Screw the Dragonwrought Kobold debate, now anybody can be a True Dragon!
Also, from that same book:
You are now size Large. You take a -1 to hit and AC, but you get 10' reach, +10' speed, and double carrying capacity.
Requires a Bloodline from a normally Large or larger race, can be taken after first level. Does the book ever define what a "bloodline" is, or can you just say "My character is descended from dragons" and call it a day?
The feats section says these horrifically vague bits about Bloodline feats specifically:
"Bloodline feats are special abilities that only members of certain bloodlines may take."And...
"In general these represent a character developing some natural ability to a greater degree, perhaps even exceeding the ability of a full-blooded parent."Page 91 offers us this tidbit as well...
"The expression 'blood' or 'bloodline' always describes the heritage of a pure-blood ancestor; for example, 'elven blood' indicates the half-breed traces ancestry from at least one elven forebear."Which warrants actually checking the book for what it defines as a "bloodline" specifically...
Page 5 gives us this, its fluff, but intent might be what counts at this point given how vague its been thus far:
(Previously discussing inclusion of this book in a game.) "Someone who is described as 'human' may in fact have elven blood dating back six generations. Allowing players to claim such obscure heritage for their characters opens up many of the options presented in the following chapters without discounting previous histories."That helps some, but a "Bloodline feat" isn't explicitly mentioned here; this does suggest, however, that a bloodline many generations old, and thus lacking in an actual half-breed from the book, is entirely valid - we might have progress yet.
I'd read more right now, but can't stay conscious enough to do so, but from what I can tell, anyone can take a Bloodline feat more or less, provided you have a valid (DM approved) roleplaying reason and not just because the feat's prerequisites didn't state you needed X or Y.
Strangely enough though, a blurb on page 7 mentions something about "savage humanoid" creatures and feats, but not once is it ever brought up in the feat section itself or the table (Table 4-1: Feats, page 88). It seems as if it is an unfinished concept and that they abandoned it altogether.
A first level dip in the "Autarkic" PrC can grant immunity to Death Effects. That's nifty.