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Messages - Xaktsaroth

Pages: [1]
Weird. I've been thinking about doing something like this myself, but since my programming skills are about 7 years old, and half rememebered, I was waffling.

I can help on the front end, GUI concepts, ERD, design, that kinda static stuff(Back in my day, we cut our teeth on Basic, and C, you young'ns!)

If we're going to do all this work of building a PrC/Class/feat database, why not go one step further and add spells? Data entry will be a nightmare, but then we can do fun things like dynamic character sheet!

My character gets hit with Mind Fog? Hold on a sec(Clicks Spells Affecting Me List, Selects Mind Fog, Set CL, Set Metamagics) BOOM! Character sheet updated!(Will Save drops like a rock, in red to show negative effect).

We could even have combat option page too. Hit the Combat Tab, Attack(Select options), does all the math for you(Rolls d20 + modifiers for hit, damage + Fort 13 Vs. poison, etc......). Heck, even roll saves with a click of a button just below the number on the pape.

Could be quite a useful tool for the community.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Vile Slime Girl
« on: February 20, 2012, 06:02:58 PM »
There are actually Evil Vow's in DotU, Vow of Decendance and Vengence specifically. Might be a nice contrast to the good exalted feats.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Exalted Slime Girl [Grappler//Apostle of Peace]
« on: December 02, 2011, 01:03:16 AM »
If I remember correctly, wasn't there a PrC based around you getting control over living spells in a Dragon Mag?

Be a living spell, and have a posse of living spells following you.


Edit: Found it! Pg. 76, Dragon #357. Spell Sovereign. Gain a living spell familiar that gets more powerful, plus living spell goodies with 7/10 arcane casting.

Gaming Advice / Re: Offensively tanking a Fort save?
« on: November 27, 2011, 01:33:58 AM »
Best bet so far, seems to be Greater Bestow Curse, at -8 to all saves.

If that's the best, I may need to figure out some other ways of doing what I want to do.

Gaming Advice / Offensively tanking a Fort save?
« on: November 26, 2011, 02:27:01 PM »
What's the most effective way of dropping an enemies Fort save?

I know Cloud of Bewilderment drops a Will save, so I'm looking for the best way to force an enemy to fail a Fort save.

Thanks for the help! :D

Introduce Yourself / It's me again.
« on: November 07, 2011, 12:31:41 AM »
Some of you might remember me from 339, and if not, no biggie. :P

I'm the guy who loves 3.5, but never gets to play in any games, so I tend to have a crapload of character ideas running around in my head at anytime, so I tend to post those every now and then. I guess I try to blend mechanically viable with interesting concepts.

I guess that's about it.

Intro's are hard.  :-\

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