I've got a couple new builds i'd appreciate your take on.
Knowledge Devotion Duskblade
Human, high IQ
Cloistered Cleric 1 > Duskblade 4 > Warshaper 3 > Abjurant Champion 5 > ?
1) Power Attack, Initiate of Horus Re
3) Knowledge Devotion
6) Obtain Familiar
9) Arcane Strike?
12) Something to take advantage of AoO ?
I'd probably take the Destiny and Pride Domains.
Cloistered Cleric give his knowledge skills a good start for knowledge devotion, gives abj spells, and enables Initiate of Horus Re, which gives Hawk-form wild shaping 1/day. This is useful for running away when necessary, and is a prerequisite for Warshaper, which give immunities, stat boosts, and +5 ft reach at will. It's all well and good to say "get a spinning sword", but we don't have access to a huge amount of magic stuff, and if i get that +10ft reach would be even better.
You all will probably tell me it would be stronger if i got rid of Initiate + war shaper, and took able learner, but this looks cool, so i wanted to put it out there.
Smiting Divine Duskblade
Human, Lawful Good,
High Charisma
Duskblade 4 > Favored Soul 3 > Fist of Raziel 10 > Favored Soul 4-6
1) Power Attack, ?
3) Obtain Familiar
6) Servant of the Heavens
For this build i forgo Knowledge Devotion and Arcane Strike for the Cleric list. There are necromantic touch spells that should work well for channeling, and he would end up with L7 spells instead of the dusk blade's L5.
Fist of Raziel only costs a feat i wouldn't normally have taken, and some skill points. It maintains a full BAB wile advancing casting, and has some other useful class features.
The feats would probably depend on the Deity's favored weapon, i.e. might go for tripping, etc, or to Wastri for the only reach weapon i could find within alignment restrictions, the glaive.