« on: May 22, 2012, 11:18:07 PM »
Hi Everyone
The Fiendform spell (SpC) is everyone's favorite springboard to fully optimizing Polymorph or Draconic Polymorph. But if you are aiming to optimize just the spell itself (Fiendform), I'm curious what everybody's selections are for favorite forms. Both for power and utility.
The good news is that the fiendish creature, demon or devil that you assume, can be from all those amazing-&-expanded alternate SMI-to-SMIV lists located in all the various Monster Manuals and 3.5 splatbooks.
Remember, the spell is like Alter Self, but you gain the form's (Ex), (Sp) and (Su) as well as the Alter Self goodies (like racial and size bonuses/penalties). The spell is persistable too!
Right off the bat, the Gadacro demon from MMV looks like a very strong candidate. I'll post more later. But I'm sure all you optimization experts have even better selections.
Finally, if you search here at MM or BG or on Google, you'll find this spell gets namedropped a lot. But there's never any mention of *best forms to assume*! Hence the reason for this thread.