Hey guys,
I have this character concept in mind, that I just can not bring to life. Maybe it can not be done, but if it can, I'm sure you guys can help me out.
Right now my group is level 6, which makes my request so much harder to realize.
I want to play a lawful good character, that jumps into the fray for good...
... And falls unconscious in almost every encounter. Preferably several times, all the while getting back up and fighting again.
I don't care much for damageoutput (my group rarely does a lot of damage) or spells.
Even several LAs are no problem for me. So everything goes.
The thing, that comes to mind is, of course, regeneration. This would be perfect. But every creature I found, that has it also has monster HD and LA way beyond level 6.
Fast healing plus a way to stretch the unconsciousness intervall from "0 up to -9" to "0 up to -19 or higher" would be another way, but I have never heard of something, that does this.
So, basically: HELP!
Thanks in advance