Your number one is irrelevant to what I'm saying. You were saying that every idea has merit. I'm saying that not all ideas have merit, but there is a case for most things. You are being absolute in your statement, which is what I am taking issue to.
Every idea has merit, even the bad ones, if only to throw into stark contrast the good. Assuming we agree to disagree on this point its not the crux of the matter anyway; the main issue is that people have freedom of expression and their views, good or bad, aren't allowed to be expressed on the national stage, because they aren't part of the 2 party power machine.
Your number two is my point.
I'm assuming you didn't read the whole thing as the
however in there is pretty important. lets say 2% of the population believes they should legalize drinking and driving. well they should be represented somewhere in the government. Even if its only 2%, they should still have a voice-AND they have a right to organize a party and voice it for themselves without a wealthy political machine descending upon them to co-opt or destroy them.
Your number three is the opposite of what I'm saying.
So you don't believe the voter should be the final determiner of the good and the bad?
I'm sorry you feel that way with your number four.
realism vs idealism.
Number 5: better is subjective, as you said. The Republicans are better than all the minority parties because they are more powerful, assuming you judge "better" to mean "more powerful". If you judge "better" to mean "more open minded about civil issues" then they are among the worst (but far from the actual worst).
sure, I think we agree here. Said another way: More powerful does always mean one has "better" ideas (or even good ones in the case of certain parties).
Your 6 is taking my statement out of context. I wasn't saying that a perfect system is what we need, I was saying that this is what would happen in a perfect system. Continuing the idea I was trying to convey, as the system approaches complete imperfection, the efficiency of it reduces to 0%. As the system approaches complete perfection, the efficiency approaches 100%. We are currently in the middle, and at best we can get to about 90% I'd say with this system, assuming everyone becomes wholly good. And do note, when I say "good" here, I am purposefully leaving it as an ambiguous meaning, as I have throughout this discussion. I do that on purpose precisely because "good" is relative.
let me distill this if I can...
if you agree that we can never be a perfect system, then you must accept that some groups will get power not because they have "better ideas", but because they are established, or well supported, etc etc. (it seems we may already agree that this has happened)
if you accept the above you should agree that the establishment will do just about anything to hold on to the power they have gleaned, including killing parties that may have "better ideas". (again I don't think we were arguing on this point, but maybe)
If you accept the above assertions, then you must accept that the 2 party system does not promote freedom of expression and in some ways actively works against it. (argument here maybe)
If the two party system actively works against freedom of expression then it is a flaw in the system and should be remedied (you may argue as maybe you don't want free expression)
If the above is true, The only way (that we've presented thus far) to fix the flaw such that the voters are the deciding factor, is to allow all ideas to be expressed, IE all ideas to be represented in many parties instead of just two. (is there another solution? if so, what?)
Just because they're supremacists doesn't mean we get to silence them. Again, we live in a country with free speech, they have freedom of expression, organization as much as you do to organize and give the opposite view.
Silence? No. Not what I'm saying. Not give national stage and policy power? Yes. That's what I'm saying. Since they won't (can't) get that power, they don't count as a choice. You will note that this can change with the public's conventions of morals.
not counting as a choice is tantamount to silencing them. The fact that it can be done on public convention of moral ground makes it even worse. Morals, I hope you can agree, are not always right, in fact, are often very wrong.
so stupidity backs up your argument? great. In our system, thats partly the governments fault. we have free public education, and if it sucks, its because the government didn't (doesn't) invest enough into it (not just in monetary terms). If education sucks, then voters will be dumb, and its all downhill from there.
Not stupidity. Biology. This applies to everyone, including you and me. We have a disposition that makes it hard to see gray areas. This is slightly a fault of culture, but the culture arose from biology. It's not an intelligence thing though.
I don't think people are biologically stupid. (How do you go from optimist to cynic in 0.2 seconds??) I think people are pigheaded, in they always think their idea is right, and they are willing to crush the opposing idea, regardless of if it has merit or not. Maybe that is biological, maybe learned, but it seems like even more of a reason to oppose only a 2 party system, because people are just going along with what has already been established. And anyway, making a choice for someone else, without their consent is pretty wrong (even if you don't think they can handle it), especially when we are talking about political choice.
sure there are many reasons we have a two party system, among them being that they squash the other parties or co-opt them, which is wrong.
And I agree, as I have throughout this discussion. I was just trying to get you to see that it's not the ONLY reason. And that simply adding a bunch of parties won't fix things, even if the bigger two don't do the crushing and co-opting.
Again, what will fix things then? I think more parties would foster more ideas and increase cooperation. I'm not saying its a perfect solution, nothing ever would be for an inherently flawed system, but do you have a better idea? What is your big solution to stopping the partisan politics and co-opting we've discussed. I think we an at least agree that it is a problem, so how do you fix it?