After War has pass and all but destroy local forms of government. The infrastructures will be on the verge of collapse. This is one Famine makes her appearance. Instead of attacking people directly she plagues the land with diseases, burns the forests and crops to the ground, animates and releases undead creatures to creep through the night. Without the promise of tomorrow many fall into despair, and soon the fall to their knees.
Urmom (aka Famine/Disease)
Awakened Favored Spawn of KyussMMII? DiseasedLM Corpsecrafter-Enhanced Zombie Undead 1 / Druid 5 / Blighter 6 / Walker in the Waste 3 / Soul Eater 1 / CR Reserve 2 1/2
Feats: Alertness3rd, Weapon Focus6th, Heat Endurance9th, Natural Spell12th, Corpsecrafter15th, Bolster Resistance18th.
Less punful than the last. This build adds Kyuss's worms, Filth Fever, Dessication (dehydration), and Energy Drain onto the Blighter's Undead based Wild-Shape form. Deforestation, Wildfire, forcing desert-like conditions near her, and a Spell List dedicated towards debuffing and corruption she can have a huge impact on fertile land. This is technically not a PC Character due to Kyuss, but rather a creation of Death's Magic ran by the DM. As a threat to NPCs, she mostly attacks with nearby undead to soak up their most powerful spells weakening them for confrontation.
I think Dragon published a Spell like Animate Dead except the Zombies could also infect people, it'd be worth digging it up.