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Messages - Drachos

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Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Paragon
« on: November 13, 2013, 05:22:20 PM »
Well, I finish what I start, even though I will not get to play my idea anymore (The GM got fed up with the blue dragon's breath weapon because he had no idea how to balance her with the party. The line, "Its a monster campaign, you don't get many magical items" is all well and good at low levels... but it does mean casters and dragons SERIOUSLY destroy Minotaurs Barbarians and Drider Dread Necromancers, who can only get human Skeletons.

So we are now all level 1, LA0 races in a good guys campaign. *sighs*)

Ok, rant over.

So, lets try to balance the Perfected Excellence.

Perfected Coordination.
You require Paragon of War to Qualify for this Perfected Excellence.
Though magic or training, your understanding of your body had reached perfection, and your Kinesthetic sense is unmatched. Every strike, every movement, every physical act, are done with near perfection. This has the following effects:
You may take 10 on any roll physical Skill (uses Dex or Strength) roll that is a class skill of yours.
Your mastery of your body means you only have to make 1 attack roll on attacks, or two attack rolls if you are duel/multi -wielding weapons. This includes if you have Paragon Duel wield. Like with Paragon of War, for the purposes of BAB and crit it is considered 1 roll, but for all other purposes (DR, SLA, Magical weapons) this is considered as many rolls as you actually are supposed to impact the target with.
Finally, should you have taken Paragon Duel-Wield as a creature with 3 or more limbs, Paragon Duel-wield now applies to all additional armed limbs, instead of just 1.

Well that SHOULD help the situation, taking a potential of 60 rolls (10 limbs, each with 3 attacks, and 3 damage rolls) with a Grell with Paragon Duel wield (well its really multi-wield at that stage, but whatever) down to 32 (10 limbs, with 2 attack rolls total and 3 damage rolls each). Its still a lot of rolls, but I think things would get REALLY messy if I started merging damage rolls, with DR, and other such things.

But is it balanced, and can you see a safe way to decrease the dice pool further? Cause frankly at this stage I don't think the buff of an ability is a huge deal, compared to decreasing the glaring your GM is doing to you.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Paragon
« on: November 07, 2013, 04:30:36 AM »
In theory, DR would be doubled as well and any magical effect save they would have to roll twice on, as it is two separate hits, just with only one attack roll. But you are right, this is far more complicated then I thought when I wrote it.

As for the 20/15 instead of 20/10... that was to increase the effectiveness of it, however it did not spell this out.

I blame 4am.

Anyway, lets do this again.

The wording change to Paragon Duel Wield is good, so I think I will leave that at that.

Paragon of war has the issue that it has a LOT to explain. It has to deal with magical weapons save DCs, vorpal blades (a good example where Paragon of war WOULD be a downgrade), what BAB it uses, DR, and the like. So combining rolls doesn't seem easy without a wall of text explaining the ability.

Lets see what I can do

Paragon of war: Paragon of War: You need Paragon Dual Wield or Paragon Proficiency to qualify for this Greater Excellence. The Paragon has gotten so Masterful at combat, that his attacks flow into one another, and it is hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. In addition, the true master knows how someone will block a strike, and attack in such a manner that the next attack will be awkward to block.
The Paragon rolls once vs AC, for every two attacks made. For the purposes of BAB and Crit, this is treated as only 1 attack, meaning that on a 20/15/10/5 BAB array, the attacks use 20/15. However for all other purposes, (DR, Magical effects of a weapon, and the like) this is treated as two separate attacks, as the weapon impacts twice.

Now, why do I make it 20/15, instead of 20/10... well from my impression, the whole idea of the 20/15/10/5 array, is that every following attack is harder to make as it tends to be IRL. In this case, however, the idea is you make an attack in such a manner that one attack naturally lines up into the second, so that the weapon is already on the way to your next strike. Think like throwing a haymaker punch in such a way that it punches the guys head into your other fist, a short sword strike that is already turning to strike at the neck as it cuts the stomach, or an upslash attack on the left side of his body, specifically designed so that when he responds to that (too late) he opens himself up to getting smashed in the head by the same weapon.

