason it is a discipline best dabbled in rather than strongly focused on, providing as it does bonus damage and mobility.

Choice Maneuvers:
Burning/Searing/Inferno Blade (Boost 1/4/7): Easy to qualify for boosts to your full attack damage.  Unlike most chains of maneuvers there is no cap on the +IL to damage, meaning that these maneuvers remain useful into high levels.
Burning Brand (Boost 2): Grant yourself +5 ft. reach, dealing fire damage while you do.  Good for battlefield control builds.
Flashing Sun (Strike 2): Grants you flurry for a single round, and extra attacks are always useful.  As usual with extra attacks, bonus damage is the optimal choice - a good low-level combo is to use Burning Blade as a boost and then full attack with this maneuver.
Firesnake (Strike 4): A situational choice, but if your DM likes to employ large numbers of mooks you can get some good use out of this.
Searing Charge (Strike 4): The ability to fly is a valuable tactical advantage, and if you have a Ring of Feather Fall you can use it to leap into the air and attack flying opponents.
Leaping Flame (Counter 5): An incredibly useful anti-archer tactic, allowing you to respond with a full-attack of your own.  Can also be used to leap adjacent to an opponent attacking you with superior reach.
Ring of Fire (Boost 6): If your speed is maximized (e.g. you're planning on optimizing Tornado Throw) then you can surround a very large area with this.  Just be careful where your allies are stood.
Salamander Charge (strike 7): The ability to charge in a non-straight line is useful enough for charger builds, leaving a trail of destruction in your wake as you tumble through the legs of minions is a stylish extra touch.

Tactical Feat: Scorching Sirocco

[SIZE="3"]Devoted Spirit[/SIZE]

Based around healing abilities, battlefield control and applying penalties to your opponents.  This is one of the strongest disciplines and will likely be central to any Crusader build.  It does lack counters and maneuverability, both of which can be added to a Crusader with a Swordsage/Warblade dip if desired.

A number of the maneuvers are dependent on your target being a different alignment to you, the usefulness of these maneuvers consequently depends in part on your DMs style and preferred opponents.  But to be honest, the alignment based ones aren't the best ones anyway so its a minor point.

Choice Maneuvers:
Crusader's Strike (Strike 1): A good source of low-level healing, which you can use every third round if you take Extra Granted Maneuver.  As you level up the healing becomes trivial and the sacrifice of iterative attacks/better strikes make this something to be swapped out later.
Iron Guard's Glare (Stance 1): Combined with a reach weapon this can grant most of your party a de facto +4 AC.  Especially useful in tight spaces (i.e. your stereotypical dungeon corridor).
Martial Spirit (Stance 1): Normally your first choice of stance, provides aconstant flow of healing.  Anything that grants extra attacks is useful here - reach and Combat Reflexes are the usual method.
Foehammer (Strike 2): No prerequisites and punches through DR.  This levels well and unlike its Stone Dragon counterparts has no requirement to stand on the earth.
Thicket of Blades (Stance 3): The basic building block of most battlefield control Crusader builds.  This is likely a big part of why you took the class to begin with and should be your default stance.
Revitalizing Strike (Strike 3): A good option to swap Crusader's Strike out for, although the alignment requirement may prove annoying at times.
Divine Surge (Strike 4): A good damage bonus for its level.
Aura of Chaos (Stance 6): Useful in general, but in particular in combination with strikes that add damage dice (e.g. Divine Surge or Stone Dragon Strikes), or for a Jade Phoenix Mage using Arcane Strike (lots of dice to roll high).
Aura of Perfect Order (Stance 6): Allows you to avoid auto-failing your saves, guarantee a reasonable roll on important attacks, or take 11 on Concentration checks or Jump checks for Diamond Mind/Tiger Claw maneuvers.
Rallying Strike (Strike 6): Burst healing for your allies.  especially useful to a large party with cohorts, animal companions and summons in tight formation.
Greater Divine Surge (Strike 8): This can be incredibly powerful with a way to quickly heal the Con damage, or make it trivial.  A Belt of Battle so as to follow this strike with a Strike of Righteous Vitality is a good option, the Immortal Fortitude stance a less advisable course of action (your lowered Fort save means you may fail, and you are still vulnerable to ability damage).  There is also the Body Ward spell in Complete Champion (for RKV builds, or just if you have a Cleric ally), which lasts 1 min per level and allows you to ignore 5 points of Constitution damage, so use this as a pre-combat buff and you can quite happily trade in 5 points of Con damage for an extra +5 to hit and +10d8 damage without lowering your Con.
Strike of Righteous Vitality (Strike 9): Heal is enormously useful both for party healing and giving you an incredible amount of endurance.  And with Extra Granted Maneuver you can do it every third round.

Tactical Feat: Faith Unswering

[SIZE="3"]Diamond Mind[/SIZE]

This is potentially one of the most powerful disciplines, but the dependence upon Concentration checks makes it a case of (nearly) all-or-nothing.  Characterized by a good mix of counters and strikes, as well as mobility and initiative manipulating maneuvers.

This discipline synergizes well with Psionics, both in terms of a common reliance on Concentration checks and in thematic terms.  JanusJones' Meditant is an example of a build that utilizes this synergy.

Concentration check optimization:
Steady Concentration (Races of Stone): Take 10 on Concentration checks.  While Psionic Focus gives a better check, you can use this multiple times in a round (e.g. on a strike and a counter) and without needing to spend actions recovering your focus.
Psionic Focus (XPH): expend to take 15 on concentration check, but need to refocus makes this less useful than Steady Concentration imo.  If you do take it then I recommend picking up Psionic Meditation and Hustle if possible.
Psychic Warrior 2/4: Use to pick up the ability to psionically focus and some bonus feats.  The Psionic Meditation feats (focus as move action) and the hustle power (take move action as swift action) is a good combo to pick up.
Instant Clarity (ToB): 3/day regain psionic focus as a swift action after initiating a strike.  So, blow your focus on a Diamond Mind Strike and get it right back again for the next one!
Tunic of Steady Spellcasting (MIC, p. 144): +5 competence bonus to Concentration checks.
Third Eye Concentrate (MIC. p. 141): item for +10 competence bonus to Concentration checks.
Aura of Perfect Order (Devoted Spirit Stance 6): take 11 on one dice roll per round (e.g. take 11 on Concentration checks).
Choice Maneuvers:
Moment of Perfect Mind/Action Before Thought/Mind Over Body (Counter 1/2/3): Replace your saves with Concentration checks.  Not only is this a good way to cover up a weak save but it also means you no longer automatical;y fail on a '1'.
Emerald Razor (Strike 2): Touch attacks combined with Power Attack make for good damage.
(Greater) Insightful Strike (Strike 3/6): Use either your Concentration check, or double your check, to determine damage.  If you're maxed out Concentration (see above) then this makes for good damage.  If you haven't maxed out your Concentration check then I have to ask why you're reading the Diamond Mind section?
Pearl of Black Doubt (Stance 3): Extra AC is always nice, and against multiple attacks the bonus can stack up pretty nicely.  It's good but not quite amazing, you see the problem is that the bonus is at it's highest against your opponent's weakest iterative attacks, and at it's lowest against the most potent attacks.  Using a counter against the first attack is one option to start the bonuses flowing, and against creatures with multiple natural attacks (hydras being a classic example) it's excellent.  Also synergizes well with Robilar's Gambit.
Bounding Assault (Strike 4): Lets you charge without having to move in a straight line, a massive boon for charger builds.
Ruby/Diamond Nightmare Blade (Strike 4/8): x2 or x4 damage makes for very potent strikes, especially when combined with Power Attack and a way to fuel the penalties (e.g. Deep Impact from the XPH).
Hearing the Air (Stance 5): A good choice to give you an anti-invisible/incorporeal tactic, the bonus to Listen checks also makes this a good stance to stay in when out of combat.
Rapid Counter (Counter 5): Grants an extra AoO, good when combined with Robilar's Gambit or battlefield control builds (take a second shot at that missed AoO).
Moment of Alacrity (Boost 6): Celerity-lite, can basically give you 2 turns in a row, which comes in very handy with Stormguard Warrior.
Avalanche of Blades (Strike 7): Good for warming-up Stormguard Warrior, otherwise you're often better off with a normal full-attack.
Quicksilver Motion (Boost 7): Take a move action as a swift action.  Great for maneuverability (move and full attack, move into position and then charge, etc) but also good for any psionic Martial Adepts using Psionic Meditation, or to allow you to use a move action maneuver (e.g. Order Forged From Chaos) in the same round as a full-attack or charge of your own.
Stance of Alacrity (Stance 8): Grants you an extra immediate action each round, allowing you to use counters with impunity and still use swift action boosts in the following round.  The Master of Nine's Counter Stance ability is a nice combo with this stance.
Time Stands Still (Strike 9): One of the strongest 9th level maneuvers.  Combines well with Stormguard Warrior, Girallon Windmill Flesh Rip, or virtually any boost in the game, but even on its own getting double the usual number of attacks is a very powerful option.

Tactical Feat: Perfect Clarity of Mind and Body

[SIZE="3"]Iron Heart[/SIZE]

Choice Maneuvers:
Punishing Stance (Stance 1): This is a good low level damage boost, with a Greatsword and this stance you can be reliably one-shotting low-CR opponents.
Steel Wind (Strike 1): A good low-level mook killer, especially if you're in Punishing Stance while you use it.
Wall of Blades (Counter 2): If your attack roll is significantly better than your AC (and as a low level Warblade, it probably is) then this is a useful counter.  At low levels this is useful to cover your back when in Punishing Stance, but when its combined with the Heedless Charge ability of the Shock Trooper feat this becomes an essential choice.  This is also a very good defence against touch attacks - from incorporeal undead, ray spells, etc.
Iron Heart Surge (Boost 3): Removing adverse conditions can be an absolute life-saver.  The need to be able to move and in control of your actions rules out some conditions but this is an excellent choice that will be useful at any level.  Add in the Mad Foam Rager feat (PHB 2) and it gets even better.
Lightning Recovery (Counter 4): The stage is set, the chips are down and so you swing your sword in a graceful arc as you bring your most powerful strike to bear upon the beast's head, and as you roll your dice you mutter a quick prayer "anything but a 1".  Well, with this maneuver thats no longer a problem.  Its also useful to maintain an Avalanche of Blades when warming-up for Stormguard Warrior.
Iron Heart Focus (Counter 5): Re-roll a failed save.  A good defence against nasty save-or-dies, domination effects, etc
Iron Heart Endurance (Boost 6): Swift action healing.  Not the best maneuver out there, but in combat healing is a nice ability.
Supreme Blade Parry (Stance 8): DR 5/- is very nice, and is useful in absolutely any situation (unlike a number of rather more situational 8th level stances).
Tactical Feat: Stormguard Warrior (with a nod towards CantripN)
Stormguard Warrior has 3 tactical options:
Channel the Storm - +4 Attack & Damage for every AOO you refrain from taking. This part has no limit on use per round, unlike AOOs, and provides you with a major boost to attack and damage (esp. with Power Attack thrown in) during your turn - much better than a few attacks that may or may not hit and wouldn't deal any substantial damage. It helps if you have a method for reliably generating AOOs like Robilar's Gambit (PHb2), Karmic Strike (CWar), Thicket of Blades, Defensive Rebuke or some such... (also less reliable options worth tacking on top of one of these - such as Defensive Sweep (PHB2), Hold the Line (CWar), etc)
Combat Rhythm - This one boosts your damage alone on the next round by making Touch Attacks during your turn. This has 2 main uses: 1 - When you have a lot of attacks for some reason (Natural Weapons, Raging Mongoose, Time Stands Still, Avalanche of Blades), you can get a very impressive damage for the next round, assuring swift death. 2 - Iterative attacks. Those aren't usually likely to hit, so if you get the impression that your chance to hit with your 2nd, 3rd or 4th iterative is slim to none, make a Touch Attack to get a damage boost for next round at no real loss.
Fight the Horde - Nothing too impressive, but it makes Fighting Defensively better, and with Combat Expertise it makes it REALLY good.

note on methods to follow an opponent who flees from round 2 of combat rhythm - sudden leap, shadow blink, quicksilver motion, pounce/pouncing charge, shadow pounce, mirrored pursuit.

[SIZE="3"]Setting Sun[/SIZE]

Setting Sun is an excellent battlefield control discipline, with a good number of tactically useful counters.  This discipline is particularly useful to Dex-heavy builds by allowing you to use Dex instead of Str when making your trip checks with its throws.  A Swordsage focused on this discipline can make for a very effective, if unconventional, tank.

Choice Maneuvers:
Counter Charge (Counter 1): A good defense for hit-and-run builds that remains useful even into high levels.
Mighty Throw (Strike 1): Allows you to use Dex for your trip check if so desired and to toss them away from you (so even if they can stand as a free action they still can't full-attack anyone).  A debuff that allows you to control your opponent's position.
Step of the Wind (Stance 1): How useful this is depends on how much attention your DM pays to difficult terrain in your encounters - if he/she sticks you in flat 20 x 20 rooms all the time this will be a waste.  One good trick is to take 3 levels of Knight so as to always get the stance's benefit against your opponents.
Feigned Opening (Counter 3): A useful way to draw an opponent's AoO to protect a weaker ally, and generally useful if your attack is stronger than your opponents.
Comet Throw (Strike 4): Throw your opponent into their friend to leave both of them prone, damaged and removed from your position.  Excellent battlefield control.
Mirrored Pursuit (Counter 5): Keep an opponent inside your threatened area and be sure to get a full-attack in the next round.
Shifting Defense (Stance 5): Use to move away from a full-attacking opponent so they can't get you with their iterative attacks.
Hydra Slaying Strike (Strike 7): Denies your opponent a full-attack, and doesn't allow a save.  Just don't use it on casters - they don't care.
Fool's Strike (Counter 8): A non-situational version of Scorpion Parry.  You avoid attacks while your opponent takes the hit allowing you to stand toe-to-toe with more powerful opponents.
Ghostly Defence (Stance 8): If you can find a reliable way to gain concealment this stance is incredible.  A Master of Nine using this stance, Child of Shadow, and the Gloom Razor feat all at the same time makes for a very potent defense.
Tornado Throw (Strike 9): Maximize your speed and the trip check on this can get obscene.  If possible, toss around a few mooks as you approach the BBEG.

Tactical Feat: Distant Horizon

[SIZE="3"]Shadow Hand[/SIZE]

This discipline focuses on stealth, maneuverability and strikes that debuff your opponents, with many maneuvers requiring you to strike a flat-footed opponent.  Fortunately it also provides the Gloom Razor tactical feat as an excellent way to make your targets flat-footed.  Synergizes well with sneak attacking and if you build around it this is one of the best disciplines.

Choice Maneuvers:
Child of Shadow (Stance 1): Since Swordsages are often on the move this is an excellent low-level stance, and synergizes with both Shadow Blade and Gloom Razor.
Island of Blades (Stance 1): For a sneak attacker (such as a rogue multiclassing into Swordsage) this is an excellent choice.  Without sneak attack dice Child of Shadow is probably the better choice.
Clinging Shadow Strike/Obscuring Shadow Veil (Strike 1/4): Good debuffing strikes with Gloom Razor synergy.
Shadow Blade Technique (Strike 1): As a general rule forget about the cold damage - it's a trap - instead choose the higher of the dice rolls and increase your chance of hitting.
Shadow Jaunt/Stride/Blink (2/5/7): Requiring no prerequisites these are excellent choices for anyone able to access Shadow Hand maneuvers adding a very useful maneuverability.  Shadow Stride combined with a strike of choice, or Shadow Blink followed by a full-attack are excellent combos.
Assasin's Stance (Stance 3): The default stance for Shadow Blade builds, also allows you to qualify for the Craven feat (Champions of Ruin) for some extra damage.
Dance of the Spider (Stance 3): If you already have a default combat stance then this adds a good amount of maneuverability and out of combat utility.
Hand of Death (Strike 4): Your target has to be flat-footed and gets a Fort save, but if you can get this through then it can finish an encounter in a single round.
Stalker in the Night (Strike 6): Spring Attack without having to spend 3 feats on it, and you get to Hide at the end of it.  Awesome.
One With Shadow (Counter 8): A good all-purpose counter, especially against creatures without magical weapons.
Five Shadow Creeping Enervation Strike (Strike 9): While it is somewhat unreliable the combination of a fistful of damage dice and ability damage is a potent attack.

Tactical Feat: Gloom Razor
- sneak attack synergy

[SIZE="3"]Stone Dragon[/SIZE]
The first point to make about this discipline is the easily missed requirement on page 81 (in that little bit of text at the start, you know, the one you assumed was fluff and skipped over?) that "Stone Dragon maneuvers can be initiated only if you are in contact with the ground."

Generally speaking this discipline is characterized by its large number of standard action strikes (which do good damage for their level) and by the small number of prerequisites required to take its maneuvers.  A good standard action is missing from many melee characters, making this a good discipline to cherry pick maneuvers from.

Choice Maneuvers:
Stone Bones (Strike 1): Very useful at low levels as almost no opponent will have an adamantine weapon making tis virtual immunity to damage for a single round.  At later levels this becomes rather trivial so is a prime candidate to be swapped out.
Stonefoot Stance (Srance 1): Look in the Monster Manual at how many of the critters are large, ir even bigger.  How would you like a flat +2 AC against all of them?  The bonus on Strength checks is also nice - makes this a good choice for Tripping builds.
(Elder/Ancient) Mountain Hammer (Strike 2/5/7): Combine an impressive damage boost (useful against any target) with the ability to ignore Damage Reduction.  The harder your opponent is to hurt the better these strikes are.
Roots of the Mountain (Stance 3): A bonus to resist combat maneuvers (useful as an anti-grapple measure - and no-one likes being swallowed whole), a small amount of DR and increased difficulty to tumble through your threatened area (useful with a reach weapon).  A good default stance that will be useful in any situation.
Crushing Vise (Strike 6): Stops your opponent from moving, made good by the fact that it doesn't allow a save.
Irresistible Mountain Strike (Strike 6): forces your opponent to save or lose his standard action - meaning he can't full-attack you, cast a standard action spell, or make a standard action attack.  A very nice debuff.
Mountain Tombstone Strike (Strike 9): the only 9th level maneuver that has no prerequisite requirements, making this a useful choice to fill in a gap.  Best used against opponents with lots of hit dice (Giants, Tarrasque, etc) who will lose more hit points due to the Con damage.  Also useful if your party Wizard uses a lot fo Fort save spells as a way of weakening them against a save-or-die.
Tactical Feat: Shards of Granite
- ability to ignore DR, combo with Stormguard (can afford to take -5 penalty on touch attacks, then ignore DR on second round of carnage, also takes the edge off Robilar's Gambit is using in-between rounds to fuel Channel the Storm)

[SIZE="3"]Tiger Claw[/SIZE]

The Tiger Claw school is characterized by its 'feral' character.  In mechanical terms this translates into a focus on damaging strikes and boosts, often centred around large numbers of attacks or the use of the jump skill.  If you invest in increasing your jump skill then its worth making a heavy investment in this discipline, otherwise it is more likely something to be dipped into selectively.

Jump Check Optimization:
Base speed increases: probably the best 3.5 option would be a Xeph (XPH) with Extra Xeph Burst (Complete Psionic).  This also gives you access to psionic feats and classes which have potential use (notably War Mind and Deep Impact).
Run: only worth mentioning because it’s a Warblade feat.
Leap of the Heavens (PHB2): No penalty for standing jumps and a competence bonus on running jumps.
Leaping Dragon Stance (TC 3): +10 foot enhancement bonus on Jump checks and all jumps are running jumps.  The fact that this increases the distance you jump is very unusual, but taking the book at its word means that if you are in this stance and make any kind of vertical jump then you will jump high enough to trigger Battle Jump against a medium opponent, and it lowers the DC against larger opponents substantially (becomes a DC 20 Jump check for a large opponent, DC 40 for Huge, etc).  But unless you are taking Battle Jump this is a poor stance (compared to other 3rd level stances anyway).  So, take Lion Totem Barbarian (Complete Champion) for pounce and the Battle Jump feat, and then use Sudden Leap whilst in this stance and you can full attack, dealing double damage, as a swift action in addition to your usual full-attack routine.
Boots of Striding and Springing (DMG): competence bonus to jump checks in addition to the +4 for the speed increase – very nice.
Ring of Jumping (DMG): competence bonus on jump checks.  At low levels I’d prefer the boots, and at high levels there are better things for a ring slot.
Blade Dancer (Oriental Adventures): large bonuses on Jump checks (not just the +30 competence, the enormous base speed increase as well), but at the expense of 3 feats and the los of Initiator Levels.  For a Battle Jump build the bonuses could be worth it but otherwise maintaining your IL is probably the better choice.
Leap Attack (Complete Adventurer): hard to actually combine with maneuvers (Pouncing Charge is the best choice), but if you’re optimizing Jump checks anyway you may as well pick this up as well.
Battle Jump (Unapproachable East): Potentially awesome.  This feat means that anytime you drop from at least 5 feet above your opponent it triggers a charge dealing double damage.  So, with a good enough jump check you can leap up as part of a Tiger Claw maneuver, go above the opponent and trigger Battle Jump.  After that it becomes a matter of adding as much charge synergy to your build as possible - pounce (Lion Totem Barbarian 1 is teh ideal dip), Shock Trooper (Heedless Charge), Leap Attack and the like (and if you charged in the previous round then Combat Brute (Momentum Swing) will also be triggered by this).  Note that in order to be able to do this you need to be able to hit a jump DC of 40 (reliably!) in order to jump to 10 feet in height and thereby trigger Battle Jump against a medium opponent, whilst a DC 60 jump check is required against a large opponent.  The Leap of the Heavens feat to allow you to accomplish this from standing jumps, a high base speed and as many jump check boosting items as you can afford will be required - this is an all or nothing trick.
Choice Maneuvers:
Blood in the Water (Stance 1): The bonuses from this are uncapped, so this stance is best if you intend to stay in it for an extended period of time, making it a good choice for a dipper.  Dual wielding kukris is the common approach, perhaps with some Bloodclaw Master, and Improved Critical/Keen weapons as soon as you are abe.
Hunter's Sense (Stance 1): Handy as an out of combat stance to help avoid being surprised, and in a pinch can help against invisible foes.  Particularly good for a Swordsage / Ranger where the tracking abilities and Wisdom synergy really kick in.
Sudden Leap (Boost 1): The main use here is as a pseudo-pounce, allowing you to move and full-attack in the same round.  Combined with Battle Jump you can end up with an extra full-attack as a swift action.
Wolverine Stance (Stance 3): While it won't be first on your wish list this is a good stance to have in reserve - there are a lot of monsters with enormous grapple modifiers, so having something up your sleeve for dealing with them is never a bad idea.
Dancing/Raging Mongoose (Boost 5/8): Extra attacks can be put to good use by almost any character.  The maxim that bonus damage requires extra attacks requires in reverse here - extra attacks mean you should look for bonus damage.
Pouncing Charge (Strike 5): For a charge-focused build I'd suggest a dip into Lion Totem Barbarian instead, but for a build that just wants a quick charge option added to the mix this is a good choice.
Rabid Bear Strike (Strike 6): A potent standard action strike that provides a good damage boost for its level, albeit with an AC penalty.
Swooping Dragon Strike (Strike 7): A good damage boost and a stunning effect.  The stun DC is dependent on your jump check, and the maneuver requires that you jump over your opponent, so if you optimize that jump check and pick up Battle Jump this is a devastating maneuver.  Of course, if you can't jump your way out of a paper bag this is a complete waste of time.
Girallon Windmill Flesh Rip (Boost 8): A good damage boost, best used if you have a large number of attacks.  Using it during the warm-up round for Stormguard Warrior is one option since your touch attacks should almost all hit, but even more potent is to use it with Time Stands Still (Diamond Mind 9) on a Two-Weapon Fighting build.

Tactical Feat: Reaping Talons

[SIZE="3"]White Raven[/SIZE]

This discipline is all about teamwork and assisting your allies.  This includes a number of maneuvers that grant your allies extra actions - and actions are the most valuable currency in D&D.  The worth of many of its maneuvers are dependent upon having the right party members to take advantage.  Play it clever, tell your teammates what situations you need setting up and you'll get good results.

If you've ever looked at the Marshal and thought the concept was cool then this is the discipline for you.

Choice Maneuvers:
Leading the Charge (Stance 1): A good source of damage boost that scales throughout the levels (dependent on having charge oriented melee-ers in your party).
White Raven Tactics (Boost 3): One of the best maneuvers in the game.  Its power is equal to whatever your most powerful party member is capable of doing in a round and this gets better and better as you level.
White Raven Strike (Strike 4): Makes your opponent flat-footed, which is great if there's a rogue in the party, otherwise not such a big deal.
Flanking Maneuver (Strike 5): If you're flanking with a friendly damage dealer then this strike can deal very impressive damage.
Order Forged From Chaos (Boost 6): Reset your party's formation in response to an unexpected threat, protect weak members of the team and seize strategically important ground.
Clarion Call (Boost 7): Tactical repositioning, change formation or capitalize on the gap left by the recently slain opponent.
White Raven Hammer (Strike 8): The no-save stun effect on this one is superb.
War Master's Charge (Strike 9): This one takes some setting up, but its worth it because if you get it right it gives a good damage boost, no save stunning and free actions to your allies.  Even if your party isn't set up to take advantage of it, a few summoned monsters can fit the bill nicely.

Tactical Feat: Clarion Commander
- Feral Dreadlord build

[SIZE="5"]Choosing Maneuvers[/SIZE]

Bloodlines (UA/SRD) and Initiator Level: Section coming soon...

Choosing maneuvers can be an arduous process.  I recommend that you draw up a rough list of desirable maneuvers on scrap paper in advance, then construct a table with Initiator level down one column, a column for each initiating class in the build, and then denote where new maneuvers are gained (e.g. I place "+1", "+2", "Swap", "Stance", etc in the various squares).  Then I work to slot the various maneuvers I want into the appropriate slots, before going back through and latering levels to change Initiator Level progression if needed and fit in prerequisite maneuvers that are needed.

While doing this I always have the following table open in front of me on my screen in order to quickly check the number of prerequisites for each maneuver (far better list than the one in the book).  In fact, its so useful that I'm copying and pasting it wholesale from the Tricks/Combos/Library Thread:

Maneuvers Organized by # of Pre-Reqs, Alphabetized, School, & Level
[sblock][sblock=Desert Wind]Level 1
Blistering Flourish (Strike, 0)
Burning Blade (Boost, 0)
Distracting Ember (Boost, 0)
Flame’s Blessing (Stance, 0)
Wind Stride (Boost, 0)
Level 2
Burning Brand (Boost, 0)
Fire Riposte (Counter, 1)
Flashing Sun (Strike, 1)
Hatchling’s Flame (Strike, 1)
Level 3
Death Mark (Strike, 0)
Fan the Flames (Strike, 1)
Holocaust Cloak (Stance, 1)
Zephyr Dance (Counter, 1)
Level 4
Firesnake (Strike, 2)
Searing Blade (Boost, 2)
Searing Charge (Strike, 1)
Level 5
Dragon’s Flame (Strike, 2)
Leaping Flame (Counter, 2)
Lingering Inferno (Strike, 2)
Level 6
Desert Tempest (Strike, 2)
Fiery Assault (Stance, 2)
Ring of Fire (Strike, 2)
Level 7
Inferno Blade (Boost, 0)
Salamander Charge (Strike, 3)
Level 8
Rising Phoenix (Stance, 3)
Wyrm’s Flame (Strike, 3)
Level 9
Inferno Blast (Strike, 5)[/sblock][sblock=Devoted Spirit]Level 1
Crusader’s Strike (Strike, 0)
Iron Guard’s Glare (Stance, 0)
Martial Spirit (Stance, 0)
Vanguard Strike (Strike, 0)
Level 2
Foehammer (Strike, 0)
Shield Block (Counter, 0)
Level 3
Defensive Rebuke (Boost, 1)
Revitalizing Strike (Strike, 1)
Thicket of Blades (Stance, 1)
Level 4
Divine Surge (Strike, 1)
Entangling Blade (Strike, 1)
Level 5
Daunting Strike (Strike, 1)
Doom Charge (Strike, 1)
Law Bearer (Strike, 1)
Radiant Charge (Strike, 1)
Tide of Chaose (Strike, 1)
Level 6
Aura of Chaos (Stance, 2)
Aura of Perfect Order (Stance, 2)
Aura of Triumph (Stance, 2)
Aura of Tyranny (Stance, 2)
Rallying Strike (Strike, 2)
Level 7
Castigating Strike (Strike, 2)
Shield Counter (Counter, 2)
Level 8
Divine Surge, Greater (Strike, 2)
Immortal Fortitude (Stance, 3)
Level 9
Strike of Righteous Vitality (Strike, 3)[/sblock][sblock=Diamond Mind]Level 1
Moment of Perfect Mind (Counter, 0)
Sapphire Nightmare Blade (Strike, 0)
Stance of Clarity (Stance, 0)
Level 2
Action Before Thought (Counter, 0)
Emerald Razor (Strike, 1)
Level 3
Insightful Strike (Strike, 0)
Mind Over Body (Counter, 0)
Pearl of Black Doubt (Stance, 1)
Level 4
Bounding Assault (Strike, 2)
Mind Strike (Strike, 2)
Ruby Nightmare Blade (Strike, 2)
Level 5
Disrupting Blow (Strike, 2)
Hearing the Air (Stance, 2)
Rapid Counter (Counter, 0)
Level 6
Insightful Strike, Greater (Strike, 2)
Moment of Alacrity (Boost, 2)
Level 7
Avalance of Blades (Strike, 3)
Quicksilver Motion (Boost, 3)
Level 8
Diamond Defense (Counter, 0)
Diamond Nightmare Blade (Strike, 3)
Stance of Alacrity (Stance, 3)
Level 9
Time Stands Still (Strike, 4)[/sblock][sblock=Iron Heart]Level 1
Punishing Stance (Stance, 0)
Steel Wind (Strike, 0)
Steely Strike (Strike, 0)
Level 2
Disarming Strike (Strike, 0)
Wall of Blades (Counter, 0)
Level 3
Absolute Steel Stance (Stance, 1)
Exorcism of Steel (Strike, 1)
Iron Heart Surge (Other, 1)
Level 4
Lightning Recovery (Counter, 2)
Mithral Tornado (Strike, 2)
Level 5
Dancing Blade Form (Stance, 2)
Dazing Strike (Strike, 2)
Iron Heart Focus (Counter, 2)
Level 6
Iron Heart Endurance (Boost, 2)
Manticore Parry (Counter, 2)
Level 7
Finishing Move (Strike, 3)
Scything Blade (Boost, 3)
Level 8
Adamantine Hurricane (Strike, 3)
Lightning Throw (Strike, 2)
Supreme Blade Parry (Stance, 3)
Level 9
Strike of Perfect Clarity (Strike, 4)[/sblock][sblock=Setting Sun]Level 1
Counter Charge (Counter, 0)
Mighty Throw (Strike, 0)
Step of the Wind (Stance, 0)
Level 2
Baffling Defense (Counter, 1)
Clever Positioning (Strike, 0)
Level 3
Devastating Throw (Strike, 1)
Feigned Opening (Counter, 1)
Giant Killing Style (Stance, 1)
Level 4
Comet Throw (Strike, 1)
Strike of the Broken Shield (Strike, 2)
Level 5
Mirrored Pursuit (Counter, 2)
Shifting Defense (Stance, 2)
Soaring Throw (Strike, 2)
Stalking Shadow (Counter, 2)
Level 6
Ballista Throw (Strike, 2)
Scorpion Parry (Counter, 2)
Level 7
Hydra Slaying Strike (Strike, 3)
Level 8
Fool’s Strike (Counter, 3)
Ghostly Defense (Stance, 3)
Level 9
Tornado Throw (Strike, 5)[/sblock][sblock=Shadow Hand]Level 1
Child of Shadow (Stance, 0)
Clinging Shadow Strike (Strike, 0)
Island of Blades (Stance, 0)
Shadow Blade Technique (Strike, 0)
Level 2
Cloak of Deception (Boost, 0)
Drain Vitality (Strike, 1)
Shadow Jaunt (Other, 0)
Level 3
Assassin’s Stance (Stance, 1)
Dance of the Spider (Stance, 0)
Shadow Garrote (Strike, 0)
Strength Draining Strike (Strike, 1)
Level 4
Hand of Death (Strike, 0)
Obscuring Shadow Veil (Strike, 2)
Level 5
Bloodletting Strike (Strike, 2)
Shadow Strike (Other, 0)
Step of the Dancing Moth (Stance, 2)
Level 6
Ghost Blade (Strike, 3)
Shadow Noose (Strike, 0)
Stalker in the Night (Strike, 0)
Level 7
Death in the Dark (Strike, 0)
Shadow Blink (Other, 0)
Level 8
Balance on the Sky (Stance, 3)
Enervating Shadow Strike (Strike, 3)
One With Shadow (Counter, 3)
Level 9
Five-Shadow Creeping Ice Enervation Strike (Strike, 5)[/sblock][sblock=Stone Dragon]Level 1
Charging Minotaur (Strike, 0)
Stone Bones (Strike, 0)
Stonefoot Stance (Stance, 0)
Level 2
Mountain Hammer (Strike, 0)
Stone Vise (Strike, 0)
Level 3
Bonecrusher (Strike, 3)
Crushing Weight of the Mountain (Stance, 1)
Roots of the Mountain (Stance, 0)
Stone Dragon’s Fury (Strike, 1)
Level 4
Bonesplitting Strike (Strike, 2)
Boulder Roll (Boost, 4)
Overwhelming Mountain Strike (Strike, 0)
Level 5
Elder Mountain Hammer (Strike, 2)
Giant’s Stance (Stance, 2)
Mountain Avalance (Strike, 2)
Level 6
Crushing Vice (Strike, 0)
Iron Bones (Strike, 2)
Irresistable Mountain Strike (Strike, 0)
Level 7
Ancient Mountain Hammer (Strike, 3)
Colossus Strike (Strike, 2)
Level 8
Adamantine Bones (Strike, 3)
Earthstrike Quake (Strike, 2)
Strength of Stone (Stance, 3)
Level 9
Mountain Tombstone Strike (Strike, 0)[/sblock][sblock=Tiger Claw]Level 1
Blood in the Water (Stance, 1)
Hunter's Sense (Stance, 1)
Sudden Leap (Boost, 1)
Wolf Fang Strike (Strike, 0)
Level 2
Claw at the Moon (Strike, 0)
Rabid Wolf Strike (Strike, 0)
Level 3
Flesh Ripper (Strike, 2)
Leaping Dragon Stance (Stance 1)
Soaring Raptor Strike (Strike, 1)
Wolverine Stance (Stance, 1)
Level 4
Death From Above (Strike, 1)
Fountain of Blood (Boost, 2)
Level 5
Dancing Mongoose (Boost, 2)
Pouncing Charge (Strike, 2)
Level 6
Rabid Bear Strike (Strike, 2)
Wolf Climbs the Mountain (Strike, 2)
Level 7
Hamstring Attack (Strike, 3)
Prey on the Weak (Stance, 2)
Swooping Dragon Strike (Strike, 3)
Level 8
Girallon Windmill Flesh Rip (Boost, 3)
Raging Mongoose (Boost, 3)
Wolf Pack Tactics (Stance, 2)
Level 9
Feral Death Blow (Strike, 4)[/sblock][sblock=White Raven]Level 1
Bolstering Voice (Stance, 0)
Douse the Flames (Strike, 0)
Leading the Attack (Strike, 0)
Leading the Charge (Stance, 0)
Level 2
Battle Leader’s Charge (Strike, 1)
Tactical Strike (Strike, 1)
Level 3
Lion’s Roar (Boost, 1)
Tactics of the Wolf (Stance, 1)
White Raven Tactics (Boost, 1)
Level 4
Covering Strike (Boost, 1)
White Raven Strike (Strike, 1)
Level 5
Flanking Maneuver (Strike, 2)
Press the Advantage (Stance, 2)
Level 6
Order Forged From Chaos (Other, 2)
War Leader’s Charge (Strike, 2)
Level 7
Clarion Call (Boost, 3)
Swarming Assault (Strike, 3)
Level 8
Swarm Tactics (Stance, 1)
White Raven Hammer (Strike, 3)
Level 9
War Master’s Charge (Strike, 4)[/sblock][/sblock]
Thank wingedcoyote for contributing this useful organizational scheme

And finally, here is CustServ's rather counter-intuitive ruling on order of swapping and qualifying maneuvers:
[sblock]Oddly enough, according to CustServ, you can qualify for maneuvers and stances according to the maneuvers you have when beginning, but also when finishing.

