Author Topic: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.  (Read 15462 times)

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Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« on: October 25, 2013, 10:52:28 PM »
So I write these handbooks for the fun of it. I got a half finished Trap handbook, and a half finished Armor handbook and a bunch of other stuff in various stages of completion, but frankly, the Mystic Ranger just... I dunno. Jumps out at me right now.

So I'm looking for some help. Specifically, builds. So, here's a spreadsheet of all the spellcasting classes. It's the same one as what I posted over at my spell handbook.

Now, Here's what I'm thinking:

1. A Mystic Ranger is primarily a Gish, but the focus is on spellcasting. If I wanted to focus on combat, he'd be a normal ranger.
2. A MR has his sweet spot up to level 10, after that, he needs to focus on other sources of spells, or combat improvement.
3. Assuming he's taking Sword of the Arcane Order at 4th level, because there isn't much point in playing him otherwise. And lets assume that because of this, he can cast Arcane and/or Divine spells, and thus qualifies for for any PrC that adds to either. And to be on the safe side, he needs to take one level of wizard.
4. Let's assume that despite this, you cannot add both levels of mystic theurge to your Mystic Ranger caster levels. Why? Because we're not munchkins, that's why. We'll handle this the hard way then make TO/broken builds later.

So, that would mean the first 5 levels of our Mystic Ranger are typically:

1: Mystic Ranger: 1
2: Mystic Ranger: 2
3: Mystic Ranger: 3
4: Mystic Ranger: 4
5: Wizard: 1

Now, assuming a neutral race, We get a feat at level 1 and 3. So at 1 We take (something) and at 3 we take endurance. Because at 4th level we get endurance as a Mystic Ranger and we can then retrain that feat as Sword of the Arcane order.

Noteworthy, all MR levels add to the Wizard class for the Wizard's Caster Levels, so while I only can cast 1st level wizard spells, I'm Caster Level 5.

Now here's where the spreadsheet comes in.

1) What General Concepts can the Mystic Ranger Support?

Magic Addict comes to mind. Combine him with Sublime chord and some Ultimate magus/mystic theurge/arcane hierophant action and you get yourself some fairly disgusting caster levels. Especially when the Practiced Spellcaster feat is applied correctly.

Mystic Ranger's reduced weapon list make him much less useful in melee, so I think ranged dude springs to mind. Perhaps an archer/ray specialist.

Also a Minimalist survivor. That one level of wizard can take the ACF where you drop your familiar and ability to scribe scroll and you can keep your spellbook in your head. I'm looking for someone who might be a Mystic Ranger/monk combo. I'm talking Drop-Me-Naked-Anywhere-I’ll-MacGuyver-My-Way-Out-Of-Anything build. The goal is to make the solo guy. If you needed someone to be Arcane/Divine/Fighter/Skillmonkey, he's your guy. But not just mister versatile, but also the guy who simply needs nothing.

Mister Flashy. Lets face it, sometimes you just want to make a build because you like the picture. What's the flashiest combo you can think of? Nothing is impractical as long as it sound cool. Mystic Ranger/Ur-Priest/True-Necromancer? I got no idea how that's even possible, but gosh darn it I'd make it an NPC and throw it at my players.

2) Toss me out some builds.

If you got the time, take a look over my spreadsheet and just spitball some ideas on the thread. Or come up with some new concepts. Cool feats and awesome equipment suggestions also welcome, but my primary thrust at this time is to get all the best Builds. Oh, that suggested first five levels? That's not set in stone. Come up with something else and I'll run with it. And in case you need it. Here's the stat block for the class.

1st1220Track, Wild Empathy2
2nd23301st Favored Enemy21
3rd3331Combat Style22
7th7552Woodland Stride, Improved Combat Style4322
8th86622nd Favored Enemy, Swift Tracker43321
12th12884Combat Style Mastery444332
14th149943rd Favored Enemy544433
17th1710105Hide in Plane Sight555444
20th20121264th Favored Enemy555544
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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2013, 11:35:14 PM »
Okay, so stuff that stands out:

Expanding the spell list:
Prestige Bard: Now, we lose a caster level when we take a level of this, but it adds the bard spell list to the mystic ranger, and since bard's go up to 6th level spells, and MR only goes up to 5th, we do lose out on a few of the better bard spells. But it does open up a whole world of new spells at our disposal.

Prestige Paladin: I'm not sure what the paladin spell list brings to the ranger spell list, but there you go. Unlike Prestige Bard you don't lose a caster level with this one, and it's not that hard to get.

Spell Addict
So if your goal is just to load up on spells, there are a number of classes that leap out

The following grant +1 level in a divine and arcane class.
Arcane Hierophant - A little shoe horning to fit in, but not impossible.
Fochlucan Lyrist - Much harder to get in and not until level 10.
Mystic Theurge - By far the easiest and least benefit.
True Necromancer - A little work to make fit, but do able.

Done properly, they can add to your Mystic Ranger and Wizard class, which results in a double gain in wizard caster level. And since Wizard level quickly out paces mystic ranger, you can buy Practiced Spellcaster to add +4 caster levels to your Mystic ranger, thus increasing your wizard levels as well.

There is another combo that doesn't come into it's own until higher levels:
Ultimate Magus
Sublime Chord

Now, sublime chord adds to another arcane class for determining your caster level. So you then add your Sublime to your wizard caster level as well. Sublime Chord is a spontanous spellcaster like a sorcerer, so you can then take ultimate magus for added to wizard and sublime chord for metamagic goodness.

