We are playing a thief campaign, and I decided to try a monk / ninja build.
Core of the build is the ascetic stalker feat that let's me stack a few monk (unarmed damage, ki strike class feature) & ninja (size of ki pool) powers. Unfortunately, it does not advance things like flurry of blows, but oh well.
We're starting at level 7, so I want the character to be playable by then (and only when the "build comes together" at level 15+ or so). Actually, I'm pretty happy with the build at level 7, I just don't quite know where to go from there. I am actually considering staying Ninja all the way through.
Build so far (standard 3.5, but we use pathfinder feat progression, 1-3-5-7-9...):
Stats (before adjustment)
Str = Wis > Dex = Con > Int > Cha
1. Ninja (Expanded Ki Pool)
2. Ninja
3. Monk (Law devotion, auto: stunning feat)
4. Monk (auto: ascetic stalker)
5. Monk (superior unarmed strike)
6. Ninja
7. Ninja (Improved natural attack)
That gives me 2d8 unarmed damage and 2d6 sneak damage. With the Monk ACF holy strike I get another 1d6 vs. evil enemies. I know the 3rd level monk is probably wasted, but I like the +10 movement and +2 saving throws (ACF, replaces still mind). Might change it later to just 2 levels of monk. Also, I'm going for the race .... wait for it .... Tortle (DR 315)
... just could not resist. And it's not that bad, either. The -2 Dex hurts, but the rest is very nice.
I saw many people recommend the "enduring ki" feat:
"By spending an
extra daily use of your ki power when you activate it, the chosen effect lasts for an additional round (ki power is a class feature of the ninja; see the sidebar for details). You also gain one extra daily use of your ki power."
So, you pay 2 ki points for 2 rounds with the feat, and pay ... 2 ki points for 2 rounds without the feat. What am I missing?
So, I am looking for suggestions as to where to take this build in terms of PrC. Also, I'd be glad about suggestions for feats (not quite sure with the current build).
Thank you!
PS: do flurry of blows and 2 weapon fighting stack? If so, how exactly?