Level 3: Wolf Fang Strike
Level 4: Wolf Fang Strike => Wall of Blades

Assuming you have no other Tiger Claw nor Iron Heart maneuvers, you can still take either Punishing Stance (Iron) or Blood in the Water (Tiger) as your 4th level stance, even though you lose Wolf Fang Strike (Tiger) and gain Wall of Blades (Iron).

This is an instance of you choosing the order as benefits you most.[/sblock]

[SIZE="5"]Magic Items For Martial Adepts[/SIZE]

Belt of Battle (Magic Item Compendium): Expend charges for extra actions.  This is great for any class, but arguably more so for a Martial Adept who has more uses for their various actions, and who standard (strikes) and swift (boosts actions are often more powerful than normal melee characters.

Crown of the White Raven and associates (ToB: Very useful way to gain extra maneuvers known, with the novice version being particularly cheap (don't want to choose between Iron Heart Surge and White Raven Tactics for that first 3rd level maneuver?  Well, for 3,000 gp you don't have to choose!).  Also a good way to meet prerequisites for higher level maneuvers.

Discipline Weapons (ToB): These are strictly better than a simple +1 bonus, and stacking several onto one weapon can amass some very impressive bonuses.

[SIZE="3"]Magic Items for Crusaders[/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"]Magic Items for Swordsages[/SIZE]

Feycraft Weapons (DMG 2): Allows you to use your Dex modifier on to hit rolls without spending a feat on Weapon Finesse at the cost of a trivial loss of damage.  Synergizes very well with Shadow Blade, but its value is in part dependent on how much control over your equipment you have - so if crafters and magic item shops are plentiful its a good choice, with less control over your equipment I'd just take Weapon Finesse.

[SIZE="3"]Magic Items for Warblades[/SIZE]

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #91 on: April 11, 2013, 06:33:48 PM »
How to shove it to beatsticks - A caster resource for not getting hit

by Tshern

Let's assume your character, Raymond the Wizard, is standing in the middle of a raging battle and sees a Barbarian whose size thwarts even that of small giants and he's wielding a huge axe covered in blood of his fallen victims. Soon Barbarian gets to act and he charges you drooling and yelling incomprehensible threats. What does your character do? Exactly, laugh at Barbarian's pitiful attemps of exploiting your precious d4s. But how to achieve such results?

Without further ado, welcome to the handbook of not getting hit. There are a few ways of avoiding losing hitpoints: high armor class, miss chance, battlefield control and simply eradicating the opposition before they get to act. This thread concentrates mainly on the two first issues, though I'll try to include some combos that utilize battlefield control  and supernaturally fast killing as well.

Needless to say, this is a community project and I appreaciate any help. You've got a spell that increases AC? Post it here and I'll add it in. Know a killer combo? Same thing, more ways of embarrasing pitiful noncaster the better. I haven't went through many books yet, but I'll post this thread anyway to get the show on the road.


-Armor class:
   -Armor bonus
   -Shield bonus
   -Natural armor
   -Deflection bonus
   -Change your form

-Miss chance

-Aid another
-Immediate action lifesavers
-Saved by the bell; abusing what you've got


Armor class

Armor class (hereafter referred as AC) is the simplest and most common way of not getting hit. Apart from not playing D&D, it is also the most cost-efficient way of doing that as there are dozens of possibilities to acquire AC and getting cast amounts of it tends to be easier than trying to get your attack bonus to match optimized AC.

Some spells have been neglected on purpose. For example, I am aware that Greater Visage of the Deity gives you +1 to your natural armor, but it hardly is the main effect of the spell and no-one actually uses it to increase his AC. You know what I mean, right?

There are four different AC scores, normal, touch, incorporeal touch and flat-footed. You want to have high scores in all of them, since you never know when someone's using Wraithstrike and might actually hit you. Foresight takes away the chance of being flat-footed, so if you can have that on most of the time, just make sure your touch AC skyrockets with stuff like Scintillating scales. It might also be worthwhile not to depend on any single spell or source of AC.

Armor bonus:

Player's Handbook:
-Mage armor, +4 bonus, 1h/CL, Wiz/Sorc 1, Force 1, Spell 1
-Magic Vestment, +1/4 Cls (max +5), 1h/lvl, Cleric 3, Strength 3, War 3. Has to be applied to an existing item.

Spell Compendium:
-Greater Mage armor, +6 bonus, 1h/CL, Wiz/Sorc 3

Book of Exalted Deeds:
-Luminous armor, +5 bonus (-4 to enemy attacks), 1h/CL, Sanctified 2
-Greater luminous armor, +8 bonus (-4 to enemy attacks), 1h/CL, Sanctified 4

-Ironhorn extract, 25gp, +1 bonus for one week

Dungeon Master's Guide:
-Monk's belt, 13k, wisdom modifier +1 to AC while unarmored. Too awesome not to be mentioned, by far my favourite AC trick with Druids and Clerics, who max wisdom like no-one's business and sometimes even higher than that.

Shield bonus:

Player's Handbook:
-Shield, +4 bonus, 1min/CL, Wiz/Sorc 1
-Magic Vestment, +1/4 Cls (max +5), 1h/CL, Cleric 3, Strength 3, War 3. Has to be applied to an existing item.

-Mithril buckler, +1 bonus. No arcane spell failure, 1015gp.

Dungeon Master's Guide II/Player's Handbook:
-Feycrafted darkwood buckler, +1. No arcane spell failure or armor check penalty, 715gp.

Natural armor:

Player's Handbook:
-Barkskin, +2 bonus and +1 per 3 Cls (max +5 at level 12), 10min/CL, Drd 2, Rgr 2, Plant 2
-Righteous might, +2 bonus, 1rnd/CL, Cleric 5, Strength 5
-Various polymorph-based spells are dealt with in Change your form-section.

Spell Compendium:
-Spider skin, +1 enhancement (+1 every for every two CLs after six, max +5), 10min/CL, Drd 3, Sorc/Wizard 3
-Dragonskin, +1 enhancement/ 2 CLs (max+5), 10min/CL, Sorc/Wiz 3. Also gives energy resistance.
-Bite of the X, a variable amount of enhancement, 1rnd/CL, Druid x, Sorc/Wiz x. A buttload of other benefits as well.


Player's Handbook:
-Cat's grace, +4 enhancement bonus, 1min/CL, Drd 2, Rgr 2, Brd 2, Wiz/Sorc 2, Celerity 2, Halfling 2,
-Various polymorph-based spells are dealt with in Change your form-section.

Spell Compendium:
-Divine agility, +10 enhancement bonus, 1rnd/CL, Cleric 5

Deflection bonus:

Player's Handbook:
-Shield of Faith, +2 bonus (+1 per 6 Cls, max +5 at level 18), 1min/CL, Clr 1

-Halo of Sand, +1 bonus (+1/3 CLs, max +4), 10min/level, Drd 2, Rgr 2

Spell Compendium:
-Scintillating scales, changes natural armor to deflection bonus, 10min/CL, Wiz/Sorc 2
-Armor of Darkness, +4 bonus (+1/3 CLs above 7, max +8), 10min/CL, Darkness 4


Player's Handbook:
-Foresight, +2 insight bonus, 10min/CL, Drd 9, Wiz/Sorc 9, Time 8. Also makes you immune to surprise, so no more being flat-footed when combat starts.
-Haste, +1 dodge bonus, 1rnd/CL, Brd 3, Sorc/Wiz 3, Celerity 4. +1 bonus to reflex saves, increases speed and gives an additional attack each round.

Player's Handbook II:
-Visions of the future, +2 dodge, 1h/lvl, Clr 8. Can be discharged for 1/2 CL bonus until your next turn, also gives +2 sacred to saves.

Book of Exalted Deeds:
-Exalted rainment, +1 sacred bonus per 5 CLs, 1min/CL, Sanctified 6. Also gives DR, SR and reduces ability damage.

Complete Champion:
-Interfaith blessing, +1 unnamed for worshippers of Ehlonna, Obad-Hai or nature, +2 for those of Fharlaghn, Moradin and Pelor, 1min/CL, Drd 2, Clr 2. 20' radius.

Spell Compendium:
-Shield of Warding, +1 sacred bonus per 5 Cls, 1min/CL, Clr 3, Pal 2
-Holy Star, +6 circumstance, 3 rounds, Cleric 7
-Silver beard, +2 sacred, 1min/CL, Pal 1
-Sacred haven, +2 sacred, 1min/CL, Pal 4. 30' radius, targets retain dexterity bonus to AC even while flat-footed.
-Divine protection, +1 morale, 1min/CL, Clr 2, Pal 2. 20' radius and also gives +1 morale bonus to saving throws.
-Recitation, +2 luck (+3 if allies worship same deity), 1rnd/lvl, Clr 4, Purification 3. 60' radius.

Dungeon Master's Guide:
-Greater magic weapon+Defending weapon, maximum +4 at level 20. Stacks with everything else.

-Change your form

Player's Handbook:
-Alter self. There is an entire thread dedicated to finding good ways of using it. Troglodyte is quite popular a form and for outsiders, Dwarven Ancertor is damn near perfect. Here is a link to the Alter self-thread.
-Polymorph. Not so surprisingly, Polymorph and it's bigger brothers have a similar thread. Linky.

Thanks for PhaedrusXY and MegaPlex for their Alter self and Polymorph threads, respectively. Those should give good insight to help beginners and even the most experienced players in picking the best forms.

Random AC bonuses for casters:
Complete Champion:
-Law devotion, 3-7 sacred/profane for a turn attempt.

Quote from: Sunic_Flames
+5 Lucky* Parrying Spellstrike Warning Shuriken. It only gives +1 insight to AC, but it is cheaper than an Ioun Stone by a margin of 993.4 GP. And, lots of other benefits. Like +5 insight to init, +5 unnamed all saves, +1 insight to saves (total +6)... The Lucky can be replaced with another +1 property if you aren't a ray wizard. General purpose item that still helps. Catch is you have to hold it. If this is a problem because both hands are needed elsewhere, Spare Hand works but removes the cost efficient for pure AC factor.

Miss chance

Every time Bob the Underpowered Fighter manages to roll a natural 20 you are getting hit regardless of your AC. However, if you don't want to bother your healing kit, just lower that 5% chance to even more abysmally small numbers. Suddenly Bob can't believe his eyes, there are five Wizards in front of him! Now the guy swinging a sword seems even less dangerous than he used to. Remember, Mirror image stacks with spells that give miss chance! True seeing can get around most of these tricks, but how many Fighters actually have True seeing active? If you're scared, just hit him with a Greater Dispel Magic first and watch him cry while you are finishing your cup of popcorn.

Player's Handbook:
-Darkness, 20% concealment for everyone within the radius, 10min/CL, Clr 2, Bard 2, Wiz/Sorc 2
-Blur, 20% concealment, 1min/CL, Bard 2, Wiz/Sorc 2
-Mirror image, 1d4 images (+1/3 CLs, maximum 8 ), 1min/CL, Brd 2, Wiz/Sorc 2
-Invisiblity, you cannot be seen at all, 1min/CL, Brd 2, Wiz/Sorc 2, Trickey 2
-Displacement, 50% miss chance, 1rnd/CL, Brd 3, Wiz/Sorc 3
-Blink, 50% miss chance, 1rnd/CL, Brd 3, Wiz/Sorc 3
-Greater invisibility, cannot be seen, but you can attack, 1rnd/CL, Brd 4, Wiz/Sorc 4

Player's Handbook II:
-Greater Mirror Image, like Mirror image, but immediate action casting time, Bard 4, Sorc/Wiz 4

Spell Compendium:
-Greater Blink, like Blink, but you can control your blinking, Bard 5, Wiz/Sorc 5, Celerity 8
-Superior invisibility, a bit powerful than Greater invisibility, 1min/CL, Wiz/Sorc 8
-Shadow phase, 50% miss chance (20% for magical attacks), 1rnd/CL, Assassin 4, Sorc/Wiz 3


This section includes aid another, contingencies, using surroundings and stuff like that. Buffing well is always not enough and playing smart can save you many times. Needless to say, making the most of your environment and options is the key to survival in D&D, so using these tricks can turn out to be invaluable.

Aid another:
-Operation Nanotechnology by LordofProcrastination et al. Quite possibly the best-known abuse of aid another theoretical optimization forum has provided us with. You can really get the message, mess not with casters. However, there are several ways of getting stackable aid another bonus:
-Buying small animals or hiring servants. Cheap stuff.
-Using an animal companion or familiar.
-Summons. Call faithful servants grants you 1d4 helpers who are sticking with you for a year and most summoning spells can be used to conjure 1d4 or 1d3 monsters at a time.

Immediate action lifesavers:
-Conjuration specialist alternative classfeature from PHB II allows you to utilize Abrupt jaunt to teleport 10ft as an immediate action times per day equal to your intelligence modifier. You lose your familiar though.
-Wings of cover. This Sorcerer only spell from Races of the Dragon gives you total cover against one attack, spell or power. Immediate action to use naturally.
-Permeable form is a third level Wiz/Sorc spell from Lords of Madness. 50% miss chance again magical weapons, spells, SLAs and so forth. Definitely worth checking, though it lasts only a round.
-Celerity-series. Overpowered? Oh yes and with Favor of the Martyr, overwhelmingly so. Whenever you are attacked or you just don't like waiting and giving spotlight to other players, just use Celerity and kill everyone. Celerity+Time stop+Wall of Force+Dimensional lock+Rod Maximized Maw of Chaos for the win. Suck on that silly Samurais and level adjusted Ogre Mages.
-Brief figment is another specialist Wizard alternative classfeature originating from PHB II. It has the same rules as Abrupt jaunt, but the effect is different, this one creates a mirror image of you until the beginning of next round.

-Armband of elusive action. Once a day, you can use an immediate action to avoid an attack of opportunity you would normally cause. Walk away, cast a spell, do anything. Magic Item Compendium provides you with this goodie for only 800gp, the only downside is that it takes the same slot as Bracers of Armor. Well, you can always cast Greater mage armor OR buy a dozen of of slotless armbands...

Saved by the bell; abusing what you've got:
Quote from: PhaedrusXY
Take Use Magic Device ranks, and give your familiar a wand of Dimension Door (or one of the Transposition spells). Have it ready actions every round to whisk you both away to safety if you are about to get hurt somehow. You may need to turn it into something with hands and a voice first (via Alter Self), depending on your familiar and DM.
Quote from: PhaedrusXY
A variation (or addition) to this is to get your familiar the Mounted Combat feat somehow (retraining, Psychic Reformation, magic item, etc), and take ranks in Ride. Then let it use you as a "mount", and negate one attack against you every round with a Ride check.
This trick can be carried out by using Abyssal retraining. If you use that combo, cover your head, DMs usually keep a bunch of sharp weapons handy.

-Contingencies can save your hide as well. Wizard's and Clerics with Time domain can get it as a sixth level spell, which has no XP cost, only a focus. Stupendously good. The only real problem is that you can only have one contingency up at any given moment. What's that? Oh yeah, there's a feat Craft Contigency Spell in Complete Arcane. Let's you craft contingencies and the limit of these lifesavers is substantially more lenient; one contingency per HD allowed. All of a sudden, the sword of the charger turns into dust when your contingency goes off and a Disintegrate hits it. Too bad.

Various spells that suit this category:
-Blacklight, an emanation of impenetrable darkness, 1rnd/CL, Wiz/Sorc 3, Darkness 3, Spell Compendium

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #92 on: April 11, 2013, 06:35:27 PM »
Kudos to you for doing this  :clap. I was actually going to it myself some time ago but kept procrastinating. 
Please, call me Count :).

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #93 on: April 11, 2013, 06:35:47 PM »
List of Save-or-be-Screwed Spells [PHB, SpC, FrB, SnS, BoED, CM, PH2]

by Cube


In D&D, there's a lot of spells. 150+ pages of them in the PHB, and loads more on each supplement. So, here's a list of spells that will remove an enemy from combat, with a single failed save (and sometimes not even that).

2007/10/14: Added Player's Handbook no-save spells. I'm sure I'm still missing some.
2007/10/14: Added Player's Handbook 2 spells.
2007/10/14: Added Complete Mage spells. Thanks to CannibalSmith
2007/10/14: Added Book of Exalted Deed spells. Thanks to Tensaiga
2008/05/23: Corrected some typos.
2008/05/24: Added some spells I missed. Thanks to Shokatsuryou
PHB: Player's Handbook
SpC: Spell Compendium
FrB: FrostBurn
SnS: SandStorm
BED: Book of Exalted Deeds
CMa: Complete Mage
PH2: Player's Handbook II
AoE: Area of Effect. Also used for spells that target more than 1 creature.
SoD: Save or Die. For the spells that kill the target on a failed save.
EMC: Expensive Material Component. For the spells which require an expensive component to be cast.
Dmn: Domain Spell. Not in the base cleric spell list, but you can get it with a domain.

      Level 1
[PHB] Cause Fear: Frightened for 1d4 rounds on failed save. Shaken for 1 round on a successful save.
[PHB] Command: Obeys a command for 1 round. Good ones are Flee (provoques AoO) or Drop (make a Fighter drop his weapon)
[SpC] Inhibit: Forces the target creature to delay until the following round, acting immediatly before you
[BED] Vision of Heaven: Target is dazed for 1 round.
      Level 2
[PHB][AoE] Sound Burst: Stunned for 1 round, plus damage.
[PHB][AoE] Calm Emotions: 1 round/level, stops creatures from taking violent actions until attacked.
[PHB] Hold Person: Paralyzed for 1 round/level, may make a new save each round on its turn as a full round action.
[PHB][AoE] Silence: Death to casters at this level, not many will have Silent spells ready.
[BED] Lastai's Caress: Evil opponent is shaken, frightened, nauseated, or cowering.
[PHB][AoE] Silence: Death to casters at this level, not many will have Silent spells ready. No save if cast on an object.
      Level 3
[PHB] Blindness/Deafness: Blinds or deafens target creature
[SpC] Clutch of Orcus: Paralyzes creature as long as you concentrate. The victim may attempt a new saving throw each round.
[SpC][AoE] Nauseating Breath: Nauseates enemies for 1d6 rounds
[PHB] Bestow Curse: Choose from -6 to an ability score, -4 to attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks, or 50% chance to take no actions each round.
[SpC] Awaken Sin: Stuns for one round, and deals nonlethal damage
[SpC] Blade of Pain and Fear: Each creature you hit must save or become frightened for 1d4 rounds
[PH2] Crown of the Grave: Command as the spell 1/minute against undead. Can use a Turn/Rebuke to increase DC by 4.
[PH2] Hesitate: Subject can only take move actions on its turn, may use a Swift action to try to save again. Immediate action to cast.
      Level 4
[SpC] Wrack: Renders target blind and helpless for 1 round/level, then shaken for 3d10 minutes
[BED][Dmn][AoE] Blinding Beauty: Gain the beauty of a nymph, people who look at you must save or be permanently blinded.
[PHB] Dismissal: Return extraplanar creature to its homeplane. Save DC = spell’s save DC - creature’s HD + your caster level
[SpC] Moon Bolt: Deals Str damage to living creatures, renders undead helpless
[FrB] Freeze Armor: Freezes target's armor, locking it in place. Target also suffers -6 to attack, -8 to Dex, and must make concentration checks to cast spells.
      Level 5
[PHB][SoD] Slay Living: If successful, target still takes damage.
[SnS] Choking Sands: You fill the target's lungs with sand. It must cough it by taking a full round action to gain another Fort save, or start making Constitution checks to avoid suffocation
[BED] Dancing Web: Does nonlethal damage and entangles evil creatures.
[PHB][AoE] Command, Greater: As command, but 1 target/level and lasts for 1 round/level. Creatures get another save at the start of their turns after the first one.
[PHB] Plane Shift: Send creature to the Positive Energy Plane for Death by Awesome(TM)
[FrB] Hibernate: Puts target into a state of suspended animation
[PH2] Condemnation: Save or target outsider is stunned and SR reduced by 10, both for 1 round
[SpC][Dmn][AoE] Darkbolt: Save or be stunned, plus damage. Up to 7 targets
      Level 6
[SnS][SoD] Mummify: Instantly kills the target and preserves it in an instantaneous mummification process
[BED] Crown of Brilliance: Creatures you melee must make a Fort save or are blinded for 1d4 rounds. Sunlight affected creatures (Light sensitivity, damage, helplessness) must make a Will save or have to move over 20 feet away.
[SpC] Sarcophagus of Stone: Traps creature in sarcophagus. Has one hour worth of air or suffocates.
[PHB][AoE] Banishment: As Dismissal, but can affect up to 2 HD of creatures per level.
[PHB][EMC][AoE][SoD] Undeath to Death: Kills 1d4 HD of undead/level. 500 gp diamond.
[BED] Crown of Brilliance: Creatures you melee must make a Fort save or are blinded for 1d4 rounds. Sunlight affected creatures (Light sensitivity, damage, helplessness) must make a Will save or have to move over 20 feet away.
Level 7
[PHB][SoD] Destruction: If successful, target takes 10d6 damage.
[BED] Heaven's Trumpet: Save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.
[BED] Tomb of Light: In a failed save, target is helpless. Concentration, but you take 1d6 nonlethal damage every turn you concentrate. Each round it is held (besides the first) it takes 1d6 permanent con drain.
[PHB][AoE] Blasphemy/Dictum/Holy Word/Word of Chaos: Besides killing with no save if high enough CL, also works as a Banishment spell with a -4 penalty to the save.
[SpC] Bestow Curse, Greater: Choose from -8 to two ability scores, drop an ability score to 1, -8 to attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks, or 75% chance to take no actions each round.
[SpC] Evil Glare: For 1 round/level you may try to paralyze an enemy for 1d8 rounds as a Std action
[BED][AoE] Righteous Smite: Deals 1d6 damage/level (1d8 damage/level to evil outsiders) in 20-ft. radius and blinds evil foes for 1d4 rounds.
[PHB][AoE] Blasphemy/Dictum/Holy Word/Word of Chaos: Besides killing with no save if high enough CL, also works as a Banishment spell with a -4 penalty to the save.
[PHB][Dmn] Power Word Blind: Blinds target with 200 hp or less.
      Level 8
[SpC][SoD] Bodak's Glare: Unless it's resurrected, the creature transforms into a Bodak 24 hours after dying.
[PHB][AoE][SoD] Earthquake: Depending on the area can kill or drown targets.
[BED][SoD] Last Judgment: Save or die and be instantly transported to the lower plane you deserve to be in. If you save, take 3d6 wis damage from guilt.
[BED][AoE] Spread of Contentment: Hostile and unfriendly creatures become indifferent, indifferent become friendly, and friendly become helpful.
[BED][AoE][Dmn][SoD] Unearthly Beauty: As Blinding Beauty, but any creature that looks at you must save or die.
[PHB][Dmn] Power Word Stun: Stuns target with 150 hp or less.
      Level 9
[PHB][SoD] Implossion: You may target 1 creature per round, up to 4 rounds.
[PHB][SoD][Dmn] Power Word Kill: Kills target with 100 hp or less.

