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Messages - atheran

Pages: [1] 2
Just a quick question... If I could go Planar sepherd from monk1/druid5 to monk1/druid5/PS6 what plane would you propose? Was thinking for either Daanvi - The Perfect Order for morphing to Kolyarut to spam enervation or Fernia - the Sea of Fire to shape into either Balor or Firre for tanking...

What would you say?

Gaming Advice / Re: Herbalism. Flora of Faerun and balms/ointments.
« on: April 08, 2012, 07:07:09 AM »
Can't find it... Anyone?

Nah now I got it and played with it so I can't change the monk level anymore...

I found about telepathy/teleport/invisibility. Anything else you think it would help?

Gaming Advice / Re: Reduce price on craft
« on: April 06, 2012, 07:19:19 AM »
I'll make the ring after all... DM said I can use a wand or our Wizard to cast the spell needed but I still get the xp penalties.

So my question now is... How much can I reduce the price from core books only? I found a way to drop it to 6300gp. Can I drop it even more?

Party comp.

1) Half dragon fighter
2) Goliath barbarian
3) Aasimar cleric
4) Gnome wizard
5) Gnome Bard
6) Me

Guess I'll craft a ring of invisibility and boots of teleportation and I'll pay a wizard to get telepathic bond permanent on me.
As for feats I got Natural sense at 6, Greenbound summoning and initiate of malar. At 9 I'm thinking to buy craft wondrous items as i'll need it to craft boots/ring and at 12 Frozen wildshape.


Gaming Advice / Herbalism. Flora of Faerun and balms/ointments.
« on: April 05, 2012, 07:27:39 AM »
Is there anywhere a way to find the flora of Faerun and what you can make from the several plants lying around the forests/mountains/dungeons etc?

I remember seeing an article in Dragon Magazine if I remember correctly with plant listings in Faerun and how you can process anything to make balms/ointments for your group or for sale but I can't seem to find it anywhere. My DM is pretty sure he has seen it too but he doesn't remember anything either.

It was something like where profession: Herbalist was required to make what you wanted.

Can anyone help me find it?

Gaming Advice / Re: Reduce price on craft
« on: April 04, 2012, 10:33:47 AM »
But... Telepathic Bond is close range so I can't use it when scouting 100-200ft away.

According to a Ring of invisibility (20k cost in MiC) will drop to 12.6k with applying the only 2 restrictions I can:
1)Item is restricted to being used by those of a specific skill. (DMG)
2)Item is restricted to being used by those of a specific class or alignment.  (DMG)
but I don't know if asking an NPC crafter to apply them will reduce the cost or if it works ONLY when I craft it.

IF it works only if I craft it then I can as well add another 50% to it so that brings me down to 6.3k total.

Problem is that I can't craft an arcane magic item as a divine caster as I miss the spell... And for this specific item this means I have to dip into 4 lvls of sorcerer or 3 lvls of wizard wich is a 3-4 caster levels less for druid. Not worth it. Unless there is another way to do it that I don't know of.

Gaming Advice / Re: Reduce price on craft
« on: April 04, 2012, 09:52:29 AM »
I could use an at-will invisibility (something like pixie's but breakable on attack). Playing an anthro-bat druid as a scout/nuker with +20 on hide/move silently... But invisibility (greater or not) at will could really really be usefull. And I'm trying to find the cheapest way without loosing caster levels to get it. Wand seemed good but I can't use arcane wands as druid and have an invisible/flying wizard around me when scouting 200+ feet ahead of the party is not doable.

PS. Some sort of telepathy at great distances (up to 200 ft) would be usefull as well to inform the party of what I see ahead.

Gaming Advice / Re: Reduce price on craft
« on: April 04, 2012, 08:54:54 AM »
I am a druid and for other casters we have a cleric and a wizard... None of us has the invisibility spell or any craft feats... What I am looking is for the  ring to be created from an NPC in a big city with some way to cost me much less (up to 50% if possible) than it's original price.

Gaming Advice / Reduce price on craft
« on: April 04, 2012, 07:27:37 AM »
I want to buy/make a ring of invisibility... But it costs around 20000 gp... Problem is there is too much for a level 7 character... I think I read somewhere that I can find someone to craft it for me with some restrictions so I could reduce it's price... Any ideas what I could do to drop it around half price? I just want it to work on call like normally but I don't care if it takes a swift or full round action to activate it...

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Just playing around.
« on: April 02, 2012, 09:20:26 AM »
so... any way to make it even better?

I want ideas for:
1)Invisibility at-will (greater invisibility would be better ofc but not needed)
2)Natural Armor
3)Telepathy (Telepathic bond permanent as I'm told is the easiest/cheapest way)
4)Teleport (I saw an item with charges/day in MiC allowing you to tp from 20ft up to 60ft depending on charges spent)
5)A way to get my static AC from 24 I have now at 30 (with no armor/buffs incl. natural armor so this could be combined with N.2)
6)DC of 20+spell level (at 18+ spell level now)
7)Anything fun you can think of without changing the posted setup and character use as uber-scout (things added without changing the setup is good)

PS. All books allowed except setting specific ones besides FR, and psionics are banned.
PS2. I want easiest/cheapest possible way for it as I'm moving from town in 2 months so it'll be like 10 sessions left with this character.
PS3. No ultra rare occasions please... We're playing FR and I guess it's kinda hard to find a Telflammar shadowlord in a small town as Cauldron so it won't be possible to do it.