You might never have the amps, but you'll have the volts.

Now, a strange combo I was thinking of was:
Mystic Ranger: 1-4
Prestige Paladin: 1
Church Inquisitor: 1
Wizard :1
Church Inquisitor: 2-6

Not sure if I see much need to go beyond 6th level as a church inquisitor. Sort of wondering it anyone can think of another PrC that might help round this one out.

Now, the combo that seems to simply have the widest spell selection to start is:

MR 1-4
Wizard: 1
Prestige Paladin: 1
Prestige Bard: 1

That seems to give you Bard/Paladin/Ranger/Sorcerer/Wizard spell lists.

Anyrate, I need some sleep. Just some ramblings/observations. Look forward to any suggestions you might have.
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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2013, 12:01:51 AM »
Why bother dipping wizard? RAW, sword of the arcane order works without it.  Read Magic (optionally with permanency) solves the needed deciphering at pretty low levels.

My favorite part about Mystic Rangers is indeed that they can be EVERYTHING without multiclassing at low levels. 

Trade Tracking for Trapfinding.
Trade Combat Styles for Wildshape.

You now have a full BAB character with arcane casting at the same levels as the Sorcerer, trapfinding, wildshape and your ranger spells are now cast at full caster level (Hunter's Eye actually being good!)

One interesting class that you can enter early with Mystic Ranger is Divine Crusader.

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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2013, 04:04:59 PM »
Why bother dipping wizard? RAW, sword of the arcane order works without it.  Read Magic (optionally with permanency) solves the needed deciphering at pretty low levels.

Well, Sorta.

Here. I'll post my arguments.
Quote from: Mystic Ranger Hanbook
Now before we go any further, we will have to examine the main lynch pin of the more popular mystic ranger builds. The feat Sword of the arcane order
(click to show/hide)

Problem #1
Does This Feat Give You Access To Wizard Spells?
Now, at first glance, the answer would seem obvious. If you can memorize wizard spells, you clearly have access to the spell list. This would be the RAW reading of the feat. It’s poorly worded, but clearly, you can read the spells from other spellbooks, so you must be able to cast them, ergo, you have access to the wizard spell list.
That’s why I included the section from the feat summary table. The feat summary has additional words the feat itself does not, “…wizard spells that you know.” Now this would imply that the intention of the feat was to allow you to use the wizard spell list that you get from a level of wizard and memorize those spells in your ranger spell slots.
However, information under the feat summary table is not valid. WotC has specifically stated that only the information written under a specific feat pertains to that feat. The information from the table is informative, but circumstantial and cannot be used in game. So we have the problem of which way to read it. Does it give a ranger access to the wizard spell list, or must he take at least one level of wizard to have access to the spells so he can have access to the list, and thus memorize wizard spells in his ranger spell slots?
If it is the first way (RAW), then a level of wizard is not needed. You can learn any wizard spell, use magic items that require access to the wizard spell list, and all the other perks that go with it. If it is the second way (RAI), then you need to buy at least one level of wizard to use this feat, or it is worthless. However, once you have that level, you do not need to buy any more levels.
For example, if you were a mystic ranger 4th/wizard 1st, then you can memorize second level wizard spells in your 2nd level mystic ranger spell slots, without being a 3rd level wizard. Once you have the first level of wizard you “know” all spells on the list. You just need to get a copy in a spellbook. Once you have a copy, you can memorize it.
Which one is correct? That is up to your DM to choose. It could go either way, but the editor has a leaning towards the second (RAI) interpretation. The reason will be evident in the answer to the next question.

Problem #2
Are Wizards Spells Cast From Ranger Slots Arcane Or Divine?
Rangers are divine spellcasters. Wizards are arcane spellcasters. If you have a wizard spell in an ranger spell slot, which one it is? I believe the answer depends on if you think the ranger needs to take a level of wizard to have access to wizard spells.
If you believe the ranger does not need to take a level of wizard, then effectively you are giving the mystic ranger access to the wizard spell list. This means that despite the fact that the spell requires you to have intelligence to cast the spell, you are still just casting the spell using ranger spell slots. Ergo, the spell has to be divine.
If you believe that the ranger has to take a level of wizard, then effectively the ranger is loaning spell slots to the wizard class. If you are giving spell slots to the wizard class, then the spells remain arcane. As evidence that this is the intent of the feat is that it specifically states that all wizard spells are cast off of intelligence and not off of wisdom.
So what’s the difference? It’s all just semantics, right? Well, the difference in divine verses arcane affects how you build your character. It determines if you need to spend a level on wizard or not. When you qualify for certain PrCs. Weird spell combinations. Frankly, being able to convert wizard spells into divine spells opens up a whole world of opportunity, the least of which is, no arcane spell failure. Also, it affects what PrCs you can take. So which one is it? Again, depends on how you answer the first question.

Problem #3
What Level Should You Be To Take This Feat?
The feat clearly says that you need to be a fourth level ranger to take it. That’s RAW, plain and simple. But why is it fourth? It’s fourth because the base ranger class doesn’t get spells before fourth level. The mystic ranger gets spells at first level. So, you could make a case for being able to learn this feat at first.
Is that balanced? Well, to capitalize on a number of builds, you would have to be a fourth level ranger anyways. So what’s the point? Well, you only get feats at 1st, 3rd and 6th level. So that means that you either need a DM who allows retraining, you need to take endurance at 3rd level and then when you get endurance at 4th level you automatically get to retrain your 3rd level feat, or you have to suck it up and take it at 6th level. Allowing the feat to be available at 1st level makes such feat juggling unnecessary and simplifies things. Talk it over with your DM to determine his preference. All the builds here will be based on requiring the feat at 4th.