      Level 1
[SpC][AoE] Sandblast: Stuns for 1 round
[PHB][AoE] Calm Animals: Like Calm Emotions, but against Animals
[PHB] Charm Animal: Like Charm Person, but against an Animal
      Level 2
[SpC] Saltray: Stuns for 1 round
[CMa] Blackrot: Enchant a wooden stick (your quarterstaff, for example) with this and beat someone repeatedly. Each hit forces Fort vs sickened for a round. Counts as poison.
[PHB] Hold Animal: As Hold Person, against an Animal
      Level 3
[SpC] Icelance: Stuns for 1d4 rounds
[PHB] Dominate Animal: As Dominate Person, against an Animal
      Level 4
[FrB] Freeze Armor: Freezes target's armor, locking it in place. Target also suffers -6 to attack, -8 to Dex, and must make concentration checks to cast spells.
[SnS] Searing Exposure: Deals nonlethal damage, dazzles, dehydrates, and sunburns
[BED][AoE] Blinding Beauty: Gain the beauty of a nymph, people who look at you must save or be permanently blinded.
[PH2] Call of Stone: For 1 round/2 levels, target must save each round. Each failed save reduces its speed by 10 ft and its Dex by 2. After 4 failed saves, turns to stone as Flesh to Stone
[SpC][AoE] Murderous Mist: Permanently blinds creatures in a 30 ft radius, 20 ft high cloud.
[SpC] Sudden Stalagmite: Locks target into place.
[SnS][AoE] Slipsand: Creates an area of slipsand. Creatures that fall inside must hold their breath or start to suffocate
[SpC] Languor: Str penalty as Ray of Enfeeblement, and Slow
[SpC] Moon Bolt: Deals Str damage to living creatures, renders undead helpless
      Level 5
[PHB] Baleful Polymorph: Polymorphs the target into a harmless creature. Must also make a Will save 24 hours later, or completely turns into said animal.
[FrB] Hibernate: Puts target into a state of suspended animation
[SnS] Choking Sands: You fill the target's lungs with sand. It must cough it by taking a full round action to gain another Fort save, or start making Constitution checks to avoid suffocation
[SnS][AoE] Sleep Mote: You create an area of sleep that you can redirect.
[PH2] Blood Creepers: Locks target in place, entangled, and taking 1 point of damage/level for 1 round/level
[FrB][AoE] Call Avalanche: Burries creatures that fail their saves
[BED] Dancing Web: Does nonlethal damage and entangles evil creatures.
      Level 6
[SpC][SoD] Drown: First round, creature's HP drops to 0. Next round, to -1. Third round, dies.
[SpC] Miasma: Fills target's mouth and throat with unbreathable air. Target can't speak, cast spells with verbal components, use breath weapons, or use command word items. Target must hold its breath (making Constitution checks) or fall unconscious (0 hp), next round dying (-1 hp), and finally suffocate
[SnS][SoD] Mummify: Instantly kills the target and preserves it in an instantaneous mummification process
[SpC] Enveloping Cocoon: Attach a Baleful Polymorph for a nice Ref-based SobS
[SpC] Freeze: Encases target in ice for 1 round/2 levels, rendering it helpless. May attempt Str checks (DC 22) to break free
[SpC] Hungry Gizzard: Entombs the target in a disembodied gizzard, receiving crushing damage each round. Can only cast spells with no somatic components and if it has the material components in hand.
[SpC][AoE] Stonehold: Creatures that fail their saves can't move from where they are. If a creature starts its round on the area of effect, it must save again
[SpC] Phantasmal Disorientation: Creature can't target any other creature with ranged attacks or ranged spells. Must make a will save each round to move in the right direction.
      Level 7
[SpC] Swamp Lung: Renders target helpless and prone for 1d6 rounds, as well as infecting it with filth fever
[BED][AoE] Rain of Roses: 1d4 temp Wis damage per round, at 0 Wis creatures fall unconscious. Evil creatures are sickened.
[PHB][AoE] Sunbeam: Blinds target on a failed save, as well as dealing damage. You may fire 1 ray/3 levels, 1 ray per round. Kills creatures vulnerable to sunlight in a failed save.
[CMa] Great Worm of the Earth: Save or be swallowed by earth itself. Might be completely digested.
[SpC][AoE] Word of Balance: As Holy Word, but works against non-neutral creatures
[SpC][AoE] Word of Balance: As Holy Word, but works against non-neutral creatures
      Level 8
[PHB][SoD] Finger of Death: If successful, target still takes damage.
[SpC][AoE] Red Tide: Knocked prone, no save. Sickened for 1 minute on a successful save, nauseated for 1 minute, 2d6 Str damage and must save again 1 minute later or take 2d6 Str damage again on a failed save.
[FrB][AoE] Frostfell: For 1 hour/level, creatures that enter the AoE have to save or be instantly turned to ice, as Flesh to Ice
[BED][AoE] Leonal's Roar: As Holy Word, with an additional 2d6 sonic damage. Fort save is only for damage.
[PHB][AoE][SoD] Earthquake: Depending on the area can kill or drown targets.
[PHB][AoE] Sunburst: As Sunbeam, but instantaneous and with a huge AoE (80 ft. radius burst)
[SpC][AoE] Bombardment: Burries creatures under 5 ft of rubble. Requires DC 20 Str check as a full round action to break free.
[BED][AoE] Leonal's Roar: As Holy Word, with an additional 2d6 sonic damage. Fort save is only for damage.
[BED][AoE][SoD] Unearthly Beauty: As Blinding Beauty, but any creature that looks at you must save or die.
[BED][AoE] Leonal's Roar: As Holy Word, with an additional 2d6 sonic damage. Fort save is only for damage.
      Level 9
[SpC][AoE] Cast in Stone: Gets a gaze attack for 1 round/level that permanently petrifies creatures as Flesh to Stone.
[SpC][AoE] Drown, Mass: As Drown, but creatures within 30 ft.
[BED][AoE] Rain of Black Tulips: Damage, and evil creatures are nauseated.
[FrB] Cometstrike: 3 comets fall each round, for 3 rounds. Each commet can stun a target for 1 round.
      Level 1
[SpC][AoE] Wall of Smoke: Nauseated for one round
[PHB] Grease: Well known spell. Grease a Fighter's weapon, or the terrain under him to have him fall over.
[PHB] Charm Person: Makes a humanoid your ally.
[PHB][AoE] Sleep: Puts 4HD of creatures to sleep, rendering them helpless.
[PHB][AoE] Color Spray: Causes creatures to become stunned, perhaps also blinded, and possibly knocking them unconscious.
[PHB] Cause Fear: Frightened for 1d4 rounds on failed save. Shaken for 1 round on a successful save.
[SpC] Inhibit: Forces the target creature to delay until the following round, acting immediatly before you
      Level 2
[PHB] Blindness/Deafness: Blinds or deafens target creature
[PHB] Ghoul Touch: Paralyzes target creature for 1d6+2 rounds. May sicken living creatures within 10 ft. of the target creature.
[SpC][AoE] Cloud of Bewilderment: Nauseates creatures in a 10x10 cube as long as they are inside and 1d4+1 rounds after they leave. Creatures that save must make a save again each round they stay in the cloud.
[FrB] Bone Chill: As Hold Person against undead
[PHB][AoE] Web: Entangles creatures, and makes them unnable to move in a failed save. Even on a successful save, they move very slowly.
[SpC] Ray of Ice: Freezes the target, making it unable to move, denying their Dex bonus to AC, and giving it a -2 penalty on attack rolls
[PHB][AoE] Glitterdust: Blinds creatures for 1 round/level
[PHB] Daze Monster: Target creature is dazed (can't take actions) for 1 round
[PHB] Hideous Laughter: Falls prone and may take no actions for 1 round/level
[PHB] Command Undead: Makes an undead your ally. Nonintelligent undead don't get a save
[PHB][AoE] Scare: As Cause Fear, but 1 creature/3 levels
[PHB][AoE] Pyrotechniques: Blinds creatures in a huge AoE (120 ft radius) for 1d4+1 rounds.
[SpC] Baleful Transposition: Put squishy wizard in front of the frontliners.
[SpC] Entice Gift: Ask the enemy melee'er to give you his weapon
[SpC][AoE] Shadow Radiance: Blinds creatures for 1 round
[SpC] Sting Ray: Target can only take a Move or Standard action each round, takes -2 penalty to AC, may attempt a new save each round, must make Concentration checks to cast spells
[BED] Yoke of Mercy: Creature up to 4 HD more than caster will fight mercifully, dealing non-lethal damage, not casting damaging spells, and refusing to coup-de-grace.
[CMa] Torrent of Tears: Save or be blinded and sickened.
[PH2] Blinding Color Surge: Save or blinded for 1 round. You are Invisible for 1 round/level as well, regardless of the save.
[PH2] Vertigo: Will-based single-target Grease. Must make a Balance check to move, failure by 5 means it falls prone. -2 to attack rolls and saving throws.
[PHB] Touch of Idiocy: 1d6 penalty to Int, Wis and Cha.
[PH2][AoE] Kelgore's Grave Mist: Fatigues living creatures within a 20 ft radius cloud. Deals 1d6 cold damage per round.
[SpC] Ray of Stupidity: 1d4+1 Int drain
      Level 3
[PHB][AoE] Stinking Cloud: Nauseates creature as long as they are in the cloud and 1d4+1 rounds after they leave. Creatures inside the cloud that save must make new saves each round.
[SpC] Icelance: Stuns for 1d4 rounds
[SpC][AoE] Nauseating Breath: Nauseates enemies for 1d6 rounds
[BED][AoE] Warcry: Targets cower in fear for 1d4 rounds, unable to take actions.
[PH2][AoE] Vertigo Field: Save or nauseated for 1 round.
[SpC] Bands of Steel: Immobilizes a medium or smaller creature for 1 round/level. May try Str or Escape Artist checks to escape.
[PHB][AoE] Deep Slumber: Like Sleep, but up to 10 HD of creatures.
[PHB] Hold Person: Paralyzed for 1 round/level, may make a new save each round on its turn as a full round action.
[PHB] Suggestion: A more broad Command, but must be a reasonable order.
[PHB] Halt Undead: Similar to Hold Person, but against undead. The effect is broken if the undead is attacked or takes damage. Nonintelligent undead get no save.
[PHB][AoE] Slow: 1 creature/level may only take a Std or Move action each round.
[SpC][AoE] Cone of Dimness: Creatures in a 60 ft. cone must save or believe they are blinded.
[SpC][AoE] Great Thunderclap: Will or stunned for 1 round, then Fort or deafened for 1 minute, then Reflex or fall prone.
[SpC] Miser's Envy: Makes target desire an object, attacking the owner. "Fighter A, get Fighter B's weapon"
[SpC] Unluck: Target must make 2 rolls and take the lowest one on every roll
[SnS] Tormenting Thirst: Target can't take any actions other than drinking water, running to the nearest source and emptying it.
[BED] Dolorous Motes: Target must save or be dazed for 1 round. New save each round. Requires 1d3 WIS sacrifice.
[PH2] Crown of the Grave: Command as the spell 1/minute against undead.
[PH2] Halt: Prevents an enemy from moving. Useful to keep enemies in Cloudkills and the like.
[PH2] Hesitate: Subject can only take move actions on its turn, may use a Swift action to try to save again. Immediate action to cast.
[SpC] Ray of Dizziness: Single target slow
Level 4
[PHB][SoD] Phantasmal Killer. Will, then Fort. If Will fails but Fort succeeds, target takes damage.
[SpC] Corporeal Instability: Transforms target into a spongy mass. Can't hold or use items, speed is reduced to 10 ft. or 1/4 normal, is blinded, can't cast spells or use magic items, can't attack, and takes 1 point of Wis damage per round. Target may attempt a new save each round as a Std action.
[SpC] Orb of Acid: Sickened for one round
[SpC] Orb of Cold: Blinded for one round
[SnS] Searing Exposure: Deals nonlethal damage, dazzles, dehydrates, and sunburns
[BED][AoE] Radiant Fog: As solid fog, but creatures that are in it are dazzled and creatures with light sensitivity or worse are blinded.
[CMa][AoE] Horrid Sickness: Mass nauseating for a few rounds.
[CMa] Melf's Slumber Arrows: Multiple 15 HD sleep.
[CMa] Touch of Years: Save or die of old age over the course of a dew days.
[PH2] Call of Stone: For 1 round/2 levels, target must save each round. Each failed save reduces its speed by 10 ft and its Dex by 2. After 4 failed saves, turns to stone as Flesh to Stone
[PH2] Crushing Grip: -2 to attacks, checks, saves and AC, -20 ft. to speed with no save. Fort or paralyzed. Both effects last 3 rounds.
[SpC] Orb of Fire: Dazed for one round
[PH2] Baleful Blink: Target loses 50% of all actions
[SpC] Blinding Breath: If you have a Breath Weapon, those that fail their saves are permanentyl blinded.
[BED] Dancing Web: Does nonlethal damage and entangles evil creatures.
[PHB] Charm Monster: As Charm Person, but targets any creature type
[PHB] Confusion: Target has no control on what actions it'll take. If attacked, will only attack the attacker. Handy for protecting the casters and letting it focus on the meleers.
[PHB][SoD] Phantasmal Killer. Will, then Fort. If Will fails but Fort succeeds, target takes damage.
[PHB] Bestow Curse: Choose from -6 to an ability score, -4 to attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks, or 50% chance to take no actions each round.
[PHB][AoE] Fear: Makes creatures in a cone Panicked. Even if the save suceeds, they are still Shaken.
[SpC] Burning Blood: Deals damage, and for 1 round/level, the creature must make a save each round. If it fails, it can only take a Move action.
[SpC] Rebuke, Greater: Target cowers for 1d4 rounds
[SpC] Sensory Deprivation: Blinds, deafens and denies blindsense, blindsight, scent and tremorsense.
[SpC] Shadow Well: Sends creature to a pocket dimention inside the Plane of Shadow for 1 round/level. Each round, the creature may attempt another save to return. After returning, the target is frightened for 1d4 rounds unless it succeeds on another Will save.
[SpC] Translocation Trick: Change places and appearance (as Disguise Self) with a creature. Quite useful if you have telepathy, switch with the enemy fighter and let them fight each other
[SpC] Voice of the Dragon: As Suggestion
[PH2] Condemnation: Save or target outsider is stunned and SR reduced by 10, both for 1 round
[PHB][AoE] Evard's Black Tentacles: Reduces speed to half, creatures must make grapple checks against the tentacles.
[PHB] Enervation: Ranged touch attack. 1d4 Negative levels.
[PHB][AoE] Solid Fog: As Fog Cloud, and creatures inside have their speed reduced to 5 ft, as well as taking a -2 penalty on melee attack and melee damage rolls. Prevents ranged attacks.
      Level 5
[PHB][AoE] Cloudkill: Kills creatures with 6 or less HD, or else deals Con damage.
[PHB] Baleful Polymorph: Polymorphs the target into a harmless creature. Must also make a Will save 24 hours later, or completely turns into said animal.
[SpC] Prismatic Ray: Single target Prismatic Spray
[SpC][AoE] Stunning Breath: Creatures that take damage from your breath weapon must make a Fort save at the same DC or be stunned for 1 round
[SpC] Wrack: Renders target blind and helpless for 1 round/level, then shaken for 3d10 minutes
[FrB] Flesh to Ice: As Flesh to Stone, but turns target into ice
[SnS] Choking Sands: You fill the target's lungs with sand. It must cough it by taking a full round action to gain another Fort save, or start making Constitution checks to avoid suffocation
[BED] Emerald Burst: Neutral creatures dazed for 1 round, evil creatures are stunned for 1d4 rounds.
[CMa] Crypwarden's Grasp: Target gets mummy rot. The first ability damage kicks in instantly. Hit some guard monster with this and wait a few days.
[CMa] Touch of Vecna: Save or be paralyzed.
[SpC] Prismatic Ray: Single target Prismatic Spray
[SpC] Viscid Glob: Target is stuck in place. It may only speak and take purely mental actions or attempt to free itself. Creatures touching the target must save or become stuck as well
[PHB] Dismissal: Return extraplanar creature to its homeplane. Save DC = spell’s save DC - creature’s HD + your caster level
[PHB] Dominate Person: Control a Humanoid for 1 day/level
[PHB] Feeblemind: Drops Int and Cha to 1. Arcane casters take a -4 penalty on their save.
[PHB] Hold Moster: As Hold Person, but can target any creature type.
[PHB] Magic Jar: Take control of creature(s)
[SpC] Prismatic Ray: Single target Prismatic Spray
[SpC][AoE] Spirit Wall: Creatures on one side of the wall must save or become frightened for 1d4 rounds
[PH2][AoE] Friend to Foe: 1 creature/level attack their closest ally. Each target keeps attacking until it deals damage.
[Spc][AoE] Illusory Feast: Long range, 40' radius, creatures in the area are distracted (treated as Dazed, drop held and carried items) for 1 round per level, unless attacked first.
      Level 6
[PHB][AoE][EMC][SoD] Circle of Death: Kills 1d4 HD of living creatures/level. 500 gp Black Pearl.
[PHB][AoE][EMC][SoD] Undeath to Death: Kills 1d4 HD of undead/level. 500 gp diamond.
[PHB][AoE] Eyebite: Makes target creature Sickened, Panicked, or Comatose, depending on HD. You may target a foe as a Move action, and the spell lasts for 1 round/3 levels.
[PHB] Disintegrate: 2d6 damage/level.
[PHB] Flesh to Stone: Turns target creature to stone.
[SpC] Fleshshiver: Stuns for 1 round, then must save again or take damage and be nauseated for 1d4+2 rounds
[FrB][SoD] Heartfreeze: Encases the target creature's heart in ice. It becomes exhausted, and dies in 1d3+2 rounds.
[SnS][SoD] Mummify: Instantly kills the target and preserves it in an instantaneous mummification process
[CMa] Smoky Confinement: Save or be bottled forever (or until the bottle is opened or broken).
[SpC][AoE] Freezing Fog: like solid fog, plus grease and damage.
[PHB][AoE] Suggestion, Mass: As Suggestion, but 1 creature/level
[SpC][AoE] Illusory Pit: Targets believe they are falling. An attack frees the creature from the effect, but it's stunned for one round after that.
[FrB] Freezing Glance: 1/round for 1 round/level you may try to freeze a creature in place. They are considered immobile.
[BED] Wages of Sin: Target evil creature turns on other evil creatures and attacks them to the best of it's ability. Won't ignore non-evil creatures, but prefers evil targets.
[CMa] Endless Slumber: Save or sleep, no HD limit.
[PH2] Overwhelm: Deal nonlethal damage equal to the target's current HP total. Meaning, target is now unconscious.
[PHB][AoE] Acid Fog: As Solid Fog, plus acid damage each round
      Level 7
[PHB][SoD] Finger of Death: If successful, target still takes damage.
[PHB][AoE] Prismatic Spray: Random effects including death, petrification, insanity, or plane shifting
[SpC] Avasculate: Stuns for one round on a failed save
[SpC] Glass Strike: Like Flesh to Stone, but glass instead of stone, and for 1 hour/level. Leaves magic items intact.
[SpC] Prismatic Eye: Creates eye that may fire a ray that duplicates a prismatic ray as a free action 1/round.
[SpC] Stun Ray: Stuns target for 1d4+1 rounds, 1 round on a successful save
[BED] Tomb of Light: In a failed save, target is helpless. Concentration, but you take 1d6 nonlethal damage every turn you concentrate. Each round it is held (besides the first) it takes 1d6 permanent con drain.
[PHB][AoE] Prismatic Spray: Random effects including death, petrification, insanity, or plane shifting
[SpC] Prismatic Eye: Creates eye that may fire a ray that duplicates a prismatic ray as a free action 1/round.
[PHB][AoE] Banishment: As Dismissal, but can affect up to 2 HD of creatures per level.
[PHB] Plane Shift: Send creature to the Positive Energy Plane for Death by Awesome(TM)
[PHB][AoE] Hold Person, Mass: As Hold Person, but humanoids within a 30 ft. area.
[PHB][AoE] Prismatic Spray: Random effects including death, petrification, insanity, or plane shifting
[PHB] Insanity: Permanent Confusion
[PHB] Control Undead: 2 HD/level of undead follow your orders for 1 min/level.
[SpC][EMC] Antimagic Ray: Single target Antimagic Field. 100 gp ruby.
[SpC] Prismatic Eye: Creates eye that may fire a ray that duplicates a prismatic ray as a free action 1/round.
[SpC][SoD] Rebuke, Final: Dazed for 1 round on a successful save
[SpC][AoE] Transfix: Paralyzes medium or smaller humanoids within the area for 1 hour/level, as well as any other that later enter the area
[SpC] Solipsism: Target takes no actions, believing the world to be an illusion. It's considered helpless.
[PHB][EMC] Forcecage: Traps target. Target is screwed unless it can teleport. Requires ruby dust worth 1,500 gp.
[PHB] Power Word Blind: Blinds target with 200 hp or less.
[BED] Amber Sarcophagus: On ranged touch attack hold enemy in stasis for 1 day/level.
      Level 8
[PHB][AoE] Shout, Greater: Stuns for 1 round. Also deals damage.
[SpC][SoD][EMC] Arrow of Bone: Turns a thrown weapon or ammunition into a SoD projectile. 50 gp.
[SpC] Avascular Mass: Stuns for one round on a failed Fort save, automatically entangles target, and entangles those near the target on failed Ref saves.
[SpC] Black Fire: 1d4 Con damage and nauseated. Must save each round, for 1 round/level. May spread to adjacent creatures unless they succeed on a Ref save.
[SpC][AoE] Stunning Breath, Greater: As Stunning Breath, but stuns for 2d4 rounds
[PHB][AoE] Sunburst: As Sunbeam, but instantaneous and with a huge AoE (80 ft. radius burst)
[SpC] Avascular Mass: Stuns on a failed Fort save, automatically entangles target, and entangles those near the target on failed Ref saves.
[PHB][AoE] Charm Monster, Mass: As Charm Monster, but creatures within 30 ft.
[PHB] Demand: As Sending, with a built-in Suggestion
[SpC] Maddening Whispers: Choose from Nauseated, panicked, stunned and prone, or attacking everything in sight
[SpC][SoD] Wrathful Castigation: Renders the target helpless in pain for 1 round before it dies 1 round later, at the start of your round
[BED][SoD] Last Judgment: Save or die and be instantly transported to the lower plane you deserve to be in. If you save, take 3d6 wis damage from guilt.
[PHB] Maze: Traps target. Target may try an Intelligence check DC 20 to escape as a full round action.
[PHB] Power Word Stun: Stuns target with 150 hp or less.
[PHB][AoE] Scintillating Pattern: Leaves unconscious and/or stunned and/or confused a number of creatures with total HD equal to your CL.
      Level 9
[PHB][AoE][SoD] Weird: As Phantasmal Killer, but all creatures in a 30 ft. area.
[PHB][AoE][SoD] Wail of the Banshee: Kills one creature/level in a 40 ft. radius spread.
[SpC] Black Blade of Disaster: As Disintegrate, but you may target one creature per round
[SpC] Sphere of Ultimate Destruction: As Disintegrate, but lasts for 1 round/level and you may direct it as a move action.
[FrB][AoE] Frostfell: For 1 hour/level, creatures that enter the AoE have to save or be instantly turned to ice, as Flesh to Ice
[PH2][SoD] Detonate: If the target fails it saves, it explodes on a 20 ft. radius burst, dealing 1d6 fire damage/level, Ref for half.
[SpC][AoE] Obedient Avalanche: Burries creatures. Creatures may attempt DC 20 Str checks to break free.
[SpC][AoE] Reality Maelstrom: Sends creatures within 20 ft of the center that fail a Will save to a random plane. Creatures within 40 ft of the center must make Reflex saves or be dragged 20 ft, and then forced to make a Will save.
[FrB] Iceberg: Burries creatures in snow. May have no save if the target is in the center of the spell.
[PHB] Imprisonment: Entombs creature beneath the surface of the earth. Can only be rescued with a Freedom spell.
[PHB] Dominate Monster: As Dominate Person, but any type
[PHB][AoE] Hold Monster, Mass: As Hold Monster, but all creatures in a 30 ft. area.
[PHB][AoE][SoD] Weird: As Phantasmal Killer, but all creatures in a 30 ft. area.
[SpC][AoE] Reality Maelstrom: Sends creatures within 20 ft of the center that fail a Will save to a random plane. Creatures within 40 ft of the center must make Reflex saves or be dragged 20 ft, and then forced to make a Will save.
[BED] Blinding Glory: Create light as daylight in a 100 ft/level radius burst that blinds evil creatures.
[PHB][SoD] Power Word Kill: Kills target with 100 hp or less.

      Level 2
[BED] Ayailla's Radiant Burst: Blinds evil creatures for 1 round in a cone AoE. Requires 1d2 STR sacrifice
      Level 3
[BED] Brilliant Emanation: Evil creatures are blinded. If they succed the save they are distracted. Requires 1d3 STR sacrifice.
      Level 5
[BED][AoE] Sicken Evil: Aura that sickens evil creatures. Requires 1d4 str sacrifice.
      Level 6
[BED][AoE] Storm of Shards: Deals damage and evil creatures must save or are permanently blinded. Requires 1d3 STR drain sacrifice.
      Level 7
[BED]Constricting Chains: Target is entangled, can't move, must conc check or lose spells, and take 3d6 nonlethal damage per turn. Requires 1d2 STR drain sacrifice.
      Level 9
[BED] Sanctify the Wicked: Traps the soul of an evil creature in a gem and destroys their body. Gradually the soul becomes good. If the gem is shattered 1 year later, the creature is reformed, with the sanctified creature template, and is the alignment of the caster. Requires 1 level sacrifice

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #94 on: April 11, 2013, 06:37:33 PM »
The beginnings of a complete list of good/Great/AWESOME spells from all sources.

By X-Codes

I'm starting with old sources, and looking to list my findings here.  Something I'm finding is that Initiate spells are really quite awesome for the level.  If it wasn't for Initiate of Mystra being plain ridiculous, it might be worth investing in some of these other feats.

In any case, I eventually hope to organize the list by level and school, since the method of expanding spell lists are based on those considerations.  That said, until I get a complete compilation, they're going to be listed by book in alphabetical order.

I started with FR sourcebooks.  Subschools and Descriptors with asterisks are not printed, but are likely changes the spell would undergo to be updated to 3.5e, or reasonable additions.  Here's what I've got so far:

EDIT: Forgotten Realms Books Scanned, let me know if I miss anything:

Anauroch - Empire of Shade
Champions of Ruin
Champions of Valor
Faiths and Pantheons
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Lords of Darkness
Lost Empires of Faerun
Magic of Faerun
Monsters of Faerun
Player's Guide to Faerun
Power of Faerun
Races of Faerun
Serpent Kingdoms
Shining South
Silver Marches
Unapproachable East
City of Splendors - Waterdeep

Unapproachable East:

Animate Dread Warrior (Necromancy [Evil], Sor/Wiz 6) - Raises a humanoid as a templated undead creature under your control, with the big selling point that it keeps it’s class levels.  Finally, an effective use for all those high-level Humanoid corpses!  Ok, this spell isn’t really a secret.  It’s an effective way of getting some powerful cannon fodder when your DM isn’t throwing 10-headed hydras at you.  As a bonus, the undead created by this spell are controlled by you, without limit, until you die.  Beware the stiff XP component of the spell, however.

Decastave (Conjuration (Creation) [Force], Sor/Wiz 2) - Creates a quarterstaff made of force that makes touch attacks.  Potentially an interesting alternative to Wraithstrike.  Lasts rounds/level, but is also persistable.  The way I’m looking at it, it’s a Quarterstaff made of Force that hits as touch attacks, so whatever damage boosts you get with a Quarterstaff also work with a Decastave.

Ilyykur’s Mantle (Abjuration, Sor/Wiz 4) - Gives a +1 per 3 level luck bonus on saving throws (max +5), and electricity resistance 10.  Luck bonuses to saving throws are uncommon, and almost none of them get as large as the ones granted by this spell.  Also note that this spell is Persistable.  The material component cost of 50gp is not a huge drawback.

Ghorus Toth’s Magnetism (Transmutation, Sor/Wiz 6) - Creates a powerful magnetic force that draws metallic objects and creatures towards the target.  I really like this spell for the hilarity that ensues when casting it.  If there are a lot of heavy, metallic objects around, like suits of armor or weapons, then it can also deal quite a lot of damage and pin down the target of the spell.  At the very least, it’s a fine novelty addition to a spellbook, look it up if you like spells that a Wizard just wants to cast once for the sake of a memorable gaming session.

Sinsabur’s Baleful Bolt (Necromancy, Sor/Wiz 4) - Deals 1d3 + 1 per 4 levels (max 1d3+3) Strength and Constitution damage in a medium-range line.  Don’t compare this to Lightning Bolt, compare this to Enervation.  Enervation applies a -1 to -4 penalty to all saving throws for 1 target, and does some modest HP damage.  It’s a ray, so it’s failure chance is based on you hitting a target’s touch AC.  This spell applies a -1 to -3 (eventually -2 to -3) penalty strictly to Fortitude saving throws, does some modest HP damage, and affects multiple targets in a line.  No attack roll is needed, but a Reflex save for half damage is allowed.  If you have an inordinate number of effects that target Fortitude saves, then this should at least be on your radar.

Snilloc’s Snowball (Evocation [Cold], Sor/Wiz 1) - Make one melee touch or ranged touch attack that deals 1d6 + 1 per CL cold damage, max 5 attacks.  Highly efficient in terms of damage per spell for a first-level spell, although it’s costly in actions.  Warmages add their Warmage Edge to each attack with the spell, making this an incredibly efficient spell for them to use at low levels to dispatch enemies.

Superior Darkvision (Transmutation, Sor/Wiz 4, Ranger 4) - Unlimited range Darkvision for an hour per level.  While it’s true that there’s not always enough space to make use of long-range tactics in any area that would be darkened to this extent, it’s still worth mentioning because there are some situations where it can happen.


Binding Chain of Fate (Evocation [Force*], Sor/Wiz 9) - Ok, you pick a creature, and that creature is unable to move, teleport, use any magic whatsoever, and is slowly destroyed by 2d6 force damage per round.  This has got to be the ultimate save-or-be-screwed spell.  Let’s be clear on a few things with this spell; 1) It does not target the creature.  You pick a creature, sure, but there is no target line, and the effect line is a “Whirling chain of force.”  2) It is virtually impossible to immunize yourself against this spell.  Even a tinfoil hat won’t save you from the AMF effect, since it’s not an emanation that can be blocked, and it is none of a Death, Mind-Affecting, or otherwise easily immunized-against spell descriptor.  3) It is absolutely impossible to escape from the effects of this spell.  You can’t cast Invoke Magic to Dimension Door away, because in addition to the AMF you’ve got a Dimensional Anchor on you.  There is only one possible way of saving yourself, and that’s *maybe* if you’re an incorporeal undead creature.  Incorporeal creatures “wink out” in an AMF.  Whether that means that they’re pushed into the Ethereal Plane, temporarily cease to exist, or something else entirely, is up to your DM.  If they’re vulnerable to the persistent Force damage this spell deals, and are unable to leave the area of the AMF, then they’re screwed, too.

Ensul’s Soultheft (Necromancy [Evil], Sor/Wiz 9) - Listed for completeness as a means of artificially extending your natural lifespan.  It’s generally not one of the better ones, however, since it merely delays aging, it doesn’t reverse it (so you can’t gain back physical ability score losses due to age).  Outside of the whole never-dying-from-old-age thing, it’s a pretty crappy spell.

Palarandusk’s Fire Breath (Evocation [Fire], Sor/Wiz 2) - Do not look at this spell for the damage, look at this spell for the second paragraph.  This spell gives you a one-shot breath weapon, allowing you to cast the various spells that augment breath weapons in nasty ways.

Serpent Kingdoms:

Ability Rip (Transmutation, Sor/Wiz 7) - Takes a Supernatural Ability from one creature and gives it to another.  This is a common sight on the TO boards.  Note that the “donor” loses their Supernatural ability for the duration, the recipient gains it for the duration, but the ability the recipient gives up is gone for good.  While this can probably be reversed by a Limited Wish/Wish/Miracle, it’s generally better to just use another spell to gain a Supernatural Ability temporarily, thus negating the cost of this spell.

Lagozed’s Breath (Conjuration (Creation), Sor/Wiz 3, Cleric 3) - This spell is basically Stinking Cloud.  Stinking Cloud is a good spell.  This is notable in that it’s on the Cleric’s list as well.

Venomfire (Transmutation [Acid], Cleric 3, Druid 3, Ranger 4) - Each natural poisonous attack does 1d6 per CL acid damage, in addition to the poison.  This spell is plain ridiculous.  I do not advocate the (ab)use of this spell, since it’s liable to get your DM to chuck your copy of Serpent Kingdoms, which does have some cool things in it that are not this absurd.

Shining South:

Coral Growth (Transmutation, Druid 3, Sor/Wiz 4) - Think Wall of Stone, only 1 level earlier for Wizards and 3 levels earlier for Druids.  It’s also more shapable than Wall of Stone, and creates a much larger volume of coral per casting than Wall of Stone creates.  The only disadvantage is that Coral Growth is a short range spell, while Wall of Stone is Medium range, but that’s the price of getting spells early.

Darsson’s Chilling Chamber (Evocation [Cold], Sor/Wiz 2) - Drops the temperature in one 10’ cube per CL below -40 degrees F.  Listed because it’s a very interesting option for a spell to defend strongholds with.  The persistent damage and fatigue effects over a long period of time will make creatures not resistant to cold have a very hard time dealing with the area, and it’s very low spell level, long duration, and massive area makes it relatively cheap to incorporate it into a stronghold’s design.

Darsson’s Fiery Furnace (Evocation [Fire], Sor/Wiz 2) - Raises the temperature in one 10’ cube per CL to above 140 degrees F.  See Darsson’s Chilling Chamber, only instead of cold we’re talking about heat.

Redirect Spell (Abjuration, Cleric 3, Paladin 3) - Redirects targeted spells from the recipient to the caster.  The only thing that makes this spell not awesome is the short duration, but the fact that it’s on the Paladin spell list makes it a great thing to cast with Battle Blessing.

Shuffle (Conjuration (Teleportation), Druid 6, Sor/Wiz 6) - Note that this spell is accidentally awesome for anyone with a Familiar.  So, you cast this spell and pass it off to your familiar to be the toucher (it’s a touch-range spell, afterall).  As long as the familiar holds the charge, anyone the familiar touches gains the ability to teleport a short distance as a move action.  Note the target line: “One or more willing subjects.”  From what I can tell, that means that your familiar can just keep bestowing this spell effect on anyone it touches, and keep holding the charge, and keep granting this ability to the entire party all day (maybe even longer if the familiar doesn’t sleep).  Obviously not quite what was intended, but it’s up to your DM to impose a reasonable limit on the spell’s effect.  If it affects all your allies once, then it’s still a solid spell.

Streamers (Evocation, Cleric 5, Sor/Wiz 5) - Creates 1-4 quasi-creatures that hover in the same space as creatures you direct them to.  Each round, they make a readied action to attack their designated target, which is a touch attack at an attack bonus equal to the caster’s BAB and deals 5d10 damage.  This spell is decent for any caster with a solid BAB, and is obviously most useful for disrupting enemy spell casters.

Suspension (Transmutation, Sor/Wiz 4) - Functions as levitation, but lasts for days per level and affects objects of ridiculous size (1k lbs per level).  Obviously, this spell was made to create flying fortresses.

Lords of Darkness:

Night’s Mantle (Abjuration [Darkness*], Cleric 4) - If a creature is somehow vulnerable to sunlight, this spell protects them from those effects for 10 minutes per level.  It’s not countered or dispelled by 4th-level light spells.  Vulnerabilities to sunlight can be really nasty, so it’s good to have some method of counter-acting them.

Stasis Clone (Necromancy, Sor/Wiz 9) - As clone, but the duplicate doesn’t rot. This is useful if you want to stash a clone in a hidden location that you may or may not have access to every X days to re-cast Gentle Repose on it.  Both Clone and Stasis Clone are off-day spells, anyway.  The relative resource cost is not significant.

