The bonus to jump is based on how much your base speed exceeds 30 ft, so the Run feat won't help since it only affects how far you travel, not the actual base. You can still get around a +90 bonus at caster level 10 and a +15 (the max) from Divine Insight at that same CL. That's +105.
At level 10 (my hypothetical starting point) you'd have 13 ranks, so +118. From there you have options. Item Familiar is another 13, Boots of Springing and Striding is +9 (4 from the move increase 5 from the competence), which brings it to +140 (plus your mod - normally Strength) and you can probably find small boosts to make it from there.
Or a Bead of Karma (from Strand of Prayer Beads - individually costs 20,000 gold) can boost the caster level on Footsteps of the Divine by 4, which with extend would give another +32, bringing it to +150 (plus ability mod) on the turn it is cast, -4 for each subsequent round. If it's a PC Cleric they'll probably split the cost with you since it benefits them a ton, so it shouldn't be as expensive as it sounds.
So it's more than doable at level 10 if you're willing a spend the gold (mostly for the Ring of Spell Storing - 50,000 gold) and have a 10th level cleric available. You should be able to do it a couple levels earlier even, but you'd need to really spend most or all of your wealth by level, feats, etc. on it, so it's more theoretical than practical at that point.