Spellshaping: Do all 4 HD Elemental Shapers know those formulae, or is that just the typical list known?
Air Elemental ShaperThe Claw attack bonus should be +8, not +6 (3 BaB, 5 Dex).
Creatures caught in the storm can otherwise act normally, but must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell. Creatures caught in the storm take a -4 penalty to Dexterity and a -2 penalty on attack rolls.
Why not just say they are entangled as long as they are caught?
Earth Elemental ShaperAs a singular natural attack, the slam should gain 1.5*Str bonus to damage, so +7 instead of +5.
Ooh, tanky. And simple, as earth is often portrayed. No complaints here.
Fire Elemental ShaperBurning Touch should indicate that it is a touch attack in the stat block (ie: "+6 melee touch"). Well, I suppose it doesn't absolutely have to, but other creatures that perform actual touch attacks (not incorporeal touches, but those are a very specific kind of natural weapon usually, I think) have it indicated as such. Although, they doesn't often have "touch" in the weapon's name. Still, it can't hurt.
Water Elemental ShaperAs a singular natural attack, the slam should gain 1.5*Str bonus to damage, so +4 instead of +3.
Paraelemental Shapers Chill (Ex): An ice paraelemental shaper's claw attack deals slashing damage plus cold damage from the paraelemental's freezing body. Creatures hitting an ice paraelemental shaper with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take cold damage as though hit by the paraelemental's attack.
Heat (Ex): A magma paraelemental shaper's slam attack deals bludgeoning damage plus fire damage from the paraelemental's molten body. Creatures hitting a magma paraelemental shaper with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the paraelemental's attack.
Acid (Ex): An ooze paraelemental shaper's slam attack deal bludgeoning damage plus acid damage from the corrosive muck that forms the paraelemental's body. Creatures hitting an ooze paraelemental shaper with natural weapons or unarmed strikes take acid damage as though hit by the paraelemental's attack.
How much cold/fire/acid damage is that? What if it's in the middle of the elemental's turn after it channeled a spellshape?
Magma Paraelemental ShaperAs a singular natural attack, the slam should gain 1.5*Str bonus to damage, so +4 instead of +3.
Hardening (Ex): If a magma paraelemental shaper takes damage equal to half of its full normal hit points from water or cold damage within 1 minute, its body hardens into volcanic rock. This hardening lasts for 5 rounds, after which the creature returns to its fluid form. While hardened, the magma paraelemental shaper's statistics change as follows:
It gains the solid subtype and the associated traits (including hardness 8 and bonus hit points based on its size, if the paraelemental is Medium or larger).
What if the increased hit points cause the total water/cold damage taken to be less than half its new hp total? Or is that part of what you meant by "full
normal hit points"? Or is that just an utterly irrelevant question because it's a one-time triggered effect, and thus only cares about the elemental's hp when the effect triggers (which is before it would gain more hp)?
Also, what happens if it takes 1/2 its total hp in water/cold damage again while already hardened? It can't exactly lose the fluid subtype and gain the solid subtype again, but does its +4 Str, -2 Dex, and +2 nat armor stack again? Probably not because it would a modifier from the same source.
Ooze Paraelemental ShaperThe slam attack is listed as 1d6 in the normal attack, and 1d8 in the full attack. As a singular natural attack, it should gain 1.5*Str bonus to damage, so +4 instead of +3.
Finally, the grime of an ooze paraelemental shaper's body pollutes any water it touches. An ooze paraelemental shaper can spoil 1 gallon of water (or other water-based liquids) per round, but the paraelemental must remain in contact with the liquid for 1 full round in order to do so. Creatures made of water and creatures with the water subtype are unaffected by this ability.
Does this immunity apply only to the last part of Corrosive Body or to the entire ability?
Smoke Paraelemental ShaperSee Fire Elemental about indicating that Burning Touch is a touch attack.