DL's Campaign Setting, +4 LA.
Yeah I said Red not White. +7 NA-Armor, flight, 1 Bite & 2 Claws, 4d10 Breath Weapon, +1 Sorcerer Spellcasting, +8 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +2 Int/Wis, +4 Cha. White is +1 and downsizes the Breath and ability bonuses (you still get +2 charisma) which if your wanting to really optimize is the better choice.
DL:Bestially of Kyrnn, +1 LA & 2nd party.
You can roll 3 times on a random table, I think it's a 5% chance to score a double roll too. There are +4 Str/Dex/Con boosts, natural weapons, more Sorcerer Spellcasting, and Fast Healing on the table. All of them pretty nice.