Author Topic: Fun Finds v5.0  (Read 344527 times)

Offline phaedrusxy

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #60 on: October 09, 2013, 12:40:51 PM »
That means you can have absurdities such as Strength based spellcasting, where you outright muscle spells into existence just because you can - but hey, that's not the strangest thing in D&D to date.
I'm not the only one who thought of Muscle Wizards?
Is that a South Park clip?
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Offline SorO_Lost

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #61 on: October 09, 2013, 01:59:17 PM »
No, that's just some 4chan crap made into a video.

I think Muscle Wizard roots back to 3.0's Psionics. Where you literally had Powers based off your Strength Score. 4chan ran with things at some point and it became a meme.

Edit - Fullmetal Alchemist has an entire character based on the ideals of it. It's where the mustached look comes from.
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« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 02:07:06 PM by SorO_Lost »

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #62 on: October 09, 2013, 03:20:07 PM »
SorO's words are all correct, to the best of my knowledge.

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #63 on: October 09, 2013, 06:30:50 PM »
<snip>  " ... Louis Armstrong ... "

jazz snob sigh  :pout
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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #64 on: October 09, 2013, 11:32:48 PM »
No, that's just some 4chan crap made into a video.

I think Muscle Wizard roots back to 3.0's Psionics. Where you literally had Powers based off your Strength Score. 4chan ran with things at some point and it became a meme.

Edit - Fullmetal Alchemist has an entire character based on the ideals of it. It's where the mustached look comes from.
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i remember reading a series where one of the characters had a seemingly str/con based magical ability.

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #65 on: October 09, 2013, 11:50:15 PM »
Do Muscle Wizards use cabers as wands and redwoods as staffs?  Do they carve their spells into mountains using their fingernail?

Offline Maat Mons

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #66 on: October 10, 2013, 01:16:16 AM »
It strikes me that the metallic dragon domain (Dragon 344, p107) is really good at 1st level.  It's granted power is DR 1/adamantine, which improves by +1 per 5 cleric levels. 

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #67 on: October 10, 2013, 02:25:34 AM »
someone previously mentioned gaining the template multiple times and I think cited the WotC site. Where was that?

also, there was something that came up with really strange die, like a d28 or something. What was this?
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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #68 on: October 10, 2013, 11:06:22 AM »
someone previously mentioned gaining the template multiple times and I think cited the WotC site. Where was that?
The relevant line is on whichever page has the chimeric creature template. Can't remember which one it is. The line has words to the effect of "as long as the creature still qualifies, you can take the template again."

no clue for the d28 one.
Out of net access for a bit. Should be back late monday.

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #69 on: October 10, 2013, 11:38:22 AM »
Indeed, ask and ye shall receive: Opponents with lots of heads states:
Quote from: Chimeric Chimera
Okay, so applying the chimeric template from Monster Manual II to a chimera may seem odd, but it's perfectly legal. You can add a template more than once to the same creature as long as it continues to qualify. Some serious magical genetic experimentation is required, so this might well be a unique creature.

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #70 on: October 10, 2013, 11:40:54 AM »
Do Muscle Wizards use cabers as wands and redwoods as staffs?  Do they carve their spells into mountains using their fingernail?
They cast one spell. And that spell is FIST.
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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #71 on: October 10, 2013, 11:46:54 AM »
Besides the earlier psionics trick, it's suprising how interesting that FoB transfer SLA ability is. For example, be a warlock with a two level dip in FoB and now you can share all of your all-day invocations with all your party members for free  :drool. This thread has a bunch more stuff on the PRC.
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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #72 on: October 10, 2013, 11:50:19 AM »
@ jojo and Ith... Thanks!
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Offline SorO_Lost

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #73 on: October 10, 2013, 01:41:55 PM »
Indeed, ask and ye shall receive: Opponents with lots of heads states:
Quote from: Chimeric Chimera
Okay, so applying the chimeric template from Monster Manual II to a chimera may seem odd, but it's perfectly legal. You can add a template more than once to the same creature as long as it continues to qualify. Some serious magical genetic experimentation is required, so this might well be a unique creature.
Oh yeah, Robert Wiese's pink slip. The Chimeric Template cannot be applied to a Magical Beast to begin with ;)

P.S. For those of you looking at: "Since the sample chimeric creature uses a magical beast as the base creature, the template must apply to magical beasts" it's wrong for two reasons. First is example is not rules (abjuration champion & mage armor anyone?), and the Chimeric Template is 3.0 Rules. The example creature's, an Ankheg, Type is the depreciated Beast Type in the 3.0 Rule Set. So basically the guy incorrectly handled a 3.0<->3.5 Update and then opposed rules. I wouldn't place enough value in his statement to trump Libris Mortis even if he slipped me a hundred bucks.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 02:08:06 PM by SorO_Lost »

Offline Vampireshado

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #74 on: October 10, 2013, 07:22:25 PM »
There are some fun finds in the Ravenloft material.