Problem #4
What Gods Should be Allowed For This Feat?
By RAW, you must worship either Mystra and Azuth to get this feat. However, not everyone plays in Forgotten Realms. It is suggested that you allow anyone who worships a god of magic to take this feat.

So you can see, I prefer to take the level of wizard because it allows me to justify claiming that Mystic Ranger is Both a Divine Spellcaster AND an Arcane spellcaster. Without taking the level in wizard, while by RAW I can make a case that I have access to the whole sor/wiz spell list, I cannot make a claim that Mystic ranger is an Arcane Spellcaster.

However, I can see builds where you capitalize on the Mystic Ranger being entirely a divine spellcaster. For example, No arcane spell failure. You can wear any armor you want without penalty.

I suppose I would want to build it both ways, just to cover my bases for the handbook.
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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2013, 04:19:13 PM »
Trade Tracking for Trapfinding.
Trade Combat Styles for Wildshape.

Oh, Yeah, that's part of the handbook. I got together every single level substitution and ACF.

ELF MYSTIC RANGER (Racial Substitution)
- Races of the Wild (3.5)
GNOME MYSTIC RANGER (Racial Substitution)
- Races of Stone (3.5)
HALF-ELF MYSTIC RANGER (Racial Substitution)
- Races of Destiny (3.5)
KOBOLD MYSTIC RANGER (Racial Substitution)
- Races of the Dragon (3.5)

- Champions of Valor (3.5)
MOON-WARDED (Substitution)
- Dragon Magazine #340
PLANAR (Substitution)
- Planar Handbook (3.5)
SHADOW SWORD (Substitution)
- Champions of Valor (3.5)
SHOOTING STAR (Substitution)
- Champions of Valor (3.5)

ARCANE HUNTER (Class Feature)
- Complete Mage (3.5)
- Dragon Magazine #326
- Exemplars of Evil (3.5)
- Complete Champion (3.5)
CROWD-WALKER (Class Feature)
- Cityscape (Web Enhancement)
- Masters of the Wild (3.0)
- Player’s Handbook 2 (3.5)
- Unearthed Arcana (3.5)
FEIGN DEATH (Class Feature)
- Exemplars of Evil (3.5)
HIDDEN STALKER (Class Feature)
- Cityscape (3.5)
- Dragon Magazine #326
- Dragon Magic (3.5)
PISCATOR STYLE (Class Feature)
- Dragon Magazine #326
- Cityscape (3.5)
- Cityscape (Web Enhancement)
- Complete Mage (3.5)
- Complete Champion (3.5)
- Complete Champion (3.5)
STRONG-ARM STYLE (Class Feature)
- Dragon Magazine #326
THROWING STYLE (Class Feature)
- Dragon Magazine #326
TRAP EXPERT (Class Feature)
- Dungeonscape (3.5)
- Cityscape (3.5)
URBAN TRACKER (Class Feature)
- Cityscape (3.5)
VOICE OF THE CITY (Class Feature)
- Cityscape (Web Enhancement)
WILD SHAPE (Class Feature)
- Unearthed Arcana (3.5)

DWARF RANGER (Alternate Racial Traits)
- Dragon Magazine #341
ELF RANGER (Alternate Racial Traits)
- Dragon Magazine #341
GNOME RANGER (Alternate Racial Traits)
- Dragon Magazine #341
HALF-ELF RANGER (Alternate Racial Traits)
- Dragon Magazine #341
HALF-ORC RANGER (Alternate Racial Traits)
- Dragon Magazine #341
HALFLING RANGER (Alternate Racial Traits)
- Dragon Magazine #341

One interesting class that you can enter early with Mystic Ranger is Divine Crusader.

Please. Elaborate. And include or exclude wizard: 1 at your choosing. Both are perfectly valid as far as I can tell.
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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2013, 05:33:21 PM »
My interpretation is that regardless of the dip, they are divine casters who happen to be able to cast arcane spells.  This is the same issue that using Anyspell on a Cleric is, really.  Of course it's ambiguous in the books so your mileage may vary.

One interesting class that you can enter early with Mystic Ranger is Divine Crusader.

Please. Elaborate.

Mystic Ranger 5/Knight of the Raven 2/Divine Crusader 1/Knight of the Raven +1/Prestige Paladin 1/Knight of the Raven +7/X 3

Interpretation 1: You have a gish with 3rd Level arcane spells, 3rd Level Ranger Spells, all Paladin Spells, and up to 9th level spells in at least two domains (dips can boost this of course).

Interpretation 2: Due to prestige paladin, your Divine Crusader slots count as paladin slots.  Sword of the Arcane Order (which ranger qualifies you for) allows you to prepare Wizard spells in your paladin slots.  You get 9th level wizard spells at... 16th level xD  This is not particularly amazing, but making Divine Crusader not suck is nice.

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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2013, 06:24:46 PM »
My interpretation is that regardless of the dip, they are divine casters who happen to be able to cast arcane spells.  This is the same issue that using Anyspell on a Cleric is, really.  Of course it's ambiguous in the books so your mileage may vary.

One interesting class that you can enter early with Mystic Ranger is Divine Crusader.

Please. Elaborate.

