Right, I've got some Iron Maiden, Manowar, Turisas, and BOC (just 'Reaper', which segues into Hymn Of The Immortal Warriors when he uses his resurrection ability). Also, the soundtrack to the movie Heavy Metal.
I need more, and I'd like to know more modern stuff.
Also, I'm looking for some that go with some of his abilities.
A collection of 5-second guitar riffs for when he's putting on his 'Pyro show' (any enemies caught in said show are purely coincidental).
Something to play to pull someone out of what is basically Frenzied Berserker Frenzy. (IM: When The Wild Wind Blows is one, but I'd like to have a range of options for effects I'll use often.)
Basically, to put his abilities this way:
Inspire Confidence
Inspire Competence (Which is much more useful in this case, but still, boosting out of combat abilities)
Pyro show (basically, a 'Lesser Orb of Fire'... possibly several. Not much damage, but passable)
Except the Rez, I'd like multiple tracks for each thing.