Nah, it's just that some folks see the world in black and white. If you defend something and say it's not literally the worst ever, you must love it. If you criticize something and claim it's not the best, you must hate it.
Far from it. Recall you jumped into defending KoK's content.
I defended against the claim that it was so bad as to make it lazy optimizing to ever use anything from it. I defended against the claim that it was so bad that it was the very reason why third party material isn't trusted. That's not saying you love something. I then went on to say it was kinda like most other settings, with some broken stuff and a lot of weak stuff. I said it was a lot like core that way. That's... true.
Then in humor of the attempt to optimize KoK material you posted a whole thread dedicated to it. to which I quickly requoted what's been said before and each and every single one of those were rebuttal or ignored because you couldn't find a way to comment about them. That's not optimizing KoK content, that's trolling to defend.
You clearly hadn't read much of what you just copypasta'd. Much of it didn't work as claimed. Some things did, which I left to stand. If you put up simply wrong material, don't get surprised when someone just tells you as much. And a lot of what you copied wasn't nearly as strong as implied in addition to being wrong, like that feat chain that just lets you force will saves or enemies flee... at a really low DC, and it was mind affecting, making it nearly useless at higher levels.
And just now you read the words "The Hallowed Witch from Van Richten's Arsenal" & "Philosophical Alchemy" and instantly jump in citing KoK's Off the Mirror isn't broken as all fracking get out because Ice Assassin. Like that's some how an excuse, like you need to defend KoK, like what the hell are you even doing? Randomly poping into threads to continue a KoK defense, that's what.
Again, I never said it wasn't powerful, I said it wasn't ice assassin (because it's nothing like that). I even straight up said that comparing it to ice assassin is like saying Alter Self was like Planar Binding... notice how those are both overpowered spells. And since the last thing we'd been talking about where someone vaguely mentioned ice assassin was that spell, it's natural to assume when someone does the same thing that they're also talking about that spell.
It's not defending Kalamar to say that Off the Mirror is overpowered but not like Ice Assassin, any more than it's defending core to say that Alter Self is overpowered but not like Planar Binding or that Planar binding is overpowered but not like Shapechange. Face it, they're dramatically different spells, and your original claim about Ice Assassin only came about because you read it online somewhere and had never seen the spell itself.
And I don't know if you're aware of this or not, but you've always been like that. You argue the finest strawman across multiple threads because you think that if one of those elements (IC>OtM, ps it's not) some how utterly invalidates the main scope of things (OtM is the f'ing shit). And you do this to such an extent that three or four pages of threads later you still cannot even bring your self to comment that OtM is even a decent Spell, it's weaker than Ice Assassin is your only comment and you will randomly pop into threads just to argue that.
And now you've actually lost track of reality. Look at what you're saying... that I cannot bring myself to comment that OtM is even a decent spell. Here's the last thing I said about it:
"Ugh, people keep calling that spell Ice Assassin. It's not. It lasts 1 round per caster level. A good spell? Yes. But nothing like ice assassin! I swear, it's like calling Alter Self "a low level Planar Binding"."
I stated right there that it's a good spell, just not like ice assassin. Did I say it was weak? No. I said it was good. I compared it to another overpowered spell, in fact. And before that, I said it was like a very expensive Dominate Monster or a low level Ethereal jaunt. Which, you know, it is. And both of those are powerful spells. I'm not even saying it's weaker than Ice Assassin... I'm saying it's simply not ice assassin... it does completely different things. Ice Assassin gives you permanent minions. Ice Assassin is similar to spells like Animate Dread Warrior or Simulacrum, and at lower level Animate Dead. This spell gives you a short term ability to duplicate one off magic items (such as scrolls) or to create a temporary dominated enemy clones, which could be very powerful when combined with material component cost reductions or the usual Astral Projection item duplication tricks. Powerful? Yes. But nothing like Ice Assassin in its usage.
Hey, let's do this: can you ever quote me, even once, saying Off the Mirror isn't a powerful spell? Go for it. If you can't... it's just you. Or are you going to go for the excuse of "I didn't read that because it's too long" or something like that? If you can't show me ever saying it's weak, then this is all in your head.