Okay, so we have a statement of official errata that hasn't been worked into the main body of text yet. This is because doing so will take forever and I want to finish the Codex II PDF first. So, for the purpose of RAW DMs who point at the various maximums referenced in this material, we have the following!
In the case of any ability, class feature, or other part of the spellshaping material that scales by shaper (or initiator) level and references a "maximum" value--for example, many spellshape attacks mention a maximum amount of damage at 17th level--these maximums are intended to be used only in non-epic play. Epic characters continue to advance at the same rate that they did before reaching these "maximums." For example, a 21st-level elemental adept has a fireblast attack that deals 6d6 points of fire damage, even though fireblast is said to reach its maximum damage of 5d6 points of fire damage at 17th level. Similarly, an anchorite's spellshape aura bonuses continue to advance beyond 20th level, and a dragonheart adept's enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls continues to increase by +1 every three levels.
In the case of an elemental adept's elemental companion, the penalty associated with the elemental's Elemental Aura ability increases by 1 for every six shaper levels the adept gains beyond 17th level.
In addition, at every two levels higher than 19th (21st, 23rd, 25th, and so on), the elemental gains +2 bonus Hit Dice and a +1 increase to its Strength score. At every four levels higher than 19th (23rd, 27th, 31st, and so on), the elemental gains a +2 increase to its Constitution score and an additional bonus, depending on its type: an earth elemental gains a +2 increase to its existing natural armor, while air, fire, and water elementals gain +2 Dexterity.
Finally, at every ten levels higher than 19th, the elemental's damage reduction increases by 5 (damage reduction 15/- at 29th level, 20/- at 39th level, and so on).
This ruling is immortalized
here, in the "Notes on the Rules of Spellshaping" section.
Random Format Update: Because it was difficult to find, Idiosyncratic Shaper has now been re-posted in all of the base class threads.
PDF Progress Update (12/29/11): I'm forcing myself to work on the Codex II PDF, bit by bit, and I've gotten into a fairly decent pace. It should not take more than a few days for me to finish it, though I'm currently being hampered even more than usual due to the necessity of applying for summer internships.
Post-PDF Projections: The first thing that I'm going to try to get up will be the as-of-yet-unnamed generalist spellshaper/initiator, whose entire existence is currently shrouded in mystery. I'm sorting through a bunch of ideas, so we'll see how that turns out.
After that, I'm going to put up the also-as-of-yet-unnamed fire-based spellshaper. It is basically my gift to myself, existing simultaneously as a callback to the origins of this project (a pyromancer class) and an exploration of the different things that I can do with my favorite element (which is fire). It will start with access to Searing Flame, then gain additional circles in a way similar to the anchorite. These additional circles will all be automatically reshaped, as with the dragonheart adept.
The next thing that I hope to write--and these are all hopes, mind you, I have no idea how much of this will actually be feasible--will be a new circle. Screeching Roc, a sound-based circle. Yes, it is a pun. No, I have no regrets.
that--jeez, this is a long To-Do list--I'm planning to post some new options for the elemental adept, as it is currently one of the most limited classes.
- The first set of options will be alternatives to the current secondary circles (Shocking Current, Deteriorating Corrosion, Brilliant Dawn, and Perfect Freeze). This variant will result in the following elemental circle combinations: Blustering Gale/Unseen Impetus, Crushing Stone/Screeching Roc, Searing Flame/Shocking Current, and Roaring Tide/Deteriorating Corrosion.
- The second addition will be the creation of the paraelemental adept, who draws his power from the paraelemental planes of cold, magma, ooze, and smoke. I haven't decided on the exact circle combinations that will be granted, but I do know that I'm going to have rules for ice, magma, ooze, and smoke elemental companions.
- Finally, new feats will be added that are designed to be taken by an elemental adept's elemental companion. I haven't fleshed these out much, but they'll include the ability to change size as a full-round action. I'm also hoping to let elemental companions play with formulae somehow, but I haven't figured that out yet.
Next, I'm going to attack the idea of writing an illusion-based circle that deals nonlethal damage. I have no idea whether I'll succeed in writing this--of all the ideas listed here, it's the one that I'm least sure will happen. No promises here, but I'll at least look into it.
Finally, I'm planning to write a prestige class or series of prestige classes that combines the powers of Brilliant Dawn and Devouring Shadow. I don't know much about what I'm going to do with this one yet, except that I'll almost certainly let you adjust the ambient light level as a supernatural ability.