Major formulae. Shaping Time: 1 standard action. Range: Close. Duration: 3/5/5 rounds. Takes a move action to command the animal.
1st - Feral Summons
Medium creature
Base attack bonus equal to shaper level
Hit Dice use shaper level
Saving throws use master's
Strength equal to 14 +1 per two shaper levels
Dexterity equal to spellshaping ability score
Natural armor bonus of 4
3 hit points per shaper level
30 ft. move speed
Bite attack: 1d4 + 1/2 STR
4th - Bestial Summons
Medium creature
Base attack bonus equal to shaper level
Hit Dice use shaper level
Saving throws use master's
Strength equal to 14 +3 per four shaper levels
Dexterity equal to spellshaping ability score
Natural armor bonus of 6
4 hit points per shaper level
40 ft. move speed
Bite attack: 1d6 + STR
2 claws: 1d4 + 1/2 STR
6th - Predatory Summons
Large creature
Base attack bonus equal to shaper level
Hit Dice use shaper level
Saving throws use master's
Strength equal to 14 +1 per shaper level
Dexterity equal to spellshaping ability score
Natural armor bonus of 8
5 hit points per shaper level
50 ft. move speed
Bite attack: 1d8 + STR
2 claws: 1d6 + 1/2 STR
I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing with the Too much? Too little? I don't want to have full-round formulae, so I went with the "standard action to summon, eats up your move action to use" model. If it's worth it, I might give them rules text that allows one move action to command all three summons, if you have them up simultaneously.
I'm also not sure what to do with most of the ability scores for the summoned creatures. They currently don't have defined Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma scores--though, arguably, they could be set at 10, 3, 10, and 10, with the hit point total being modified normally by any changes to the Constitution score.
Assuming all attacks hit, some numbers:
At 1st level, the Feral Summons ends up doing 1d4+1 per round, hitting the same average as 1d6. At 8th level, it does 1d4+2 per round, still not going far past 1d6. At 12th level, it does 1d4+3 per round, which still doesn't quite get to 2d6. At 20th level, it does 1d4+6, which finally brings us past 2d6, but doesn't break 3d6.
At 7th level, the Bestial Summons ends up doing 1d6+2d4+5 per round, rounding up to 4d6. At 12th level, it does 1d6+2d4+12 per round, which is somewhere around 6d6. At 20th level, it does 1d6+2d4+17 per round, which barely exceeds the average of 7d6.
At 11th level, the Predatory Summons ends up doing 1d8+2d6+13 per round, rounding up to 7d6. At 20th level, it does 1d8+2d6+24 per round, or somewhere around 10d6.
The original model of Predatory Summons had the bite deal 1d8+1-1/2 STR and the claws each deal 1d6+STR. It ended up being around 11d6 at 11th level and 15d6 at 20th level--far too much for a single move action.
So, Feral Summons seems to be numerically decent for its level, as its damage is similar to that of being on fire. Bestial Summons is a decent chunk of extra damage, but it comes at the cost of your movement, so it seems bearable. Same is true of Predatory Summons, which exceeds the damage of Bestial Summons without breaking the bank.
On the matter of "one move action to command all Summons," the differing durations would probably shape your rotation. At 20th level, I believe that the most efficient setup would have you shape a quickened Predatory Summons and an extended Feral Summons in the first round, ending up with an 8-round Predatory and a 6-round Feral, which you would then use to attack for somewhere between 12d6 and 13d6. In the next round, you'd shape a Bestial Summons, meaning that you now have 7 rounds of Predatory and 5 rounds each of Feral and Bestial. Your move actions would then be around 19d6 to 20d6.
I believe that to be a bit much to be doing
in addition to shaping other formulae, so I think I'm going to leave out the "one move action for all" text. Maybe text that lets you control all three of them with a full-round action?