Or mechanically, if you want to be so minded... it makes the effect better.

Before I work on Perfected Coordination, I want to know, is that any clearer, or should I try a different approach?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Paragon
« on: November 06, 2013, 08:59:35 AM »
I'm not very sure if Paragon of War is an advantage at all. If you hit the first attack you hit both yes, but if you miss then you miss both, so you're just pushing probabilities for the extreme cases and removing the situations where one hits and another misses. Or do you mean that if your first attack hits, you can declare an auto-hit with your second on the same target, but if the first misses, you can still use your remaining attacks? That would be definetely more useful, but needs to be clarified.

Well, its mathematically speaking it depends on if you want more hits or more crits if Paragon of War is a buff.

Lets take a lvl 20 fighter, with 10 in every stat, (clearly he rolled bad) and a Greataxe as his weapon of choice.
And for no apparent reason, give him Paragon of War.

So Normally he gets 4 attack rolls, one with a BAB of 20, one with a BAB of 15, one with a BAB of 10 and so on, with each hit making him roll 1d12, and each crit he triples the damage.

With Paragon of War, he rolls twice, once with a BAB of 20, and the second time with a BAB of 15 and on a hit, roll 2d12, and on crit... well crazy damage occurs. However, you will crit less often, so a Great Axe would be possibly a bad choice of weapon.

But you will in theory, you hit more often and thus do more damage unless you are VERY crit focused.

Meanwhile the first part of Perfect Coordination "You only need to make one attack roll for every attack you make"... Isn't that how the attack rules already work? :psyduck

As for the second part, well the problem is that the Marilith isn't the monster class with more limbs around here, not even close. Grell gets 10 with just 3 levels for example (Marilith however gets SLAs, SR, DR, telepathy, resistances and some other stuff) 

Also by experience, I can tell you lots of attacks on a character may look awesome in theory, but during actual play they can easily turn into a chore.

So I believe if Paragon Coordination kept the theme of Paragon of War of simplifying the math. If you hit an attack, you can auto-hit with your next 4 attacks on the same target, and possibility of spending extra points to make more of your remaining attacks (if you have them) auto-hit. Still pretty powerful, but cuts down on rolling.

Oh I know their are worse then Marilith... but I am planning to use this with a Marilith so that's where this all came from and the example I used. Clearly such Excellences would be even better with them, should they be melee focused.

The problem with Perfect Coordination's first part is that it is a direct upgrade from Paragon of War. All your attacks are merged into 1 roll, or 2 rolls if you have more then 1 set of limbs (so 4, 6, 8, etc). So the question becomes, "If I can get Perfect Coordination though Forged by Experience, why would I EVER take Paragon of War."

These were basic ideas, to try and work out a pattern for Excellences based around improving Multiple attacks a round. I shall do more thinking on this I think, if I have your approval.

Any suggestions for a replacement for Paragon of War, since Perfect Coordination is a linear upgrade?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Paragon
« on: November 06, 2013, 03:02:59 AM »
Maybe this kinda progression would solve the problem.

NOTE: This is the first time I have actually made something like this, as opposed commenting on balanced. I expect it to be broken. Please balance it for me... or at least discuss Balance with me.

Paragon Dual Wield: You need Two-Weapon Fighting or Multiweapon Fighting to pick this Excellence. Whenever you're fighting with two weapons, you may make an attack with your off-hand for every attack you make with your main hand instead of the regular number of attacks you would get for fighting with two-weapons. This includes Aoos and Charges. Double the bonus you gain from using Potential points for attacks and damage rolls while fighting with two weapons.

Greater Excellence.
Paragon of War: You need Paragon Dual Wield or Paragon Proficiency to qualify for this Greater Excellence. The Paragon has gotten so Masterful at combat, that his attacks flow into one another, and it is hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. In addition, the true master knows how someone will block a strike, and attack in such a manner that the next attack will be awkward to block.
You only need to roll one attack roll for every two attacks you make on a target. Should the attack succeed, both attack hit.

