I've been maintaining a thread on MMO-C about the released Goblins vs Gnomes Hearthstone expansion. They released 60 cards yesterday, so I had a lot of work cataloging stuff in order. It caught up with me while I tried to go to sleep and I only got maybe 4 actual hours of sleep because the cards were making my brain go whacky.
There's an actual technique in Mind Hacking,
where you think really hard about something
for the 15 minutes before you go to bed,
but specifically Do Not solve the problem(s).
Later when you wake up, your subconscious
will have churned away on the details enough,
that you might get an Aha! moment.
Your brain is going wacky in a good way
... if you're wondering, this is where my kitty avatar's Tail comes from.
I'm trying a Mind Hack by
brushing my teeth in a different way every time, some left handed.
It's hard to do, like really hard. Annoyingly so.