Author Topic: Affliations and Magical Locations Handbook  (Read 18376 times)

Offline jedda

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Affliations and Magical Locations Handbook
« on: June 01, 2013, 06:24:45 AM »
Well there was a lot of dust on my boards account but I think I have it all blown it all off now. I'm back, I think.

I want to thank Toptomcat for pulling my preliminary stuff to the Hatchet Job Port Thread: HERE for reference

The Affiliations and Magical Locations Handbook

aka People to know and places to visit.

This Handbook is going to be a directory of Affiliations and Magical Locations (and possibly some items that have magical-location-like properties). These come up all the time on the forums as a useful way to gain feats or other benefits, however, no comprehensive list of such things exist. It is still very much a work in progress and I welcome comments, advice and help with it.

Each Location will be listed by name and book reference, what the location requires and what you get. I'll leave the locating of the location and activating it in the book to stay on the right side of the CoC.
- A Guide to Magical Locations Exert from DMGII: Here

Each Affiliation will be listed by name and book reference and what you can get for joining, I'll leave the how you join in the book as there's a lot of typing anyway and I don't want to get into trouble with the CoC

Books Known to Have Magical Locations (or Similar) or Affiliations in (to be updated)
City of Stormreach
Complete Arcane
Complete Champion
Complete Mage
Complete Scoundrel
Complete Psionic
Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave
Dragons of Eberron
Eyes of the Lich Queen
Five Nations
Magic of Incarnum
Planar Handbook
Secrets of Sarlona
Secrets of Xen'drik
Serpent Kingdoms (Magic Item)

Books Entered into Handbook so far
Complete Arcane (CAr)
Complete Champion (CC)
Complete Mage (CM)
Online Articles (online)

Other Books Checked
Player's Handbook (PHB)
Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG)

Note: Affiliations which double as churches in Complete Champion require money (tithes), table on pg 6. Whether the domain affiliations actually count (it is suggested they do) is probably up to your DM. They're given as suggestion for designing your own church but for someone dedicated to an ideal/philosophy who knows...

Note 2: Complete Arcane Affiliations were published before the specifics of affiliation was standardised and as a result are vague. I have included them for completeness.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 04:20:43 PM by jedda »
Reality is an illusion created by lack of Imagination

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Re: Affliations and Magical Locations Handbook
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2013, 06:27:38 AM »
Magical Locations Part 1

Thank You to reganok who has produced a google doc spreadsheet with magical locations in the link is in reply 22.
Thank you to Garryl who has hunted out the online locations links are in reply 29
MMB Update, need to recoonect these links

Bigby's Tomb (CM, online)
requires: arcane caster, int>12, able to cast an evocation spell of 2nd level or higher
gain: a bigby's hand spell 1/day as a spell like (lasts 1 year)

Boccob's Reading Room (CM)
requires: able to prepare and cast 3rd level arcane spells
gain: able to write one spell of a level you can cast into spell book

Boneyard (CM)
requires: arcane caster, 3 necromancy spells 3rd level or higher
gain: 1/day empower, extend or enlarge a necromancy spell (lasts 1 year)

Cloudseat (CM)
requires: arcane spellcaster, 3 divination spells of 2nd level or higher
gain: ability to cast 2nd level or lower divination spells as swift actions (lasts 1 year)

Crypt of Wee Jas (CM)
requires: arcane caster, 3 necromancy spells of 2nd level or higher
gain: 60 ft continual deathwatch (lasts 1 year)

Dragonsblood Pool (CM)
requires: ability to spontaneously cast at least one spell of 2nd level or higher
gain: a bonus arcane spell slot of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level (can't be higher than you can cast) (lasts 1 year)

Dreamwar Gate (SoX, online)
requires: Wis at least 8, ability to dream, not immune to mind affecting
gain: 1/day manifest false sensory input (EPH 106) as a psi-like (lasts 1 year)

Eternal Vortex (CM)
requires: arcane caster, 3 evocation spells of 3rd level or higher
gain: 1/day cast a 6th level or lower evocation spell so it repeats on the next round (lasts 1 year)

Metamagic Storm (CM)
requires: arcane caster, at least 1 metamagic feat
gain: a metamagic feat (must qualify for it and it can't be used to qualify for anything else) (lasts 1 year)

Rainbow Falls (CM)
requires: arcane caster, 3 transmutation spells of 2nd level or higher
gain: 1/day triple duration of a transmutation spell, max duration 24 hrs (lasts 1 year)

Shieldstone Cavern (CM)
requires: arcane caster, 3 different abjuration spells of 2nd level or higher
gain: +1 caster level for abjurations (lasts 1 year)