Lost Empires of Faerun:

Backblast (Abjuration [Fire], Sor/Wiz 3) - Functions as a weak spell turning effect that only affects 3-6 levels of Fire spells.  Also gives fire resistance 10 while active.  Note that there are some pretty nasty targeted fire spells that are affected by this, including the heavy-hitting, metamagic favorites Scorching Ray and Orb of Fire.  Also note that no matter how much metamagic is tacked onto these spells (except Heighten Spell, obviously), they still only count as 2nd- and 4th-level spells for purposes of this effect.

Ebon Ray of Doom (Necromancy, Assassin 3, Sor/Wiz 4) - Effectively gives a creature Spell Resistance equal to 15 + your caster level against Conjuration (Healing) spells that heal hit points, and causes creatures with Fast Healing or Regeneration to have to make a Fortitude save each round or lose the ability to benefit from said spells.  Notable for making creatures very difficult to heal with Heal or Mass Heal spells, as well as potentially negating Regeneration for parts of the duration.

Nezram’s Amethyst Aura (Abjuration, Sor/Wiz 3) - Poison and disease immunity for 10 minutes per level, coming at a level that is ideal for use with Extend rods.  Solid spell for Sorcerers and Wizards that are still breathing.

Ray of Resurgence (Evocation, Cleric 1, Sor/Wiz 2) - Possibly the best spell in the book.  Restores 1 point of Strength damage per level, reduces any Strength penalties the subject is suffering by 1d6+1 points per caster level (max 1d6+5), reduces exhaustion to fatigue, or eliminates fatigue.

Shalantha’s Delicate Disk (Conjuration (Creation), Sorcerer/Wizard 6) - The expensive material component is relatively unimportant at this level, but the big draw of this spell is that said component can be ignored completely if you cast it via Shadow Conjuration.  There’s a whole thread dedicated to these “Shadowcraft Cookies.”

Magic of Faerun:

Amanuensis (Transmutation, Cleric 3, Sor/Wiz 3) - A spell that is extremely good at what it does.  It shortens the time required to copy spells into a spellbook from 1 day to 1 minute per level of the spell.  That said, it was later “updated” to not be able to copy spells at all, and had it’s level reduced to 0.  If you play a wizard, and this sourcebook is open, then it’s always worthwhile to ask if this spell is available to be taken.  It’s really invaluable.

Player’s Guide to Faerun (NOTE: I know some of these spells were updated in SC, but I haven't gotten to that book, yet.):

Battletide (Transmutation, Initiate of Bane 5) - An obscure spell if ever there was one, but with an impressive effect.  Enemies that are affected by the spell take a -2 penalty to saving throws, which is nice.  Furthermore, as long as one enemy is under the effect of the spell you gain an improved haste-like benefit.  How is it improved?  Instead of making an extra attack, you can apply Quicken Spell for free to your lower-level spells.  If you’re also under the effects of Haste, then you can arguably do both (although you can’t make 2 extra attacks).

Favor of Ilmater (Necromancy, Initiate of Ilmater 4, Paladin 4) - A bit of an infamous spell due to the fact that it’s one of extremely few ways to immunize yourself against the dazed condition, which causes it to be included in all kinds of cheesy combinations such as Reserves of Strength, Born of Three Thunders, and, most of all, the Celerity line.

Fiendform (Transmutation (Polymorph*) [Evil], Sor/Wiz 6) - Spell that allows you to transform into a fiendish creature, demon, or devil summonable off the Summon Monster I - IV lists.  It’s an interesting option, to say the least, because unlike most Polymorph spells, this one grants you all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities of the form you change into.  If you can expand the list of monsters that you can change into, then this can become quite the nasty little spell.

Glory of the Martyr (Abjuration [Good], Initiate of Ilmater 4) - A very obscure, but very effective spell for mitigating hit point damage.  Basically, the caster of this spell creates a shield other effect on up to 1 creature per caster level, and for 1 hour per caster level, half of the damage taken by those creatures is taken by the caster, instead.  If you happen to have Delay Death active on you as well, then you are practically negating half the damage your allies take for almost no personal cost.  If you are also under the effect of Beastland Ferocity, then you get to continue taking actions of your own regardless of the damage you amass.

Holy Star (Abjuration, Initiate of Mystra 7) - Another obscure protection spell, but this is a pretty amazing one.  It has 3 modes, but only 2 of which are really worth talking about.  First is a Spell Turning mode, where it reflects 4-7 levels of spells.  Once that mode is depleted, you can change over to Protection Mode, where you gain a +10 circumstance bonus to AC!  That’s a +10 bonus to AC and, more importantly, touch AC that stacks with everything (remember, circumstance bonuses from different sources stack).

Mold Touch (Conjuration (Creation), Initiate of Nature 3) - Creeping Cold on steroids.  Here’s how you use this spell: get Resist Cold 10 (or 20 if you can manage it), light up a torch (not an everburning torch), and then cast this spell.  Each 5’ diameter patch deals 3d6 nonlethal cold damage each round, and the number of patches doubles each round you have a source of fire within 5’ of them.  At low levels, it’s an incredibly potent blasting spell.

Mystic Lash (Evocation [Electricity, Evil], Initiate of Bane 3) - A persistable whip-like weapon that attacks as a ranged touch attack and deals not-insignificant damage.  The big selling point, a damaged target has to save vs. stun.  Vicious, vicious spell, even if it’s not persisted.

Nchaser’s Glowing Orb (Evocation [Light], Cleric 4, Sor/Wiz 3) - Basically Continual Flame, minus the expensive material component.  Unfortunately, the Orb has to be held, but it should be light enough that an Unseen Servant can carry it.

Possess Animal (Necromancy, Initiate of Malar 3) - Magic Jar, minus the Jar, but only effective against Animals.  An interesting concept, to say the least, and quite useful if you can get it on your list, given that it’s 2 levels lower than Magic Jar.

Shield of Lathander (Abjuration, Initiate of Lathander 5) - DR 15/-.  This is actually enough DR to be really notable.  The downside is that it only lasts a single round, but with Reach Spell it becomes persistable.  There is also a 7th-level Greater version of this spell that grants DR 20/-, Death Ward, and some energy resistances, too.

Spellmantle (Abjuration, Initiate of Mystra 6) - Think of this as a poor-man’s Energy Transformation Field.  The applications of this spell are really only limited by your imagination.

Spell Phylactery (Transmutation, Initiate of Mystra 5) - Do you like Contingency?  This is Contingency at a lower level, with an expensive material component instead of a focus.  The big bonus, however, is that you can have 6 Spell Phylacteries in effect at a given time, compared to a single Contingency.

Triple Mask (Illusion (Shadow), Initiate of Cyric 7) - Creates 3 shadow duplicates of yourself that are inert unless you control them directly or program them to do some task.  The big selling point is that you can cast any spell with a range greater than touch through your shadow duplicates, allowing you to hide in an area of relative safety while your shadow duplicates distract, harass, and otherwise combat intruders into your stronghold.

Warning (Divination, Initiate of Helm 2) - It’s a touch spell that, for 10 minutes per level, gives you Uncanny Dodge, and some nice bonuses to Spot and Listen besides.  A good spell to make into an item if you can.

Wieldskill (Divination, Initiate of Gond 1) - A useful touch spell that gives a +5 competence bonus to a certain skill for the spell’s duration, 1 minute per level, or gives the character proficiency with a weapon, shield, or suit of armor.

Anauroch - Empire of Shade:

Dweomer Vortex (Abjuration, Sor/Wiz 3) - A versatile and effective low-level defense against enemy mages.  Also an effective spell to compliment targeted Dispels.  If your character is a specialized Dispel Magic user, then you can follow up a targeted Dispel Magic with the swift-action activation of Dweomer Vortex to take out any spells you might have failed to get rid of with your Dispel Magic attempt.

Mystic Shield (Abjuration, Sor/Wiz 8) - Quite possibly the most powerful defensive spell in the game.  Completely immunizes the subject against 6th-level and lower spells from outside sources, but doesn't interfere with your own buffs.  Also negates the magical properties of weapons used against you.  If you're incorporeal, then you basically become immune to weapon damage, too.  The only downside this spell has, at all, is that it's a touch range spell, but getting some sort of Arcane Reach ability is worthwhile just to have this spell persistable.

Champions of Ruin:

Bloodfreeze Arrow (Transmutation, Assassin 4, Ranger 4) - When you cast this spell on a masterwork arrow or crossbow bolt (note that magical arrows/bolts are also masterwork), it deals an extra 2d6 cold damage on impact.  In addition, the target has to make a Fortitude save or become indefinitely paralyzed (of course, a save is offered each round to negate the effect).  If someone in a party is capable of casting this spell, then everyone in the party should back a ranged weapon they’re proficient with and a few of these arrows, because the spell has an instantaneous duration.  You can stockpile these things.

Necrotic Skull Bomb (Necromancy, Cleric 5, Sor/Wiz 5) - Enervation that hits targets in a 20’ radius spread, and is cast as a swift action.  The fortitude save kinda sucks, but the uses of this spell in warfare are just ridiculous.  A staple spell for any prospective evil overlord necromancer.

Node Genesis (Conjuration (Creation), Sor/Wiz 9) - Proper use of Node Magic is one of the paths to some serious power in D&D, most notably through the Metanode Spell feat.  With this spell, you get to create the kind of nodes you’re attuned to wherever you go and receive benefits for it.

Pocket Cave (Conjuration (Creation), Initiate of Grummsh 5) - Magnificent Mansion, 2 levels lower.  Probably not worth going out of your way to pick up, but if you can get it then it’s certainly worthwhile.

Scourge of Force (Evocation [Force], Sor/Wiz 2) - If you’re a fan of Scorching Ray, then you should look at this spell. It deals comparable damage, but of a much more difficult type to resist.  Very much worthwhile to cast.

Slime Hurl (Conjuration (Creation), Initiate of Ghaunadar 5) - Smacking something with 3 blobs of green slime is basically guaranteed to cause 3d6 points of Constitution damage, and will likely cause more than that unless the creature in question reacts immediately to remove the caustic substance.  Ridiculously strong spell for the level, if you can manage to pick it up.

Undersong (Transmutation, Bard 1) - An interesting spell that inspired a build known as the “Lord of the Dance.”  It turns out that you can get a lot of benefits from a high Concentration check, and then changing all that over to a Bard’s Perform skill actually has some pretty spectacular consequences.

Champions of Valor:

Convert Wand (Transmutation, Cleric 5) - Turns a wand that might otherwise be useless into a healing wand that you can use to recover your strength.  Because of the level of this spell, I would save it for an emergency.  Remember that Heal is just one level off (for most classes, that is).

Fleeting Fortune (Transmutation, Initiate of Tymora 1) - Gives a +5 luck bonus to a single skill check, immediate action casting.  Yet another spell that makes skill ranks unimportant.

Holy Fire Shield (Evocation [Fire or Cold, Good], Sanctified 4) - Fire Shield is not a terrible spell, although the mass version tends to be better.  This spell is notable in that it’s on all prepared caster lists, not just the Sor/Wiz list and a few domains.

Love Bite (Evocation [Force], Initiate of the Holy Realm 1) - A one-round Spectral Hand effect at a level lower.  Worth considering if, for some reason, this spell is not significantly more difficult to obtain than Spectral Hand.

Spiderbind (Transmutation, Cleric 3) - Slow is a great Wizard save-or-lose.  This spell is basically the Cleric version.

Vision of Punishment (Divination [Mind-Affecting], Sanctified 1) - Not quite on par with the likes of Sleep, Color Spray, or Grease, but this spell scales much better than any of the above.  If your target fails their saving throw, they are nauseated for a round per 3 levels.  If they pass, then they’re instead sickened.  So, either they get hit with a totally debilitating status effect, or their saving throws are cut and make them more vulnerable to a follow-up spell.  Really great spell.

Posts with more spells:

Offline Nanshork

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #95 on: April 11, 2013, 06:39:12 PM »
Suggestion: Put every post except for the title into a spoiler, that'll help the rest of us sort out what you've got saved here.

You don't have to of course, but it would make this thread hurt my brain less.   :p

Offline Toptomcat

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #96 on: April 11, 2013, 06:47:27 PM »
123456789blaaa: Thank you.

Nanshork: Perhaps when I'm done, I'll edit. Not going to let anything slow me down until I am: fast and ugly is The Whole Point.

List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level

by Bill Bisco: Eloquent Elf

List of Arcane Persistable Spells up to 9th Level

Books Checked

Book of Exalted Deeds
Book of Vile Darkness
Champions of Ruin
Champions of Valor
Complete Adventurer
Complete Arcane
Complete Champion
Complete Divine
Complete Mage
Complete Scoundrel
Complete Warrior
Deities and Demigods
Dragon Magic
Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Dragons of Faerun
Eberron Campaign Setting
Explorer's Handbook (Eberron)
Faiths of Eberron
Fiendish Codex I
Fiendish Codex II
Five Nations (Eberron)
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Heroes of Battle
Heroes of Horror
Libris Mortis
Lords of Madness
Lost Empires of Faerun
Magic of Eberron
Magic of Faerun
Magic of Incarnum
Manual of the Planes
Masters of the Wild
Miniatures Handbook
Oriental Adventures
Planar Handbook
Player's Guide to Eberron
Player's Guide to Faerun
Player's Handbook
Player's Handbook II
Races of Eberron
Races of Destiny
Races of the Dragon
Races of Stone
Races of the Wild
Savage Species
Secrets of Xen'drik
Serpent Kingdoms
Sharn: City of Towers (Eberron)
Shining South
Song and Silence
Spell Compendium
Tome and Blood
Tome of Magic
Unapproachable East (Faerun)


Sorceror/Wizard 0

Player's Handbook
Arcane Mark - (Pointless, permanent base duration) Inscribe own personal rune or mark of up to 6 characters on an object (Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Universal) (Player's Handbook, pg. 201)
Detect Magic - Gain ability to detect Magic Auras and with spellcraft check the school of the aura within 60ft cone emanation (Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 219)
Prestidigiation - Create a simple magic effect which can do any of the following, lift 1 pound of material, soil, color, or clean 1 foot cube/round, and more (Bard 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Universal) (Player's Handbook, pg. 264)
Read Magic - Gain ability to read magical inscriptions on objects, and can detect glyphs of warding with a spellcraft check (Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Paladin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 269)

Ghostwalk (3.0)
Detect Ghost - Detect the Presence or Absence of Ghosts (Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Divination [Ectomancy]) (Ghostwalk, pg. 51)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Detect Crossroads - Detect Fey Crossroads withing 60ft cone emanation (Bard 0, Druid 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Divination) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 88)

Sorceror/Wizard 1

Complete Adventurer
Accelerated Movement - Move normal speed when using Balance, Climb, Move Silently without penalty (Bard 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 142)
Arrow Mind - Threaten with a Bow, make attacks of opportunity with a bow, do not suffer attacks of opportunity for shooting with a bow while threatened (Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer pg. 143)
Critical Strike - Gain 1d6 Melee Sneak Attack Effectively, during sneak attack weapon is Keen, +4 Insight to Confirm Critical Threats (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 145)
Expeditious Retreat, Swift - +30 Enhancement to land speed (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 149)
Golem Strike - Can deal sneak attack damage to constructs (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 149)
Guided Shot - No ranged attack distance penalties, ignore everything except total cover and total concealment (Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 150)
Insightful Feint - +10 insight to bluff checks in combat (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 153)
Instant Locksmith - Make one Disable Device or Open Lock Check/round as a free action with +2 insight (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 153)
Instant Search - One free action search check/round with +2 Insight bonus (Assassin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 153)
Master's Touch - Gain proficiency with a single weapon or shield held in hand (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 154)
Sniper’s Shot - No distance limit for sneak attacks (Assassin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 157)

Complete Arcane
Fist of Stone - Gain +6 Enhancement to Str, gain slam attack for 1d6+Str or 1.5 Str.  Can make Slam attack as natural secondary attack (Sorceror/Wizard 1, Warmage 1) (Transmutation [Earth]) (Complete Arcane, pg. 107-108)

Complete Mage
Karmic Aura - A creature within 20ft emanation that deals damage to you with an attack, spell, or effect must make Will save or become fatigued, a successful save means immunity to this spell for the rest of this round only, an already fatigued attacker suffers no additional effect (Hexblade 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 108-109)
Summon Component - Summon a spell component not worth more than 1 gp (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Conjuration (Summoning)) (Complete Mage, pg. 118)
True Casting - Next spell cast gains a +10 insight bonus to overcome spell resistance (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 121)
Vigilant Slumber (12 Hour Duration) - Set a specific condition, and then awake when that condition occurs (Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 122)

Complete Scoundrel
Blockade - Create a block of wood weighing 2000 lbs, hardness 5, 600 hp, completely fills a 5 ft square (Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Complete Scoundrel pg. 95)

Cheat - Reroll once the outcome of a game of chance  if failure occurred (Bard 1, Greed 1,Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation [Evil]) (Draconomicon, pg. 109)

Dragon Magic
Detect Dragonblood - Detect presence and auras of creatures of the dragon type (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Dragon Magic, pg. 65-66)
Hoard Gullet - Can swallow and transport objects in a transdimensional stomach up to 3 size categories smaller than you, max capacity 100 pounds and/or 10 cubic feet/CL  (max 1000 pounds or 100 cubic feet) cannot remove individual items but can expel contents as a full-round action (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 68)
Path of Frost - Up to 5 Squares gain slippery frost requiring balance checks and dealing damage to those on or adjacent to them (Druid 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) [Cold] (Dragon Magic, pg. 71)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Dragonmark Shield (Requires Dragonmark) - Dragonmark hovers and moves about in front of you, negate magic missiles shield and Reflex Saves bonus of +2 or up to +5 depending on strength of dragonmark (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) [Force] (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 150)
Mask Aberrant Dragonmark (Requires Dragonmark) - Alters aberrant dragonmark to look like a true dragonmark up to strength of your aberrant dragonmark (Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 152-153)

Drow of the Underdark
Spider Form, Lesser - Take the form of a Fiendish Medium Monstrous Spider and 5 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 63)

Eberron Campaign Setting
Magecraft (Pointless, 24 base duration) - Gain +5 competence on one craft check (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Eberron Campaign Setting, pg. 113)

Faiths of Eberron
Detect Manifest Zone - Detect areas where traits of other planes leak into the prime material (Adept 1, Cleric 1, Paladin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Faiths of Eberron, pg. 150)

Libris Mortis
Ectoplasmic Armor - Gain +5 Armor Bonus to AC +1/4CL (max +9) to incorporeal touch attacks (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) (Ectomancy) (Libris Mortis, pg. 64)
Necrotic Awareness - Sense Presence of creatures who bear a Necrotic Cyst (Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Necromancy) (Libris Mortis, pg. 67)

Magic of Eberron
Ancient Knowledge - Before making a knowledge check, can discharge spell to gain +5 insight.  With Mark of Finding dragonmark or Favored of the House (Tharashk), can treat knowledge check as a trained check even without ranks in skill (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 94)
Detect Dragonmark - Detect presence/absence, number of dragonmarks, and location/type, etc. of dragonmarks by concentrating within 60ft cone emanation (Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 95)

Magic of Incarnum
Detect Incarnum - Detect Presence of Incarnum within a cone-shaped emanation (Bard 1, Blackguard 1, Cleric 1, Incarnum 1, Paladin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Magic of Incarnum, pg. 101)

Player's Handbook
Comprehend Languages - You understand all spoken and written languages. (Bard 1, Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 212)
Detect Secret Doors - Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft. Cone, more rounds spent concentrating reveal more information (Bard 1, Knowledge 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 220)
Detect Undead - Detect Presence or Absence of Undead Auras (1st round), Number of auras and strength of each aura (2nd round), and Location of auras (3rd round), if of good alignment, detecting an overwhelming aura that has HD greater than twice character level stuns you (Cleric 1, Paladin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 220)
Disguise Self - Look Different (Different equipment, race gender, taller or shorter by 1 ft, etc.) and gain +10 to Disguise (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1, Trickery 1) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 222)
Expeditious Retreat - +30 Enhancement to land speed (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 228)
Obscuring Mist - Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius from you, 20 ft. high,  creatures 5 ft away in mist have concealment (20% miss chance), creatures farther than 5 ft have total concealment (50% miss chance) (Air 1, Cleric 1, Druid 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1, Water 1) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 258)
Shield - Gain +4 Shield to AC that counts against incorporeal touch attacks and negate magic missiles targeted at you (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration [Force]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 278)
True Strike - Next attack roll receives a +20 insight bonus (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 296)

Player's Handbook II
Deflect, Lesser - Gain Deflection Bonus to AC +1/3CL (max +5) against one attack (Duskblade 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) [Force] (Player's Handbook II, pg. 109)

Races of Destiny
Friendly Face - +5 Circumstance to Diplomacy and Gather Information (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Races of Destiny, pg. 166)
Scholar's Touch - Touch a book and gain Knowledge as if it was completely read (Bard 1, Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Races of Destiny, pg. 167)

Races of the Dragon
Ghostly Tail - Gain a ghostly tail that attacks foes if they provoke attacks of opportunity, make a melee touch attack and they suffer 2d6 force damage (Dragonblooded or dragons deal +1 force/CL (max 20) (Sorceror 1) (Evocation) [Force] (Races of the Dragon, pg. 113)
Instant Diversion - Create 1+1/4 CL (Max 5) Illusory doubles of yourself.  AC=10+Dex Mod+Size Mod, can only move, withdraw, or run, successful attack destroys a double (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Illusion) (Figment) (Races of the Dragon, pg. 113-114)
Wings of Swift Flying - Add 30 ft (40 if dragon or dragonblooded) to your fly speed granted by a temporary spell or effect (Sorceror 1) (Evocation) [Force] (Races of the Dragon, pg. 119-120)

Shining South
Darsson's Cooling Breeze - Create a 60ft line of light breeze from a point designated by you, vapors, fumes, clouds, smoke, gases, etc. drift away from the light breeze at a speed of 80ft/round and dissipate in 1/4th the amount of time, breeze can also move wind chimes, scatter pieces of paper, and so forth like a normal breeze (Druid 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Evocation) [Air] (Shining South, pg. 45)

Spell Compendium
Accelerated Movement - Move normal speed when using Balance, Climb, Hide, Move Silently, Tumble without penalty (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 7)
Appraising Touch - +10 Insight to Appraise, takes 2 minutes instead of 1, guessed worth is never off by more than 50% (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 15)
Arrow Mind - Threaten with a Bow, make attacks of opportunity with a bow, do not suffer attacks of opportunity for shooting with a bow while threatened (Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 15)
Breath Flare - Electric or Fire Breath also causes creatures failing saving throws to be dazzled for 1 min/CL (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Light) (Spell Compendium, pg. 39)
Cheat - Reroll once the outcome of a game of chance  if failure occurred (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 46)
Critical Strike - Gain 1d6 Melee Sneak Attack Effectively, during sneak attack weapon is Keen, +4 Insight to Confirm Critical Threats (Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 56)
Cutting Hand - Hand does 1d4 small, 1d6 medium, etc. damage and you are armed, +2 enhancement to attack and damage with hand (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 57)
Deep Breath - Lungs Constantly Refill with Air, no need to breathe (Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Air) (Spell Compendium, pg. 61)
Expeditious Retreat, Swift - +30 Enhancement to land speed (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 85)
Fist of Stone - Gain +6 Enhancement to Str, gain slam attack for 1d6+Str or 1.5 Str.  Can make Slam attack as natural secondary attack (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) [Earth] (Spell Compendium, pg. 94)
Golem's Strike - Can deal sneak attack damage to constructs (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 105)
Guided Shot - No ranged attack distance penalties, ignore everything except total cover and total concealment (Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 108)
Insightful Feint - +10 insight to bluff checks in combat, can feint as move action, free action with improved feint (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 124)
Instant Locksmith - Make one Disable Device or Open Lock Check/round as a free action with +2 insight (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 124)
Instant Search - One free action search check/round with +2 Insight bonus (Assassin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 124)
Luminous Gaze - Eyes glow as the light spell, creatures within 20 ft. radius are dazzled (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Evocation) [Light] (Spell Compendium, pg. 135)
Master's Touch - Gain proficiency with a single weapon or shield held in hand (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 139)
Nightshield - +1 Resistance to saving throws/3 CL (Max +3), magic missiles negated (Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 148)
Serene Visage - + 0.5 CL (Max +10) on Bluff Checks (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium, pg. 82)
Sniper’s Shot - No distance limit for sneak attacks (Assassin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 194)
Spell Flower - Hold 1 touch spell per limb (Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 198)

Quickswim - +10 enhancement to swim speed, must have a swim speed for spell to be effective (Bard 1, Druid 1, ranger 1, Seafolk 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Stormwrack, pg. 120)

Races of Eberron
Shifter Prowess (Requires Shifter Component) - While shifting increase Balance, Climb, and Jump racial bonus by +8, ends once shifting ends (Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Races of Eberron, pg. 190)

Tome of Magic
Detect Vestige - Detect Presence and Strength of Vestiges within Area Cone (Cleric 1, Paladin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Tome of Magic, pg. 71)
Bulwark of Reality - Gain +6 Armor Bonus that also applies to incorporeal creatures, must speak own truename (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Conjuration (Creation [Force])) (Tome of Magic, pg. 256)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Cheat - Reroll once the outcome of a game of chance if failure occurred (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness)
Sacrificial Skill (Requires lock of hair from an unwilling creature) - Gain +5 to Knowledge Religion checks that have to do with making sacrifices to evil gods.  Helps gain boons from evil gods.  (Assassin 2, Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Enchantment) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 103)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Cutting Hand -  You are considered armed, +2 enhancement to attack and damage with hand, cannot cast spells with hand (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 104)

Savage Species (3.0)
Spell Flower - Hold 1 touch spell per limb (Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Savage Species)

Unapproachable East (3.0)
Snilloc's Snowball - Gain 1 Icy sphere/CL (max 5) that can be used as a melee touch attack or ranged touch attack (120 ft, no distance penality) for 1d6+1/CL (max 5) damage.  Once a sphere is used another one appears up to the limit. (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Evocation) [Cold] (Unapproachable East, pg. 52)

Sorceror/Wizard 2

Champions of Valor
Silver Dragonmail - Gain +1 Mithral Breast plate and proficiency with it, if sorceror gain Cold Res 5 (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Conjuration(Creation)) (Champions of Valor, pg. 57-58)

City of Splendors: Waterdeep
Palarandusk's Fire Breath - Gain ability to spit out a 10ft cone, dealing 1d6 fire/CL (max 5d6) Reflex half (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Fire] (City of Splendors: Waterdeep, pg. 156)

Complete Adventurer
Balancing Lorecall - +4 Insight to Balance, 5 Balance Ranks - Balance on Vertical Surfaces and move as if climbing but retain Dex to AC. no penalty to sloped or angled surfaces.  10 Ranks, Balance on liquids, mud, snow, etc. (Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 143)
Bladeweave - 1/round if you attack with a melee weapon, you may make an additional touch attack with that weapon as a free action, creature hit takes no damage but must make Will save or be dazed 1 round (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Pattern) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 144)
Fly, Swift - Fly with 60 ft. speed or 40 ft with medium or heavy armor (Bard 2, Druid 3,Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 149)
Listening Lorecall - +4 Insight to Listen, 5 ranks listen gain 30 ft. Blindsense, 10 ranks listen 30 ft blindsight (Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 154)
Spectral Weapon - Shadow weapon deals normal damage but as touch attacks, Will Save or enemy suffers 1/5 damage and 1/5 chance of being affected by special effects delivered by attack (Assassin 3, Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 157)
Wraithstrike - Melee attacks are resolved as melee touch attacks (Assassin 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 158)

Complete Divine
Body of the Sun - 5 ft radius emanation deals 1d4 Fire/2 CL (max 5d4) (Ref Half) starting on caster's turn (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Fire](Complete Divine, pg. 155)

Complete Mage
Heart of Air - Gain +10 Enhancement to Jump Checks, +10 Enhancement to Fly, expend as Feather Fall (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2, Wu Jen 2 (air)) (Transmutation) [Air] (Complete Mage, pg. 106)

Razorfangs - Choose 1 natural weapon, its threat range doubles (does not stack with other effects that increase a threat's range (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 80)
Scintillating Scales - Gain Deflection to AC=Con, lose natural armor  = Con*.5 (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Draconomicon, pg. 80)

Dragon Magic
Magic of the Dragonheart - Count as having 2 more draconic feats than you currently have, count this spell as having a spell level = 1/2 CL for purposes of draconic feats, gain +1/2 CL (max 10) competence bonus to skill checks made with the skill granted by your Draconic Heritage feat (Sorceror 2) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 70)
Primal Hunter (Pointless - 24 hour base duration) - Gain +5 Competence on Climb, Jump, Swim (Druid 2, Ranger 1, Sorceror 2) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 71-72)
Soul of Anarchy (Cancels Soul of Order) - +5 Competence to Escape Artist and to resist grapple, natural weapons are chaotic-aligned, Bonus if Soul of Light or Soul of Shadow is active (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Chaotic] (Dragon Magic, pg. 72-73)
Soul of Order (Cancels Soul of Anarchy) - +2 morale to Will Saves to resist enchantment effects, natural weapons are also lawful aligned.  Damage reduction if soul of light or shadow also present (Paladin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Lawful] (Dragon Magic, pg. 73)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Fortify Dragonmark (Requires Dragonmark) - Critical hits and sneak attacks have a % chance to be negated according to strength of dragonmark (Cleric 2, Paladin 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 151-152)

Drow of the Underdark
Shadow Shroud - No penalties from light blindness or light vulnerability, +5 Competence to hide checks in darkness or shadow, effect surpressed in areas with a light spell of level 3 or higher (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Darkness] (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 62)

Leomud's Tiny Igloo - Create a 5 ft. radius igloo that can house 1 large, 3 medium, or 12 small creatures, temp 50 F, sleeping platform and lamp for cooking (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Cold] (Frostburn, pg. 101)

Libris Mortis
Blade of Pain and Fear - Gain weapon that deals 1d6+1/2 CL (max +10) touch attack, no Str damage, Will save or become frightened (Assassin 2, Blackguard 1, Cleric 2, Deathbound 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) (Libris Mortis, pg. 63)

Lords of Madness
Detect Aberration - Detect Aberrations within Cone Emanation (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Lords of Madness, pg. 210-211)
Whispercast - The next spell you cast requires no somatic or material components (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Lords of Madness, pg. 129-130)

Lost Empires of Faerun
Toothed Tentacle - Create tentacle 30 feet long with 3 mouths with 10 ft reach each, can attack with one mouth as standard or 3 mouths as a Full Round action, Attack = CL+Main Ability Score, 2d6 damage, mouth has AC 15 and HP 10+CL (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) (Lost Empires of Faerun, pg. 35)

Magic of Eberron
Expose the Dead - Gain +1 Insight/CL to Listen and Spot against undead, on Survival checks to track undead and can follow undead tracks as if held the Track Feat, Gain the the Investigate feat (Eberron Campaign Setting pg. 55) when looking at a dead body, save DC of any speak with the dead spell cast is +2 (Cleric 2, Paladin 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 96)
Suffer the Flesh - Take up to 2 Constitution damage/CL (max 10), for every 2 points of damage taken increase caster level by +1 (max +5) (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 103)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Lively Step (12 hour Duration) - Allies within 30 feet emanation move +10 feet, if any creature does something other than move, spell ends (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 106)

Player's Handbook
Alter Self - Assume form of creature of your type with Hitdice=CL (max 5), gain Physical benefits of creature, +10 to Disguise (Assassin 2,Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Hexblade 2, Complete Warrior, pg. 116) ( Wu Jen, Complete Arcane, pg. 92) (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation)  (PHB, pg. 197)
Detect Thoughts - Detect thoughts of creatures within 60ft cone emanation, 1st round detect presence or absence of thoughts, 2nd round determine # of thinking minds and intelligence scores of each, 3rd round read surface thoughts of creatures in the area as long as they fail a Will save, must cast spell again for it to work against the same creature if it made the save, spell ends during 2nd round if any creature has Int 26 or higher (Bard 2, Knowledge 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 220)
False Life - Gain 1d10+1/CL (max 10) Temporary HP (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Player's Handbook, pg. 229)
Invisibility - Become Invisible, lose invisibility if you purposefully attack another creature (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2, Trickery 2) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
Levitate - Target of spell (Personal or Touch) can use a move action to move up or down 20 ft, each attack applies a -1 cumulative  penalty (max -5), can use a full-round action to restabilize and reset penalty to -1 (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 248)
Mirror Image - Create 1d4+1/3CL (Max 8) Illusory Duplicates with AC=10+Dex+Size, successful hit destroys it (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion (Figment)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 254-255)
See Invisibility - See any objects or beings within your range of vision that are invisible and/or ethereal and can distinguish between them and regular creatures (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 275)