Mystic Ranger 5/Knight of the Raven 2/Divine Crusader 1/Knight of the Raven +1/Prestige Paladin 1/Knight of the Raven +7/X 3

Interpretation 1: You have a gish with 3rd Level arcane spells, 3rd Level Ranger Spells, all Paladin Spells, and up to 9th level spells in at least two domains (dips can boost this of course).

Interpretation 2: Due to prestige paladin, your Divine Crusader slots count as paladin slots.  Sword of the Arcane Order (which ranger qualifies you for) allows you to prepare Wizard spells in your paladin slots.  You get 9th level wizard spells at... 16th level xD  This is not particularly amazing, but making Divine Crusader not suck is nice.

I like that one. That definately goes in the handbook.
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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2013, 07:29:12 PM »
Why not Magic Training from Player's Guide to Faerun? That's the standard method is it not?

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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2013, 09:36:58 PM »
Why not Magic Training from Player's Guide to Faerun? That's the standard method is it not?

Well, yes. But I have to assume not everyone will have access to a "regional" feat, no? But you do make a good point. I should put it in the SotAO discussion section. make sure it's clearly an option and should be discussed with the DM.
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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2013, 09:50:17 PM »
Okay, something I need to bring up that is a bit of a problem. If anyone is going to argue with me, please speak up.

The 4th level substitution SHOOTING STAR Bonus Spells/Improved Spellcasting states:
Bonus Spells (Su): At 4th level, a Shooting Star gains a bonus 1st-level ranger spell slot as if from a high Wisdom score.
At 8th level she gains a bonus 2nd-level ranger spell slot, at 11th level she gains a bonus 3rd-level ranger spell slot, and at 14th level she gains a bonus 4th-level ranger spell slot.
This benefit replaces the animal companion class feature gained by a standard ranger at 4th level.
Improved Spellcasting (Ex): When casting ranger spells, a Shooting Star can treat her caster level as equal to one-half her ranger level +2. If she also has arcane spellcasting ability from another class,
she can add her caster level from that class to this value to determine her caster level.

Now, this is where you get that weird SotAO adds levels to a wizard and the wizard adds it back to the mystic ranger thing.

However, The mystic ranger does not get an animal companion. There is no way to get an animal companion class feature except as a level substitution that substitutes level 4. Since THIS level substitution is substituting level 4, the other level doesn't "exist" long enough to apply. Therefore, there is no way for a mystic ranger to "pay" for taking this level.

So, if I am reading this correctly, the mystic ranger is invalid for the 4th level substitution of the Shooting Star Substitution level from champions of valor.

If there is a counter argument. Or a way to give a mystic ranger an animal companion AS A CLASS FEATURE that does not involve substituting the 4th level of mystic ranger, please let me know. As it stands, I cannot see any way by RAW of giving the mystic ranger this level substitution.
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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2013, 01:51:48 AM »
RAW, that is indeed correct as far as I'm aware.  In both the regular book ACFs and in the Dragon Mag ACFs I have never seen a variant that gets an animal companion at any level other than 4th.  Some change it or take it away, but that class feature is never acquired at any level besides 4th.

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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2013, 02:54:41 AM »
You read the handbook, right?
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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2013, 04:48:39 PM »
You read the handbook, right?

Yes, and I must admit, I was not impressed with the chain of logic. It's okay over all, but not up to my... err... exacting standards. I admit, I'm a bit of an OCD jerk. Having read the threads leading up to the other handbook, I... Well. Let's just say I'm not about getting my way, I'm about discovering the truth, even if I don't like it.

Speaking of...

Okay, follow my logic.

WILD SHAPE (Class Feature)
- Unearthed Arcana (3.5)
Description: A ranger might forgo training in weapon combat in exchange for the ability to take animal form and move swiftly through the woodlands.
Level: Mystic Ranger 3rd.
Replaces: Combat style, improved combat style, combat style mastery.
Benefit: Wild shape (as druid; Small or Medium animals only), fast movement (as barbarian).

Okay, So, we give up those three things and we get:
Wild Shape (AS DRUID)
Fast Movement (AS BARBARIAN)

So, can we not assume that anything that would require a druid to give up wild shape, a Wild Shape Mystic Ranger could also give up to gain?

- Unearthed Arcana (3.5)
Description: The druid might choose to give up her wild shape ability in exchange for becoming a swift and deadly hunter.
Level: Mystic Ranger 5th.
Replaces:Armor and shield proficiency, wild shape (all versions).
Benefit: Bonus to Armor Class when unarmored (as monk, including Wisdom bonus to AC), fast movement (as monk), favored enemy (as ranger), swift tracker (as ranger), Track feat (as ranger).

Yes, I understand that You get Swift Tracker, and the track feat, which under the rules you would gain nothing for. I suppose if you gave up the track feat at level 1, you would regain it, and if you gave up favored enemy, you'd gain it back for 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, which would actually be a better progression then if you were a mystic ranger. I also suppose you could sell one of the swift trackers back at a later point, since it's "As A Ranger" and not as a mystic ranger.

However, I believe that runs contrary to the RAI of the mystic ranger being an alternate class. If you pick an "Alternate" class, then you don't get tp pick and choose what works best for you. In the handbook, I plan on explaining it both ways.

Well, the question is, Can This Work?

Can I Sell Out my Combat Fighting Style to Pick up Wild Shape and Fast Movement, then sell my Armor and shield proficencies with my wild shape for Monk and ranger perks?

