Remind me what exactly does an ally card do?
The characters listed as potential allies on page 1 are as follows:
Cutie Mark Crusaders - you got a description in the previous post. the unicorn filly is Rarity's little sister and the earth pony is AJ's.
The Apple Family - I have described Big Macintosh and Granny Smith already. Applebloom is one of the CMC. if you need more Apples, you might consider cousin Braeburn - he is the leader of the Apple family branch in Appleloosa, a wild-west themed town south of Everfree. (outside our current map)
The Wonderbolts - a stunt flier team, apparently a part of Equestrian military and do get deployed against a threat to Ponyville (though their record of actually saving the day is... poor. Still, they managed to shave-off a dragon's head spikes with a fly-by, so they do have some combat power at least)
Chief Thunderhooves - a chieftain of a buffalo tribe from Appleloosa region, initially in conflict with Braeburn, currently an ally. The only other named buffalo in the series is his daughter, Little Strongheart
Angel - Fluttershy's bunny sidekick and assistant. At times actually usefull and caring for his boss, other times spoiled to the point of being abusive, good at noticing stuff she misses
Winona - AJ's dog, trained for herding and as useful as you would expect from a smart dog.
Opalescence - Rarity's spoiled cat. grumpily friendly towards her owner, mean to everything else, apparently other animals considered her rather scary.
Gummy - Pinkie's toothless pet alligator. Harmlessly chomps on ponies and objects and besides that seems to be indifferent about everything.
Owlowiscious - Twilight's owl. flies, sees in the dark, distracts monsters, probably the smartest and most useful of the pets.
Tank Dash' pet tortoise. Very dedicated and determined, if somewhat clumsy. Since Dash lives in a cloud, somepony has stuck a magically powered propeller on Tank's shell - this reduces his horrible slowness, but makes him prone to comedic collissions.
Philomena - Princess Celestia's pet phoenix. Not sure if her flames are real (a pair of angry phoenixes elsewhere in the series didn't set the forest on fire - they could temporarily bling their opponent with light though)
Spike - Twilight's number one assistant - a toddler-sized flightless dragon. Diligent but childlish. Often hurt for comedic effect, harmlessly thanks to his fire immunity and damage reduction. Most importantly, he has had a permanent teleport spell cast at his throat - small items engulfed by his flame are sent to Princess Celestia - Twilight uses him to send reports and letters and as the connection works both ways, he can burp up responses too. He is hopelessly in love with Rarity, which he considers a big secret despite it being obvious to everypony. Also, he likes eating gemstones.
Zecora - a foreign zebra shaman living in Everfree. Knows a lot about creatures and herbs. Always speaks in rhyme. doesn't cast spells as such, but can make potions and powders.