Arx RulesArx "spells" are known as glyphs, named after the game from which the idea was taken. Each one requires a number of arx runes known to be able to cast it. If the glyphcaster does not know all of the runes, the glyph fails.
People who utilize magic in this way are known as glyphcasters. Glyphs are affected by spell resistance, and the check to beat it is glyphcaster level + d20 + any alternate abilities. The DC for a glyph saving throw is 10 + glyph level + primary modifier.
Each individual glyph has a mana point cost equal to its spell level, and glyphcasters recover those mana points at the rate of 1/round, unless otherwise indicated.
Casting an glyph has a variable action cost, depending on the number of runes required. Those with just two runes required take a standard action, those with three a full round action, and those with four a 1 round casting time.
The glyphcaster must have a caster level twice the level of a glyph minus one in order to cast it.
The glyphcaster must succeed on a Spellcraft check with a DC equal to 5 times the number of runes needed to cast a glyph, or the glyph fails. This is a free action made as part of the casting action.
Might add more ideas later as they come to me