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #97 on: April 11, 2013, 06:48:45 PM »

Player's Handbook II
Bigby's Helpful Hand - Hand holds items up to 20 lbs for you, gain +2 competence to Craft, Disable Device, Open Lock (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Force](Player's Handbook II)
Cloud of Knives - As free action attack target with flying magic knife within 30 ft, Attack =CL+Ability mod; Damage= 1d6+1/3CL (Max +5) 19-20 Crit; (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Conjuration) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 107)
Deflect - Gain Deflection Bonus to AC +1/3CL (max +5) against one attack and a shield to AC (1/2 CL) against next attack (Duskblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) [Force] (Player's Handbook II, pg. 109)
Stretch Weapon - 1 Melee Weapon wielded gains an additional 5 ft reach (Bard 2, Cleric 2, Duskblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 126)

Races of the Dragon
Local Tremor - cause CL tremors (max 5) that start from your location and extend in any direction you indicate, creatures within  30ft line must make ref save or fall prone, spells cast during tremor must make Concentration = 20+level to succeed, can make new tremors after first round by using a standard action (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Earth] (Races of the Dragon, pg. 114)
Tail Slap - When you first cast the spell (no standard action) and in future rounds Strike an adjacent target using a standard action melee touch attack dealing 1d6 Force/2CL (max 10d6), if subject is up to 1 size category larger, they make Str check DC=12+CL or be pushed back 5 ft+5ft/5 damage taken, if solid object prevents being pushed back, take 2d6 damage, cannot push back foe except in first round of spell unless you are dragonblooded or a Dragon (Sorceror 2, pg. 118) (Evocation) [Force] (Races of the Dragon, pg. 118)

Scimitar of Sand - Sand Scimitar in Hand deals 1d6+1 damage/CL (Max +10), Touch Attack, no Str Damage.  Hit creatures save vs. Fort or are dehydrated (fatigued and nonlethal damage from heat and lack of water is lethal) (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Earth] (Sandstorm, pg. 120)

Serpent Kingdoms
Razorscales (must be a Scaled One) - Nonlethal Damage from grapples is lethal (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Serpent Kingdoms, pg. 157)

Spell Compendium
Balancing Lorecall - +4 Insight to Balance, 5 Balance Ranks - Balance on Vertical Surfaces and move as if climbing but retain Dex to AC. no penalty to sloped or angled surfaces.  10 Ranks, Balance on liquids, mud, snow, etc. (Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 23)
Balor Nimbus - Any creature in a grapple with you take 6d6 Fire Damage (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 24)
Bladeweave - 1/round one creature hit by your melee attack must make a Will Save or be dazed 1 round  (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Pattern) (Spell Compendium, pg. 31)
Body of the Sun - 5 ft radius emanation deals 1d4 Fire/2 CL (max 5d4) starting on caster's turn (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Fire] (Spell Compendium, pg. 35)
Claws of Darkness - Can make unarmed attacks as if natural weapons as melee touch attacks dealing 1d8 cold.  Deal claw damage during grapple, grappled targets are slowed if Fail Fort save, extend claws to give natural reach of 10 feet, can only cast spells with verbal components, cannot carry items with hands (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 47)
Daggerspell Stance - +2 Insight bonus to attack and damage using Full Attack with daggers, gain SR5+CL while fighting defensively with 2 daggers in hand (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 57)
Death Armor - Creatures with natural or handheld weapons (but not reach weapons) take 1d4+1/2CL (max +10) damage if they hit you (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Spell Compendium, pg. 60)
Discern Shapechanger - Take standard action to concentrate, see true form of creatures within 60 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 66)
Ectoplasmic Feedback - Creatures hitting you with incorporeal touch attacks take 1d6+1/CL (max 10) Force damage (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Ectomancy) (Spell Compendium, 78)
Extend Tentacles - Tentacle reach increases with 5 feet (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 86)
Fearsome Grapple - Grow two tentacles that grant +4 circumstance to grapple, +8 if CL 9 (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 90)
Flame Dagger - Gain flame dagger dealing 1d4+1/CL (max +10) fire damage, no Str Bonus, touch attack, (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Fire] (Spell Compendium, pg. 94)
Fly, Swift - Fly with 60 ft. speed or 40 ft with medium or heavy armor (Bard 2, Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 96)
Lively Step (12 hour Duration) - Allies within 30 feet emanation move +10 feet, if any creature does something other than move, spell ends (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 133)
Marked Object (Pointless and Detrimental) - With owner's item, gain +10 on Search and Survival Checks to track owner (Assassin 2, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 139)
Razorfangs - Choose one natural weapon that deals slashing or piercing, it's threat range doubles (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 168)
Reflective Disguise - Creatures viewing you perceive you as the same species and gender as themselves (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium, pg. 171)
Scintillating Scales - Transform Natural Armor bonus to AC into Deflection bonus to AC (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 181)
Shadow Mask - +4 saving throw against light, dark, or brightness-like spells, 50% chance to avoid having to make saving throw vs. gaze attacks, get another chance to avert eyes (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 185)
Shroud of Undeath - Undead Consider you Undead, +5 Disguise to apear as undead, inflict spells heal and cure spells hurt, treated as undead with regard to spell effects, attack undead or suffer turn undead and spell ends (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Spell Compendium, pg. 189)
Surefooted Stride - +2 Competence to Climb, Move through Difficult Terrain as if it were normal Terrain (Bard 2, Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 216)
Veil of Shadow - Gain concealment (20% miss chance), not removed from see invisibility, dispelled with daylight or 3rd level light spell (Assassin 2, Blackguard 2, Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Darkness] (Spell Compendium, pg. 228)
Wraithstrike - Melee attacks are resolved as melee touch attacks (Assassin 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 243)

Turbidity - Create a 20ft radius spread cloud swirling around you, obscures all vision and darkvision beyond 5 ft, have concealment to creatures up to 5 ft away and total concealment for creatures more than 5 ft away, Creatures other than you casting in the cloud must make a Concentration check DC15+Level or lose spell, ranged attacks going through turbidity automatically fail, vigorous and stronger currents can disperse the spell, functions only underwater (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) (Stormwrack, pg. 123)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Graz'zt's Long Grasp - Detach one hand, it can fly at 20 ft (perfect), move hand by thought as normal, can use hand to deliver touch attacks with +2, hand can flank opponents, punch (+2 attack), or grapple (tiny), and has 2d4 hp and improved evasion and AC22+IntMod, if caster can no longer see or is no longer directing hand, it returns to caster, caster loses 2d4 hp when cast and gains 2d4 hp when hand reattaches. (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 96)
Masochism - Every 10 points of damage/round taken gives +1 Luck to Attack, Saves, Skill Checks for the next round (Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Enchantment) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 99)
Sadism - Every 10 points of damage dealt/round grants +1 Luck to Attack, Saves, Skill Checks in the following round (Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Cleric 3, Pain 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Enchantment) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 103)

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3.0)
Claws of Darkness - Can make unarmed attacks as if natural weapons as melee touch attacks dealing 1d4 cold.  Deal claw damage during grapple, grappled targets are slowed if Fail Fort save, extend claws to give natural reach of 10 feet, can only cast spells with verbal components, cannot carry items with hands (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pg. 67-68)

Ghostwalk (3.0)
Death Armor - Creatures with natural or handheld weapons (but not reach weapons) take 1d4+1/2CL (max +10) damage if they hit you (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Ghostwalk, pg. 50)
Shroud of Undeath - Undead Consider you Undead, +5 Disguise to appear as undead, inflict spells heal and cure spells hurt, treated as undead with regard to spell effects, attack undead or suffer turn undead and spell ends (Bone Collector 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Ghostwalk, pg. 57-58)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Cloud of Bewilderment - Breath out a 10 ft. cone shaped cloud, creatures in area make fort save or are blinded and stunned 6 rounds (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 85)
Flame Dagger - Gain flame dagger dealing 1d4+1/CL (max +10) fire damage, no Str Bonus, touch attack, (Hathran 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Fire] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 94)
Shroud of Undeath - Undead Consider you Undead, +5 Disguise to apear as undead, inflict spells heal and cure spells hurt, treated as undead with regard to spell effects, attack undead or suffer turn undead and spell ends (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 117)

Masters of the Wild (3.0)
Body of the Sun - 5 ft radius emanation deals 1d4 Fire/2 CL (max 5d4) (Ref Half) to any creature it touches (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation [Fire]) (Masters of the Wild, pg. 84)

Miniatures Handbook (3.0)
Veil of Shadow - Gain concealment (20% miss chance), not removed from see invisibility, dispelled with daylight or 3rd level light spell (Assassin 2, Blackguard 2, Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Darkness] (Miniatures Handbook)

Savage Species (3.0)
Inky Cloud (only works underwater) - Cloud provides concealment 5 feet away, and total concealment farther away (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Savage Species, pg. 68)

Unapproachable East (3.0)
Decastave - Conjure a quarterstaff of force, can use for melee touch to do 1d6 damage, 1d8 sonic damage on crit and subject must save Fort DC14 or be deafened permanently (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Conjuration) (Creation) [Force] (Unapproachable East, pg. 49)

Underdark (3.0)
Reflective Disguise - Creatures viewing you perceive you as the same species and gender as themselves (Bard 2, Prime Underdark Guide 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Underdark, pg. 60)


Sorceror/Wizard 3

Book of Exalted Deeds
Elation - Allies within 80 ft. gain +2 Morale to Str and Dex, +5 Speed (Bard 2, Cleric 2, Emissary of Barachiel 2, Joy 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Mind-Affecting) (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Champions of Valor
Golden Dragonmail - Gain +1 Mithral Full Plate and proficiency with the armor, if Sorceror gain fire resistance 10 (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Champions of Valor, pg. 55)

Complete Arcane
Discern Shapechanger - Take standard action to concentrate, see true form of creatures within 60 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 3, Wu Jen 3) (Divination) (Complete Arcane, pg. 103)

Complete Mage
Heart of Water - Gain Swim speed equal to land speed, +8 Racial to Swim, Breathe Water, +5 Enhancement to Escape Artist. Expend to gain Freedom of Movement, gain benefits if Heart of air, earth, and/or fire active (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3, Wu Jen 3 (water)) (Transmutation) [Water] (Complete Mage pg. 107)
Karmic Backlash - A creature within 20ft emanation that deals damage to you with an attack, spell, or effect must make Will save or become exhausted for 2 rounds, a successful save means immunity to this spell for the rest of this round only, special effects if karmic aura and/or Karmic Retribution is active (Hexblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 109)
Mask of the Ideal - +4 competence to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Charisma checks to influence enchanted or conjured creature (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Complete Mage pg. 110)
Repelling Shield - Gain +4 Shield bonus (even against incorporeal attacks) and negate magic missile, melee attackers that strike you make Ref save or be pushed 5 feet in a direction of your choice (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) [Force] (Complete Mage, pg. 115)
Shape of the Hellspawned Stalker - Gain the form of a Hell Hound and 10 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Complete Mage, pg. 117)
Spellcaster's Bane - +2 bonus on dispel checks and caster level checks to counterspell, 5 ranks spellcraft=automatically recognize any spell being cast, 15 ranks spellcraft = auto recognize any spell being cast and know level of spell being cast (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 117)
Unicorn Horn  - Use Standard action to Gore for 1d8+1.5Str. Double Damage on Charge (Triple if Critical Hit) Expend to enhance attack and damage temporarily (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Good) (Complete Mage, pg. 121-122)

Dragon Breath Gain breath weapon of either a line, or cone and varying energy type, deals 3d6 damage+1d6/2CL (Max 10d6) (ref Half) as a standard action, can use breath weapon 3 times+1/2Cl after 5th, thereafter must wait 1d4+1 rounds between usages.  (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation) [Varies] (Draconomicon, pg. 111-112)
Dragonskin - Choose a color, gain energy resistance 10 of the color, gain +3 NA CL5, +4 NA CL7, or +5NA CL9 (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon pg. 112)

Dragon Magic
Adoration of the Frightful - Shaken, Frightened, or Panicked creatures are now Friendly (Will negates), Dragonblood: +1 Competence to Diplomacy (Bard 3, Cleric 3, Hexblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Charm) (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)
Dragonshape, Least - Take the form of a Psuedodragon (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Dragon Magic, pg. 66)
Ferocity of Sanguine Rage - 1/2CL Morale bonus to melee damage rolls (weapons or natural attacks), can expend spell to activate a true strike effect for one attack (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Divination) (Dragon Magic pg. 67)
Primal Instinct (Pointless - 24 hour base duration) - +5 Competence to Initiative, Survival. +5 Competence to one knowledge skill with Dragonblood subtype.  Gain Uncanny dodge if other Primal spell active (Druid 3, Ranger 2, Sorceror 3) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic pg. 72)
Vision of the Omniscient Eye - +10 Insight to Spot, Immune to dazzling and blindness.  If see invisibility-like spell active, use Faerie Fire at will as swift action on invisible creature within 60 ft.  Gain +1 competence to Spot by knowing spell (Bard 3, Cleric 3, Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Evocation) [Light] (Dragon Magic, pg. 74)
Wingblast - Gain Dragon Wings for 60 ft. Flight. End spell by tranforming wings into wind or fog (Druid 3, Shugenja 3 (air), Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation [Air] (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 74-75)
Wreath of Flames - At end of turn, adjacent enemies take 1d6 Fire Damage, Melee attacks deal 1d6 extra damage (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3, Wu Jen 3 (fire)) (Evocation) [Fire] (Dragon Magic, pg. 75)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Dragonmark Whip - Magic weapon, 10 ft reach, but does not threaten, cannot be sundered or disarmed, melee attacks deal 1d8+1/CL (max 10), can be used to deliver touch spells of 4th or lower (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 150-151)
Hide from Dragons (Requires Dragonmark) - Dragons cannot see, hear, or smell you even with blindsense, blindsight, scent, and tremorsense, if you touch a dragon or attack any creature, the spell ends, even if the dragon knows where you are, you have total concealment against it (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 152)

Drow of the Underdark
Spider Form - Take the form of a Fiendish Large Monstrous Spider and 5 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 63)

Fiendish Codex II
Devil's Eye - Gain Darkvision and ability to see in Magical Darkness up to 30 Feet (Blackguard 2, Cleric 3, Diabolic 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) [Evil] (Fiendish Codex II, pg. 101)

Heroes of Battle
Battlemagic Perception - +5 Competence to Spellcraft to identify spells being cast, 5 ranks spellcraft sense the use of any spell within 100 feet and line of sight with spellcraft DC 15+Spell Level, can counter spell as a free action which ends the spell (Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Heroes of Battle, pg. 125)

Lords of Madness
Permeable Form - Become incorporeal and gain all the benefits and disadvantages thereof (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Lords of Madness, pg. 129)

Lost Empires of Faerun
Backblast - Turn 1d4+2 levels of fire spells targeted at you back at the original caster, gain fire resistance 10 (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) [Fire] (Lost Empires of Faerun, pg. 30)

Planar Handbook
Analyze Portal - Know whether area contains a portal and gain information about it (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Planar Handbook, pg. 92-93)
Analyze Touchstone - Know if area contains a Planar Touchstone and gain information about it (Bard 3, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Planar Handbook, pg. 93)
Avoid Planar Effects - 1 creature/level gains protection from 1 plane (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Planar Handbook, pg. 94-95)
Planar Tolerance - 1 creature/level gains protection from 1 plane (Cleric 4, Druid 4, Ranger 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Planar Handbook, pg. 103)

Player's Handbook
Arcane Sight - See magical auras within 120 feet and know the strength and location of each aura, can spend a full-round action to determine whether the aura is divine or arcane, whether the creature has spellcasting or spell-like abilities and the strength of the most powerful ability the creature currently has (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 201)
Blink - Blink back and force betweeen the material and ethereal plane.  Gain 50% miss chance against all attacks.  If attacker can see invisible or strike ethereal creatures, chance is 20%, if attacker can both see invisible and strike ethereal creatures, miss chance is 0%.  Strike as an invisible creature (+2 unless target can see invisible), targeted spells against you have a 50% chance to fail unless the attacker can see invisible ethereal creatures.  Your attacks and spells have a 20% chance of affecting the ethereal rather than material plane (wouldn't normally continue to work unless force effect).  Take half damage from area effects in material plane (full in ethereal plane). Move a 3/4 Speed.  Can move through solid spaces in the material plane but for every 5 ft moved, 50% chance of being shunted to the nearest open space taking 1d6 damage/5ft moved. (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 206)
Invisibility Sphere - All creatures around target (personal or touch) within 10ft emanation are invisible.  Effect ends for individual creatures if they attack or if they leave the emanation.  Spell ends if the target attacks (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
Leomud's Tiny Hut - Summon 20 foot radius sphere of colored force with controlled temperature that can house 10 med. creatures (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation [Force]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 247)
Phantom Steed - Summon ghost horse with AC 18, 7 HP+1 HP/CL, Speed 20ft/CL (max 240), bonuses with higher CL, does not fight but animals shun and refuse to attack it (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 260)

Player's Handbook II
Evard's Menacing Tentacles - Gain 2 10 ft. Reach Tentacle attacks/round  for free action that deal 1d8+Str  Tentacles threaten area and can make 1 attack of opportunity/round (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 113)

Body Blaze - When moving, leave a 20 ft high, 2 inch wide trail of flame on horizontal surfaces (not on air or vertical) creatures passing through blazing wall or squares you enter of creatures take 2d6+1/CL (max 20) fire damage, creatures do not take extra damage if you enter a square multiple times (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation) [Fire] (Sandstorm, pg. 112)
Whispering Sand - Fix your mind on creatures whom you know, have me, or know the name of, if both you and them have at least 1 pound of sand, dust, or ash, you can speak back and forth through the material as long as you are on the same plane (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation [Language-Dependent]) (Sandstorm, pg. 128)

Serpent Kingdoms
Handfang - Gain Touch attack for 1d8 damage, on Crit, start Grapple as free action without provoking AoO, if successful 1d6 damage/round until hold broken (Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Serpent Kingdoms, pg. 156)

Spell Compendium
Aiming at the Target - Can cast this spell while concentrating on another spell, gain +10 circumstance on Concentration checks to maintain concentration on other spells (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 8)
Analyze Portal - Know whether area contains a portal and gain information about it (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 10)
Avoid Planar Effects - 1 creature/level gains protection from 1 plane (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 19)
Bite of the Wererat - Gain +6 enh. to Dex, +2 Enh. to Con, +3 Enh. to Natural Armor, Bite attack for 1d4*1.5 Str, Weapon Finesse feat (Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Blade of Pain and Fear - Gain weapon that deals 1d6+1/2 CL (max +10) touch attack, no Str damage, Will save or become frightened (Assassin 2, Blackguard 2, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 30)
Dragonskin - Choose a color, gain energy resistance 10 of the color, gain +1 Natural Armor/2 CL (max +5) (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 73)
Giant's Wrath - Turn 1 pebble/3 CL into boulders.  Throw up to 120 feet, deal 2d6+Str damage, +1 insight/CL (max 10) to attack and damage (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 105)
Mage Armor, Greater - Field of Force grants +6 armor bonus (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Conjuration) (Creation) [Force] (Spell Compendium, pg. 136)
Primal Form - Gain 1 Elemental Subtype, +4 saves against mind affecting abilities, Light fortification and either Fly 20 ft., Damage reduction 5/-, 1d4 fire damage, Fire Resistance 10, or Swim 90 Feet drench ability, Cannot cast spells, lose abilities of base form (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 161)
Reverse Arrows - Gain Damage Reduction 10/magic against projectiles, any projectile that hits but does not exceed your damage reduction returns to the original attacker using the same attack roll with damage rerolled, spell ends once 10 damage/CL (max 100) total is absorbed (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 175)
Sonorous Hum - Next spell cast that requires Concentration is maintained by Sonorous Hum (Bard 2, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation (Sonic)) (Spell Compendium, pg. 196)
Spectral Weapon - Shadow weapon deals normal damage but as touch attacks, Will Save or enemy suffers 1/2 damage (Assassin 3, Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 197)
Telepathic Bond, Lesser - Can communicate telepathically with one creature within 30 ft (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) [Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 219)
Tremorsense - Automatically Pinpoint location of creature or object on the ground within 30 feet (Ranger 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 224)

Favorable Wind - Wind Blows in 60 ft. cone emnation with a strong windforce (30mph) directly behind you.  Tiny or smaller creatures in area must make save or be knocked prone or if flying blown back 1d6x10 feet.  Small creatures must save vs. fort or be unable to move forward or if airborn become blown back 1d6x5 feet.  Medium and larger creatures can move normally.  Creatures take -2 to Ranged Attacks and Listen if within the area.  (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation [Air]) (Stormwrack, pg. 117)

Races of Eberron
Discern Shapechanger - Take standard action to concentrate, see true form of creatures within 60 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Races of Eberron, pg. 184)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Devil's Eye - Gain Darkvision and ability to see in Magical Darkness up to 30 Feet (Blackguard 2, Cleric 3, Diabolic 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 92)
Eyes of the Zombie - Replace controlled zombie eye with own eye to perceive  through the zombie; take 1d6 damage (Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 94)
Glimpse of Truth (Pointless) - Ask a question that can be answered by a simple yes or no, answer is right 75% of the time, DM can decide not to give answer, misleading answers can be replaced with 5 words or less. (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 96)
Tongue Serpents - Caster can use standard action to spit out a tiny viper up to 30 feet away, use caster's melee attack bonus, and
deal damage as tiny viper, can make spit 1 viper/4 CL (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmuation) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 107)

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3.0)
Analyze Portal - Know whether area contains a portal and gain information about it (Bard 3, Portal 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pg. 66-67)
Shadow Mask - +4 saving throw against light, dark, or brightness-like spells, 50% chance to avoid having to make saving throw vs. gaze attacks, get another chance to avert eyes (Harper 2,Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pg. 73)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Reverse Arrows - Gain Damage Reduction 10/+1 (10/+2 CL 10, 10/+3 CL 15, 10/+5 at CL20) against projectiles, any projectile that hits but does not exceed your damage reduction returns to the original attacker using the same attack roll with damage rerolled, spell over after 10 damage/CL (max 100) is absorbed (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 114)

Manual of the Planes (3.0)
Analyze Portal - Know whether area contains a portal and gain information about it (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Manual of the Planes, pg. 33)
Avoid Planar Effects - 1 creature/level gains protection from 1 plane (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Manual of the Planes, pg. 33-34)

Races of Faerun
Burrow - Gain burrow 10 ft speed, gain claws on hands (usually 2) that do 1d6 damage, considered armed (Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Races of Faerun, pg. 189)
Detect Metal and Minerals - Determine presence, distance, direction, of metals and other minerals within 60 ft Cone even through solid stone and other barriers and approximate wealth by concentrating the appropriate amount of time (Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Races of Faerun, pg. 189)

Savage Species
Sonorous Hum - Next spell cast that requires Concentration is maintained by Sonorous Hum (Bard 2, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation (Sonic)) (Savage Species, pg. 69-70)

Tome and Blood (3.0)
Arcane Sight - See magical auras within 120 feet and know the strength and location of each aura, can spend a full-round action to determine whether the aura is divine or arcane, whether the creature has spellcasting or spell-like abilities and the strength of the most powerful ability the creature currently has (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Tome and Blood, pg. 85-86)

Underdark (3.0)
Tremorsense - Automatically Pinpoint location of creature or object on the ground within 30 feet (Harper Scout 3, Ranger 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Underdark, pg. 62)

Sorceror/Wizard 4

Book of Exalted Deeds
Radiant Shield - Creatures attacking with natural or handheld weapons suffer 1d6+1/CL Electric Damage, take only half damage from electricity, on ref for half, on save take no damage, emit radiance = light spell for 10ft. radius, must not have cast darkness or necromancy spell within 24 hours (Sorceror/Wizard 4, Wrath 4) (Evocation) (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Complete Arcane
Assay Spell Resistance - +10 on CL checks to overcome spell resistance of a specific creature, must be able to see creature (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Divination) (Complete Arcane, pg. 98)
Darkvision, Mass - All allies with 10 feet burst gain Darkvision 60 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 102)

Complete Mage
Heart of Earth - +8 to resist Bull Rush, Overrun, Trip, 2 Temp HP/CL (Max 30) expend to gain Stoneskin for 1 round/CL, bonuses if heart of air, fire or water also active (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4, Wu Jen 4 (earth)) (Transmutation) [Earth] (Complete Mage, pg. 106)
Otiluke's Supressing Field - Choose a school of magic or a subtype (such as evil or fire), spells or effects of that type must succeed on a caster level check against DC 11+Your CL either when they are first cast or activated in the area or when they enter the area, if the check fails they spell or effect is supressed while it is within the field (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 112)

Sharptooth - Choose one natural weapon, attack deals damage as if it were one size larger (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 81)
Voice of the Dragon - +10 Enh to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, speak and understand but not read Draconic, end spell to use suggestion on creature (Bard 4, Dragon 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 115)

Dragon Magic
Mark of the Enlightened Soul - Spells gain Good Descriptor, spells cast of 3rd or lower deal +50% damage to evil creatures, sacrifice 5th-9th level sorceror spell slot to increases level of spells that Mark of the Enlightened Soul affects; dragonblood subtype end spell to activate Protection from Evil (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) [Good] (Dragon Magic, pg. 70)
Passage of the Shifting Sands - Gain form as Cloud of Sand with Fly 40 ft, else treat as gaseous form.  End turn in creatures space Fort Save or be blinded. Expend to activate gust of wind (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Evocation) [Air] (Dragon Magic, pg. 70)
Primal Senses (Pointless - 24 hour base duration) - Gain Low Light Vision +5 Competence to Listen, Spot.  With Dragonblood gain Blindsense 10 ft.  With other Primal spell active gain Uncanny Dodge (Druid 4, Ranger 3, Sorceror 4) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 72)
Touch of the Blackened Soul - Spells gain Evil Descriptor, spells cast of 3rd or lower deal +50% damage to good creatures, sacrifice 5th-9th level sorceror spell slot to increases level of spells that Touch of the Blackened Soull affects; dragonblood subtype end spell to activate Protection from Good (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Dragon Magic, pg. 73)

Dragons of Faerun
Cone of Euphoria - As standard action breathe a cone that causes euphoria, make Will Save or become dazed for 1d6 rounds (wait 1d4 rounds between uses) (Bard 3, Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] (Dragons of Faerun, pg. 114)

Magic of Eberron
Watchful Ancestors - Gain improved uncanny dodge as a barbarian except use your CL in place of the barbarian level, can end spell as an immediate action for +1 Insight/CL to Reflex saves (Bard 4, Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Summoning) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 103)

Planar Handbook
Balor Nimbus - Any creature in a grapple with you take 6d6 Fire Damage (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Planar Handbook, pg. 95)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Spell Enhancer - The next spell you cast has +2 to CL (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 112)

Player's Handbook
Crushing Despair - Creatures within 30ft cone take -2 to attacks, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks, weapon damage rolls (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 215)
Detect Scrying (Pointless, 24 hour base duration) - Immediately know if someone tries to scry on you, and with opposed caster level check get an image and an accurate sense of the distance and direction they are from you  (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 219)
Fear - Creatures in 30ft cone must save vs. Will or become panicked (if cornered become cowered), if save succeeds they are shaken instead (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Necromancy (Fear) (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 229)
Fire Shield - Choose cold or fire, creatures using nonreach or natural weapons that strike you take 1d6+1/CL (max 15) cold or fire damage, take only half damage from cold or fire based attacks, if they allow a reflex save, take no damage on a successful save (Duskblade 4, Player's Handbook II pg. 24) (Warmage 3, Complete Arcane, pg. 90) (Fire 5, Sorceror/Wizard 4, Sun 4) (Evocation [Fire] or [Cold]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 230-231)
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser - Create a 10ft immobile sphere centered on you that does not move, all spell effects, spells, and spell-like abilities of 3rd level or lower fail their areas do not include the globe and targeted spells don't work (Wu Jen, Complete Arcane pg. 93) (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Abjuration) (Player's Handbook, pg. 236)
Invisibility, Greater - As Invisibility, but spell doesn't end if you attack (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
Minor Creation - Create a non-magical unattended object of nonliving vegetable matter up to 1 cubic foot/CL, to make a complex item, must succeed on an appropriate craft check, object may not be used for spell components (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration(Creation)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 254)

Player's Handbook II
Mirror Image, Greater - As Mirror Image, but 1 image created every round (Max 8), spell ends if all images destroyed (Bard 4, Beguiler 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Illusion) (Figment) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 120)
Trollshape - Take on abilities of a troll, Str23, Dex14,Con23, Large Size, 2 Claws and Bite, Rend, Darkvision 90ft, lowlight vision, Regeneration 5, Scent, 30 temp hp and lose all class features (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 127)

Races of the Dragon
Hoard Life - Suffer nonlethal damage = CL*2 and become fatigued, as standard action, heal hp = nonlethal damage suffered then spell ends (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Healing) (Races of the Dragon, pg. 113)

Races of the Wild
Aerial Alacrity - Increase Fly speed by 30 ft and maneuverability 1 category (max perfect), gain +1 dodge to AC and on Reflex while airborne (Sky 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation)  (Races of the Wild, pg. 174)
Enduring Flight - Can fly at normal speed while carrying a medium load or wearing medium armor, double the duration of a effect which grants flight which has limited duration (Sky 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Races of the Wild, pg. 175)

SandForm - Body transforms into Sand Ooze, immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorphing, stunning, flanking, critical hits.  Become blind, but gain blindsight 60 feet.  Supernatural abilities supressed.  Can cast spells, must make Will DC 19 or suffer -2 Attack, Save, and Skill Checks in combat, Speed 20 feet,  Gain natural attack with 5 ft reach for 1d8+1.5Str. Gain burrow, +10 Circumstance Hide, Concealment in Sand (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Sandstorm, pg. 119)

Spell Compendium
Assay Spell Resistance - +10 on CL checks to overcome spell resistance of a specific creature, must be able to see creature (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 17)
Battle Hymm - All allies may reroll a will save/round before success or failure is known (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Enchantment) (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 25)
Bite of the Werewolf - +2 Enh. to Str, +4 Enh. to Dex, Con, natural armor.  Gain bite attack for 1d6+1.5 Str.  Gain Blind Fight Feat (Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 29)
Displacer Form - Assume form of Displacer Beast, Size Large, two tentacle attacks 1d6+Str, have Str18, Dex15, Con16, speed 40, darkvision 60, lowlight vision, can speak and cast spells, natural armor +5, gain displacer beast's displacement (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 67)
Dragon Breath - Gain Breath Attack, usable every 1d4 rounds, with damage and area depending on dragon type chosen (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Evocation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 73)
Ethereal Mount - Summon 1+ 1 mount/2CL ghost mounts with AC 18, 10 HP+1 HP/CL, Speed 240, bonuses with higher CL (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 85)
Flame Whips - Turn arms into flaming whips, 15 ft reach, 6d6 fire damage, cannot use arms (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 95)
Flight of the Dragon - Gain wings with fly speed 100 feet (average), cannot carry more than light load (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 95)
Forceward - 15ft radius sphere centered on you, force spells are auto countered, incorporeal or force creatures must make will save to enter barrier (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Abjuration) [Force] (Spell Compendium, pg. 98)
Ray Deflection - All rays directed at you are reflected away (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 166)
Rebuking Breath - Undead that fail their saving throws against your breath weapon cower in awe for 1 round after being affected (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Necromancy) (Spell Compendium, pg. 170)
Ruin Delver’s Fortune - Gain either Cha as Luck to Fortitude +immune to poison, Cha as Luck to Ref+Evasion, Cha as Luck to Will+Fear immunity, or Temp HP=4d8+Cha, spell can be cast multiple times (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 178)
Sharptooth - Choose one natural weapon or unarmed strike, attack deals damage as if it were one size larger (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 187)
Thunderlance - Gain lance of force, retract to 1 or expand to 20 foot reach, deals 3d6 x2, use Int or Cha instead of Str, striking targets with force effects of 3rd level or lower, make a dispel check (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Evocation) [Force] (Spell Compendium, pg. 220)
Treasure Scent - Detect Coin types and gems within 30 feet. (Bard 3, Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 223)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Abyssal Might (Requires heart of a dwarf child) - +2 Enh. to Str, Con, Dex, Spell Resistance (Blackguard 3, Cleric 4, Demonologist 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Summoning) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 84)