Soulheart Pool (CM)
requires: arcane caster, 3 different enchantment spells of 2nd level or higher
gain: 1/day recast any enchantment spell the next round (lasts 1 year)

Vale of Smoke and Fog (CM)
requires: arcane caster, 3 different illusion spells of 4th level or higher
gain:50% increase in duration for illusion spells and +1 save DC (lasts 1 year)

Worldmeet Glade (CM)
requires: arcane caster, different conjuration spells of 3rd level or higher
gain: summons (from summon monster spells) get +2 hit points per HD and a +2 bonus on all saving throws, checks, attack rolls, and damage rolls. (lasts 1 year)
Reality is an illusion created by lack of Imagination

Offline jedda

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Re: Affliations and Magical Locations Handbook
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2013, 06:28:22 AM »
Magical Locations Part 2
Reality is an illusion created by lack of Imagination

Offline jedda

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Re: Affliations and Magical Locations Handbook
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2013, 06:29:13 AM »
Pseudo-Magical Locations
Reality is an illusion created by lack of Imagination

Offline jedda

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Re: Affliations and Magical Locations Handbook
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2013, 06:43:32 AM »
Affiliations Part One
Thank you to Garryl who located all the online magical locations for me, links are in reply 29.
MMB Note: Need to connect this link again

Benefits are listed in order from lowest to highest rank.

I will attempt a colour code by type of organisation
Organisations with linked Prestige Class(es)
Organisations with linked Prestige Class(es) must be good
Enemy Specific

Air Domain (CC)
+1 on saves against Earth spells and effects and +1 AC against Earth creatures
1/day gain +5 foot to all your movement speeds for 1 min
fly for 10 rounds / day
1/day overland flight

Animal Domain (CC)
+2 on Handle Animal Checks
1/day grant an animal temporary hp equal to your level
+4 bonus on checks made to resist bull rush, trip, or overrun attacks
1/day cast a SNA spell you can cast as a swift action (to summon an animal only)
1/day bull's strength, bear's strength or cat's grace (chose a spell each day)

The Anvil of Creation (church of Moradin CC)
+5ft to landspeed 1/day 1 min
+1 on saves against chaotic spells and effects
Ready a shield as a free action
+2 bonus on attack rolls and damage 1/day 1 min (bonus doubles against orcs, goblinoids and giants)

The Arcane Order (CAr)
Access to spellpool via prestige class
Possibly - wages for teaching (this one is vague)(These are not rigidly laid out specifics)

Assembly of Balance (Church of Ehlonna CC)
+2 Knowledge(nature) relating to plants and animals only
Endure Elements 1/day
Grant an animal temporary hp
+1 on attack rolls against evil undead
+4 Survival to track, able to smite a creature you've tracked 1/day

The Blessed Bounty of Yondalla (CC)
+2 on diplomacy to avoid combat
+1 on saves against chaotic spells and efffects
+1 bonus on attack and damage rolls against enemies of larger size than you
1/day as an immediate action dodge bonus to AC = to 1/2 character level to yourself or an adjacent ally
(Dallah Thaun)
 +2 on Bluff checks to feint in combat
+1 on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance
+1 on saves against lawful spells and effects
invisibility as a swift action 1/day 1 round/character level

The Brotherhood of Equals (Church of Obad Hai CC)
+1 Bonus to Air, Earth, Fire or Water spells or effects
+4 bonus on checks to resist bull rush, trip or overrun attacks
1/day cast a SNA spell that you can normally cast as a swift action
1/day as immediate action gain immunity to critical hits for 1 min

Cairn's Keepers (Aberration Hunters, Eberron, online)
50gp/character level in equipment
+2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks in Eldeen Reaches and Shadow Marches and +2 to Will saves against aberrations
anti-aberration magic weapon up to 10,000 gp and +2 to AC, attacks, and damage rolls against aberrations
anti-aberration magic item up to 30,000 gp and Protection from Evil 1/day as spell-like ability (caster level = character level)
Dispel magic 1/day as spell-like ability (caster level = character level) and Spell resistance 20 vs. aberrations (ex) and Leadership feat (base 15)

Chaos Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on Diplomacy checks made to influence people oppressed by law
+1 bonus on saves against lawful spells and effects
+1 bonus on attack rolls against lawful enemies
1/day randomly redirect a spell targeting you.