If so, Can I also sell the Fast Movement for Barbarian Lion Totem (because everyone loves pounce)?

Also, there's a few wierd things I'd sell wildshape for. Specificially ASPECT OF THE DRAGON.
Why yes, sucky powers, but I can see some unique build potential there.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2013, 10:41:48 PM »
I've pondered this myself before, though with different ACF's. If you get say, Divine Grace on a Monk, could you then trade it out for one of the Divine Grace subs. I've never let it fly. Also, if you plan on doing this, make sure to trade out your fast movement for a Spiritual Totem of your choice (wonder which one  :rolleyes).
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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2013, 12:35:39 AM »
We don't need this (And I already have a killer MR build...). I rarely post builds of mine that I want to play. I prefer to keep it in the mass of dnd stuff I don't have the time (or the special place) to post them. Honestly I'd rather have it all cloud-based but, whatever.

What we need is for you/zook to finish Dragon magazine spells and add it to your spell bible. Its only about 500 spells and many of them have been used in later publications (Take that Drag Mag 'unofficial' / 'low quality' critics!). Maybe you don't want to go hunt. So here's a head start from one of the many random things I've been keeping on my hard drive:

Forager's Blessing   279(35)
Womb of the Earth   279(35)
Deftness   302(49)
Foraging Charm   302(49)
Perfect Pitch   302(49)
Thunderhead   302(49)
Zap Trap   302(49)
Flag   302(50)
Footpad's Grace   302(50)
Glittering Razors   302(50)
Heat Water   302(50)
Mirror   302(50)
Stench   302(50)
Resize   302(51)
Yell   302(51)
Bane, Greater   342(52)
Bless, Greater   342(52)
Cause Fear, Greater   342(52)
Champion of Kord   342(53)
Disguise Undead   342(53)
Erythnul's Slaughter   342(53)
Immolate the Wicked   342(54)
Kord's Greeting   342(54)
Kord's Power Surge   342(54)
Mark of Justice, Lesser   342(54)
Memory Jar   342(54)
Nerull's Scythe   342(54)
Quicksand   342(54)
Rage, Mass   342(55)
Research Aid   342(55)
Retributive Strike   342(55)
Righteousness of Heironeous   342(55)
Spontaneous Combustion   342(56)
Summer Breezes   342(56)
True Turning   342(56)
Vecna's Courier   342(56)
Waves of Destruction   342(56)
Wrath of Hextor   342(56)
Spider Hand   343(71)
Skeletal Hand   348(28)
Torture   348(28)
Burrowing Bonds (Psi)   317(89)
Energy Lance (Psi)   317(90)
Temporal Reiteration (Psi)   317(90)
Apport (Psi)   270(100)
Teleport (Psi)   270(100)
Burning Sword   275(85)
Diamondsteel   275(85)
Mass Strength   275(85)
Rapid Strikes   275(85)
Weapon Shift   275(85)
Heroics   275(86)
Lesser Spell Immunity   275(86)
Shieldbearer   275(86)
Battle Hymn   275(87)
Bristle   275(87)
Dolorous Blow   275(87)
Hurl   275(87)
Indomitability   275(87)
Improved Blink   278(95)
Bane Weapon   279(46)
Swarm Form   280(42)
Polymorph Other   280(45)
Familiar's Sense   280(62)
Call Familiar   280(63)
Familiar's Form   280(63)
Familiar's Touch   280(63)
Share Life   280(63)
Fairy Tale (Psi)   281(44)
Brittle Psyche (Psi)   281(45)
Discover Truth (Psi)   281(45)
Distraction (Psi)   281(45)
Find the Heart (Psi)   281(45)
Narrow Thoughts (Psi)   281(45)
Eagle's Splendor   282(24)
Whirlwind of Bones   284(75)
Befoul Water   285(46)
Blight Fire   285(46)
Rot Earth   285(46)
Torture Air   285(46)
Blast of Air   285(47)
Infuse With Element   285(47)
Stone Missiles   285(47)
Water Burst   285(47)
Arcane Mark Ward   289(101)
Phantasmal Whisperer   291(44)
Phantasmal Assailants   291(45)
Shadow Binding   291(45)
Shadow Radiance   291(45)
Illusory Feast   291(46)
Illusory Pit   291(46)
Shifting Paths   291(46)
Stalking Spell   291(46)
Dinosaur Stampede   292(47)
Dire Hunger   292(47)
Enhance Wildshape   292(48)
Essence of the Raptor   292(48)
Hungry Gizzard   292(49)
Spiritjaws   292(49)
Starvation   292(50)
Thunderous Roar   292(50)
Transmute Rock to Lava   292(50)
Lava Spikes   294(104)
Water Glyph   294(104)
Primal Lightning   294(105)
Bolts of Bedevilment   294(32)
Rage   294(32)
Tharizdun's Touch   294(32)
Annihilation   294(33)
Blast of Force   294(33)
Tharizdun's Maddening Scream   294(33)
Summon Wurm I-III   296(82)
Dracomorph   297(29)
Golem Seed   297(30)
Nimbus   297(30)
Oath of Binding   297(31)
Shadar's Primal Devastation   297(31)
Stonescreen   298(60)
Clear Mind   299(74)
Energized Shield   299(74)
Find Temple   299(74)
Holy Mount   299(74)
Sacred Haven   299(74)
Second Wind   299(74)
Lesser Energized Shield   299(75)
Mass Stabilize   299(75)
Moment of Clarity   299(76)
One Mind I-III   299(76)
Sense Heretic   299(76)
Spiritual Chariot   299(77)
Sticky Saddle   299(77)
Tiny Mount   299(77)
Winged Mount   299(77)
Word of Binding   299(77)
Geyser   300(104)
Venomous Vapor   300(104)
Atrophy   300(53)
Blood Siphon   300(53)
Blood Blister   300(54)
Bone Soften   300(54)
Bone Spurs   300(54)
Control Blood   300(54)
Corpsebond   300(55)
Curse of Pain Eternal   300(55)
Putrefaction   300(56)
