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Messages - Groucher

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D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Im actually an Old school DnD player.....
« on: November 29, 2014, 07:42:59 AM »
Sounds like a fun dude! :lol They are some lovely stats for a lvl 2
I also hate having any negatives in my stats so I would go for 10int/14wis. But as you said, it is a little less flavorful that way.

As for alignment, definitely on the evil axis...not lawful. I would say neutral evil but it depends on how psychotic you want him to be, and how you see the alignments? To me, I kinda see NE as pretty selfish, 'might makes right' type of pcs, where CE is pretty much crazy, causing wanton destruction regardless of the consequences (for the character as well, to a certain extent)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hiya!
« on: November 25, 2014, 05:27:12 AM »
Dude, that is sweet. They are pretty hard to source around here (Australia)...makes me sad. But thankfully I've heard internet shopping is a thing now  :lol

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hiya!
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:34:28 AM »
You have sold me on wand usage! (hahah oh what a euphemism) That dice of doom guide is neat.
I particularly like the idea of a wand of divine power ...i could cast it, but why waste spells?

Debbil Dinosaur!  :clap

I am impressed you recognised it! Devil Dinosaur is awesome  :D

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Im actually an Old school DnD player.....
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:04:25 AM »
Nature's Warrior maybe? There are a couple of nature's armament abilities that help natural weapons (Claws of the Grizzly= +3 bonus to natural weapon damage, Nature's Weapon= +1 bonus to attack rolls, attacks are treated as magic weapons to overcome DR)

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: D&D Tools Goes Down The Hole
« on: November 25, 2014, 01:14:12 AM »
Been Way Too Busy.

So thank my wife.


So many thanks to you and your wife! :love
I have the app & database, but having it all on my comp is really useful. You guys are saviors ^-^

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Im actually an Old school DnD player.....
« on: November 25, 2014, 01:09:55 AM »
Kensai PrC might be good- you pay an xp cost to imbue your weapons, including natural weapons.
Barbarians get a bit of damage reduction, and I think the rage feature is probably good flavor for Creed's bloodlust. d12 HD are also sweet. Taking levels in druid can be good for various buff spells- aspect of the weretiger for example :)
Feral template (SS116) gives some good attacks and fast healing which would also probably be suited to Creed. Probably goes well with your shifter race. Savage Species is definitely your best friend :P

Amulet of Mighty Weapons (MIC) or Necklace of Natural Weapons (SS) both give enhancements to natural weapons. The SS necklace can get expensive pretty fast though.
Beast Claws (SS49) give +1d6 to claw damage, and +2 enhancement.
Getting the fearsome armor enhancement from MIC might be good if you want to go down the intimidation route (there is a better version of it in Drow of the Underdark). The feats Imperious Command, Intimidating Rage and Instantaneous Rage also go towards this.
From Book of Exalted Deeds(116) the Retributive Amulet can be kinda hilarious- +2 sacred ac and when wearer takes damage from natural or hand-held weapon, half that damage is taken by attacker. Not so great against spells, but good in melee.
Belt of Battle and Shirt of the Leech from MIC are both items I've found amusing at times.

There is a feat called Roll With It (SS39) that gives DR and can be taken multiple times. Combat vigor (PHBII) gives fast healing.

Depending on how weapon x program you want to go on the poor npc, there are also grafts. There is a decent list here, and various handbooks around. Healing Blood gives some fast healing. I love grafts, I have a psychotic lizardfolk druid/barbarian who is basically a monstrosity thanks to a DM who has houseruled around some of the limitations.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Increasing Sanctuary spell level/save dc
« on: November 23, 2014, 09:57:14 PM »
Yep, that winter chill ability is awesome, and exactly what I'm looking for! ...unfortunately, race is pretty much the only limited thing in the campaign, hence the human :(

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hiya!
« on: November 23, 2014, 03:23:51 PM »
Yes the people here are crazy good! I always look through the threads in a combination of 'what' and 'wow' :P
I will pass on your pointers- simple tips are often some of the most effective, cheers :D

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Increasing Sanctuary spell level/save dc
« on: November 23, 2014, 03:20:13 PM »
Cheers for the quick response :D

Oops yeah- I wrote heighten spell instead of DMM Heighten. Fixing that.

Yes to DMM Heighten & Persisting it. Earth Spell looks pretty sweet for increasing it as well.
All 3.x sources are available, including Dragon mag.
Sacred Performer looks excellent for getting more turning attempts, and a bard/cleric sounds pretty fun. It is always yay for more DMM. But yeah, the main thing I am aiming for is increasing the DC so enemies fail in hitting me/party (and waste their spells in doing so ^-^ )
With a base DC of 10+1+4... just trying to see if it is worth increasing it at this level.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Increasing Sanctuary spell level/save dc
« on: November 23, 2014, 02:54:07 PM »
Hi :)
I am trying to create a human cleric focusing on buffs and am looking for ideas that would allow it to increase the DC of Sanctuary to become something a little more useable. I will be starting at level 9, in a gestalt campaign- so 9 cleric levels and undecided on everything else- I am open to suggestions, but would like to keep the main flavor cleric-y. Trying something a little different to my usual meat  shields :P

DMM Heighten & Persist is a go, I also saw the bard spell harmonic chorus that gives a +2 morale bonus to spell DCs that looks like kinda what I need.

Any other items/classes/feats to recommend to increase spell level or the save DC? Other than things increasing my wisdom. I am also trying to avoid spells that target the enemies will saves, but if there is anything that stands out it would be most appreciated.


Introduce Yourself / Re: Hiya!
« on: November 20, 2014, 11:39:57 PM »
I will def have to check out the Fletch movies, someone else recommended them to me as well.

Had the first play of Bleric the bard/cleric last night...oh maaan. So much awesome hilarity.
Btw how is the scythe-wielding pally going? Funnily enough one of the guys in my group last night said he was looking at making an angelic scythe-wielding paladin type as well. so if you have any pointers they would be most welcome :)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hiya!
« on: November 13, 2014, 08:55:09 AM »
That video is great! I am definitely going to use the bardic knack spell (my DM loooves that kinda stuff  :D ) I think chaotic good sounds suitable for some of those bluffing shenanigans.

Also, a pally with a magic scythe sounds totally awesome.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hiya!
« on: November 09, 2014, 07:39:11 AM »
I'm thinking of going some kind of bard/cleric for heals and buffs. And take the flaw chivalrous (think it's called that) for pure hilarity. Some do gooder type. At the moment, my barbarian/druid makes party members for heals. Muahahah!

If you often play for the light side, what kind of characters do you roll?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hiya!
« on: November 08, 2014, 09:53:08 AM »
Hahah. That's great, characters uncontrollably taking on a life of their own is awesome.
I tend to play psychotic meat shield, so their mind sets are often pretty simple XD
I am trying to build something different to play, just to see what it feels like on the side of good :lol

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hiya!
« on: November 06, 2014, 05:51:54 AM »
Hahah, yeah I can see that. I really like the neatness of it. At the moment, our DM allows pretty much anything and bends all types of rules- this is truly awesome, but also too much like hard work to research all the best stuff  :lmao

Introduce Yourself / Hiya!
« on: November 05, 2014, 08:33:19 AM »
Hi all, I have finally joined the awesome minmax boards after much lurking.

I enjoy D&D 3.5 and 4 (much to the disgust of some of my friends  :p ), board games, video games...
Yep, all the games really. At the moment I am mainly into a fantastic 3.5 campaign run by a mate, and Borderlands.

I live in Perth, Australia, and am always LFG. It is pretty hard to get a regular group together, and I need more 3.5 times!

Nice to meet you all :)

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