Well, I'm currently at 26/48...but my sister's going to be here for the latter half of the week. So we'll see.
Bauglir damned us all by suggesting that the solution to my conflicted emotions about out-of-combat magic for spellshapers could be solved by means of skill tricks. Which now means that I'm coming up with three out-of-combat spell-like abilities for each circle, which will be gated with prerequisites and purchased with skill points.
The actual mechanics are stealing borrowing heavily from some of Hanako's homebrew, and basically pan out as follows. When you first purchase the lowest-level ability--which will require that you know the spellshape attack from the relevant circle--you can use it once per day. Once you purchase the mid-level ability--which will require that you know at least two formulae from the relevant circle and have a shaper level of at least 7th--you'll be able to use that once per day and the lowest-level ability three times per day. When you finally purchase the highest-level ability--which will require that you know at least four formulae from the relevant circle and have a shaper level of at least 13th--you'll be able to use that ability once per day, the mid-level ability three times per day, and the lowest-level ability at-will. Obviously, you'll have to have the lowest-level ability in order to purchase the mid-level ability, and you'll have to have the mid-level ability in order to purchase the highest-level ability.
I'm trying like hell to only give things that wouldn't be primarily used in combat, but I'm almost certain that some will, technically, have in-combat usage. For example, I'm planning on giving Searing Flame a version of the control flames power, which is cool for the whole controlling fire thing...but can technically be used to control fire onto people. At the same time, controlling fire is so much of a thing that they should be able to do that I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
Edit: Having said all that, I'm also toying with distributing the out-of-combat abilities through feats, rather than skill points. Taking one feat would grant you access to a single circle's set of abilities...but you'd have to meet the prerequisites in order to use the higher-level ones, as well as to get the extra daily uses of the lower-level ones.