Death Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on Knowledge(religion) checks regarding undead
+2 bonus on turn/rebuke checks
(non evil) +1 bonus on saves against the spells and abilities of undead
(evil) 1/day grant an undead ally +1 on attack and damage rolls for 1 min
+1 CL for spells with the death descriptor
(non evil) 1/day as a full round action attempt a turn/rebuke check with a +4 bonus
(evil) if undead gain +4 to your turn resistance

Disciples of Legend (CC)
Scrolls/Potions at 75% price, extra favoured class (cleric, fighter, marshal, ranger, rogue, or wizard)
+1 circumstance to knowledge checks / hour in study maximums apply
1/year/5 levels gain benefits of Leadership for one endeavor
Permanent Bless for all other disciples of legend within 60 feet (not self) (su)

Earth Domain (CC)
+1 on saves against air spells and effects, +1 AC against air creatures
+4 bonus on checks to resist bull rush, trip or overrun attempts
1/day gain a +2 to Str and Con 1 min as long as your feet touch the ground
10 rounds / day gain burrow speed 20

The Eternal Library (Church of Boccob CC)
+2 bonus on 1 knowledge skill in which you have ranks
1/day 1/2 Character level bonus on 1 bluff / disguise / hide check
1/day identify a magic item with a successful spellcraft check
1/day counter a spell without readying an action or having the appropriate spell prepared as long as you can identify the cast spell

Evil Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on Intimidate checks against creatures whose ECL is lower than yours
+1 on saves against good spells and effects
+1 on attack rolls against good aligned creatures
1/day 1 round/character level, fear spell against good aligned creatures

Fharlanghn's Way (CC)
+2 bonus on Sense Motive Checks
+2 bonus on checks made to resist grapple, trip or bull rush attempts
1/day gain a bonus = 1 / 3 character levels on a single saving throw
1/day become ethereal for 1 round / 3 character levels

Fingers of the Laughing Rogue (Church of Olidammara CC and online)
+2 bonus on Bluff checks to Feint in combat
+2 bonus on Perform and Tumble Checks
+1 bonus on saves against lawful spells and effects
+1 Caster level when casting illusion spells or spells from the trickery domain
1/day force an opponent to reroll an attack, check or save after you know the result of the roll

Fire Domain (CC)
+1 bonus on saves against water spells and effects, +1  AC against water creatures
+1 initiative
resistance 10 to fire, 2 mins/day (or increase existing resistance by 10, 2 mins/day)
1/day any weapon you wield does +1d6 fire damage 1 round/character level

The Fist of Valor (Church of Heironeous CC)
+2 bonus on Diplomacy checks while enforcing the law
1/day ignore effects of difficult terrain on your movement for 1 round
+1 bonus on attack rolls against evil enemies
1/day any melee weapon you wield deals +1d6 electricity damage OR each damaging spell you cast deals +1d6 electricity damage, 1 round / character level

Guardians of the Green (CC)
+2 bonus on Survival checks in natural areas
+2 bonus on Hide and Move Silently in natural areas
1/day bonus = +1/3 levels on an attack or damage roll, when in natural area
1/day control plants or transport via plants

Good Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on Diplomacy checks to avoid combat
+1 bonus against evil spells and effects
+1 on attack rolls against evil enemies
1/day evil enemy within 5 feet, will save or unable to attack or cast a spell next turn

Healing Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on Heal checks to stabilise dying creatures
+2 bonus on turning checks
+1 on saves against spells and abilities of undead
+1 to CL for healing spells
1/day cast a cure spell as a ranged touch attack

Knowledge Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on a single Knowledge skill in which you have ranks
+2 insight on a single attack, save or check, 1/day
+1 CL for divinations
1/day negate a single ability (that you have identified with a Knowledge check) of an enemy 1 min, Fort save negates

Law Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on Diplomacy (if good) or Intimidate (if evil) checks made while enforcing the Law
+1 on saves against chaotic spells and effects
+1 on attack rolls against chaotic enemies
1/day touch attack to compel a creature to tell the truth, 1 min, will negates

Luck Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on Knowledge checks to prepare for an upcoming challenge/adventure
+1 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance
1/day bonus equal to +1/3 character levels on a single saving throw
1/day force an opponent to reroll an attack, check or save, after you know the result of the roll

Magic Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on UMD checks to emulate a class feature
+2 bonus  on Spellcraft checks to identify a spell being cast
+1 on CL on a single type of magic (single arcane school, or divine)
1/day counter a spell without readying an action or having the appropriate spell prepared as long as you can identify the cast spell

The Mighty Arms of Kord (CC)
+2 bonus on Intimidate checks
bonus = character level against fear effects
1/day bonus equal to Str modifier on a single Fort or Will save
1/day force an opponent to reroll an attack, check or save after you know the result.

