What else you got?
Those are really the big ones. A lot of other changes go the other way, making spells almost useless.
A quick pass through the PHB:
Armor didn't stack with
Shield but it stacked with a real shield, and it lasted until you too 8+1/caster level damage.
Charm Person was actually turned into junk as it lasted an indefinite time in AD&D with time between saves based on Int. An Int 8 orc got to save once a month!
Enlarge made you grow 10% per level of the caster, with damage increasing by a similar amount.
Find Familiar was a spell, not a class feature. In 1st you have a 5% chance of getting a special familiar - an imp, quasit, brownie, or pseudodragon depending on alignment. Those were removed in 2nd ed. The spell text made it significantly more like a "traditional" witch's familiar, with an unspecified "powerful entity" getting upset if the familiar was harmed by neglect. Dismissing the familiar meant you couldn't get another one for a year.
Identify reduced your Con by 8, recovered at a rate of 1 per hour.
Light could blind the target.
Blur gave a -4 to hit on the first attack, -2 on subsequent attacks. That extends in general to all miss chances, including blindness - 50% was a -4, 20% was a -2, displacement allowed that the 1st attack during a fight was an auto-miss.
Invisibility lasted 24 hours or until you attacked and ended it.
Acid Arrow attacked "as if fired from the bow of a fighter of the same level as the wizard." In general, the concept of Touch AC didn't exist.
Ray of Enfeeblement reduced you to a Str of 5, but didn't affect magic items. (And since Gauntlets of Ogre Power or a Belt of Giant Strength gave you a score and not a bonus, that interaction was different too.)
Strength gave a bonus based on class, and lasted for 1 hour/level. Other stat boost spells didn't exist. The class bonuses for Strength were: Warrior 1d8/Priest or Rogue 1d6/Wizard 1d4.
Web was 8-10x10x10 cubes selected by the caster, and escape was determined by Str score and rather slow.
Blink was more like a continuing dimension hop with no miss chance.
Fireball was a ball and would conform to the area - around 33,000 cu. ft. Cast it at the wrong place in a dungeon and fry your friends!
Lightning Bolt bounced. Off walls. Back at you.
Monster Summoning I was 3rd level, and the whole chain pretty much sucked so badly I never saw it used. On the fun side, PCs could theoretically be summoned away by the spell by NPCs. That was a feature in the Planescape setting.
Slow caused 1/2 move, +4 AC (effectively -4 AC in D20), -4 to hit, and negated Dexterity. It affected a 40' cube.
Confusion affected a 60' cube.
Dimension Door was personal and required 1 round to recover.
Enchanted Weapon lasted 5 rounds/level and only added a bonus up to +3.
Black Tentacles created 1d4+1/level tentacles that had AC 4 (equivalent AC 16) and hp equal to caster level. If you saved when a tentacle hit you took 1d4 damage and the tentacle disappeared. Otherwise you took 2d4 damage increasing to 3d4 every round after.
Extension was a 4th level spell that affected a previously cast 1st-3rd level spells. Other metamagic was similar.
Cloudkill had no save but caused only 1d10 damage to creatures over 6 HD.
Teleport had a "miss chance" based on how well you knew the target location. Miss low and it was instant death from teleporting into a solid space unless the DM had a cave at a convenient spot to save you.
Three general game system effects to keep in mind with this:
1. PC HD topped out at 9 or 10. HP bonus from Con was only 1-4 at Con 15-18. Blasting spells were a LOT more effective in AD&D.
2. Save DCs did not scale up. Very few spells had inherent penalties to the save.
3. Casting time was very relevant for spells, and was generally 1 segment/spell level. Effectively it meant that you cast a spell for initiative count per spell level during which it could be disrupted. (And there was no Concentration skill to avoid provoking or keep a spell if you took damage.) That is another factor that made Power Word spells so dangerous - they had a 1 segment casting time.
One Druid spell in 1st, possibly Cleric in 2nd that should be noted:
Animal Friendship was a spell, not a class feature. You could have 2 HD/caster level (4 HD/caster level with a magic item), you had to train them, they would wander off during city adventures, and all the other problems.