Thank you to those of me who helped me rewrite the Githzerai Psionic Madman.
The other character due a rewrite in the campaign I'm playing in, is the one I played from the start. Originally a humble Level 1 Barbarian, Zakulnar Thrombeksson (or Zak, for short) has seen me through since the very beginning of my relationship with D&D. I remember thumbing through the PHB on the day, randomly selecting feats (oh my god!! weapon focus gives me +1 to my attack, I'm the best!
), and generally hodgepodging along.
Zak has become one of the best-loved characters in the group, he is like a cross between Conan the Barbarian and Danaerys Targaryen due his fierce countenance and loathing of slavers (having had his parents killed and being sold as a slave soldier to a nomadic tribe when young).
Here he sits now, at Level 20, having arrived in a new continent with a group and immediately beginning a massive slave uprising, several hundreds of thousands strong, overthrowing the rule of the slaving aristocracy overnight and claiming the Crown of Kings. Now the Barbarian King of the Free People, Enemies to Slavers everywhere, (he has roughly twenty titles he uses when referring to himself, I won't recount them all here), he is a major character in the story of this world.
After helping some Dragons recently, Bahamut has granted our characters the chance to reconfigure somewhat.. So.. I'm looking to make Zak's mechanics catch up with his personality.
Character is now Half-Orc Level 20. I was considering Spirit Lion Barbarian 16 / Fighter 4, but subbing out a couple of Barbarian levels for something cool, and possibly Dragon-themed (being as we are becoming scions of dragonkind on this continent, have them as allies now, etc)
STR 28, DEX 14, CON 22, INT 12, WIS 9, CHA 9 (any suggestions on changing this? As we are allowed to move ability scores around as part of the rewrite)
4 levels in Fighter alongside general feats give me:
Power Attack, Leap Attack, Shock Trooper, Combat Brute and Knockback - for charging and post-charge madness.
Improved Bullrush and Improved Sunder as necessary feats for the above
Combat Reflexes and Robilar's Gambit for extra not-my-turn damage
Monkey Grip, because 8 foot long Greatsword in the face. Soon to become larger still..
I'll be getting Knockback as soon as the Githzerai Madman will be putting a permanent enlarge on him, as soon as the next session begins
Questions are as follows:
1) He has +4 full plate, and now going Spirit Lion as well. His movement speed kind of sucks for a Barbarian, is there any one-level dip or somesuch for faster movement? Even Ardent 1 with Freedom Mantle?? Heh. Any other tricks to get his move speed back up?
2) Any cool ideas to make him at all "Dragon themed" - very much optional, but any cool ideas will be considered. Maybe I could see if my DM will allow a re-fluffed Bear Warrior?
3) Is it worth bothering with any ToB? Is Tiger Claw worth adding on into this mix? I enjoy the simplicity of Zak, it's a nice contrast to play to the StP/Warblade Githzerai Erudite who wants to absorb and contain all knowledge, everywhere, ever, to further his holy war on the Illithid and Githyanki - who can be a complex, what with all the psyref's, spell conversion, feat swapping, etc.
4) Ability distribution seem okay?
5) The Dragon God is also blessing Zak by enchanting his Large Greatsword (Chainbreaker, the Slaver's Bane) with a +4 enchantment of my choosing. I'm thinking either Valorous for the charging damage, or Vampiric to be getting some health back during combat. Any fun ideas here?
Many thanks for any creative input!
Long Live Zakulnar, First of His Name, Bastard of Khul and Barbarian King of Khare,Liberator of the Free People, the Slaver's Bane and Besieging Annihilator of Drow, The Windwalking Slayer of Flayers, Champion of the Void, Guardian of Gillibrand and the Iron Helm, Crusher of Minotaurs and Champion of the Arena, The Loser of Virginity, The Patron of Walkers, The Thrice-Born, etc., etc.,
(Yeah, he gets a new title for every adventure..)