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Messages - hungrygnome

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gish Kobold (Low Op Group)
« on: February 14, 2014, 07:36:11 PM »
I was going to focus on utility, buffs, and some occasional debuffing.   Let the other wizard of the party shine in the sheer casting, while I threw occasional spells when suitable, while gishing the remainder of the time.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gish Kobold (Low Op Group)
« on: February 14, 2014, 01:00:11 PM »
I was making pre-emptive statements about what not to argue, because anytime Dragonwrought Kobolds come up, almost every thread seems to turn into "are Dragonwroght Kobolds true dragons or not"  I didnt want that getting hashed out AGAIN and derailing the thread.  Or whether the spellhoarding worked with stalwart/battle sorc.

Please keep it to useful advice regarding how to improve upon making a Gish Kobold.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gish Kobold (Low Op Group)
« on: February 13, 2014, 10:20:05 PM »
I had completely forgotten about Tome of Battle.   A swordsage would be a good substitute as a gish, while not having to jump through alot of hoops.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gish Kobold (Low Op Group)
« on: February 13, 2014, 09:51:41 PM »
I did consider Duskblade.   Its still a potential possibility, also.   The only thing I dislike about Duskblade is the narrow amount of spells they have access to, and how much GM work it would take to expand their spell list.  I just like the flexibility that I got from the original build.

The dragon psychosis was for the fact that it mechanically made the build stronger, while also using your scales as a spellbook with a unique learning method was visually appealing for the character. (Imagine a black and red scaled kobold with glowing blue runes covering it all over)

I am unaware of any other way besides prestige classes that you can apply anything other than STR to melee damage though.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gish Kobold (Low Op Group)
« on: February 13, 2014, 05:55:13 PM »
It doesn't work like you think it does:

1) Kobolds can't be considered dragons.
2) The stalwart sorceror stuff isn't going to work since you're using spellhoarding.

Did you even CHECK with your DM before you came up with this craziness? I wouldn't let you play this at my table..

If you dont understand a build in full, DONT COMMENT about how it works.  Likely, the part you dont understand, is the part that makes it work.

Dragonwrought feat MAKES their type dragon.    And I still have the sorceror spellcasting, IF THE CONDITION WAS CURED, so spellhoarding just overwrites the sorcerer. Think of it in terms as I apply everything pertaining to sorcerer first, benefits and penalties, then overwrite the spellcasting and replace it with a wizards.   I still have the sorcerer abilities,BECAUSE ITS A CURABLE CONDITION,  so I can trade away any and all abilities regarding it, just spellhoarding blankets over top of them all with a replacement.

Regarding Power attack, thats the kind of advice im looking for.  What feats to take, and where to go with them.  I only considered power attack as a way for a little bonus damage, not as to what I could chain off it with.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gish Kobold (Low Op Group)
« on: February 13, 2014, 03:36:22 AM »
Let me clarify: Im looking for advice on how to make this a better GISH, if at all.   I know the pitfalls of melee VS spellcasting.  Its for flavor and fun, not sheer power.   If I wanted that, Id play my usual druids.

Spellhoarding is a dragon psycosis.  It trades in all sorcerer spellcasting for casting as a wizard.  AKA all I traded away from stalwart and battle sorcerer ( as the specify SORCERER Spell slots) gets traded for the benefits, at no loss.  This works because I still technically have the sorcerer casting, as its a curable condition ( though the cure is years in an antimagic field).  So I take Stalwart and battle sorcerer for the benefits they provide, at no downside.   So im casting as a wizard of my level, with 3/4 BAB, and double my level in extra HP. There are some other nice benefits going along with spellhoarding, like an improved counterspell, free scribe scroll and eschew materials, and my spellbook is my scales (so it cant be taken away).  Also, +2 INT, -4 WIS goes with it.  Thus the racial modifiers I input.

The downside?  I cant specialize in a school, as that is unique to the wizard class, and I am still a sorcerer, I just cast as a wizard.

Lesser rite is unique to kobolds in that they sacrifice 1 HP, and a gem, and they gain a 1/day sorc/wiz spell of choice.

Please do not try and hash out the legality of this.   Other places on the board consider this valid, as does my DM, and thats all that matters here.   Yes, there are "more powerful" ways I could do this as a straight caster, but this is a low op group, and im going for something I can enjoy playing, not just straight save or suck casting.    Nothing says "HAHA" better than your monster dying by the hands of a single kobold in MELEE.   

Min/Max 3.x / Gish Kobold (Low Op Group)
« on: February 12, 2014, 12:35:41 AM »
Im starting a 3.5 campaign with a low op group.  Just about anything will fly as long as I can point to the rules regarding it.  I have already decided on a Kobold Gish (the improved one from the web enhacement).  Party consists of mainly players still kinda new to 3.5.  The wizard is the only person I trust to play his role competently.   Other than that, we have a cleric and druid ( both are barely able to understand the system ), a rogue (with the air subtype at 0 LA, if this tells you what the DM will let fly), a ninja, and a Kusari gama focused Warforged fighter.

This is what I have come up with so far, and looking for input about anything I could change.   NO im not doing Loredrake, or anything with epic feats.   Convincing the DM to allow me a dragon psycosis was about as far as I was going to go with the cheese.

GM assigns us all 18, 16, 16, 14, 14, 12.  We are supposed to be heroes, and this way no one complains they got shoddy stat rolls.
I dont see this campaign going very far at the moment, so no higher than 10th level character plan outs, as its a slow campaign.

Spellhording (Dragon 313, psychosis) Desert Kobold Stalwart Battle Sorcerer 3
Venerable (with Dragonwroght, of course)

So im looking at -4 STR, -3 WIS, +2 DEX, +5 INT, +3 CHA.

STR 14
DEX 16
CON 16
INT 21
WIS 11
CHA 15

Feats so far are Dragonwrought and Power Attack.  Weapons selected are Greatsword with Weapon Focus for it (Startwart Sorcerer) and Longsword (Battle Sorcerer)

I have taken the lesser rite, but am not taking the greater rite ( as thats pouring on too much cheese with already being equal casting as a wizard from spellhoarding)

So, what do you all think I should take as my lesser rite spell?  Anything you can see I can blatantly improve without splatbook delving too much? 

AND DO NOT TURN THIS INTO A "ARE KOBOLDS TRUE DRAGONS OR NOT" DISCUSSION.  I was allowed spellhoarding, and am NOT going any dragon archetype(loredrake, wyrm of war, etc..)

I am the Hungry Gnome
Eating you out of house and home

Long time lurker of various boards, first time poster.  Live in Burlington, IA.  Will play just about anything but 4th edition DnD.  Particularly enjoy my Malkavians ( for the sheer RP value ), anything 3.5/Pathfinder, RIFT, Mutants and Masterminds, and even old d6 Star Wars, and 2nd edition DnD (assuming you throw racial level limitations out the window).

Just meeting my required number of posts!  I dont remember buying posts though, they must be part of my starting gear...

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