Keep in mind that Envervation gets better with further MM (Split, Chain, etc, etc)
This reminds me of a build I put together a while back, straight-forward wiz5/icanatrix10, that was cranking out 96 negative levels as primary damage, and 48 negative levels as secondary damage to everyone around. (I stopped at lvl-15 simply because it was getting just too ridiculous for good taste)
As to the OP, look in Spell Compendium (not even considering MM):
- Avasculate (sorc/wiz 7): auto reduced to 1/2 HP, save vs. stun
- Lucent Lance (sorc/wiz 5): no save, blinded 1 rd, dazzled 1 rd/CL; in bright light, d6/CL damage (so accompany that with some sort of daylight-like effect when it's dark)
- Ray of Clumsiness (sorc/wiz 1): d6+5 DEX penalty
- Ray of Dizziness (sorc/wiz 3): restricted to only 1 move or 1 standard action per round
- Ray of Entropy (sorc/wiz 6): -4 penalty on str, con,
and dex
- Stun Ray (sorc/wiz 7): stun d4+1 rounds, save only reduces duration
There's more, but they really require MM to be effective.