Searing Seed   300(56)
Vileblade   300(56)
Vile Rebellion   300(57)
Wall of Maggots   300(57)
Writhing Ruin   300(57)
Coin of the Realm   302(49)
Bolster Damage Reduction   304(31)
Attract Eyes   304(32)
Contagion Ward   304(32)
Gasp   304(32)
Greater Mount   304(32)
Greater Spell Resistance   304(32)
Hasten Recovery   304(32)
Invasive Telepathy   304(32)
Aura of Power   304(33)
Energize Projectiles   304(33)
Fiery Aura   304(33)
Gullet of Fire   304(33)
Invasive Telepathy (Psi)   304(33)
Sonic Wave   304(33)
Blood Drinker   304(36)
Breath of Contagion   304(36)
Channel the Void   304(36)
Disanimate   304(36)
Graft Flesh   304(36)
Greater Spectral Hand   304(36)
Mass Harm   304(37)
Negative Energy Aura   304(37)
Semblance of Life   304(37)
Share Symbiosis   304(37)
Spit Poison   304(37)
Spit Poison (Psi)   304(37)
Awaken Beast   304(38)
Awaken Magical Beast   304(38)
Awaken Ooze   304(38)
Call Upon Celestial Heritage   304(38)
Call Upon Draconic Heritage   304(38)
Call Upon Fiendish Heritage   304(38)
Empower Venom   304(38)
Toughness of Death   304(38)
Empower Venom (Psi)   304(39)
Energize Magic Fang   304(39)
Extra Ability   304(39)
Far Gaze   304(39)
Full Manifestation   304(39)
Greater Extra Ability   304(39)
Gullet of Teeth   304(39)
Heighten Venom   304(40)
Master Shape   304(40)
Maximize Venom   304(40)
Planar Pocket   304(40)
Poison Claws   304(41)
Poison Claws (Psi)   304(41)
Poison Weapon   304(41)
Poison Weapon (Psi)   304(41)
Sacralize Magic Fang   304(41)
Strength of the Beast   304(41)
Durability   305(67)
Mirror Eyes   305(67)
Transparency   305(67)
Otiluke's Dispelling Screen   306(69)
Cloudbank   307(25)
Ice Cloud   307(25)
Return to the Saddle   307(26)
Electrified Lair   308(22)
Freezing Cloud   308(22)
Summoning Pact   308(22)
Burden   308(23)
Everlasting Terror   308(23)
Familiarity of Place   308(23)
Greater Familiarity of Place   308(23)
Identify With Flame   308(23)
Roaring Wall   308(23)
Burning Water   308(24)
Cheat Death   308(24)
Deadly Spray   308(24)
Expel From Lair   308(24)
Fly Like An Arrow   308(24)
Scales of Energy   308(24)
Shield Companion   308(25)
Shifting Sanctum   308(25)
Small Enough   308(25)
Unstoppable Energy   308(25)
Vorpal Claws   308(25)
Dispel War Spell   309(47)
Feed the Many   309(47)
Battle Fury   309(48)
Cavalry Call   309(48)
Morning Mists   309(48)
Small Stronghold   309(48)
Summon Monstrous Horde   309(48)
Summon the Pack and Herd   309(48)
Burned To Bare Rock   309(49)
Field of Blurs   309(49)
Force Missile Storm   309(49)
Friendsight   309(49)
Great Electric Bolt   309(49)
Rolling Fire   309(49)
Animate Undead Legion   309(50)
Battle Fright   309(50)
Enhance Armors   309(50)
Plague Cloud   309(50)
Enhance Weapons   309(51)
Mire   309(51)
Teleport Legion   309(51)
Fallen Soul   312(22)
Profane Weapon   312(22)
Unholy Sword   312(22)
Charm Person, Mass   312(51)
Dominate Person, Mass   312(51)
Geas, Mass Lesser   312(51)
Mass Charm Person   312(51)
Mass Dominate Person   312(51)
Mass Lesser Geas   312(51)
Auril's Flowers   312(62)
Cold Fire   312(62)
Cold Snap   312(62)
Corona of Cold   312(63)
Freeze   312(63)
Frostbite   312(64)
Frost Breath   312(64)
Heat Leech   312(64)
Ice Axe   312(64)
Ice Gauntlet   312(65)
Mass Snowshoes   312(65)
Snowshoes   312(65)
  Mass   312(65)
Cannibalize   312(71)
Caustic Bile   312(71)
Insatiable Hunger   312(71)
Jaws of Adamantine   312(71)
Dispel Ward   313(90)
Incarnation of Set   313(90)
Sarcophagus of Stone   313(91)
Empathy   313(93)
Distract   314(20)
Heartfire   314(20)
Raging Flame   314(21)
Slow Burn   314(21)
Earthen Grace   314(28)
Mountain Stance   314(28)
Stonemantle   314(29)
Tremor   314(29)
Capricious Zephyr   314(38)
Cyclonic Blast   314(38)
Eye of the Hurricane   314(38)
Downdraft   314(40)
Stolen Breath   314(40)
Updraft   314(40)
Airbubble   314(45)
Blood to Water   314(45)
Body Harmonic   314(45)
Deep Breath   314(46)
Extract Water   314(46)
Nixie's Grace   314(46)
Raise From the Deep   314(46)
Rogue Wave   314(46)
Submerge Ship   314(47)
Tsunami   314(47)
Wall of Water   314(47)
Awaken Sin   315(30)
Eilistraee's Grace   315(30)
Moon Bolt   315(31)
Moon Lust   315(31)
Detect Defiler   315(35)
Revenge of the Land   315(36)
Rejuvenative Corpse   315(58)
Greater Knock   316(62)
Phantom Objects   316(62)
Citygate   317(35)
Repair Critical Damage   317(35)
Repair Critical Damage, Mass   317(35)
Repair Light Damage   317(35)
Repair Light Damage, Mass   317(35)
Repair Minor Damage   317(35)
Repair Moderate Damage   317(35)
Repair Moderate Damage, Mass   317(36)
Repair Serious Damage   317(36)
Repair Serious Damage, Mass   317(36)
Scatterspray   317(36)
Sussurus of the City   317(36)
Easy March   317(78)
Lighten Load   317(78)
Analyze Opponent   317(83)
Knight's Move   317(83)
Honorable Weapon   318(41)
Charge of the Triceratops   318(73)
Contagion, Mass   318(73)
Enrage Animal   318(73)
Sink   318(73)
Swamp Lung   318(73)
Swamp Stride   318(73)
Swim   318(73)
Swim, Mass   318(74)
Energy Alteration   319(52)
Hero's Blade   319(52)