Got like 2 weeks to plan things before the next session (easter vacation here)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Evil Campaign - Rogue/Assassin ideas.
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:41:48 PM »
Well I already was level 2 rogue by the end of the last session so couldn't do most of these.
We did like 2 weeks to play from then and now I'm 200xp off of level 3. I like the Unseen seer PrC and also some caster/wizard would be good in this party... But how could I do it from level 2 halfling rogue with 15 int/16 dex and no points at all in sense motive/spot/spellcraft.

Would wizard at level 3 till ~level 7 (that i'll be able to enter USeer due to skill reqs) be a good idea? I was thinking for swashbuckler at lvl3 for the free feet and some hp bump tho'.


Min/Max 3.x / Re: Just playing around.
« on: April 01, 2012, 12:00:55 AM »
 :lol :banghead Mever thought about it! Besides it's kinda late (or early here depending on your definition of time).

Thanks for it tho'

Min/Max 3.x / Optimizing anthro-bat druid. (Ex-Just playing around)
« on: March 31, 2012, 10:56:30 PM »
Well my DM will probably just ban this setup but was bored and created it to have some fun.

Starting at ECL 7

Books allowed: Core/Complete ***/Savage Species/All FR books/SC/MiC/Races of ***/Masters of the wild/BoED/Frostburn/Sandstorm/Stormwrack/MM 3-5 and Drow of the Underdark
Anything setting specific except FR ones are prohibited.

So the setup is anthropomorphic bat Monk 1/Druid 6

Str 6
Dex 18
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 18/25 (4 lvl ability point here and +6 from bat)
Cha 8

Using both dex and wis modifiers for AC I get to 21 AC 21 touch 19 FF and I also have 8/8/14 saves.
As for items planning for cloak of resistance +2/periapt of wisdom +2/gloves of dexterity +4 and then I'm at 24/24 touch/21 ff AC with 10/12/17 saves.

Spending a couple of skill points to get to +10 hide/+10 move silently/+17 spot and +14 listen (the rest in normal druid stuff).

Now with barkskin/cat's grace/owl's wisdom/forestfold (+10 hide/move sil.)/luminous armor (+5 armor bonus)/raptor's sight (+5 spot)/listening lorecall (5 listen)/cloud wings I'll be a small bat flying around with 50' fly speed with 60' lowlight/darkvision and 20' blindsight with 20+d20 in hide/move sil and with 23+d20 spot/19+d20 listen scouting the field with 35 AC/30 touch/30 FF  and 10/14/19 saves in case a wizard/sorcerer sees me before I see him. And if I do I'll nuke him with 23 fort/reflex DC before I either go back to inform the party or wildshape in front of him and tear him apart as a fleshraker with venomfire (depending on enemy and/or number of enemies ofc)

What you think? What I could do better? Maybe shrink potions to make me tiny for more hide/AC?

PS. I didn't put the feats here as I am not sure on what to take but it'll probably be greenbound/initiate of malar (for even more fun into a grappler form and free augment)/Natural Spell and probably improved grapple as monk bonus feat but I'm open to suggestions.

Let's make it good!

Gaming Advice / Re: Anthropomorphic Characters
« on: March 31, 2012, 04:53:00 PM »
Ok thanks everyone!

Gaming Advice / Re: Anthropomorphic Characters
« on: March 31, 2012, 01:22:17 PM »
As an anthro bat do I have blindsense 20ft/lowlight 60ft or no? Because I see people saying you do and people saying you don't. Can't find any info in books about this.

EDIT: Also as an anthro-bat with HD 1 and LA 0 does this mean that with lvl 1 druid I have ECL 2? As from "Only Small anthropomorphic animals lose their monster Hit Dice when they take class levels." under Hit Dice tab in the book I understand that a lvl 1 druid anthro-bat is considered as with ECL = 1 right?

Gaming Advice / Anthropomorphic Characters
« on: March 30, 2012, 06:59:13 AM »
Just read about it in savage species and I'd really like an anthrpomorphic bat or ape for a druid I'm rerolling... What I did not understand tho'. Is it a race? A template? What? And how you apply it?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Druid ideas
« on: March 14, 2012, 05:03:37 AM »
By the way how is herbalism treated in the game?
I'd love to gather plants and roots to make balms and stuff... I think it'll be great RP wise as a druid...

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Druid ideas
« on: March 13, 2012, 07:11:04 PM »
Well I got my AC up a bit with new dragonhide armor so this problem is solved for now... What came up tho'.

We're going to the underdark and i'd like some ideas of how to be prepared for it... Mostly for spells... Never played in the underdark before so I don't know what to expect.

I mean I know it's dark and dangerous and that enemies/monsters hit when you are least prepared but i'm limited to that. Probably my summons won't be of much help due to the lack of darkvision.
Some ideas would really really help about spell preperation.

Anything I can do to get darkvision/blindsense/tremorsense or whatever that could help a human down there?

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