Because I can, shorthand notes for another specialized base class that is kicking around in the back of my head. Extremely fire-based. Sort of an extrapolation of the stoichen elemental adept, specified for fire, then mixed with some other stuff that was kicking around.
HD: d8
BAB: 3/4
Fort: Poor
Ref: Good
Will: Good
1 - 2 known, 2 prepared - Blaze 1/day, control fire, flame's blessing, searing touch
2 - 3 known, 2 prepared -
3 - 4 known, 3 prepared - Burning grace, fiery illumination
4 - 6 known, 3 prepared - Blaze 2/day, elemental command
5 - 7 known, 4 prepared - Devoted pyromancer, burning glare
6 - 9 known, 4 prepared - Shape of flame
7 - 10 known, 5 prepared -
8 - 12 known, 5 prepared - Blaze 3/day, flamewalker
9 - 13 known, 6 prepared -
10 - 15 known, 6 prepared - Lesser ascension, searing aura
11 - 16 known, 7 prepared - Fierce blaze
12 - 17 known, 7 prepared - Blaze 4/day, flaming brilliance
13 - 18 known, 8 prepared -
14 - 19 known, 8 prepared - Veins of fire
15 - 20 known, 9 prepared - Flamebreak, master pyromancer
16 - 20 known, 9 prepared - Blaze 5/day
17 - 21 known, 10 prepared - Eternal blaze
18 - 21 known, 10 prepared - Undying flame
19 - 21 known, 11 prepared -
20 - 21 known, 12 prepared - Blaze 6/day, greater ascension, incinerating blaze
Charisma-based spellshaping
Fast movement as monk
Blaze - Gain +4 bonus to Charisma, gain DR 5/magic, smoke imposes 10% miss chance on attacks made against you while blazing. A blaze lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your (newly improved) Charisma modifier. You may prematurely end a blaze if you wish. At the end of a blaze, you lose the blaze modifiers and become fatigued for the duration of the encounter.
You can erupt in a blaze only once per encounter. At 1st level, you can use your blaze ability once per day. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, you can use it one additional time per day (to a maximum of six times per day at 20th level). Beginning a blaze takes no time itself, but you can do it only during your action, not in response to someone else's action.
Control Fire - As the power (as a spell-like ability), can modify fire's size (as though augmenting, but free) number of times per casting equal to shaper level. 1 + Charisma modifier times per day.
Flame's Blessing - Charisma bonus to AC (monk-style), gain burn special ability (1d6+Charisma modifier fire damage; extinguishing fire requires DC 15 Reflex save, rather than just being a move action), resistance to fire 5 +5 per two levels past 1st (maximum 25 at 9th level), can breathe/see through smoke
Searing Touch - Fireblast, but only as touch attack
Burning Grace - You gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on all saving throws. In addition, whenever you fail a saving throw against a creature's attack, if you didn't roll a 1, you deal a number of points of fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier to that creature.
Fiery Illumination - Illuminate area around you (bright light out to 60 feet, shadowy illumination out to 120 feet), can suppress/resume as free action
Elemental Command - Rebuke fire elementals, turn water elementals. Turning level equals shaper level - 4.
Devoted Pyromancer - +1 to shaper level and DCs of Searing Flame formulae, ignore resistance and 1/2 immunity. Can concentrate on control fire ability as a move action and can shape formulae without breaking concentration. Fires that you start deal an additional +1 fire damage per die, save DC to extinguish fire increases by 5
Burning Glare - Can focus gaze as move action (no more than 1/round) to light creature or object on fire (as though affected by burn ability). Also, gain Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Shape of Flame - Fire Form (Amorphous Form spell + fire-y goodness) or Smoke Form (see Flamedancer), as you see fit.
Flamewalker - Fire stride as spell-like ability
Lesser Ascension - Fire subtype, some elemental traits, can begin blaze as immediate action.
Searing Aura - Enemy creatures within 15 feet must make Fortitude save each round or take a number of points of fire damage equal to 2 x your Charisma modifier.
Fierce Blaze - Bonus to Charisma increases to +6, DR changes to 5/-. Smoke imposes 20% miss chance on attacks made against you while you are blazing, creatures adjacent to you must save or be sickened.
Flaming Brilliance - As Imix (Dragon Magazine 347)
Veins of Fire - Absorb fire, fire damage to creatures that try to drain blood
Flamebreak - See Ventilating Shout class feature of the Firestorm Berserker (Dragon Magazine 314)
Master Pyromancer - +2 to shaper level and DCs of Searing Flame formulae, ignore resistance and immunity. Can choose to maintain focus on control fire as a swift action, can animate a fire that you have increased or decreased in size. Fires you start deal an additional +2 fire damage per die, save DC to extinguish fire increases by an additional 5.
Eternal Blaze - At 17th level and higher, no longer fatigued at the end of your blaze.
Undying Flame - Fiery Discorporation
Greater Ascension - Elemental type, grow fiery wings that grant you fly speed, creatures that fail their saves against searing aura must make additional Fortitude saves or become fatigued. Fatigued creatures that fail this save become exhausted. The fatigued and exhausted conditions imposed by this effect end 1d4 rounds after leaving the aura's area.
Incinerating Blaze - At 20th level, your bonus to Charisma increases to +8, DR increases to 10/-. Smoke miss chance up to 50%, Fort save or be nauseated.