Magecraft   319(53)
Nature's Wrath   319(53)
Power Surge   319(53)
Living Cloudkill   319(54)
Aspect of the Earth Hunter   320(90)
Aspect of the Wolf   320(91)
Body of War   320(91)
Displacer Form   320(92)
Holy Transformation   320(92)
Infernal Transformation   320(92)
Wild Runner   320(94)
Rainbow   321(68)
Shadow Curse   322(67)
Shadow Shield   322(67)
Cone of Dimness   322(72)
Ebon Eyes   322(72)
Lightwall   322(72)
Lucent Lance   322(73)
Luminous Gaze   322(73)
Radiant Assault   322(74)
Rainbow Beam   322(74)
Rainbow Blast   322(74)
Shadow Phase   322(74)
Rhino's Rush   323(65)
Sticky Fingers   323(65)
Treasure Scent   323(65)
Swallow   323(66)
Detect Attitude   323(70)
Detect Guilt   323(70)
Detect Heresy   323(70)
Detect Violence   323(72)
Chain Missile   323(78)
Emerald Planes   323(79)
Force Chest   323(80)
Force Ram   323(80)
Mage Armor, Mass   323(80)
Shard Storm   323(80)
Tenser's Floating Disk, Greater   323(80)
Chalkboard   324(70)
Delusions of Grandeur   324(71)
Phantom Foe   324(72)
Sensory Deprivation   324(72)
Shadowy Grappler   324(72)
Solipsism   324(72)
Appraising Touch   325(70)
Dead End   325(71)
Marked Man   325(71)
Serene Visage   325(72)
Shock and Awe   325(72)
Spontaneous Search   325(72)
Fleeting Fame   326(73)
Groundsmoke   326(73)
Necrosurgery   326(73)
Nosy Neighbor   326(74)
Seeker's Chant   326(74)
Shadowplay   326(74)
Vengeful Mount   326(74)
Blast of Force   328(52)
Orb of Force   328(52)
Fugue of Tvash-Prull   328(71)
Love's Lament   328(71)
Symphonic Nightmare   328(72)
Tvash-Prull's Bonefiddle   328(72)
Undersong   328(72)
Aching Dread   330(28)
Call Amoebic Crawler   330(28)
Call Cranial Encyster   330(28)
Call Kaortic Hulk   330(30)
Call Nightseed   330(30)
Dimension Rift   330(30)
Far Realm Visitation   330(30)
Finger of Expulsion   330(31)
Lingering Raver   330(31)
Soul Blasting Dread   330(32)
Welcome the Amoebic Sea   330(32)
Crushing Coils   330(70)
Fang Blade   330(71)
Merrshaulk's Kiss   330(71)
Serpent Storm   330(71)
Snake Shield   330(72)
Spitting Cobra   330(73)
Venomous Volley   330(73)
Camel's Tenacity   331(71)
Desert Burial   331(71)
Dust Storm   331(71)
Crown of Despair   331(72)
Sand Spiral   331(72)
Screen of Heat   331(73)
Touch of the Pharaoh   331(73)
Hand of Torm   333(53)
Glimpse of Fear   333(71)
Inescapable Swarm   333(71)
Phade's Fearsome Aspect   333(72)
Sphere of Terror   333(72)
Vision of Fear   333(73)
Curse of Spilt Water   334(74)
Float   334(74)
Geyser   334(75)
Lash of the Kraken   334(75)
Scyllan Scream   334(75)
Shark Bolt   334(76)
Animate Instrument   335(74)
Ever Armed   335(75)
Harmonic Void   335(75)
Loresong   335(76)
Tune of the Dancing Weapon   335(77)
Dolor   336(78)
Ensnarement   336(78)
Exaction   336(80)
Imbrue   336(81)
Implore   336(82)
Minimus Containment   336(82)
Torment   336(84)
Cloak of Khyber   337(59)
Shadowslip   337(74)
Disk of Concordant Opposition   338(48)
Boccob's Rolling Cloud   338(49)
Anamensis   338(77)
Cynosure   338(77)
Modulate   338(78)
Siphon   338(78)
Spell Star   338(79)
Depression   339(77)
Lobotomize   339(77)
Shock Treatment   339(78)
Submersion Treatment   339(78)
Transfusion   339(78)
Detect Night Creature   340(49)
Moon's Change   340(57)
Silvered Weapon   340(57)
Guiding Star   340(73)
Lunacy   340(73)
Moonbridge   340(74)
Motes of Moonlight   340(74)
Sever Ties of the Moon   340(75)
Shooting Star   340(75)
Revivify   342(31)
Festival Feast   342(41)
Olidammara's Bard Spell   342(42)
Olidammara's Carapace   342(42)
Black Stench of Laogzed   342(74)
Brain Slave of Ilsensine   342(75)
Nails of Luthic   342(75)
Throwing Arm of Iallanis   342(75)
Touch of Blibdoolpoolp   342(76)
Consume the Parasite   343(77)
Extrude Wormswarm   343(77)
Mindworms   343(78)
Path of Worms   343(78)
Servant of the Green Corruption   343(79)
Worm Within, The   343(79)
Battle Tentacles   344(60)
Mailed Might   344(60)
Wyrmcone   344(61)
Arcane Seal   344(82)
Shockwave   344(82)
Disjoin Possession   345(77)
Eskelia's Soul Cyclone   345(77)
Hibyrntic's Curse   345(77)
Life Spring   345(78)
Telepathic Strike   345(78)
Sun Father's Face   346(30)"340(49)"346(30)"
Summon Elemental Monolith   347(57)
Elemental Guardian   347(71)
Blaze Bones   347(76)
Burning Hate   347(77)
Caustic Disdain   347(77)
Cold of the Grave   347(77)
Liferot   347(77)
Storm Slave   347(77)
Summon Avatar of Elemental Evil   347(78)
Greater Bestow Curse   348(35)
Bloodstone's Frightful Joining   348(74)
Curse of the Gypsies   348(75)
Rain of Terror   348(76)
Strahd's Baneful Attractor   348(76)
Wraithform   348(77)
Glamour Costume   350(29)
Globe of Radiant Invulnerability   350(30)
Aging Touch   350(77)
Skillful Moment   350(78)
Temporal Jolt   350(78)
Temporal Repair   350(78)
Time Shield   350(79)
Pillar of Sand   351(30)
Acceptance (Psi)   351(35)
Bolt of Glory   354(30)
Meersalm Skin   354(30)
Shield of Hieroneous   354(30)
Battlearms   356(48)
Hextor's Fiery Eyes   356(49)
Banner of the Saint   358(33)
Persuasive Oration   358(33)
Saint Cuthbert's Cudgel   358(33)
Unearth Heresy   358(33)