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3.0)
Fire Stride - If within a fire, can transport from sufficiently large fire to sufficiently large fire within 400 ft+40ft/CL, can transport oneself 1 time/CL (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Telportation) (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pg. 69-70)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Gutsnake - Grow snake from stomach and it can attack as a free action as a giant constrictor, if constricting, you may not move more than 5 feet, may use the giant constrictor's ability modifiers for balance and climb in lieu of your own. (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 98)
Spell Enhancer - The next spell you cast has +2 to DC (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 121-122)

Manual of the Planes
Ethereal Mount - Summon 1+ 1 mount/2CL ghost mounts with AC 18, 10 HP+1 HP/CL, Speed 240, bonuses with higher CL (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Manual of the Planes, pg. 35)

Savage Species (3.0)
Extend Tentacles - Tentacle reach increases by 5 feet, also extends the length of a medusa's snakes by 5ft and gives them the improved grab abillity with the ability to constrict for 1d3+your Str damage on a successful grapple attempt (Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Savage Species, pg. 66)
Weapon of Energy - Choose Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic, the targeted weapon weapon deals an additional 1d6 damage of that type on a hit, and on a critical hit the weapon deals additional damage (1d10 x2, 2d10 x3, 3d10 x4, etc.) (Cleric 4,Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Savage Species, pg. 72)

Tome and Blood (3.0)
Polymorph Self - Gain the form of a creature from Diminuitive up to one size larger than yourself as long as its HD does not exceed your own and does not exceed 15, can't change into Elementals, outsiders, or undead unless the subject is already of that type, gain the physical stats (Str, Dex, and Con), natural armor, and natural movement modes and natural attacks and qualities of the form but nothing else, heal as if the subject had rested a day (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Tome and Blood, pg. 95)

Unapproachable East (3.0)
Ilyykur's Mantle - Gain luck bonus of +1/3 CL to saves against spells and spell-like abilities (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Abjuration) (Unapproachable East, pg. 50)


Sorceror/Wizard 5

Champions of Valor
Shard Blessing Aura - Blue-white light shines from your space equal to the lumens of a candle, gain a lesser globe of invulnerability effect (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Champions of Valor, pg. 57)
Skin of the Steel Dragon - Gain Spell Resistance 10+CL, if Sorceror gain +5 resistance bonus on saves vs. poison (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Champions of Valor, pg. 58)

Complete Adventurer
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 155)
Shadow Form - +4 Comp to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, gain concealment (not countered by see invisibility but true seeing does), can slip through solid objects with enough escape artist ranks (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 156)

Complete Arcane
Aiming at the Target - Can cast this spell while concentrating on another spell, gain +10 circumstance on Concentration checks to maintain concentration on other spells (Sorceror/Wizard 5, Wu Jen 5) (Abjuration) (Complete Arcane, pg. 96)
Blink, Greater - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Celerity 8,Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 99)

Complete Divine
Blink, Improved - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Divine, pg. 154-155)
Dragon Breath - Gain Breath Attack, usable every 1d4 rounds, with damage and area depending on dragon type chosen (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Varies] (Complete Divine, pg. 164)

Complete Mage
Coat of Arms - Gain one force blade/3CL (max 6), gain shield bonus = # of blades, can direct a blade to break off and deal 2d6 damage to a target within 30 feet, lose 1 shield bonus (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Force] (Complete Mage, pg. 99-100)
Dimensional Jumper - Teleport 30 feet as a Move Action (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Conjuration) (Teleportation) (Complete Mage, pg. 102)
Flaying Tendrils - Gain 4 tentacles from face, can attack with 1 as standard action or 4 as Full-attack deal 1d4+Str, have Improved Grapple with Tentacles, +2 to opposed grapple/attached tentacle, can attempt to kill creature at beginning of round if all four tentacles attached, foe must make fort or die (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Complete Mage, pg. 104-105)
Form of the Threefold Beast - Take form of a Chimera and gain 30 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Complete Mage, pg. 105)
Heart of Fire - +10 Enhancement to Land Speed, Fire Resistance 20, Expend to activate Fire Shield for 1 round/CL, bonuses if Heart of Air,Water, and/or Earth Active (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5, Wu Jen 5 (fire)) (Transmutation) [Fire] (Complete Mage, pg.107)
Unicorn Blood - Immunity to Poison, Compulsion and Charm spells and effects, use swift action to gain Temp HP and end previous immunities (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) [Good] (Complete Mage, pg. 121)

Draconic Polymorph - As polymorph except that you can assume a form up to 20 HD and form has an additional +8 Str and +2 Con (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Draconomicon, pg. 79)
Magic Fang, Superior - Grant Every Natural Weapon gains an Enhancement of +1/4 CL Max +5 (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 80)
Contingent Energy Resistance - If dealt Fire, Acid, Cold, Electric, or Sonic Damage, automatically gain Resistance 10 against that type (Cleric 4, Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Draconomicon, pg. 110)
Dragonsight - See 4x as well in low-light conditions, 2x as well in normal light, darkvision up to 10 feet/CL, Blindsense 5 ft/CL, must posess lowlight vision, darkvision, or Blindsense already to improve these abilities (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon pg. 112)
Flight of the Dragon - Grow wings giving fly speed 100 (average), cannot carry more than light load, can fly 15 mph or 24 mph hustling (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon pg. 113)

Dragon Magic
Form of the Desert Hunter Become a Dragonne and 30 temp HP (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Dragon Magic, pg. 67)
Lord of the Sky - Gain Fly Speed of 40 or 30 with medium or heavy armor, Use swift action to fire 60 ft ranged touch to deal 1 Electric damage/CL (max 20) and reduce Fly speed to 1/2 normal.  Activate Lightning Bolt to End Spell; if dragonblood grant 60 ft. instead or +10 fly speed (Shugenja 5 (air), Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) (Transmutation) [Electricity] (Dragon Magic, pg. 69-70)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Dragonmark Demesne (Requires Dragonmark) - Create a 20ft radius sphere of force centered on you, half above ground and half below ground, hold up to 25 medium creatures inside, no other creature may enter it without your permission, you may go and please as you wish, occupants have total concealment from the outside, but can see through the inside, missles, weapons, and spells can pass through from the inside but not vice versa (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Force] (Dragommarked (Eberron), pg. 149)
Spell Haven (Pointless) (Requires Dragonmark) - Store a spell in Dragonmark, cast it later as an immediate action, Least 1st spell level, lesser 3rd spell level, greater or siberys 5th spell level (Bard 5, Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 153)

Drow of the Underdark
Dridershape - Take on the forms and abililities of a drider but without drider spellcasting, but retain your spellcasting. (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 61)
Spider Form, Greater - Take the form of a Fiendish Huge Monstrous Spider and 5 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Drow of the Underdark, pg. 63)

Anticold Sphere - All creatures within 10ft. emanation have immunity to cold, creatures with cold subtype cannot enter emanation but cannot be forced into it or spell will fail (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Frostburn, pg. 88)

Lost Empires of Faerun
Nezram's Sapphire Shield of Shielding - Gain +4 Shield bonus to AC even against incorporeal touch attacks, negate magic missile gain DR 10/Magic (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) [Force] (Lost Empires of Faerun, pg. 33)

Planar Handbook
Death Throes - When killed, explode in a 30ft radius burst of force dealing 1d8/CL damage (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Necromancy) [Force] (Planar Handbook, pg. 97)
Precipitate Breach - Cause a minor breach between planes or turn a minor breach into a severe breach (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Conjuration) (Teleportation) (Planar Handbook, pg. 103)

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #98 on: April 11, 2013, 06:49:45 PM »

Player's Guide to Faerun
Simbul's Spell Matrix - Cast up to a 3rd level spell (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a swift action, take 1d6 damage that cannot be healed by any means while Matrix active (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 110-111)

Player's Handbook
Contact Other Plane - Ask 1 question/2CL from the powers of a different plane that can be answered by one word, the response depends on the plane contacted, also must make an intelligence check to avoid Charisma and Intelligence becoming 8 for the specified period of time (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 212-213)
Overland Flight - Gain 40 ft fly speed (30 with medium or heavy armor or with medium or heavy load), can hustle without taking nonlethal damage (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 259)
Prying Eyes - Create 1d4+CL Fine orb constructs that float, perceive, and follow your instructions, they can fly around at will and have normal vision of up to 120 feet, they can return to you and it takes one round to recover 1 hour's worth of intake, the eyes cannot extend past 1 mile away from you or they cease to exist (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 266-267)
Symbol of Pain (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Enscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures within 60 ft that set it off must make a fort save or suffer pains causing -4 to attacks, skill checks, ability checks that last for 1 hour after leaving 60ft from the symbol (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Necromancy [Evil]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 290)
Symbol of Sleep (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Inscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures with 10HD or less within 60 ft that set it off must make a will save or fall into a catatonic sleep for 3d6x10 minutes and cannot be awakened by nonmagical means (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Enchantment [Compulsion] (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 291)

Player's Handbook II
Radiance - 60 ft. Radius Sheds light equal to Daylight Spell, undead in area are dazzled in radius and for 1d6 rounds later, counters or dispels any darkness spell of equal or lower level (Cleric 5, Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Good, Light] (Player's Handbook II, pg. 122)
Sonic Shield - +4 Deflection, melee attackers who hit you suffer 1d8 sonic damage, save vs. Fort or be knocked 5 feet (Bard 3, Duskblade 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 125)

Spell Compendium
Acid Sheath - Attacking creatures take 2 acid damage/CL (max 30) except with reach, grappling creatures take acid damage, spells cast with acid descriptor deal 1 extra damage/die (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Conjuration) (Creation) [Acid] (Spell Compendium, pg. 7)
Anticold Sphere - Creatures within 10 ft. are immune to cold damage.  No creature with cold subtype may enter radius. (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) [Cold] (Spell Compendium, pg. 13)
Bite of the Wereboar - +4 Enh Str, +6 Enh. Con, +8 Enh. Natural Armor, Bite for 1d8+1.5Str, Blind-Fight feat (Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Blink, Greater - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Celerity 8, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 32)
Breath Weapon Substitution - Change breath weapon to deal acid, cold, electric, or fire damage instead (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 39)
Cacophonic Shield - Nonmagic sound does not pass personal emanation, magic sounds must succeed on caster level check (DC11+caster level), crossing barrier deals 1d6+1 Sonic/CL damage (Max +20) makes Fort save or is deafened, 20% miss chance for missiles through barrier. to cross barrier (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 41)
Dispelling Breath - Make a Dispel check against creatures, objects, etc. that fail their saving throw vs. your breath weapon.  If the dispel check fails, make it against a progressively weaker spell until 1 effect is dispelled or all effects are dispelled (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 67)
Dragonsight - See 4x as well in low-light conditions, 2x as well in normal light, darkvision up to 10 feet/CL, Blindsense 5 ft/CL, must posess lowlight vision, darkvision, or Blindsense already to improve these abilities (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium pg. 73)
Duelward - Counterspelling is an immediate action, +4 competence on spellcraft to identify spell, spell gone after use (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 74)
Ethereal Breath - Can choose to have breath manifest on the ethereal plane instead of material (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 74)
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-IV,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, darkvision 60ft, don't need to eat or sleep) (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 90)
Gutsnake - Create a Giant Constrictor snake from stomach (counts as a tentacle), can use snake's balance and climb instead of your own, climb speed 20 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 108)
Nightstalker's Transformation - +4 Enh Dex, +3 Luck AC, +5 Luck Ref, +5 competence Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Proficiency with all simple weapons and hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword, gain weapon finesse and evasion, +3d6 sneak attack, cannot cast spells for remainder of duration (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)
Shadow Form - +4 Comp to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, gain concealment (not countered by see invisibility but true seeing does), can slip through solid objects with enough escape artist ranks (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 183)
Sonic Rumble - Concentrate to cause a 30 foot cone of sound protrudes from you dealing 1d6 sonic/2CL (max 10d6) (Ref Half), Silence spell negates (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 195)
Spell Matrix, Lesser - Cast up to a 3rd level spell (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a swift action, take 1d6 damage that cannot be healed by any means (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 199)
Symbol of Spell Loss - When triggered, spellcasters within 60 feet must make Will save or loss highest level spell slot or prepared spell, creatures with spell-like abilities have them supressed for 1 round, absorbs up to fifty levels of spells (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 218)
Zone of Respite - Emanation 20 ft. radius causes Spells and abilities involving planes and instant travel such as Teleport do not work within the area nor do summoning or calling spells, creatures coterminous on planes must retreat to the edge of the emenation (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 244)

Airy Water - Creatures can breathe air in 20 ft., creatures make DC 10 swim check, success means move normally failure means move at half speed, negate any penalty for melee attacks underwater (Seafolk 6, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation [Air, Water]) (Stormwrack pg. 113)

Races of Eberron
Unfettered Heroism - Gain Temporary Action Point each round (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Races of Eberron, pg. 190-191)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Resonating Resistance (Fiend Spell Component) - Every attempt to breach spell resistance must roll and succeed twice.  Must have spell resistance from extraordinary ability. (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 102)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Kiss of the Vampire - Gain DR 10/+1, can use enervation, vampiric touch, charm person, gaseous form (self) as a standard action, count as undead for neg+pos energy and undead turning (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 103)
Acid Sheath - Attacking creatures take 1d6+2 acid damage/CL (max 30) except with reach, grappling creatures take acid damage, creatures you ride on top of take acid damage, can make a melee touch for 1d6+1 acid damage (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Conjuration) (Creation) [Acid] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 108)
Simbul's Spell Matrix - Cast up to 4 3rd level spells (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a free action (counts against quickened spell limit), take 1d6 damage/spell stored that cannot be healed by any means (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 118)

Libris Mortis
Kiss of the Vampire - Gain DR 10/+1, can use enervation, vampiric touch, charm person, gaseous form (self) as a standard action, count as undead for neg+pos energy and undead turning (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Libris Mortis, pg. 67)

Manual of the Planes (3.0)
Shadowfade - On a plane coexistent on the plane of shadow and in an area of deep shadows (not in Plane of Shadow), open up an invisible portal (appears white in the plane of shadow) to the Plane of Shadow that you and creatures you touch pass through, other creatures can go back and forth between the 2 planes if they succeed a Will Save) (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion (Shadow)) (Manual of the Planes, pg. 40)

Tome and Blood (3.0)
Ghostform - Gain incorporeal form, lose natural armor gain deflection = Charisma bonus (min +1) and lots of other goodies (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Tome and Blood, pg. 90)
Spiritwall - Create wall up to 1 10ft square/level or sphere or hemisphere with radius up to 1ft/level, 1 side of the wall emits a shriek causing those within 60 ft to make will save or become panicked for 1d4 rounds, wall provides total concealment, blocks magical effects, provides 9/10 cover against melee attacks, touching the wall causes 1d10 damage, going through the wall causes 1d10 damage and make a fort save or suffer a negative level (Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Necromancy) (Tome and Blood, pg. 96)

Unapproachable East (3.0)
Improved Blink - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Unapproachable East, pg. 50-51)

Sorceror/Wizard 6

Book of Exalted Deeds
Quickshift (Requires Celestial Component and Teleport Spell-like ability) - Teleport Spell-like ability is quickened (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) [Good] (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Complete Arcane
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-IV,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, darkvision 60ft, don't need to eat or sleep)(Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Complete Arcane, pg. 106)

Complete Mage
Karmic Retribution - A creature within 20ft emanation that deals damage to you with an attack, spell, or effect must make Will save or become stunned for 1 round, a successful save means immunity to this spell for the rest of this round only, special effects if karmic aura and/or Karmic Backlash is active (Hexblade 4, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 109)
Prismatic Aura - Gain Concealment, any creature striking you with a non-reach melee weapon is subject to one prismatic spray spell effect, once a color has been expended it disappears from the aura, once all 7 colors have been expended the spell ends (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 113)

Aura of Terror - Whenever you Attack or Charge, creatures within radius with fewer HD than CL must make Will save or become Shaken, extra bonuses if you already have frightful presence (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Necromancy) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] (Draconomicon, pg. 77)
Aura of Evasion - Creatures within 10 ft emanation gain Evasion to Breath Weapons (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Draconomicon, pg. 109)

Dragon Magic
Dragonshape, Lesser - Take the form of a young red dragon, gain 60 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Dragon Magic, pg. 66)
Eyes of the Oracle - +2 Insight to AC, Reflex; if Dragonblood: Bonuses +3; Can ready Standard action at end of turn, if taken, spell ends (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6, Wu Jen 6) (Divination) (Dragon Magic, pg. 66-67)
Primal Speed (Pointless - 24 hour base duration) - +5 Resistance bonus to Reflex, +10 Enhancement to speed, bonuses if other primal spells active (Druid 6, Ranger 4, Sorceror 6) (Transmutation) (Dragon Magic, pg. 72)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Dragonmark Symbol (Requires Dragonmark) - Like symbol of death, but each creature within 60 ft must make a Fort save/beginning of round or be nauseated, no hp limit, does not trigger for others with your dragonmark symbol (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 150)
Dragonmark Whip, Greater - Magic weapon, 10 ft reach, but does not threaten, cannot be sundered or disarmed, melee attacks deal 1d8+1/CL (max 20), can be used to deliver touch spells of 7th or lower (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 150-151)

Waves of Cold - Save vs. Will or Fire Subtype creatures are shaken for spell duration, Cold Subtype creatures lose immunity to cold (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Necromancy) [Cold] (Frostburn, pg. 106)

Magic of Eberron
Glimpse of the Prophecy - Gain +1 Insight to AC and Saving throws, can end spell effect as an immediate action to gain +1 insight/2 CL (max 10) to a saving throw, with Dragon Prophesier feat can enter prophetic favor state as an immediate action (still counts against daily uses) and spell ends (Bard 6, Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Divination) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 96)

Player's Handbook
Antimagic Field - All spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, and magic items cease to function within 10ft radius emanation. (Cleric 8, Magic 6, Protection 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Player's Handbook, pg. 200)
Contingency (Pointless, Day/Level Duration) - Choose one spell to go into effect once a certain condition you specify occurs (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Evocation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 213-214)
Globe of Invulnerability - Create a 10ft immobile sphere centered on you that does not move, all spell effects, spells, and spell-like abilities of 4th level or lower fail their areas do not include the globe and targeted spells don't work, spells, spell-like abilities, etc. can be cast through the globe (Wu Jen 6, Complete Arcane pg. 94) (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Player's Handbook, pg. 236)
Symbol of Fear (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Inscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures with 150 hp or less within 60 ft that set it off must make a will save or be panicked for 1 round/CL (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Necromancy [Fear] (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 290)
Symbol of Persuasion (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Inscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures within 60 ft that set it off must make a will save or be charmed by the caster (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Enchantment) (Charm) (Mind-Affecting) (Player's Handbook, pg. 290)
Tenser's Transformation - Gain +4 Enhancement to Str, Dex, Con, +4 natural armor, +5 competence to Fort Saves, gain proficiency in all simple and martial weapons, base attack bonus = character level, lose spellcasting ability and ability to use spell activation or spell completion items as if they were no longer on your class list (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 294)
Player's Guide to Faerun
Stone Body - DR 10/Adamantine, Immune to Blindness, critical hits, ability damage, deafness, disease, drowning, poison, stunning, and spells or attacks that affect physiology or respiration, +4 Enh to Str, -4 penalty to Dex, Speed halved (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 113)

Races of Stone
Eye of Stone - Gain an invisible magical sensor that sends you visual information that can move 30 ft/round looking straight ahead or 10ft/round looking up, down, and horizontally, can fit through up to a 1" diameter and can pass wholly through stone (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Divination) (Scrying) (Races of Stone, pg. 162)

Symbol of Thirst - Those within 60 ft of Symbol must immediately drink all containers of liquid, when no liquid remains subjects fly into a rage and attack anyone they can (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6, Thirst 6) (Enchantment (Compulsion)) (Sandstorm, pg. 123)

Spell Compendium
Aura of Evasion - Creatures within 10 ft emanation gain Evasion to Breath Weapons, those with Evasion gain +4 to Ref for Breath (Cleric 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 18)
Aura of Terror - Whenever you Attack or Charge, creatures within radius with fewer HD than CL must make Will save or become Shaken, extra bonuses if you already have frightful presence (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Necromancy) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 18)
Bite of the Weretiger - +12 Enh to Str +4 Enh. to Dex, +6 Enh. to Con, +5 Enh. to Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d6+0.5 Str, Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Stone Body - DR 10/Adamantine, Immune to Blindness, critical hits, ability damage, deafness, disease, drowning, poison, stunning, and spells or attacks that affect physiology or respiration, +4 Enh to Str, -4 penalty to Dex, Speed halved (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 207)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Fiendish Quickening (Requires Fiend Component) - Cast Teleport or Teleport without Error spell-like ability is quickened. (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 95)

Ghostwalk (3.0)
Anti-Ectoplasm Shell - Ectoplasm or creatures with ectoplasm may not enter 10 ft. emanation (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) [Ectomancy] (Ghostwalk, pg. 49)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Cacophonic Shield - Nonmagic sound does not pass emanation, magic sounds must succeed on caster level check (DC11+caster level), crossing barrier deals 1d6+1 Sonic/CL damage (Max +20) makes Fort save or is deafened, 20% miss chance for missiles through barrier or to cross barrier(Bard 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 83)
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-VI,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, darkvision 60ft, don't need to eat or sleep) (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 93)

Races of Faerun (3.0)
Spore Cloak - Gain Concealment, if you move into the space of another creature or bull rush or grapple them, they must make a fort save or suffer 1d6 Con damage and make another save in 1 minute or suffer 2d6 Con damage.  Immune to fungal infestations.  Lose spell if fail saving throw vs. a fire attack, lose ability to cause others to make fort save while in direct sunlight (Druid 5, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Races of Faerun, pg. 191)
Stone Body - Gain DR 20/+2, +4 Enh to Str, -4 Penalty to Dex (minimum 1), reduce speed by half, weightx3, vulnerable to attacks that affect stone golems, immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison stunning (Cleric 6 (gnome), Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Races of Faerun, pg. 191)

Unapproachable East (3.0)
Fiendform - Take form of any fiendish creature that can be summoned by Summon Monster I-V,  gain all extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities, gain outsider type (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Unapproachable East, pg. 49)


Sorceror/Wizard 7

Book of Exalted Deeds
Eladrin Form - Become incorporeal globe of colors, Fly 150 ft perfect, pass through solid objects, cannot cast spells, require +1 or greater weapons to hit, 50% miss chance from Incorporeal source (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Good] (Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 97)
Righteous Glare - Gain Su Gaze attack, evil creatures with 5 HD or less within 60 ft must make Will save or die, success means affected by fear spell for 2d10 rounds, Evil creatures with more than 5 HD or Neutral creatures must save or suffer fear effect (Cleric 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Necromancy) [Death, Good] (Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 105)

Complete Adventurer
Cacophonic Shield - 10 ft emanation. Nonmagic sound does not pass emanation, magic sounds must succeed on caster level check (DC11+caster level), crossing barrier deals 1d6+1 Sonic/CL damage (Max +20) makes Fort save or is deafened, 20% miss chance for missiles through barrier. to cross barrier(Bard 6, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Complete Adventurer, pg. 144)

Complete Mage
Retributive Enervation - Non-undead creatures making a successful melee attack against you suffer 1 negative level, undead creatures gain 5 temp hp instead, bestow a maximum of 1/2 CL (Max 10) negative levels, after this the spell ends (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Necromancy) (Complete Mage, pg. 116)
Unicorn Heart - 60 ft base landspeed, +4 Enh to Str, Dex, Con, can end spell to instantly transport yourself and another creature up to 360 ft. as dimension door spell, special bonuses if Unicorn Blood and/or Unicorn Horn active as well (Druid 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Good] (Complete Mage, pg. 121)

Animate Breath - If you have a breath weapon, turn breathe into animated Construct under your control, gains size and abilities according to your breath energy type and size  (other breath weapons will turn it into another elemental type depending on energy type). (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 76)

Dragon Magic
Arcane Spellsurge - Spells that take 2-10 rounds take 1 less round to cast, 1 full round spells take a standard action, standard action spells take a swift action, doesn't stack with other abilities that reduce casting times (Sorceror/Wizard 7, Wu Jen 7) (Universal) (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)
Aspect of the Platinum Dragon - Take Form of Aspect of Bahamut and gain 110 temp hp (Sorceror 7) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Good] (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)
Glorious Master of the Elements - As a standard action can make a ranged touch attack within 60 ft. deal 1d6 energy/2CL (max 10d6), select acid, cold, electric, or fire before attack, gain a cumulative +2 damage bonus for each subsequent attack on the same target for the same spell, dragonblood: use d8 instead (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Evocation) [Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire] (Dragon Magic, pg. 67-68)
Justice of the Wyrm King - Creatures striking you with a nonreach melee weapon take 4d6 damage, can sacrifice a slot up to 9th level and increase the damage by 2 points/level (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Abjuration) [Force] (Dragon Magic, pg. 68-69)
Kiss of Draconic Defiance - An enemy attempting to cast a spell within 40ft radius must make fort save or lose spell, a successful save makes the subject immune for 24 hours, can expend spell to automatically counter a spell of 5th or lower and don't need to lose a slot (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Abjuration) (Dragon Magic, pg. 69)

Fiendish Codex I
Fiendish Clarity - Gain Darkvision 60 ft, can see in magical darkness as if it were regular darkness, see invisibility as per the spell, detect good at will (Cleric 7, Demonic 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Divination) [Evil] (Fiendish Codex I, pg. 94)

Libris Mortis
Ghost Trap -  Incorporeal Creatures within 5 ft./CL Emanation become corporeal, and creatures cannot shift to or from the Ethereal Plane (Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Abjuration) [Ectomancy] (Libris Mortis, pg. 65)

Player's Handbook
Arcane Sight, Greater - See magical auras within 120 feet and know the strength and location of each aura, know whether the aura is divine or arcane, whether the creature has spellcasting or spell-like abilities and the strength of the most powerful ability the creature currently has (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 201)
Control Weather - Change current weather to either be a season, Spring (Tornado, Thunderstorm, Sleet Storm, Hot Weather), Summer (Torrential Rain, Heat Wave, Hailstorm), Autumn (Hot or Cold Weather, Fog, Sleet), Winter (Frigid Cold, Blizzard, Thaw), Late Winter (Hurricane-Force Winds or Early Spring) and to Cause the weather associated with the season respectively, Druids Double the duration and radius of the spell (Air 7, Cleric 7, Druid 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 214)
Ethereal Jaunt - Become Ethereal, become invisible to material plane creatures, move at half speed but in any direction, can move through solid objects and creatures, if spell ends while in a solid object, become shunted to the nearest open space and take 1d6 damage/5 ft moved (Cleric 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 227-228)
Phase Door - Create an ethereal passage between wooden, plaster, or stone walls that is 5x8 feet opening, 10ft+5ft/3CL deep, can only be accessed by the caster and possibly 1 other creature (Sorceror/Wizard 7, Travel 8) (Player's Handbook, pg. 261)
Spell Turning - Spells and Spell-like effects targeted against you are targeted at the original caster, up to 1d4+6 spell levels can be turned, spells partially turned have a % chance to affect either creature (Luck 7, Magic 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Abjuration) (Player's Handbook, pg. 282)
Symbol of Stunning (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Inscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures with 150HP or less within 60 ft that set it off must make a will save or become stunned for 1d6 rounds (Cleric 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Enchantment [Compulsion] (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 291)
Symbol of Weakness (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Inscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures within 60 ft that set it off must make a fort save or suffer 3d6 Str Damage (Cleric 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Necromancy) (Player's Handbook, pg. 291)

Player's Handbook II
Pulse of Hate - 2d6 unholy damage to all enemies within 20ft radius/round at start of your turn (Cleric 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Player's Handbook II, pg. 122)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Spell Matrix - Cast up to two spells, up to third level in Matrix, can release spell(s) as a swift action, if spells are 2nd level or lower, can release both together with a swift action, take 2d6 damage that can't be healed until spell discharged (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 111)

Spell Compendium
Animate Breath - If you have a breath weapon, turn breathe into animated Huge Fire Elemental under your command.  (other breath weapons will turn it into another elemental type depending on energy type). (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 11)
Bite of the Werebear - +16 Enh Str, +2 Enh Dex, +8 Enh Con, +7 Enh Natural Armor, Gain 2 Claws and Bite for 1d8+Str and 2d8+0.5 Str for bite, Gain Multiattack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack (Druid 6, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 28)
Body of War - Gain appearance of warforged Titan, Type is Construct, cannot cast spells, Size Huge, Str 28, Dex 8, Landspeed 50, darkvision 60, low-light vision, Construct Immunities, Trample 1d8+Str, Reflex 25 half, Axe and warhammer 2d8 x3, (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 35)
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Spell Compendium, pg. 78)
Kiss of the Vampire - Gain DR/10 Magic, can use enervation, vampiric touch, charm person, gaseous form (self) as a standard action, count as undead for neg+pos energy and undead turning (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 128)
Spell Matrix - Cast up to two spells, up to third level in Matrix, can release spell(s) as a swift action, if spells are 2nd level or lower, can release both together with a swift action, take 2d6 damage that can't be healed until spell discharged (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 199)
Synostodweomer - Spells casted are converted into positive energy for 1d8 cured/Spell level (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 218)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Eye of the Beholder - Gain +2 Circumstance on Spot checks, gain random ray ability (usable by standard action) that either lets you use, Charm Person, Charm Monster, Sleep (no max HD), Flesh to Stone, Disintegrate, Fear, Slow, Inflict Moderate wounds, Finger of Death, or Telekinesis.  Ray has range of 150 ft, DC18 (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 94)
Fiendish Clarity - Gain darkvision 60, see in magical darkness, see invisible as per see invisibility spell, detect good at will (Cleric 7, Demonic 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Divination) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 95)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Simbul's Spell Sequencer - Cast up to 4 5th level spells (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a free action (counts against quickened spell limit), can link 2 or more spells in a sequence (spells must be 2nd or lower) together that are cast together as a single free action, take 1d6 damage/spell stored that cannot be healed by any means (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 118)
Simbul's Synostodweomer - Spells you cast are turned into positive energy equal to 1d6/spell slot level, can heal self or another by touch (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 119)
Vipergout - Summon 1d4+3 Fiendish or Celestial vipers in your mouth, may spit 3 vipers as a standard action or 1 as a move action, cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components until all vipers have been spat, vipers that have been spat may attack immediately (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Conjuration) (Summoning) [Varies] (Magic of Faerun,pg. 130-131)

Manual of the Planes
Elemental Body - Gain benefit of Attune Form spell, Elemental Immunities, and Bonus based on element chosen (Fly with air, etc.) (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Manual of the Planes, pg. 34-35)

Savage Species (3.0)
Vipergout - Summon 1d4+3 Fiendish or Celestial vipers, may attack enemies or do other tasks as you command (Sorceror/Wizard 7) (Transmutation) [Varies] (Savage Species,pg. 72)

Sorceror/Wizard 8

Complete Arcane
Ghostform - Gain incorporeal form, lose natural armor gain deflection = Charisma bonus (min +1) and lots of other goodies (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 109)
Heart of Stone - Exchange heart for piece of stone, gain DR 5/-, ER 5: Cold, fire electricity, heal naturally 1 hp/day, healing effects require CL check = 10+your CL to heal you, if original heart is destroyed, instantly killed. (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Necromancy) (Complete Arcane, pg. 110)