Ordained Champions (CC)
living quarters, healing and training
+4 circumstance bonus on Gather Information and Knowledge Checks about enemies
+8 circumstance bonus on Gather Information and Knowledge Checks about enemies, weaponry and armour for 75% price
Gain Leadership for a single mission, skill bonus to +12

The Paragnostic Assembly (CC)
+1 bonus on one of Appraise, Decipher Script, a Knowledge, Psicraft, Spellcraft or Truespeak / hour spent researching max +5
+2 on Diplomacy with officials or members of certain churches
As 1st but max bonus is +10, -10% to cost and time of researching new spells
Able to take 10 on any Knowledge skill

Pelor's Shadow Guard (CC)
+2 on Intimidate against evil foes, +2 Bluff and Diplomacy with clerics and paladins of Heironeous and Pelor
Gain hirelings or servants
+1 Caster level for spells from Good, Healing, Law, Strength, Sun and War domains
1/day greater invisibility

Plant Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on Knowledge(nature) checks regarding plants
+2 bonus on saves against poison
+2 bonus on saves against mind effecting effects
No longer need to eat and drink
1/day immediate action, immune to crits for 1 min

Protection Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on Sense Motive
+1 bonus on one of Fort, Ref, Will
Able to ready a shield as a free action
1/day immediate action dodge to AC = half character level to self or ally (usable after you know the result of the roll)

The Ruby Temple (Church of Wee Jas CC)
+2 bonus on Knowledge(religion) checks regarding undead
+1 bonus on saves against death spells and effects
+1 CL for a school of magic (your choice)
1/day counter a spell without readying an action or having the appropriate spell prepared as long as you can identify the cast spell

Sanctified One of Kord (CC)
Living quarters, healing, training
+2 bonus on Strength Checks and Strength based skill checks
+2 on opposed checks to resolve grapple, trip and overrun attempts
1/day greater heroism (self only)

Scales of Balance (Church of St Cuthbert CC)
+1 bonus on Climb and Jump checks
+1 bonus on saves against chaotic spells and effects
+1 CL when casting inflict spells or harm
1/day use a bludgeoning weapon to stun and daze a foe

Seekers of the Song (CAr)
+4 bonus on Knowledge and bardic knowledge checks if you spend a day researching
spells at a 2–5% discount (These are not rigidly laid out specifics)

The Shining Light of Pelor (CC)
+2 bonus on Heal checks to stabilize a dying creature
+2 bonus on turning checks
+1 bonus on saves against evils spells and effects
1/day add your Str modifier as a bonus on a single saving throw
1/day fire shield (warm version only)

Strength Domain (CC)
+1 bonus on Climb and Jump
+2 bonus on Strength checks (not skill checks)
1/day add Str mod to a Fort or Will save
+1 to Strength permanently

Sun Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on Knowledge(religion) checks regarding undead
1/day Endure Elements
1/day swift action, grant weapon flaming property 1 round/3 levels
1/day fire shield

The Temple of True Aim (Church of Corellon Larethian CC)
+2 bonus on Sense Motive checks
1/day ignore armour check penalty on one skill check
+1 bonus on attack rolls against evil enemies
1/day gain double the bonus from combat expertise or power attack (if using a two handed weapon with power attack it 3 damage for each -1 on attack)
1/day add 1/2 character level to the save DC of a 3rd level or lower spell OR add it as bonus on a single attack roll and the corresponding damage

The Temple of the Twinkling Eye (Church of Garl Glittergold CC)
+2 on Diplomacy checks of avoid combat
+1 bonus on one type (Fort, Ref, Will) of saving throw
1/day make a single Bluff or Diplomacy check as a move action without penalty
1/day make a Bluff check against an enemy, if you succeed they think you are no longer a threat and are flatfooted against you in the next turn.

Travel Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on Knowledge(georgraphy)
+2 bonus on checks to resist grapples, trips or bullrushes
1/day clairaudience/clairvoyance
1/day swift action, automatically escape from grapple or bindings (su)

Trickery Domain (CC)
+2 bonus on Bluff checks to feint in combat
1/day bonus= half level on one bluff, disguise or hide check
+1 Caster level for illusion or trickery domain spells
1 round / level / day gain invisibility swift action(su)

War Domain (CC)
1/day ignore ACP on a skill check
1/day ignore difficult terrain for a round
1/day double normal bonus for Combat Expertise or Power Attack
Apply any feat that applies to a single weapon to all weapons of the same damage type in the same weapon class

Water Domain (CC)
+2 bonus to Diplomacy checks to negotiate peace
+1 bonus on saves against fire spells and effects
1/day water breathing or water walking
Gain swim speed 20 feet or +20 feet to swim speed

The Wayfarers Union (CAr)
pay for teleportation services (These are not rigidly laid out specifics).

Reality is an illusion created by lack of Imagination

Offline jedda

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Re: Affliations and Magical Locations Handbook
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2013, 06:45:04 AM »
Affiliations Part 2
Reality is an illusion created by lack of Imagination