Finally watching NGE? Good, it's a classic.
Notice anything about my avatar?
And I'm excited to hear about a new PDF; in honor of it coming out, I will make... a prestige class!
Probably mixing spellshaping with Warlocks (Eldritch Blast as a spellshape attack? WIN. Full stop.), or maybe with some other piece of homebrew that I have sitting around, gathering dust.
In other words... if I get it to you before you start working on everything, would you by any chance be willing to include it as official content?
I know, I overstepped my bounds! Please, not with the hose, not with the hose!
You know, with my laptop being non-com, I'll just post my ideas for you to peruse, so that you can hopefully get some inspiration from at least one of them.
-A PrC for the Spellshape Champion: The Orion's Bow.
Advances Blustering Gale and Natural Balance; focuses around channeling BG and NB Formulae through arrows, eventually being able to make their bow into a temporary Lamen, Multishot BG formulae, and make special arrows with NB powers.
-A general PrC for Brilliant Dawn and Crushing Stone: The Desert Walker
Advances the above two Circles, gives a Burrow speed, the ability to walk normally, and Fast Healing while on sand, the ability to convert stone into sand (makes Crushing Stone maneuvers deal slashing/piercing damage), and a way to extend/strengthen their Brilliant Dawn when in a desert. Capstone could be, I don't know, creating an area of desert around themselves that appears as they stay in one place, drying up wells, withering plants, increasing temperatures, you know, the usual.
-Prince of Persia: The Prc. Let's call it the Prince of Time.
Prc focused on Eternal Moment and Unseen Impetus; uses Unseen Impetus stuff to maneuver around like a BOSS (stuff like an Ex Balancing Lorecall (essentially makes epic Balance uses accessible to a low level character.)), and other quick movement abilities (steal stuff from the Swiftblade, and go from there.)
-A feat that let's you use Reserve feats as spellshape attacks for the purpose of shaping Formulae. Just because.
-?Something? That gives you the option to "charge" your spellshape attack, a la Megaman/Metroid.
I'll post more when I have time.