Hello everybody. Aas everybody else I like to plan PCs.
It all started with the idea of a charisma based caster, around mindtricks and illusions.
Finally I found the beguiler and I cant wait to play it.
Though I am still playing with ideas of what PrC to take or what else to do with it. As there are no Acf for a beguiler there cant be done much.
And PrC: Usually they somewhat hurt him more then they help, loosing HD, skills...
Our group will play in 3.5e
Faerun/Frg Realms, core + all of the "completed" books.
+maaaaybe some others.
Definatley no settings and Dragon Mag though.
Race: Gnome (or subrace) or Strongheart halfling - maybe I can take a regular gnome and switch the + on illusions to enchantments.
Deity:Shar (for shadowweave magic)
Cleric for domains ? - Tyranny domain is great, but isnt offered by Shar. Domination domain isnt even available in Faerun .... so there isnt much meaning to this.
If I can talk to my DM and somehow get those 2 domains for Shar it would be a great boost.
Beguiler > Prc > beguiler - The usual trick to get a better spell pick, by delaying the 2nd adv learing
Beguiler 2 > Enchanter 1> Master Spec (4)> beguiler (Free Gr Ench focus + a great powerup for ench) But As we start on Lv1 this might be a hard Leveling. Wasnt there some sort of feat that makes up for missing CL ? This way sure would power him up a bit, but I could as well just take WIz all the way then.
Shadow adept: Not great but some extra resistance for spells and against dispells.
Nightmare spinner: Depends if the DM at that time might allow the ench. alternative.
Mindbender: The usual 1Lv dip. Maybe I can talk about my DM to adjust it. I would love this class, but it would need a better CL progression and some sort of variable bonus on the DCs.
Fatespinner: A rather late PrC but gives a lot of options too.
Shadowcraft mage: Its from Ros, so no.
A beguiler is already great, but he doesnt get much options to power up his spells. PrC that benefit him are made for Wiz, and therefore have lower HD and skills.
I think a modified mindbender or Nightmarespinner might be the best choice.
Shadowweave magic
Focus Ench
Gr Focus Ench
Rapid Metamagic ?
Heighten spell ?
Unsettling ench.
Impr Ini
Mindsight - its from LoM but not too powerful, so maybe.
Arcane Disciple ? - The necessary wis is bugging me.
Chain Spell
Cohort ? Sound like a lot of work to keep track of this if really used, but fits the mindbender/ench flair.
A flaw might be useful to give one more feats.
Open for ideas and experience with beguilers and maybe Nightmarespinner or mindbender.
I love the idea of the mindbender, but some houseuling might be necessary.