From Van Richten's Arsenal:

The viper bite weapon mod allows administration of a liquid with a hit. Specifically, if you beat an opponent's touch AC then the liquid splashes out on the target and on all adjacent squares. This occurs even if you wouldn't actually hit your target with your attack. If you beat their full AC it only affects the target. It specifically states that you can load any kind of liquid into the weapon, but when you hit it's treated as if you had hit them with a flask of the liquid, which somewhat limits it's usefulness.

The spell insight grants a +10 insight bonus to spot and search checks for 1 round/level. It's a second level spell.

The spell awaken guilt is a third level spell that renders the target flat footed and unable to take any actions at all for 1d6 minutes. It's touch range, and mind affecting, and can also change your alignment to the opposite of what it was? But this is left up to the DM.

The deconstruct spell lowers a construct's DR by ten points.

The diminish undead spell lowers an undead's turn resistance by 3.

The eternal slumber spell, among other things, removes a lich from it's body.

The shackle spell paralyses (sort of) a creature with no save. 3rd level spell.

The epiphany spell allows another saving throw against an evil spell or profane effect. I have no idea what constitutes a "profane effect."

The binding weapon enhancement is a +3 weapon ability that can be applied to a slashing or piercing metal weapon. It turns non-elemental/fey/outsider/incorporeal creatures into ghosts when you kill them with the weapon.

The heartseeker weapon enhancement is a +5 weapon ability that instantly kills the target on a critical hit. It has a short and vague list of immune creatures, and outsiders get a fortitude save, but everyone else is insta dead.

The ivory amulet of the beast gives you the lycanthrope template while worn.

A ring of reversion will return anything to it's original body with no save. The body must be within 50 miles.

A soul searcher medallion gives true seeing, as well as revealing the true alignment, active curses, illusions, shape shifting, magical dweomers, and so forth? (Whatever that means).

A bed of meditation can give an "effective" +10 bonus to intelligence and wisdom for one hour per use.

A censor of warding prevents undead with SR less than 16 from entering a structure. Why? No idea.

The Medallion of Set gives any character a dread familiar. It's like a familiar, but way too loyal.

Catalytic Poison alters a poison to affect only one creature.

Corporeal Purgative can transfer all diseases from one target to another.

Spiritual Purgative does the same, but with curses.

Essential Cogulant stores the soul of a dying or recently dead creature and allows it to be placed into another body.

A philosophical child is a nearly exact copy of any creature that you take a tissue sample from. Under your control entirely. Forever. Broken broken broken.

Enlightened child is the same thing, but gives three bonus abilities off of a list that includes immortality, the ability to liquefy itself, and EX alter self at will.

The portents feat grants a free augury once per day. The only requirement is a 15+ wisdom score.

The pistoleer prestige class grants the ability to shoot around cover with gunpowder weapons.

From Van Richten's guide to the walking dead:

The composite walking dead template allows combining some abilities from a couple of creatures onto another.

It has a ritual section that states if an hour long ritual (with apparently no cost) is conducted before casting animate dead, then the undead gains 1d4+1 intelligence and +1 turn resistance. This intelligence increases by 2 per century the undead lives, to a maximum of +6 from three centuries.

The reign undead skill allows you to make a check to control uncontrolled mindless undead.

The bind undead feats allow you to spend Xp to permanently bind undead to your will, while removing them from your animation and/or control pool.

The bind salience feat to permanently add salient abilities to undead. Some of the salient abilities are pretty wild. For instance, leaping grants an unnamed +30 bonus to jump checks, and doubles jumping distance. Deathless warrior grants nigh immunity to damage. Other near abilities include spawn creation and telepathy. Someone could honestly write an entire handbook just on salient abilities.

From champions of darkness:

The manipulator prestige class grants a funny bardic music ability based off of diplomacy. And you gain it all at first level.

The mesmerist prestige class has the ability to lower will saves against their hypnotisms. This effect apparently lasts forever and stacks.

The energy drain feat allows you to spend a turn attempt to drain a number of levels or hit dice equal to you charisma modifier. This can be used after you succeed on any melee touch attack.

The ethereal touch feat lets you touch and harm incorporeal creatures. It also has an odd clause about allowing the character to possess the corrupting touch ability of a ghost, but it doesn't grant it. So I guess it's nice if you were prohibited from having that ability for some reason.

There is another version of the extra domain feat.

The feral rearing feat gives you the animal type instead of whatever type you had before. I'm sure this opens up tons of cheese. At the very least, it allows you to be a target for awaken animal. It also gives some other benefits and makes you illiterate.