Perfect Excellence
Perfect Coordination: You need Paragon of War or Forged by Experience to qualify for this Perfect Excellence. The Paragon, has, via either magical enhancement or perfection of form, complete understanding of its body and where its limbs are. This can be used to attack as if all limbs are acting in perfect harmony. You only need to make one attack roll for every attack you make. In addition to this, should you have 4 or more limbs, Paragon Dual wield applies to all limbs, HOWEVER you must make at least two attacks, as the oppoent can at this stage dodge out of some of your blades into others, should he chose so.

I don't like the last one... But making Paragon Dual wield apply to all limbs, in a Marilith would mean so many attacks a round its actually insane. 3 attacks a limb, 6 limbs= 18 attacks a round. Thats way to much for a normal Excellence. But making a chain, that no one else can use doesn't fit the theme of the PrC

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Paragon
« on: November 06, 2013, 02:13:16 AM »
I have to thank DavidWL for bumping this, as  I would not have discovered it otherwise. However I do have a question.

I am considering making a Marilith, and I saw the fun that could be had with this as it means I can get very VERY High level just being the very best Marilith possible... a true monster.

However, Paragon doesn't seem to have any way to take advantage of any creatures ability to fight with more then two limbs... and any paragon of such a multi limbed race, Marilith or otherwise would have mastered such fighting. And honestly, Paragon Dual Wield would be broken as all hell, if extended to Paragon Multi wield as a basic Excellence.

So, any suggestion for a multi limbed way of handling Paragon... I mean in theory we could have a multi weapon one at Greater, but it still seems a little broken

I'm sure there are tome of battle type abilities that would help with Excellences like Paragon Warrior and Paragon Fighting Style.


That doesn't really solve the problem. Part of the coolness of Paragon, (in my opinion) is you can in theory be a Paragon Dwarf, or a Paragon Drider, or a Paragon Marilith as I mentioned before, and its not a huge hindrance. You can paragon the race rather then the class, a true Olympian example of your race, someone others would look up too. Sure, it will take 5 levels of something else AT LEAST if the race has no racial levels or LA, but still.

And in a multi limbed race that would have an option for using more then two limbs.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Paragon
« on: November 05, 2013, 06:23:20 PM »
I have to thank DavidWL for bumping this, as  I would not have discovered it otherwise. However I do have a question.

I am considering making a Marilith, and I saw the fun that could be had with this as it means I can get very VERY High level just being the very best Marilith possible... a true monster.

However, Paragon doesn't seem to have any way to take advantage of any creatures ability to fight with more then two limbs... and any paragon of such a multi limbed race, Marilith or otherwise would have mastered such fighting. And honestly, Paragon Dual Wield would be broken as all hell, if extended to Paragon Multi wield as a basic Excellence.

So, any suggestion for a multi limbed way of handling Paragon... I mean in theory we could have a multi weapon one at Greater, but it still seems a little broken

Introduce Yourself / Hi everybody
« on: October 03, 2013, 07:45:38 AM »
Hi, my name is Drachos and I am kinda obsessed with the monster class boards. After running into my fifth creature that I felt needed some questions asked about it, but could not, I decided to join.

I enjoy PC gaming, and a little bit of Dice gaming, but I don't play table top as much as I should. I play a lot of nWoD, and intentionally try to make unplayable ideas in that system (such as a mage summoner) playable, even if it costs a lot of XP to do so.

While I min/max in wow and in nWoD, albeit in the second one, in an odd and inefficient way, I don't tend to do so in DnD... other people have done most of the work, so I appreciate it and use it when I GM, but 3.5 has been finished, as has most of forth ed. Maybe I will help with fifth ed, when its finished.

I am awful at these kinda things, but... yeah... that's me in a nutshell.

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