But... Telepathic Bond is close range so I can't use it when scouting 100-200ft away.
According to
http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=1000 a Ring of invisibility (20k cost in MiC) will drop to 12.6k with applying the only 2 restrictions I can:
1)Item is restricted to being used by those of a specific skill. (DMG)
2)Item is restricted to being used by those of a specific class or alignment. (DMG)
but I don't know if asking an NPC crafter to apply them will reduce the cost or if it works ONLY when I craft it.
IF it works only if I craft it then I can as well add another 50% to it so that brings me down to 6.3k total.
Problem is that I can't craft an arcane magic item as a divine caster as I miss the spell... And for this specific item this means I have to dip into 4 lvls of sorcerer or 3 lvls of wizard wich is a 3-4 caster levels less for druid. Not worth it. Unless there is another way to do it that I don't know of.