The hollow feat makes you soulless, which, among other things, makes you immune to energy drain, magic jar, trap the soul, malevolence, and all other forms of possession.

The life force sacrificing feat allows you to damage yourself in order to swap out your prepared spells for any other spell that you could prepare. The damage is small, but it can't be healed by magical means.

From heroes of light:

The kiss of dawn feat refreshes all of your spells every day at dawn. Apparently regardless of if you rested or not.

The wealth feat gives you gold each month. The amount is entirely insignificant, but it's sort of unique that it's a feat that gives you a steady income for doing nothing.

From player's guide to ravenloft:

The ghostsight feat grants permanent see ethereal, but without the invisibility piercing part.

The curse rules are nasty. They can be used by any character, but require a charisma check to take effect. The save doc can get really high, and it doesn't require line of sight or line of effect. It seems like it has infinite range. Also, as an amusing side note, it doesn't seem to say what sort of save the target gets. Out of the book curses include -8 to an ability score, instant death, permanent transformation into a monster (could be a blessing), and lycanthropy.

Whew. This was a much longer post than I intended. I just kept running into more things. I'm sure I missed a bunch, but I will post them as I find them.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 07:47:23 PM by Vampireshado »
Auruggh something witty! (nailed it)

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #75 on: October 11, 2013, 01:06:54 AM »
Is Ravenloft information available anywhere? I can't find it on Dndtools and google searches pretty much come up blank but I would love to find more info on a lot of these items and classes, feats, etc.

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #76 on: October 11, 2013, 08:23:26 AM »
I'm reading out of the books, and am unaware of any online locations to find the information, but I did find something else that's pretty neat.

In player's guide to ravenloft there are rules for the path of corruption. For committing certain evil is acts, or just being an all around ass the dark powers give you some super good bonuses. You also get a curse each time this happens, but many curses have no effect at all, or are actually beneficial. Want some daily sla's? Want +20 to an ability score? Tow of speed increases? Or free feats? Do some evil deeds. Or just commune with the dark powers and ask nicely. The only downside is that if you get to the end of the path the dark powers permanently trap you in your own domain in ravenloft. You get your own domain, which is cool, but you can't leave it, which is bad. You can, however, trap other people there with you. And the only way for them to get out is to kill you.
Auruggh something witty! (nailed it)

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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #77 on: October 11, 2013, 10:29:47 AM »
The paths of corruption have always been my favorite element of Ravenloft.

EDIT: There are a bunch of fun feats in the Ravenloft Player's Guide.

Cold One requires that you have lost at least one level to energy drain. In exchange, mindless undead ignore you, intelligent undead have to make a DC 13 Wisdom check to notice that you're not undead, and you bleed out at half the normal rate. A bit more flavorful than Lichloved, I think.

Haunted gives you a geist friend (essentially, think a ghost that can't do anything in combat.) Only people who can see ethereal creatures can see it; you can take 1 point of Charisma damage to get a reroll on all Search, Spot, and Listen checks for an indefinite amount of time, and you can ask the geist if they saw anything while you were asleep or something. They immediately demanifest if another intelligent living creature enters the scene. Also known as "a great way to know if your secret hidey-hole has been compromised."

Lunatic gives a variable bonus to Fortitude and Reflex saves, attack rolls, and charisma skill checks based on the moon's phase. It's a +1 to each if the moon is more than half full, and a +2 to each in the 3-night period of the full moon. You get a -2 to those things on the full moon, though. You get a penalty/bonus to Will Saves equal to the inverse of the bonus or penalty. For those of you who want to simulate being a lycanthrope without taking the template.

Redhead gives you either 1 1st level or 2 0th level Druid spells as 1/day SLAs, with a CL equal to your ECL. It must be taken at 1st level, but since it is really good at that level...
« Last Edit: October 11, 2013, 11:01:27 AM by Amechra »
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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #78 on: October 11, 2013, 11:14:12 AM »
I remember there being a sort of moss that grows in heavily magical areas.  The moss supposedly heals you(both curing and healing spells) if you sleep on it for 8 hours among other effects.  I cannot remember where I saw it.  Been pouring over books and dragon magazines and can't find it.  Any help in finding it would be much appreciated.
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Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« Reply #79 on: October 11, 2013, 12:52:38 PM »
I remember there being a sort of moss that grows in heavily magical areas.  The moss supposedly heals you(both curing and healing spells) if you sleep on it for 8 hours among other effects.  I cannot remember where I saw it.  Been pouring over books and dragon magazines and can't find it.  Any help in finding it would be much appreciated.

That sounds like something out of an adventure I played through the beginning of once.