Complete Mage
Dreaded Form of the Eye Tyrant - Gain form of beholder except that you can only use 1 eye ray/round and an eye ray once used cannot be used again, gain 30 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Complete Mage, pg. 102-103)
Mysterious Redirection - Melee Attacks, Ranged attacks, and spells delivered by melee touch cause the attacker to make a will save, failure means 50% chance that attack is redirected to an adjacent target (determined randomly) within reach of the original attacker, if no eligible target is available the attack misses (Sorceror/Wizard 8, Wu Jen 8) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 111)
Prismatic Bow - Gain a +1 Longbow that can imbue its arrows with one prismatic spray effect, struck creatures suffer the prismatic spray effect as per the spell, once one color is used it disappears and cannot be used again, once all 7 colors have been used, the spell ends (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Evocation) (Complete Mage, pg. 113-114)
Unyielding Form of Inevitable Death - Take the Form of a Marut, cannot use 1/day or 1/week abilities, can use other spell-like abilities 1/casting, gain 50 temp hp (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Complete Mage, pg. 122)

Dragon Magic
Aspect of the Chromatic Dragon - Become Aspect of Tiamat and gain 100 temp hp, evil component (Sorceror 8) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) [Evil] (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)
Mind of the Labyrinth - An enemy that casts a mind-affecting spell  against you must make Will DC18+Int or become confused for one round, can expend spell to activate dominate person on a humanoid who casts a mind-affecting spell on you (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) (Dragon Magic, pg. 70)

Libris Mortis
Ghostform - Gain incorporeal form, lose natural armor gain deflection = Charisma bonus (min +1) and lots of other goodies (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Libris Mortis 65-66, pg. 109)
Necrotic Empowerment - +8 enh to Dex, Int, Wis, +8 Natural Armor, +5 competence to Fort, 100 temp hp (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Libris Mortis, pg. 68)
Veil of Undeath - Immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death, extra damage from critical hits, nonlethal damage, death from massive damage, ability drain, energy drain, fatigue, exhaustion, damage to physical ability scores, effects that require fort save unless they affect objects or are harmless, don't need to eat, sleep, or breathe, Con becomes -, cured by inflict spells and harmed by cure spells (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Necromancy) [Evil] (Libris Mortis, pg. 72)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Lightning Ring - Elec Res 20, at start of turn direct 2 lightning bolts dealing 5d6 electric damage (Ref Half) or unleash spell immediaely upon casting and unleash 8 lightning bolts that travel in all directions(Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Evocation) [Electricity] (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 105)

Player's Handbook
Iron Body - Gain DR 15/Adamantine, Immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect physiology and/or respiration because you have none during this spell, half damage from acid, become slowed if struck by electricity and vulnerable to a rust monster, +6 Enh to Str, -6 Penalty to Dex, speed reduced by half, Arcane Failure 50%, -8 armor check penalty, cannot drink, weigh 10x as much as you do now, can survive the crushing pressure and lack of air from the bottom of the ocean, armed when making unarmed attacks, unarmed attacks deal damage as a club for your size (1d4 small, 1d6 medium, etc.) (Earth 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245-246)
Moment of Prescience - Gain +1 Insight/CL (max 25) on 1 attack, opposed ability, skill check, saving throw, or AC against a single attack, can activate this ability at any time, takes no action, not more than one Moment of Prescience can be active at a time (Luck 8, Sorceror/WIzard 8) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 255)
Symbol of Death (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Enscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures with 150 hp or less within 60 ft that set it off must make a fort save or die (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Necromancy [Death]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 289-290)
Symbol of Insanity (Pointless, Permanent until activated) - Enscribe a symbol onto a surface, creatures within 60 ft that set it off must make a will save or be become insane (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 290)

Spell Compendium
Ghostform - Gain incorporeal form, lose natural armor gain deflection = Charisma bonus (min +1) and lots of other goodies (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 103)
Invisibility, Superior - Invisible to image, scent, and sound, cannot be detected by blindsense, tremorsense, blindsight, other immunities (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium, pg. 125)
Lightning Ring - Elec Res 20, adjacent creatures take 10d6 electric (Ref Half), at start of turn, direct 2 lightning bolts dealing 5d6 electric damage (Ref Half) (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Evocation) [Electricity] (Spell Compendium, pg. 132)

Races of Eberron
Illusion Purge - All 7th level illusions or lower within 5ft emanation/level are negated (Cleric 8, Sorceror/Wizard 8, Truth 7) (Evocation) (Races of Eberron, pg. 187)

Savage Species (3.0)
Flame Whips - Forelimbs transform into flames, when they hit, deal 5d6+1/CL (max 20) fire damage, may not cast spells with material components or carry items with limbs, items on limbs cease functioning (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Transmutation) (Savage Species, pg. 66)
Stalking Spell - Become invisible and remain invisible even if attacking, radiate a silence effect of 5ft radius, leave no scent and cannot be detected by scent (Sorceror/Wizard 8) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Savage Species, pg. 71)

Sorceror/Wizard 9

Complete Arcane
Absorption - Absorb 1d4+6 levels of spells targeted at you, can use absorbed spells to cast as many additional spell levels as spells without loss of prepared spells or spells per day (Sorceror/Wizard 9, Wu Jen 9) (Abjuration) (Complete Arcane, pg. 97)
Superior Invisibility - Invisible to image, scent, and sound, cannot be detected by blindsense, tremorsense, see invisibility, faerie fire, glitterdust, invisibility purge, and dust of appearance, detectable by Blindsight or True Seeing (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Complete Arcane, pg. 125)

Complete Mage
Dimensional Jumper, Greater - Teleport 60 feet as a Swift Action (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Conjuration) (Teleportation) (Complete Mage, pg. 102)
Genius Loci (Pointless, permanent duration) - Designate a particular area to be guarded by an elder elemental (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Complete Mage, pg. 105)
Lash of Force - As immediate action can deal 5d6 force damage to a creature you can see (even concealment) within 10 ft, can release spell to send out 30 ft line of force for 15d6 Ref Half, failed save causes prone as well (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Evocation) [Force] (Complete Mage, pg. 109)

Lords of Madness
Invoke Magic - Can cast a single 4th level spell or lower that works even in the area of an anti-magic field, a dead magic area, or a null-magic plane (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Evocation) (Lords of Madness, pg. 212)

Lost Empires of Faerun
Srinshee's Spell Shift - +4 Insight to Spellcraft for Counterspelling, can do extra effects once a spell is counterspelled, sacrifice spell slot to apply Empower, Enlarge, Extend, Maximize, or Widen Spell to an ally's spell effect, choose the targets or position of the spell, or cause opponent to make fort save or be stunned 1d6 (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Abjuration) (Lost Empires of Faerun, pg. 34)

Planar Handbook
Precipitate Complete Breach - Cause a complete breach between planes (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Conjuration) (Teleportation) (Planar Handbook, pg. 104)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Simbul's Spell Trigger - Cast up to three spells, up to third level in Matrix, can release up to three spells at once as a swift action, can decide that spell sequence initiates under certain conditions, take 3d6 damage that can't be healed until spell discharged (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 111)

Player's Handbook
Foresight - Receive instantaneous warnings of impending danger to yourself such as knowing in advance a rogue was about to sneak attack you, can never be surprised or flat-footed, Gain +2 Insight to AC and Reflex Saves (Lost if you lose your Dex bonus) (Druid 9, Knowledge 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 233)
Prismatic Sphere - Conjure an immobile opaque 10 ft radius globe of shimmering light that surrounds you, sphere blocks any attempt to project something through it, creatures can pass through the wall but suffer each of its color effects, one at a time, any creature with less than 8HD within 20ft of the wall is automatically blinded for 2d4 rounds (Protection 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9, Sun 9) (Abjuration) (Player's Handbook, pg. 264)
Shapechange - Assume the form of any single non-unique creature of any size with HD up to your CL (max 25), gain all extraordinary and supernatural abilities assumed form but lose your own supernatural abilities, and gain the type of the creature in question.  Can change form once/round as a free action.  Gain +10 Disguise. (Animal 9, Druid 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 277-278)
Teleportation Circle - Designate a 5ft radius circle, those who step on the circle are instantaneously transported to another spot of your choice that your are very familiar with (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Conjuration (Teleportation)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 293)
Time Stop - Move so fast that time appears to cease to flow for everthing and everyone but you, Other creatures are invulnerable to your spells and attacks and they may not be targeted for the duration of Time Stop, spells with a remaining duration after the timestop proceed normally, you cannot move or harm items held or carried by another creature while time stop is active, cannot enter an anti-magic field while spell is active (Sorceror/Wizard 9, Trickery 9) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 294)

Player's Handbook II
Dragonshape - Gain 100 temp hp, gain stats and abilities of mature adult red dragon except spellcasting (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Polymorph) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 111)

Spell Compendium
Absorption - Absorb 1d4+6 levels of spells targeted at you, can use absorbed spells to cast as many additional spell levels as spells without loss of prepared spells or spells per day (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 6)
Enervating Breath - Creatures that fail their save against your breath weapon take 2d4 negative levels. (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Necromancy) [Negative] (Spell Compendium, pg. 82)
Spell Matrix, Greater - Cast up to three spells, up to third level in Matrix, can release up to three spells at once as a swift action, can decide that spell sequence initiates under certain conditions, take 3d6 damage that can't be healed until spell discharged (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 199)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Simbul's Spell Trigger - Cast up to 4 7th level spells (that can be quickened) into the Matrix, can cast the spell later as a free action (counts against quickened spell limit), can link 2 or more spells in a sequence (spells must be 4th or lower) together that are cast together as a single free action, can set a spell or a sequence to come into effect like a contingency spell, take 1d6 damage/spell stored that cannot be healed by any means while main spell active(Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 118-119)

Underdark (3.0)
Undermaster - Can use any of the following spells as a Spell-like ability (1 spell/round) requiring a standard action (even if the spell normally requires more than that), : Burrow, Earthquake, Excavate, Flesh to Stone, Meld into Stone, Move Earth, Reverse Gravity, Soften Earth and Stone, Statue, Stone Shape, Stone Sphere, Stone Tell, Stone to Flesh, Transmute Mud to Rock, Transmute Rock to Mud, Wall of Stone (Druid 9, Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Transmutation) [Earth] (Underdark, pg. 62)

Tome and Blood (3.0)
Absorption - Absorb 1d4+6 levels of spells targeted at you, can use absorbed spells to cast as many additional spell levels as spells without loss of prepared spells or spells per day (Sorceror/Wizard 9) (Abjuration) (Tome and Blood, pg. 85)


Bard 0

Player’s Handbook
Detect Magic - Gain ability to detect Magic Auras and with spellcraft check the school of the aura within 60ft cone emanation (Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 219)
Prestidigiation - Create a simple magic effect which can do any of the following, lift 1 pound of material, soil, color, or clean 1 foot cube/round, and more (Bard 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Universal) (Player's Handbook, pg. 264)
Read Magic - Gain ability to read magical inscriptions on objects, and can detect glyphs of warding with a spellcraft check (Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Paladin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 269)
Summon Instrument - Summon a music instrument of your choice that isn't too large to be held in two hands and it will only play for you (Bard 0) (Conjuration) (Summoning) (Player's Handbook, pg. 285)

Spell Compendium
Minor Disguise - +2 Competence to next Disguise Check (Bard 0) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 142)

Ghostwalk (3.0)
Detect Ghost - Detect the Presence or Absence of Ghosts (Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Divination [Ectomancy]) (Ghostwalk, pg. 51)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Detect Crossroads - Detect Fey Crossroads withing 60ft cone emanation (Bard 0, Druid 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Divination) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 88)
Minor Disguise - +2 Competence to next Disguise Check (Bard 0) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 142)

Bard 1

Complete Adventurer
Accelerated Movement - Move normal speed when using Balance, Climb, Move Silently without penalty (Bard 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 142)
Expeditious Retreat, Swift - +30 Enhancement to land speed (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 149)
Focusing Chant - +1 Circumstance to Attacks, Skill Checks, Ability Checks (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] (Complete Adventurer, pg. 149)
Herald’s Call - Creatures within radius save vs. Will or be Slowed (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Complete Adventurer, pg. 151)
Inspirational Boost (Pointless, lasts until inspire courage effect ends) - Morale bonus from inspire courage increases by 1 (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Sonic, Mind-Affecting] (Complete Adventurer, pg. 153)
Joyful Noise - 10 ft. radius emanation negates silence in area (Bard 1) (Abjuration) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 154)
Master's Touch - Gain proficiency with a single weapon or shield held in hand (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 154)

Complete Mage
Guided Path - Know most direct path to non-hidden location within 1 mile (Bard 1) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 106)
Summon Component - Summon a spell component not worth more than 1 gp (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Conjuration (Summoning)) (Complete Mage, pg. 118)
Vigilant Slumber (12 Hour Duration) - Set a specific condition, and then awake when that condition occurs (Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 122)

Complete Scoundrel
Mimicry - Perfectly Mimic sounds, voices, and accents you have previously heard, vocal chords must be capable of such action (Assassin 1, Bard 1) (Transmutation) (Complete Scoundrel pg. 101)

Cheat - Reroll once the outcome of a game of chance  if failure occurred (Bard 1, Greed 1,Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation [Evil]) (Draconomicon, pg. 109)

Mask Aberrant Dragonmark (Requires Dragonmark) - Alters aberrant dragonmark to look like a true dragonmark up to strength of your aberrant dragonmark (Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 152-153)

Magic of Eberron
Ancient Knowledge - Before making a knowledge check, can discharge spell to gain +5 insight.  With Mark of Finding dragonmark or Favored of the House (Tharashk), can treat knowledge check as a trained check even without ranks in skill (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 94)

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Re: Hatchet Job Port Thread
« Reply #99 on: April 11, 2013, 06:50:47 PM »

Magic of Incarnum
Detect Incarnum - Detect Presence of Incarnum within a cone-shaped emanation (Bard 1, Blackguard 1, Cleric 1, Incarnum 1, Paladin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Magic of Incarnum, pg. 101)

Player’s Handbook
Comprehend Languages - You understand all spoken and written languages. (Bard 1, Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 212)
Detect Secret Doors - Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft. Cone, more rounds spent concentrating reveal more information (Bard 1, Knowledge 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 220)
Disguise Self - Look Different (Different equipment, race gender, taller or shorter by 1 ft, etc.) and gain +10 to Disguise (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1, Trickery 1) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 222)
Expeditious Retreat - +30 Enhancement to land speed (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 228)

Races of Destiny
Friendly Face - +5 Circumstance to Diplomacy and Gather Information (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Races of Destiny, pg. 166)
Scholar's Touch - Touch a book and gain Knowledge as if it was completely read (Bard 1, Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Races of Destiny, pg. 167)

Races of the Dragon
Instant Diversion - Create 1+1/4 CL (Max 5) Illusory doubles of yourself.  AC=10+Dex Mod+Size Mod, can only move, withdraw, or run, successful attack destroys a double (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Illusion) (Figment) (Races of the Dragon, pg. 113-114)

Spell Compendium
Accelerated Movement - Move normal speed when using Balance, Climb, Hide, Move Silently, Tumble without penalty (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 7)
Appraising Touch - +10 Insight to Appraise, takes 2 minutes instead of 1, guessed worth is never off by more than 50% (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 15)
Critical Strike - Gain 1d6 Melee Sneak Attack Effectively, during sneak attack weapon is Keen, +4 Insight to Confirm Critical Threats (Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 56)
Expeditious Retreat, Swift - +30 Enhancement to land speed (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 85)
Focusing Chant - +1 Circumstance to Attacks, Skill Checks, Ability Checks (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 96)
Herald’s Call - Creatures within radius save vs. Will or be Slowed (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 113)
Improvisation - Gain 2 Luck Points/CL which can be spent to improve attack, skill, or ability check rolls, no check can spend more than 0.5 CL (Bard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 121)
Inspirational Boost (Pointless, lasts until inspire courage effect ends) - Morale bonus from inspire courage increases by 1 (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Sonic, Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 124)
Invisibility, Swift - Become Invisible (Assassin 2, Bard 1) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium)
Joyful Noise - 10 ft. radius emanation negates silence in area (Bard 1) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 127)
Master's Touch - Gain proficiency with a single weapon or shield held in hand (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 139)
Serene Visage - + 0.5 CL (Max +10) on Bluff Checks (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium, pg. 82)
Sticky Fingers - +10 to Sleight of Hand Checks (Assassin 1, Bard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 206)
Undersong - Make Performance Checks in place of Concentration Checks (Bard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 227)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Cheat - Reroll once the outcome of a game of chance if failure occurred (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Herald’s Call - Creatures within radius save vs. Will or be Slowed (Bard 1) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 100)

Miniatures Handbook (3.0)
Expeditious Retreat, Swift - +30 Enhancement to land speed (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Miniatures Handbook, pg. 35)

Bard 2

Player’s Handbook
Alter Self - Assume form of creature of your type with Hitdice=CL (max 5), gain Physical benefits of creature, +10 to Disguise (Assassin 2,Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Hexblade 2, Complete Warrior, pg. 116) ( Wu Jen, Complete Arcane, pg. 92) (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation)  (PHB, pg. 197)
Detect Thoughts - Detect thoughts of creatures within 60ft cone emanation, 1st round detect presence or absence of thoughts, 2nd round determine # of thinking minds and intelligence scores of each, 3rd round read surface thoughts of creatures in the area as long as they fail a Will save, must cast spell again for it to work against the same creature if it made the save, spell ends during 2nd round if any creature has Int 26 or higher (Bard 2, Knowledge 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 220)
Invisibility - Become Invisible, lose invisibility if you purposefully attack another creature (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2, Trickery 2) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
Mirror Image - Create 1d4+1/3CL (Max 8) Illusory Duplicates with AC=10+Dex+Size, successful hit destroys it (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion (Figment)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 254-255)

Book of Exalted Deeds
Elation - Allies within 80 ft. gain +2 Morale to Str and Dex, +5 Speed (Bard 2, Cleric 2, Emissary of Barachiel 2, Joy 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Mind-Affecting) (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Complete Adventurer
Bladeweave - 1/round if you attack with a melee weapon, you may make an additional touch attack with that weapon as a free action, creature hit takes no damage but must make Will save or be dazed 1 round (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Pattern) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 144)
Fly, Swift - Fly with 60 ft. speed or 40 ft with medium or heavy armor (Bard 2, Druid 3,Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 149)
Invisibility, Swift - Become Invisible (Assassin 2, Bard 2) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 153)

Complete Mage
Caterwaul - Creatures in cone must save or be nauseated, successful save=Sickened (Bard 2) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Complete Mage, pg. 98)
Magic Savant - +4 Insight to Use Magic Device, with 10 ranks can take 10 in Use Magic Device in all situations (Bard 2) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 110)
Mask of the Ideal - +4 competence to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Charisma checks to influence enchanted or conjured creature (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Complete Mage pg. 110)
Summon Weapon - Conjure non-magical light weapon of your size (Assassin 2, Bard 2) (Conjuration) (Summoning) (Complete Mage, pg. 118)

Dragon Magic
Soul of Anarchy (Cancels Soul of Order) - +5 Competence to Escape Artist and to resist grapple, natural weapons are chaotic-aligned, Bonus if Soul of Light or Soul of Shadow is active (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) [Chaotic] (Dragon Magic, pg. 72-73)

Player's Guide to Faerun
Lively Step (12 hour Duration) - Allies within 30 feet emanation move +10 feet, if any creature does something other than move, spell ends (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Player's Guide to Faerun, pg. 106)

Races of Stone
Harmonize - Starting Bardic Music only requires a move action (Bard 2) (Transmutation) (Races of Stone, pg. 162)

Spell Compendium
Battle Hymm - All allies may reroll a will save/round before success or failure is known (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Enchantment) (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 25)
Bladeweave - 1/round one creature hit by your melee attack must make a Will Save or be dazed 1 round  (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Pattern) (Spell Compendium, pg. 31)
Fly, Swift - Fly with 60 ft. speed or 40 ft with medium or heavy armor (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 96)
Grace - Silver Illumination out to 60 feet, -20 Circumstance to Hide, +2 Sacred to Dexterity, +10 Land speed, weapons considered Good-aligned (Bard 2, Cleric 3) (Transmutation) [Good] (Spell Compendium, pg. 107)
Lively Step (12 hour Duration) - Allies within 30 feet emanation move +10 feet, if any creature does something other than move, spell ends (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 133)
Reflective Disguise - Creatures viewing you perceive you as the same species and gender as themselves (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium, pg. 171)
Sonic Whip - Create Sonic whip and you gain proficiency with it, free action to make regular animals at bay unless they save vs. Will, strike animals for them to become frightened, use whip as normal whip to attack (Bard 2) (Evocation) [Sonic, Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 195)
Sonorous Hum - Next spell cast that requires Concentration is maintained by Sonorous Hum (Bard 2, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation (Sonic)) (Spell Compendium, pg. 196)
Surefooted Stride - +2 Competence to Climb, Move through Difficult Terrain as if it were normal Terrain (Bard 2, Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 216)
War Cry - Gain +4 Morale to Attack and Damage rolls as part of a charge, damaged foe must succeed on a Will save or become panicked for one round (Bard 2) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 236)
Wave of Grief - Enemies in Cone take -3 to Attacks, Saving throws, Ability Checks, Skill Checks (Bard 2, Blackguard 2, Cleric 2) (Enchantment) [Evil, Mind-Affecting] (Spell Compendium, pg. 236)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Cloud of Bewilderment - Breath out a 10 ft. cone shaped cloud, creatures in area make fort save or are blinded and stunned 6 rounds (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) (Magic of Faerun, pg. 85)

Miniatures Handbook (3.0)
Fly, Swift - Fly with 60 ft. speed or 40 ft with medium or heavy armor (Bard 2, Druid 3,Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Miniatures Handbook, pg. 36)
Invisibility, Swift - Become Invisible (Assassin 2, Bard 2) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Miniatures Handbook, pg. 36)

Savage Species (3.0)
Sonorous Hum - Next spell cast that requires Concentration is maintained by Sonorous Hum (Bard 2, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation (Sonic)) (Savage Species, pg. 69-70)

Bard 3

Player’s Handbook
Blink - Blink back and force betweeen the material and ethereal plane.  Gain 50% miss chance against all attacks.  If attacker can see invisible or strike ethereal creatures, chance is 20%, if attacker can both see invisible and strike ethereal creatures, miss chance is 0%.  Targeted spells against you have a 50% chance to fail unless the attacker can see invisible ethereal creatures.  Your attacks and spells have a 20% chance of affecting the ethereal rather than material plane (wouldn't normally continue to work unless force effect).  Take half damage from area effects in material plane (full in ethereal plane). Move a 3/4 Speed.  Can move through solid spaces in the material plane but for every 5 ft moved, 50% chance of being shunted to the nearest open space taking 1d6 damage/5ft moved. (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 206)
Glibness - +30 to Bluff checks to convince others you're speaking the truth, lie detection must make CL check = 15+your CL to detect a lie (Assassin 4) (Bard 3) (Transmutation) (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Player's Handbook, pg. 235)
Leomud's Tiny Hut - Summon 20 foot radius sphere of colored force with controlled temperature that can house 10 med. creatures (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Evocation [Force]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 247)
Phantom Steed - Summon ghost horse with AC 18, 7 HP+1 HP/CL, Speed 20ft/CL (max 240), bonuses with higher CL, does not fight but animals shun and refuse to attack it (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 260)

Complete Adventurer
Allegro - All Allies gain 30ft Enhancement to Landspeed (Bard 3) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 142)

Dragon Magic
Adoration of the Frightful - Shaken, Frightened, or Panicked creatures are now Friendly (Will negates), Dragonblood: +1 Competence to Diplomacy (Bard 3, Cleric 3, Hexblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Charm) (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)
Vision of the Omniscient Eye - +10 Insight to Spot, Immune to dazzling and blindness.  If see invisibility-like spell active, use Faerie Fire at will as swift action on invisible creature within 60 ft.  Gain +1 competence to Spot by knowing spell (Bard 3, Cleric 3, Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Evocation) [Light] (Dragon Magic, pg. 74)

Dragons of Faerun
Cone of Euphoria - As standard action breathe a cone that causes euphoria, make Will Save or become dazed for 1d6 rounds (wait 1d4 rounds between uses) (Bard 3, Druid 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] (Dragons of Faerun, pg. 114)

Planar Handbook
Analyze Portal - Know whether area contains a portal and gain information about it (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Planar Handbook, pg. 92-93)
Analyze Touchstone - Know if area contains a Planar Touchstone and gain information about it (Bard 3, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Planar Handbook, pg. 93)

Player's Handbook II
Sonic Shield - +4 Deflection, melee attackers who hit you suffer 1d8 sonic damage, save vs. Fort or be knocked 5 feet (Bard 3, Duskblade 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 125)

Spell Compendium
Allegro - All Allies gain 30ft Enhancement to Landspeed (Bard 3) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 9)
Analyze Portal - Know whether area contains a portal and gain information about it (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 10)
Hymm of Praise - +2 Caster level to each Good Divine Spellcaster in 50ft, +4 Sacred bonus to Turn undead for good divine spellcasters and -4 for Evil Divine Spellcasters (Bard 3) (Evocation) [Good, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 117-118)
Infernal Threnody - +2 Caster level to each Evil Divine Spellcaster in 50ft, +4 Profane bonus to Turn undead for evil divine spellcasters and -4 for good Divine Spellcasters (Bard 3) (Evocation) [Evil, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 122)
Treasure Scent - Detect Coin types and gems within 30 feet. (Bard 3, Druid 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 223)
Wounding Whispers - Natural or non-reach melee weapon attackers suffer 1d6 Sonic+1/CL (Bard 3) (Abjuration) [Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 242-243)

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Analyze Portal - Know whether area contains a portal and gain information about it (Bard 3, Portal 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pg. 66-67)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Stunning Screech - All creatures in 30 ft make Fort or be stunned (Bard 3) (Evocation) [Sonic, Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 106)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Wounding Whispers - Natural or non-reach melee weapon attackers suffer 1d6 Sonic+1/CL (Bard 3) (Abjuration) [Sonic] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 134)

Races of Faerun (3.0)
Verraketh's Shadow Crown - Bardic music ability taps into the shadow weave (doesn't stack with Shadow Weave Magic), +4 competence to perform checks (Bard 3) (Enchantment) (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] (Races of Faerun, pg. 191)

Bard 4

Player’s Handbook
Detect Scrying (Pointless, 24 hour base duration) - Immediately know if someone tries to scry on you, and with opposed caster level check get an image and an accurate sense of the distance and direction they are from you  (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 219)
Freedom of Movement - Move normally through under paralysis, solid fog, web, etc., auto-succeed grapple checks to escape, attack normally in water (Assassin 4) (Bard 4, Cleric 4, Druid 4, Luck 4, Ranger 4) (Abjuration) (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Player's Handbook, pg. 233)
Invisibility, Greater - As Invisibility, but spell doesn't end if you attack (Assassin 4, Dungeon Master's Guide pg. 181) (Hexblade 4, Complete Warrior, pg. 116) (Wu Jen 4, Complete Arcane, pg. 93) (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
Zone of Silence - No one outside of 5ft emanation centered on you, can hear what is said inside (Bard 4) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Player's Handbook, pg. 303)

Book of Exalted Deeds
Blinding Beauty - Humanoids within 60 ft that look at you make Fort Save or be blinded.  Supress this as a free action, must abstain from sex one week prior to casting spell (Beloved of Valarian 4, Bard 4, Druid 4, Fey 4, Ranger 4) (Transmutation) [Good] (Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 92)
Inspired Aim - All allies within 40 foot emanation get +2 Insight to Ranged Attacks (Bard 4, Cleric 3, Fey 3, Ranger 3) (Enchatment) (Compulsion) [Language-Dependent, Mind-Affecting] (Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 101)

Complete Adventurer
Spectral Weapon - Shadow weapon deals normal damage but as touch attacks, Will Save or enemy suffers 1/5 damage and 1/5 chance of being affected by special effects delivered by attack (Assassin 3, Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Complete Adventurer)
War Cry - Gain +2 Morale on Attack and Damage rolls or +4 Morale to Attack and Damage rolls as part of a charge, damaged foe of melee attack must succeed on a Will save or become panicked for one round (Bard 4) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Complete Adventurer, pg. 158)

Complete Mage
Lingering Chorus (Requires Bardic Music) - Continues any bardic music effect for spell duration (Bard 4) (Illusion) (Figment) (Complete Mage, pg. 110)

Magic of Eberron
Watchful Ancestors - Gain improved uncanny dodge as a barbarian except use your CL in place of the barbarian level, can end spell as an immediate action for +1 Insight/CL to Reflex saves (Bard 4, Cleric 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Summoning) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 103)

Player’s Handbook II
Mirror Image, Greater - As Mirror Image, but 1 image created every round (Max 8), spell ends if all images destroyed (Bard 4, Beguiler 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Illusion) (Figment) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 120)

Races of Stone
Harmonize, Greater - Starting and maintaining concentration for Bardic Music only requires a move action (Bard 4) (Trasmutation) (Races of Stone, pg. 162)

Spell Compendium
Cacophonic Shield - Nonmagic sound does not pass personal emanation, magic sounds must succeed on caster level check (DC11+caster level), crossing barrier deals 1d6+1 Sonic/CL damage (Max +20) makes Fort save or is deafened, 20% miss chance for missiles through barrier. to cross barrier (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 41)
Ethereal Mount - Summon 1+ 1 mount/2CL ghost mounts with AC 18, 10 HP+1 HP/CL, Speed 240, bonuses with higher CL (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 85)
Ray Deflection - All rays directed at you are reflected away (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Abjuration) (Spell Compendium, pg. 166)
Ruin Delver’s Fortune - Gain either Cha as Luck to Fortitude +immune to poison, Cha as Luck to Ref+Evasion, Cha as Luck to Will+Fear immunity, or Temp HP=4d8+Cha, spell can be cast multiple times (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 178)
Sirine’s Grace - +4 Enh to Charisma and Dexterity, Deflection Bonus to AC = Charisma, +8 to Perform, Swim 60 Feet, Breathe and attack normally under water (Bard 4, Druid 5) (Evocation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 191)
Spectral Weapon - Shadow weapon deals normal damage but as touch attacks, Will Save or enemy suffers 1/2 damage (Assassin 3, Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 197)
Voice of the Dragon - +10 Enh to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, speak and understand but not read Draconic, end spell to use suggestion on creature (Bard 4, Dragon 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon, pg. 115)

Ghostwalk (3.0)
War Cry - Gain +2 Morale on Attack and Damage rolls or +4 Morale to Attack and Damage rolls as part of a charge, damaged foe of melee attack must succeed on a Will save or become panicked for one round (Bard 4) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Ghostwalk, pg. 61)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
War Cry - Gain +2 Morale on Attack and Damage rolls or +4 Morale to Attack and Damage rolls as part of a charge, damaged foe of melee attack must succeed on a Will save or become panicked for one round (Bard 4) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 132)

Bard 5

Complete Adventurer
Improvisation - Gain 2 Luck Points/CL which can be spent to improve attack, skill, or ability check rolls, no check can spend more than 0.5 CL (Bard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 152)

Player’s Handbook II
Magical Covalescense - Any Creature within 20 ft radius casting a healing spell, heals you 1 hp/level of spell (Bard 5, Cleric 5, Druid 5) (Conjuration) (Healing) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 118)

Complete Arcane
Blink, Greater - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Celerity 8,Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 99)

Complete Divine
Blink, Improved - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Complete Divine, pg. 154-155)

Complete Mage
Dimensional Jumper - Teleport 30 feet as a Move Action (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Conjuration) (Teleportation) (Complete Mage, pg. 102)

Complete Scoundrel
Harmonic Void - Casters of Verbal Spells within 60 ft emanation must succeed on DC20+Spell Level Concentration check or lose spell (Bard 5) (Abjuration) (Complete Scoundrel, pg. 99)

