Can the horse use any item requiring hands? What about other slots? Is there a conventional usage I missed somewhere? How many legs does a horse have? Am I missing an automatic/understood reference to the horse in the MM/SRD?
If I'm not wrong, then perhaps a clause like "A horse has no arms, hands, hips or shoulders. Also, a horse has hooves on its four legs rather than feet. Thus a horse cannot use handheld weapons, armor, boots, gloves, bracelets, bracers, shirts, robes, girdles or belts. A horse may, however use barding, bridles, saddles and horseshoes. Any skill requiring hands, such as craft, use rope, etc. are at a -X (say -10 or 15) penalty." (perhaps I was overzealous; I don't recall whether belts and bracers are disallowed.)
If I missed a turn somewhere, please let me know...
Horses can wear armor. The PH has rules for armor for nonhumanoid creatures.
Horses don't need boots but horseshoes are effectively the same thing and most boots can just be reflavored as horseshoes....Though there are actually these hoof-coverings things which are kinda like booties that cover the top of the hooves but don't cover the bottom so they don't dig their hooves into themselves when they're lying down. Suddenly I just argued for horses being able to wear magical horseshoes and boots at the same time!
Gloves...okay horses don't have hands, yes.
Bracelets, horses can wear bracelets. It'd be more like an anklet but still. Same idea with bracers. Just wrap that around the legs, it's virtually the same thing.
Shirts & Robes, *shrugs* they can wear armor already, even dogs have shirts and costumes and stuff, it's not too hard to imagine. But this could probably just be fine without.
Girdles & Belts, horses can wear belts. How else does the saddle stay on? A belt!
And yes, horses DO have hips and a waist. Come on maaaaan, come on
Shoulders too so they could technically wear cloaks in the shoulder slot.
Head: Hats/Helms
Face: Masks/Eyewear or w/e (Horse Blinders!)/Earings even!
Torso: Armor/Robes
"Arms"[Legs]: Bracers/Bracelets
Waist: Belts
Feet: Boots
Horseshoes (Effectively this can replace most stuff that goes in the Hands slot like Gloves)
There are 8 standard magic item slots right? Whoa did I just list a full load out for horses? Hah, awesome!
Yanno, I just noticed, this Horse's movement speed is slower than any other Horse in the MM.
Also, because it grants armor proficiencies, couldn't "Perfect Mount" be called like "War Horse" or something?
Ooooooh, "Bred for War" even.
You ever see the Warbeast template? MM2 or 3. Folding that into this could maybe work? Maybe even net another level into this class? Because what else really are you gonna be getting levels in as an awakened horse?
(The answer is definitely barbarian! *cough* )