So, I'm going to need a few weeks to get re-adjusted to college scheduling. I only have classes three days a week, but I have massive amounts of reading to do. I didn't exactly show myself to advantage last year, so I really need to put my back into it before graduation. Fortunately, I think the current stage of revisions is such that, as long as you remember to swap "numen" for "spellshape aura," nothing's actually broken. I think everything's still playable.
Once I finish writing and compiling feats, I'm going to wrap up the core rule rewrite, which will involve detailing the formula and incantation descriptions. As a part of this, "Shaping Action" will become "Shaping Time". I'll also be introducing core rules for epic spellshapers--God help me.
After that, I'm going to take a brief fluff break, revising the fluff for the six races and the six base classes. Spellshape champion is the biggest offender, since it talks about half-elves for no good reason, but I also want to clean up the Masked One fluff.
Once that's done, I'll be on to circle revisions. I'm not expecting to rewrite every formula--not by any means. There are a few that need attention, though. Such as that Devouring Shadow one that leaves your target helpless. Coup de grace is bad.
After revising the circles, I'll move on to prestige classes. During this time, I'll be cleaning up what exists and possibly detonating a few of the currently extant options. I'll also, presumably, be writing a few new ones. Moreover, I'm going to be working fairly closely with those of you who have written spellshaping material in order to make sure that what goes in the BIG DAMN PDF accurately reflects your desires. I primarily expect to be changing around wording and expanding fluff entries, but I'm going to be running the changes past you, anyway.
Prestige classes will lead to items. I don't anticipate making many changes here, though I will be altering the wondrous items such that they can be created with the Craft Spellshape Items feat. I might also mess with how Spellshaping Scrolls work. Man, I wish I had a better name for those.
Finally, monsters. There won't be any actual changes to the elementals--I'm comfortable with those--but I have a list of monsters that I was thinking of including, so we'll see if I actually have the willpower to write them out. I honestly have no idea how much energy I'll have at this point, so I might end up going with the path of least resistance here.
Then come the appendices! Appendix One: Martial Adepts and Spellshapers will contain the Dragonheart Adept and the Sublime Shaper. In addition, there will be a variant feat that allows martial adepts to learn incantations, with specific disciplines being tied to specific circles. There may be other things here, but I don't yet know.
Appendix Two: Variant Spellshaper Classes will be the home of the Flamespeaker and the Spellshot Marksman. The Flamespeaker is going to have to undergo some fairly significant revisions, since a lot has happened since the last time that I touched it, but I think the Marksman is good to go as-is. I don't think there will be anything else in this appendix.