I had a much longer and witter reply, but I chiseled it on a pyramid after doing a rough draft on some papyrus and the e-mail service says it's too big to upload.
Is the exchange of information dead? No. I'm doing it right now. I'm typing crap as we speak. Information exchange is WAY up. However, in this fast-paced, post-future shock, ADHD, Info-addicted world only one thing matters:
Time. That's the problem. Not enough time. How many co-workers pull out a cellphone to spend time "watering their crops" on facebook? I got a co-worker who works 4 hours a day and I've seen her on her cell phone for OVER TWO AND A HALF HOURS. If I could, I'd ban every cellphone on the planet. I hate them. TV too. Don't even have cable.
Just because I hate most modern developments in communication technologies doesn't mean I can't accept the reality. Do you know how many things I am barred from doing on the internet because I refuse to get a facebook account? I get it. I'm a neanderthal in the space age. I still can think for myself, you know.
Is radio dead? Why no, I hear it all the time in my car, except that people are increasingly downloading podcasts and plugging their cellphones directly into their cars. I was surprised to find that of my co-workers, nobody under thirty listens to the actual radio.
This is only the beginning. Once Google manages to make that self-driving car available on the cheap, radio will die. Once I can get internet in my car and spend the 40 minute commute surfing and twittering: OMG! Tht Car Hz a Darwin Fish B-Stick! LOLOLOLOLO!!! Nobody will turn on a radio again.
My City's newspaper only publishes Sun, Tues, Thursday, Friday.
Junk Mail is alive and well, you say? So this talk of reducing my post office's deliverys to monday through friday is just... 'cause? Maybe there isn't as much junk mail as you think.
As for books, half the libraries in my area have already closed. The other half are having bake sales and crap.
Hell, you know those texts you love so much? Twitter crap? Now it's google glass, Before you know it, it'll be full up Augmented reality. Then they got those implantable Bluetooth ear pieces. Normally it's used for people who can't hear or federal agents, but you'll see. As soon as they perfect that throat patch that lets you talk without actually making a sound, even cellphones will die away. (and yes, I've used that patch. It's way too slow, but it works.)
Just about the time we have effectively full-on mechanically assisted "telepathy", print will completely die. What will replace it? I dunno. But considering how much clarity has suffered in the past 20 years, I'm not thinking it'll be anything you or I can imagine.
I actually heard the following exchange yesterday at the grocery store
Cashier: How are you doing today?
Customer in front of me: Meh.
Cashier: Ell-Oh-Ell!
And a small part of my soul DIES inside.
You can argue it's still alive, as you get into your restored gremlin and pop in your 8-track to drive down to record world and buy some vinyl because you and all the other hipsters agree the sound quality is MUCH better. Maybe I'm performing the autopsy before the patient has finally expired. Maybe my pyramid will finally upload.
I know! I'll take a picture of it and put it on Pinterest!
I'll send you the link as soon as I'm done updating my v-blog.