Dragonsight - See 4x as well in low-light conditions, 2x as well in normal light, darkvision up to 10 feet/CL, Blindsense 5 ft/CL, must posess lowlight vision, darkvision, or Blindsense already to improve these abilities (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Draconomicon pg. 112)

Dragonmark Demesne (Requires Dragonmark) - Create a 20ft radius sphere of force centered on you, half above ground and half below ground, hold up to 25 medium creatures inside, no other creature may enter it without your permission, you may go and please as you wish, occupants have total concealment from the outside, but can see through the inside, missles, weapons, and spells can pass through from the inside but not vice versa (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) [Force] (Dragommarked (Eberron), pg. 149)

Races of Eberron
Unfettered Heroism - Gain Temporary Action Point each round (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Races of Eberron, pg. 190-191) - Gain Temporary Action Point each round

Spell Compendium
Blink, Greater - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Celerity 8, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 32)
Dragonsight - See 4x as well in low-light conditions, 2x as well in normal light, darkvision up to 10 feet/CL, Blindsense 5 ft/CL, must posess lowlight vision, darkvision, or Blindsense already to improve these abilities (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium pg. 73)
Wail of Doom (Offensive) - Those in area take 1d4/CL (Max 15d4) and panicked for Duration, Save to Halve damage and reduce effect to shaken and duration to 1 round (Bard 5) (Necromancy) [Fear, Mind-Affecting, Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 233)

Unapproachable East (FR) (3.0)
Improved Blink - As blink but no risk of missing on own attacks, can ready action to completely negate attack (Bard 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Transmutation) (Unapproachable East, pg. 50-51)

Bard 6

Book of Exalted Deeds
Empyreal Ecstasy - One Creature/Level Removes penalties due to pain, immune to mind-affecting effects, take only half damage from ranged and melee attacks, -4 penalty to skill checks, DC 15 Concentration to cast spells (Bard 6, Pleasure 7) (Abjuration) (Book of Exalted Deeds, pg. 98)

Complete Adventurer
Cacophonic Shield - Nonmagic sound does not pass emanation, magic sounds must succeed on caster level check (DC11+caster level), crossing barrier deals 1d6+1 Sonic/CL damage (Max +20) makes Fort save or is deafened, 20% miss chance for missiles through barrier or to cross barrier(Bard 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Complete Adventurer, pg. 144)

Snowsong - Allies in area gain +4 Morale to Charisma, Attack, and AC; gain Fast healing 1, Cold Resistance 15, allies deal 1d6 extra cold damage, enemies have 20% chance of Spell Failure (Bard 6) (Enchantment) (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] (Frostburn, pg. 105)

Magic of Eberron
Glimpse of the Prophecy - Gain +1 Insight to AC and Saving throws, can end spell effect as an immediate action to gain +1 insight/2 CL (max 10) to a saving throw, with Dragon Prophesier feat can enter prophetic favor state as an immediate action (still counts against daily uses) and spell ends (Bard 6, Cleric 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Divination) (Magic of Eberron, pg. 96)

Player’s Handbook
Find the Path - Find the most direct physical route into or out of a specific location (Bard 6, Cleric 6, Druid 6, Knowledge 6, Travel 6) (Divination) (Player's  Handbook, pg. 230)

Spell Compendium
Dirge - Enemies in the area take 2 Str and Dex Damage on Failed Fort Save, must make new save each round (Bard 6) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Spell Compendium, pg. 65)
Nixie’s Grace - Swim Speed 30, Breathe underwater, DR 5/Cold Iron, +6 Enh to Dex, +2 Enh to Wisdom, +8 Enh to Cha (Bard 6) (Transmutation) [Water] (Spell Compendium, pg. 48)

Magic of Faerun (3.0)
Cacophonic Shield - Nonmagic sound does not pass emanation, magic sounds must succeed on caster level check (DC11+caster level), crossing barrier deals 1d6+1 Sonic/CL damage (Max +20) makes Fort save or is deafened, 20% miss chance for missiles through barrier or to cross barrier(Bard 6, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 83)
Dirge - Enemies in the area take 2 Str and Dex Damage on Failed Fort Save, must make new save each round (Bard 6) (Evocation) [Sonic] (Magic of Faerun, pg. 89)


Assassin 1

Complete Adventurer
Critical Strike - Gain 1d6 Melee Sneak Attack Effectively, during sneak attack weapon is Keen, +4 Insight to Confirm Critical Threats (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 145)
Insightful Feint - +10 insight to bluff checks in combat (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 153)
Instant Locksmith - Make one Disable Device or Open Lock Check/round as a free action with +2 insight (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 153)
Instant Search - One free action search check/round with +2 Insight bonus (Assassin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 153)
Sniper’s Shot - No distance limit for sneak attacks (Assassin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 157)

Complete Mage
Critical Strike - Attacks ignore concealment (even total concealment), must still aim for correct square (Assassin 1) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 100)
Vigilant Slumber (12 Hour Duration) - Set a specific condition, and then awake when that condition occurs (Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 122)

Complete Scoundrel
Healer's Vision - +5 Insight to Heal, Cure spells you cast heal extra 1 Point/Spell Level, +2 Attack and Damage when using Precision Based Attack (Assassin 1, Cleric 1) (Divination) (Complete Scoundrel pg. 100)
Mimicry - Perfectly Mimic sounds, voices, and accents you have previously heard, vocal chords must be capable of such action (Assassin 1, Bard 1) (Transmutation) (Complete Scoundrel pg. 101)

Dungeon Master's Guide
Disguise Self - Look Different (Different equipment, race gender, taller or shorter by 1 ft, etc.) and gain +10 to Disguise (Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1, Trickery 1) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Player's Handbook, pg. 222)
Obscuring Mist - Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius from you, 20 ft. high,  creatures 5 ft away in mist have concealment (20% miss chance), creatures farther than 5 ft have total concealment (50% miss chance) (Air 1, Assassin 1, Cleric 1, Druid 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1, Water 1) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Player's Handbook, pg. 258)
True Strike - Next attack roll receives a +20 insight bonus (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Player's Handbook, pg. 296)

Dragonmarked (Eberron)
Mask Aberrant Dragonmark (Requires Dragonmark) - Alters aberrant dragonmark to look like a true dragonmark up to strength of your aberrant dragonmark (Assassin 1, Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Dragonmarked (Eberron), pg. 152-153)

Races of Destiny
Rooftop Strider - +5 competence to Balance, Jump, automatically succeed on jump checks for 5 feet horizontally, no balance checks for running or charging across a sloped surface (Assassin 1, City 1) (Transmutation) (Races of Destiny, pg. 167)

Spell Compendium
Insightful Feint - +10 insight to bluff checks in combat, can feint as move action, free action with improved feint (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 124)
Instant Locksmith - Make one Disable Device or Open Lock Check/round as a free action with +2 insight (Assassin 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 124)
Instant Search - One free action search check/round with +2 Insight bonus (Assassin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 124)
Lightfoot - Provoke no attacks of opportunity while moving (Assassin 1, Ranger 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 132)

Sniper’s Shot - No distance limit for sneak attacks (Assassin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 194)
Sticky Fingers - +10 to Sleight of Hand Checks (Assassin 1, Bard 1) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 206)

Miniatures Handbook (3.0)
Lightfoot - Provoke no attacks of opportunity while moving (Assassin 1, Ranger 1) (Transmutation) (Miniatures Handbook, pg. 37)

Assassin 2

Champions of Valor
Invisibility, Swift - Become Invisible (Assassin 2, Bard 2, Initiate of Barabar Cloakshadow 1) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Champions of Valor, pg. 56)

Complete Adventurer
Invisibility, Swift - Become Invisible (Assassin 2, Bard 2) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 153)
Wraithstrike - Melee attacks are resolved as melee touch attacks (Assassin 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Complete Adventurer)

Complete Mage
Near Horizon - No Ranged penalties for weapons (Assassin 2, Ranger 2) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 111)
Summon Weapon - Conjure non-magical light weapon of your size (Assassin 2, Bard 2) (Conjuration) (Summoning) (Complete Mage, pg. 118)

Complete Scoundrel
Smoke Stairs - Gain Ability to climb up a single cloud of smoke as if it were stairs (Assassin 2, Druid 2) (Transmutation) [Air] (Complete Scoundrel, pg. 103)

Dungeon Master's Guide
Alter Self - Assume form of creature of your type with Hitdice=CL (max 5), gain Physical benefits of creature, +10 to Disguise (Assassin 2,Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Hexblade 2, Complete Warrior, pg. 116) ( Wu Jen, Complete Arcane, pg. 92) (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation)  (PHB, pg. 197)
Invisibility - Become Invisible, lose invisibility if you purposefully attack another creature (Assassin 2) (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2, Trickery 2) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
False Life - Gain 1d10+1/CL (max 10) Temporary HP (Assassin 2) (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy) (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Player's Handbook, pg. 229)

Libris Mortis
Blade of Pain and Fear - Gain weapon that deals 1d6+1/2 CL (max +10) touch attack, no Str damage, Will save or become frightened (Assassin 2, Blackguard 1, Cleric 2, Deathbound 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) (Libris Mortis, pg. 63)

Spell Compendium
Invisibility, Swift - Become Invisible (Assassin 2, Bard 1) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Spell Compendium)
Marked Object (Pointless and Detrimental) - With owner's item, gain +10 on Search and Survival Checks to track owner (Assassin 2, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Spell Compendium, pg. 139)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Sacrificial Skill (Requires lock of hair from an unwilling creature) - Gain +5 to Knowledge Religion checks that have to do with making sacrifices to evil gods.  Helps gain boons from evil gods.  (Assassin 2, Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Enchantment) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 103)

Miniatures Handbook (3.0)
Invisibility, Swift - Become Invisible (Assassin 2, Bard 2) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Miniatures Handbook, pg. 36-37)
Veil of Shadow - Gain concealment (20% miss chance), not removed from see invisibility, dispelled with daylight or 3rd level light spell (Assassin 2, Blackguard 2, Cleric 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Evocation) [Darkness] (Miniatures Handbook)

Song and Silence (3.0)
Getaway - Pursuers who lose sight of you must make a will save, or have 50% chance of heading down the wrong direction (Assassin 2) (Enchantment (Mind-Affecting)) (Song and Silence, pg. 92)

Assassin 3

Complete Adventurer
Spectral Weapon - Shadow weapon deals normal damage but as touch attacks, Will Save or enemy suffers 1/5 damage and 1/5 chance of being affected by special effects delivered by attack (Assassin 3, Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Complete Adventurer)

Complete Mage
Toxic Tongue - Can spit poison for ranged touch attack standard action for 1d3 Initial and Secondary Con damage, fort save or can use swift action to apply poison to natural or manufactured weapon, adding 1d6 initial and secondary Con damage fort save, each usage of poison shortens length of spell by 1 minute (Assassin 3) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Complete Mage, pg. 120)
Vital Strike - Attacks are sneak attacks even if target is not flat-footed or flanked, do not gain other benefits from effects that improve a sneak attack (such as ability damage from feats, etc.)  (Assassin 3) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 122)

Find the Gap - First Melee or Ranged Attack each round is a touch attack (Assassin 3, Paladin 3, Ranger 3) (Divination) (Draconomicon, pg. 113)

Libris Mortis
Fangs of the Vampire King - Gain bite natural attack for 1d6+Str+1 Con Damage, attack bonus=10+Str (Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Deathbound 3) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Libris Mortis, pg. 64)

Spell Compendium
Fangs of the Vampire King - Gain bite natural attack for 1d6+Str+1 Con Damage, can make bite as natural secondary attack (Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Deathbound 3) (Transmutation) [Evil] (Spell Compendium, pg. 88)
Find the Gap - First Melee or Ranged Attack each round is a touch attack (Assassin 3, Paladin 3, Ranger 3) (Divination) (Spell Compendium)
Spectral Weapon - Shadow weapon deals normal damage but as touch attacks, Will Save or enemy suffers 1/2 damage (Assassin 3, Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 197)
Wraithstrike - Melee attacks are resolved as melee touch attacks (Assassin 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 243)

Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
Masochism - Every 10 points of damage/round taken gives +1 Luck to Attack, Saves, Skill Checks for the next round (Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Cleric 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Enchantment) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 99)
Sadism - Every 10 points of damage dealt/round grants +1 Luck to Attack, Saves, Skill Checks in the following round (Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Cleric 3, Pain 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Enchantment) [Evil] (Book of Vile Darkness, pg. 103)

Assassin 4

Complete Adventurer
Shadow Form - +4 Comp to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, gain concealment (not countered by see invisibility but true seeing does), can slip through solid objects with enough escape artist ranks (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 156)
Sniper's Eye - +10 Comp to Spot, Darkvision 60 feet, Ranged sneak attacks up to 60feet, Death attack with ranged weapons, works only on spot cast from (Assassin 4) (Transmutation) (Complete Adventurer, pg. 156)

Complete Mage
Deathsight - Next attack before next round is a Death without the need for 3 rounds of observation, must have death attack ability or no effect (Assassin 4) (Divination) (Complete Mage, pg. 102)
Unseen Strike - The next time you deliver a successful melee attack become invisible (Assassin 4, Hexblade 4) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Complete Mage, pg. 122)

Dungeon Master's Guide
Freedom of Movement - Move normally through under paralysis, solid fog, web, etc., auto-succeed grapple checks to escape, attack normally in water (Assassin 4) (Bard 4, Cleric 4, Druid 4, Luck 4, Ranger 4) (Abjuration) (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Player's Handbook, pg. 233)
Glibness - +30 to Bluff checks to convince others you're speaking the truth, lie detection must make CL check = 15+your CL to detect a lie (Assassin 4) (Bard 3) (Transmutation) (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Player's Handbook, pg. 235)
Invisibility, Greater - As Invisibility, but spell doesn't end if you attack (Assassin 4, Dungeon Master's Guide pg. 181) (Hexblade 4, Complete Warrior, pg. 116) (Wu Jen 4, Complete Arcane, pg. 93) (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)

Dragon Magic
Ferocity of Sanguine Rage - 1/2CL Morale bonus to melee damage rolls (weapons or natural attacks), can expend spell to activate a true strike effect for one attack (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Transmutation) (Divination) (Dragon Magic pg. 67)

Spell Compendium
Shadow Form - +4 Comp to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, gain concealment (not countered by see invisibility but true seeing does), can slip through solid objects with enough escape artist ranks (Assassin 4, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Illusion) (Shadow) (Spell Compendium, pg. 183)
Sniper's Eye - +10 Comp to Spot, Darkvision 60 feet, Ranged sneak attacks up to 60feet, Death attack with ranged weapons, works only on spot cast from (Assassin 4) (Transmutation) (Spell Compendium, pg. 193)


Duskblade 1

Player's Handbook II
Deflect, Lesser - Gain Deflection Bonus to AC +1/3CL (max +5) against one attack (Duskblade 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) [Force] (Player's Handbook II, pg. 109)
Expeditious Retreat, Swift - +30 Enhancement to land speed (Duskblade 1) (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 24) (Spell Compendium, pg. 85)
Obscuring Mist - Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius from you, 20 ft. high,  creatures 5 ft away in mist have concealment (20% miss chance), creatures farther than 5 ft have total concealment (50% miss chance) (Duskblade 1) (Air 1, Cleric 1, Druid 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1, Water 1) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 24) (Player's Handbook, pg. 258)
True Strike - Next attack roll receives a +20 insight bonus (Duskblade 1) (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 24) (Player's Handbook, pg. 296)

Duskblade 2

Player's Handbook II
Deflect - Gain Deflection Bonus to AC +1/3CL (max +5) against one attack and a shield to AC (1/2 CL) against next attack (Duskblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Abjuration) [Force] (Player's Handbook II, pg. 109)
Fly, Swift - Fly with 60 ft. speed or 40 ft with medium or heavy armor (Duskblade 2) (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 24) (Spell Compendium, pg. 96)
Invisibility, Swift - Become Invisible (Duskblade 2) (Assassin 2, Bard 1) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 24) (Spell Compendium, pg. 125)
See Invisibility - See any objects or beings within your range of vision that are invisible and/or ethereal and can distinguish between them and regular creatures (Duskblade 2) (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 24) (Player's Handbook, pg. 275)
Stretch Weapon - 1 Melee Weapon wielded gains an additional 5 ft reach (Bard 2, Cleric 2, Duskblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 126)

Duskblade 3

Duskblade 4

Fire Shield - Choose cold or fire, creatures using nonreach or natural weapons that strike you take 1d6+1/CL (max 15) cold or fire damage, take only half damage from cold or fire based attacks, if they allow a reflex save, take no damage on a successful save (Duskblade 4) (Fire 5, Sorceror/Wizard 4, Sun 4) (Evocation [Fire] or [Cold]) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 24) (Player's Handbook, pg. 230-231)

Duskblade 5

Player's Handbook II
Sonic Shield - +4 Deflection, melee attackers suffer 1d8 sonic damage, save vs. Fort or be knocked 5 feet (Bard 3, Duskblade 5, Sorceror/Wizard 5) (Evocation) (Player's Handbook II, pg. 125)


Hexblade 1

Complete Mage
Karmic Aura - A creature within 20ft emanation that deals damage to you with an attack, spell, or effect must make Will save or become fatigued, a successful save means immunity to this spell for the rest of this round only, an already fatigued attacker suffers no additional effect (Hexblade 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 108-109)

Complete Warrior
Arcane Mark - (Pointless, permanent base duration) Inscribe own personal rune or mark of up to 6 characters on an object (Hexblade 1) (Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Universal) (Complete Warrior, pg. 115) (Player's Handbook, pg. 201)
Detect Magic - Gain ability to detect Magic Auras and with spellcraft check the school of the aura within 60ft cone emanation (Hexblade 1) (Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Divination) (Complete Warrior, pg. 115) (Player's Handbook, pg. 219)
Disguise Self - Look Different (Different equipment, race gender, taller or shorter by 1 ft, etc.) and gain +10 to Disguise (Hexblade 1) (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1, Trickery 1) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Complete Warrior, pg. 115) (Player's Handbook, pg. 222)
Entropic Shield - Ranged Attacks have 20% Miss chance (Hexblade 1) (Cleric 1, Luck 1) (Abjuration) (Complete Warrior, pg. 115) (Player's Handbook, pg. 227)
Expeditious Retreat - +30 Enhancement to land speed (Hexblade 1) (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Transmutation) (Complete Warrior, pg. 115) (Player's Handbook, pg. 228)
Prestidigiation - Create a simple magic effect which can do any of the following, lift 1 pound of material, soil, color, or clean 1 foot cube/round, and more (Hexblade 1) (Bard 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0) (Universal) (Complete Warrior, pg. 116) (Player's Handbook, pg. 264)
Read Magic - Gain ability to read magical inscriptions on objects, and can detect glyphs of warding with a spellcraft check (Hexblade 1) (Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Paladin 1, Ranger 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Complete Warrior, pg. 116) (Player's Handbook, pg. 269)

Hexblade 2

Complete Mage
Karmic Backlash - A creature within 20ft emanation that deals damage to you with an attack, spell, or effect must make Will save or become exhausted for 2 rounds, a successful save means immunity to this spell for the rest of this round only, special effects if karmic aura and/or Karmic Retribution is active (Hexblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 109)
Adoration of the Frightful - Shaken, Frightened, or Panicked creatures are now Friendly (Will negates), Dragonblood: +1 Competence to Diplomacy (Bard 3, Cleric 3, Hexblade 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Enchantment) (Charm) (Dragon Magic, pg. 64)

Complete Warrior
Alter Self - Assume form of creature of your type with Hitdice=CL (max 5), gain Physical benefits of creature, +10 to Disguise (Assassin 2,Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Hexblade 2, Complete Warrior, pg. 116) ( Wu Jen, Complete Arcane, pg. 92) (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation)  (PHB, pg. 197)
False Life - Gain 1d10+1/CL (max 10) Temporary HP (Assassin 2, Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Hexblade 2, Complete Warrior pg. 116) (Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Necromancy)  (Player's Handbook, pg. 229)
Invisibility - Become Invisible, lose invisibility if you purposefully attack another creature (Assassin 2, Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Hexblade 2, Complete Warrior pg. 116) (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2, Trickery 2) (Illusion (Glamer))  (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
See Invisibility - See any objects or beings within your range of vision that are invisible and/or ethereal and can distinguish between them and regular creatures (Duskblade 2, Player's Handbook II pg. 24) (Hexblade 2, Complete Warrior pg. 116) (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination)  (Player's Handbook, pg. 275)

Hexblade 3

Complete Warrior
Arcane Sight - See magical auras within 120 feet and know the strength and location of each aura, can spend a full-round action to determine whether the aura is divine or arcane, whether the creature has spellcasting or spell-like abilities and the strength of the most powerful ability the creature currently has (Hexblade 3, Complete Warrior pg. 116) (Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 201)
Invisibility Sphere - All creatures around target (personal or touch) within 10ft emanation are invisible.  Effect ends for individual creatures if they attack or if they leave the emanation.  Spell ends if the target attacks (Hexblade 3, Complete Warrior pg. 116) (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
Phantom Steed - Summon ghost horse with AC 18, 7 HP+1 HP/CL, Speed 20ft/CL (max 240), bonuses with higher CL, does not fight but animals shun and refuse to attack it (Hexblade 3, Complete Warrior, pg. 116) (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 260)

Hexblade 4

Complete Mage
Karmic Retribution - A creature within 20ft emanation that deals damage to you with an attack, spell, or effect must make Will save or become stunned for 1 round, a successful save means immunity to this spell for the rest of this round only, special effects if karmic aura and/or Karmic Backlash is active (Hexblade 4, Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Abjuration) (Complete Mage, pg. 109)
Unseen Strike - The next time you deliver a successful melee attack become invisible (Assassin 4, Hexblade 4) (Illusion) (Glamer) (Complete Mage, pg. 122)

Complete Warrior
Detect Scrying (Pointless, 24 hour base duration) - Immediately know if someone tries to scry on you, and with opposed caster level check get an image and an accurate sense of the distance and direction they are from you  (Hexblade 4, Complete Warrior, pg. 116) (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 219)
Invisibility, Greater - As Invisibility, but spell doesn't end if you attack (Assassin 4, Dungeon Master's Guide pg. 181) (Hexblade 4, Complete Warrior, pg. 116) (Wu Jen 4, Complete Arcane, pg. 93) (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)

Hexblade 5

Hexblade 6


Warmage 1

Complete Arcane
Fist of Stone - Gain +6 Enhancement to Str, gain slam attack for 1d6+Str or 1.5 Str.  Can make Slam attack as natural secondary attack (Sorceror/Wizard 1, Warmage 1) (Transmutation [Earth]) (Complete Arcane, pg. 107-108)
True Strike - Next attack roll receives a +20 insight bonus (Assassin 1 ,Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Duskblade 1, Player's Handbook II pg. 24) (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 296)

Warmage 2

Warmage 3

Complete Arcane
Fire Shield - Choose cold or fire, creatures using nonreach or natural weapons that strike you take 1d6+1/CL (max 15) cold or fire damage, take only half damage from cold or fire based attacks, if they allow a reflex save, take no damage on a successful save (Duskblade 4, Player's Handbook II pg. 24) (Warmage 3, Complete Arcane, pg. 90) (Fire 5, Sorceror/Wizard 4, Sun 4) (Evocation [Fire] or [Cold]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 230-231)
Ring of Blades - Swirling blades extend to each adjacent square from you.  At end of turn, all creatures take 1d6+1/CL (max +10) damage (Cleric 3, Warmage 3) (Conjuration) (Complete Arcane, pg. 121)

Warmage 4

Warmage 5

Warmage 6
Tenser's Transformation - Gain +4 Enhancement to Str, Dex, Con, +4 natural armor, +5 competence to Fort Saves, gain proficiency in all simple and martial weapons, base attack bonus = character level, lose spellcasting ability and ability to use spell activation or spell completion items as if they were no longer on your class list (Warmage 6, Complete Arcane pg. 91) (Sorceror/Wizard 6) (Transmutation) (Player's Handbook, pg. 294)


Wu Jen 1

Complete Arcane
Comprehend Languages - You understand all spoken and written languages. (Wu Jen 1, Complete Arcane, pg. 92) (Bard 1, Cleric 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 212)
Detect Chaos - Detect Presence of Chaos within Cone Emanation (Wu Jen 1, Complete Arcane pg. 92) (Cleric 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 218)
Detect Evil - Detect Presence of Evil within Cone Emanation (Wu Jen 1, Complete Arcane pg. 92)(Cleric 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 218)
Detect Good - Detect Presence of Good within Cone Emanation (Wu Jen 1, Complete Arcane pg. 92)(Cleric 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 219)
Detect Law - Detect Presence of Law within Cone Emanation (Wu Jen 1, Complete Arcane pg. 92)(Cleric 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 219)
Disguise Self - Look Different (Different equipment, race gender, taller or shorter by 1 ft, etc.) and gain +10 to Disguise (Assassin 1, Dungeon Master's Guide pg. 181) (Hexblade 1, Complete Warrior pg. 115) (Wu Jen 1, Complete Arcane, pg. 92) (Bard 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1, Trickery 1) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 222)

Fiery Eyes - Eyes glow with fire, emitting light 5 ft., can use full-round action to focus on one object causing it to ignite, creatures wearing items taking 1d6 fire damage and must reflex save 15 or ignite themselves (Wu Jen 1) (Evocation) [Fire] (Complete Arcane, pg. 106)
Obscuring Mist - Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius from you, 20 ft. high,  creatures 5 ft away in mist have concealment (20% miss chance), creatures farther than 5 ft have total concealment (50% miss chance) (Assassin 1, Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Duskblade 1, Player's Handbook II pg. 24) (Wu Jen 1, Complete Arcane, pg. 91) (Air 1, Cleric 1, Druid 1, Sorceror/Wizard 1, Water 1) (Conjuration (Creation)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 258)
Scales of the Lizard - Gain Natural armor enhancement that stacks with racial natural armor but not any other type of natural armor, +2 base, +3 at 6th, +4 at 9th, +5 at 12th+ (Wu Jen 1) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 121)
Shield - Gain +4 Shield to AC that counts against incorporeal touch attacks and negate magic missiles targeted at you (Wu Jen, Complete Arcane pg. 92) (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Abjuration [Force]) (Player's Handbook, pg. 278)
True Strike - Next attack roll receives a +20 insight bonus (Assassin 1 ,Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Duskblade 1, Player's Handbook II pg. 24) (Sorceror/Wizard 1) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 296)

Complete Mage
Climbing Tree - Creates a Tree 10 ft/caster level max 50 ft tall, DC 5 to Climb (Druid 1, Ranger 1, Wu Jen 1 (wood)) (Conjuration) (Creation) (Complete Mage, pg. 99)

Oriental Adventures (3.0)
Fiery Eyes - Eyes glow with fire, emitting light 5 ft., can use full-round action to focus on one object causing it to ignite, creatures wearing items taking 1d6 fire damage and must reflex save 15 or ignite themselves (Wu Jen 1 (fire)) (Evocation) [Fire] (Oriental Adventures, pg. 103)
Scales of the Lizard - Gain Natural armor enhancement that stacks with racial natural armor but not any other type of natural armor, +2 base, +3 at 6h, +4 at 9th, +5 at 12th+ (Wu Jen 1) (Transmutation) (Oriental Adventures, pg. 112)

Wu Jen 2

Complete Arcane
Alter Self - Assume form of creature of your type with Hitdice=CL (max 5), gain Physical benefits of creature, +10 to Disguise (Assassin 2,Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Hexblade 2, Complete Warrior, pg. 116) ( Wu Jen, Complete Arcane, pg. 92) (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Transmutation)  (PHB, pg. 197)
Detect Thoughts - Detect thoughts of creatures within 60ft cone emanation, 1st round detect presence or absence of thoughts, 2nd round determine # of thinking minds and intelligence scores of each, 3rd round read surface thoughts of creatures in the area as long as they fail a Will save, must cast spell again for it to work against the same creature if it made the save, spell ends during 2nd round if any creature has Int 26 or higher (Wu Jen 2, Complete Arcane, pg. 92) (Bard 2, Knowledge 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination (Mind-Affecting)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 220)
Invisibility - Become Invisible, lose invisibility if you purposefully attack another creature (Assassin 2, Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 181) (Hexblade 2, Complete Warrior pg. 116) (Wu Jen 2, Complete Arcane pg. 92) (Bard 2, Sorceror/Wizard 2, Trickery 2) (Illusion (Glamer))  (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
See Invisibility - See any objects or beings within your range of vision that are invisible and/or ethereal and can distinguish between them and regular creatures (Duskblade 2, Player's Handbook II pg. 24) (Hexblade 2, Complete Warrior pg. 116) (Wu Jen 2, Complete Arcane, pg. 92) (Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 2) (Divination) (Player's Handbook, pg. 275)

Wu Jen 3

Complete Arcane
Commune with Lesser Spirit - Contact a spirit of up to 4 HD, and ask 1 question/2 CL, may only ask questions with one-word answers.  If a one-word answer would be misleading, the DM may have the spirit respond with up to 5 words, spirits contacted again within a week causes the spell to auto fail, spirits with alignment different than your own may save to resist spell (Wu Jen 3) (Divination) (Complete Arcane, pg. 101)
Discern Shapechanger - Take standard action to concentrate, see true form of creatures within 60 feet (Sorceror/Wizard 3, Wu Jen 3) (Divination) (Complete Arcane, pg. 103)
Fire Wings - Transform Arms into fire wings.  Fly speed of 60 ft or 40 ft in medium or heavy armor.  If not flying gain 2 natural attacks for 2d6 fire damage (Wu Jen 3) (Transmutation) [Fire] (Complete Arcane, pg. 107)
Thornskin - Unarmed Strikes do Lethal Damage +1d6 piercing.  Unarmed strike or natural weapon attackers suffer 5 piercing (Druid 3, Wu Jen 3 (wood) (Transmutation) (Complete Arcane, pg. 127)

Oriental Adventures (3.0)
Commune with Lesser Spirit - Contact a spirit of up to 4 HD, and ask 1 question/2 CL, may only ask questions with one-word answers.  If a one-word answer would be misleading, the DM may have the spirit respond with up to 5 words, spirits contacted again within a week causes the spell to auto fail, spirits with alignment different than your own may save to resist spell (Celestial 2, Nature 2, Shaman 2, Shugenja 2 (water), Wu Jen 3) (Divination) (Oriental Adventures, pg. 99)
Discern Shapechanger - Take standard action to concentrate, see true form of creatures within 60 feet (Shaman 4, Sohei 4, Wu Jen 3) (Divination) (Oriental Adventures, pg. 101)
Fire Wings - Transform Arms into fire wings.  Fly speed of 60 ft or 40 ft in medium or heavy armor.  If not flying gain 2 natural attacks for 2d6 fire damage (Shugenja 3 (fire), Wu Jen 3 (fire)) (Transmutation) [Fire] (Oriental Adventures, pg. 104)

Wu Jen 4

Complete Arcane
Elemental Ward - Choose an Elemental type, Elementals of that type within 60 ft. radius make Will save to remain within radius (Wu Jen 4) (Abjuration) (Complete Arcane, pg. 105)
Invisibility, Greater - As Invisibility, but spell doesn't end if you attack (Assassin 4, Dungeon Master's Guide pg. 181) (Hexblade 4, Complete Warrior, pg. 116) (Wu Jen 4, Complete Arcane, pg. 93) (Bard 4, Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Illusion (Glamer)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 245)
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser - Create a 10ft immobile sphere centered on you that does not move, all spell effects, spells, and spell-like abilities of 3rd level or lower fail their areas do not include the globe and targeted spells don't work, spell effect, spells, and spell-like abilities can be cast through the globe  (Wu Jen 4, Complete Arcane pg. 93) (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Abjuration) (Player's Handbook, pg. 236)
Minor Creation - Create a non-magical unattended object of nonliving vegetable matter up to 1 cubic foot/CL, to make a complex item, must succeed on an appropriate craft check, object may not be used for spell components (Wu Jen 4, Complete Arcane pg. 93) (Sorceror/Wizard 4) (Conjuration(Creation)) (Player's Handbook, pg. 254)