Offline muktidata

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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2013, 12:42:51 AM »
Lol. Put that in a spoiler!
I appreciate the logical, cool-headed responses and the lack of profanity displayed by our community.

Offline Nunkuruji

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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2013, 03:32:10 PM »
One of the things I sort of find interesting about a base 10 level commitment to Mystic Ranger is that then some of the 5/10 progression classes and 10 level individual list classes can be an amusing compliment. In most cases the choice to go 10 levels into Mystic Ranger is already a commitment to not progress to 9th level spells.

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2013, 06:36:06 PM »
Mystic Ranger 4 works better than Paladin 4
+cheese, to go into the Divine Agent PrC.
It's 5/10 but gets the Godly Gift ability,
which is a level 6 spell as (sp) 1 level early
and a level 9 spell as (sp) at level 13 !!
And it's 10th level is Gate (sp) small limits.

Mid levels say 5 to 9, are not all that good.
I don't recall any builds, or anyone else pimping it.
Make an item of the (sp) spells, and PHB2 retrain.
Magic domain of course.
Your codpiece is a mimic.

Offline PlzBreakMyCampaign

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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2013, 07:43:00 PM »
Lol. Put that in a spoiler!
And ruin the beauty of the random stuff in my PC's DnD folder??? I view DnD stuff the way most people view cat videos. And you can't shorten long-cat! The fact that you lolcatted at that makes me rethink you're request. I'll give it a week. ;)

Offline Nunkuruji

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Re: Working On A Mystic Ranger Handbook.
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2013, 11:41:06 AM »
Mystic Ranger 4 works better than Paladin 4
+cheese, to go into the Divine Agent PrC.
It's 5/10 but gets the Godly Gift ability,
which is a level 6 spell as (sp) 1 level early
and a level 9 spell as (sp) at level 13 !!
And it's 10th level is Gate (sp) small limits.

Mid levels say 5 to 9, are not all that good.
I don't recall any builds, or anyone else pimping it.
Make an item of the (sp) spells, and PHB2 retrain.
Magic domain of course.

That's exactly the sort of example I was hoping to see.
Azuth & Mystras Domains aren't particularly exciting, Spell might be more flexible with Anyspell & Limited Wish as options. Magic domain is more of an anti-magic/abjuration. Options reliant on CL aren't a great fit.
Unfortunately the CL on Gate will also be sort of poor, but options like a Planetar are still there. The base utility remains nice, of course.