Author Topic: Reaper (Mass Effect)  (Read 8561 times)

Offline TraceChaos

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Reaper (Mass Effect)
« on: December 11, 2014, 11:45:29 PM »

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Feature
1+1 +2+0 +2Reaper Body, Telepathy
2+2+3+0 +3Reaper Mind, Destructive Blast
3+3+3+1+3Energy Suffusion
4+4+4 +1+4 Durable Body, Flight
5+5+4+1+4Powerful Mind, Growth
6+6+5+2+5Indoctrination (Lesser)
10+10+7+3 +7Growth,
13+13+8+4+8 features
14+14+9+4+9 features
15+15+9+5+9 Growth,
16+16+10+5+10 features
17+17+10+5+10 features
18+18+11+6 +11 features
19+19+11 +6 +11 features
20+20+12 +6 +12 REAPER FEATURE,
Skills: 6+int modifier per level, the class skills and relevant attribute for each skill are as follows.
Listen (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis),

Proficiencies:A Reaper is proficient with its own natural weapons and nothing else.

Reaper Body: At first level the Reaper loses all other racial traits and gains the Construct Type, with the Living Construct subtype. Reapers are medium Living Constructs with a base land speed of 30 feet.  They gain two Slam attacks, each dealing 1d6+str mod damage, with an additional slam attack per five levels, up to five total at level 15. 
Reapers do not possess limbs capable of fine manipulation, but as long as they are within five feet of an object they can interact with it as if they did, though this is limited. They cannot, for example, wield weapons in a combat-capable manner, but can 'carry' things, turn door handles, or similar such things.
For the somatic components of spells, a cackling red lightning dances over the Reapers body, completing said somatic components for them.
In addition, the Reaper gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to their intelligence mod. This bonus to AC applies to touch AC as well.
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Telepathy:At first level Reapers gain telepathy with a range of 15 feet + 15 feet per hit die.

Reaper Mind: At second level, the terrible mind of a Reaper blooms. They are instantly aware any time a creature attempts to make mental contact with them of any sort (Read their mind, notice them with Mindsight, similar) and can, for most effects, make a Will saving throw to resist/negate the effect.
Reapers can also make telepathic contact with any creature that makes similar contact no matter the range. For example, if a second level Reaper is affected by a spell that reads their thoughts from 300ft away, they can make a two-way link with the creature who attempted to read the Reapers mind. The creature receives a save against this special telepathic contact ewqual to 10+1/2 the Reapers HD + INT mod.

Destructive Blast (Su): At second level Reapers gain the ability to fire, nearly at-will, a beam of destructive energy.  Firing this is a standard action that can affect a line (50 feet +10 feet per HD after gaining the ability) or a Cone (30 feet + 5 feet per HD after gaining this ability). This ability is usable once every 1d4 rounds and deals 1d6/HD damage. The damage of this ability is untyped energy damage. A reflex save can be made to take half damage, the save DC being  10+1/2 HD + Con mod.

Energy Suffusion: At third level, a reaper has soaked up a fair deal of ambient magical, and psionic energy and gains Spell Resistance equal to 11+HD

Durable Body: At fourth level, the Reaper gains DR/- equal to 1/2 HD.

Flight(Su): At fourth level, the Reaper gains a fly speed equal to 10 ft per HD, at Good Manueverability.

Powerful Mind(Ex): At Fifth level the Reapers mind becomes a terrible thing to behold, in even the most fractional way. Any creature making any form of mental contact with the Reaper must make a will saving throw or be shaken for (1/2 HD). The save is Intelligence-based.

Indoctrination (Lesser) (Su): At sixth level, once per day per 5 HD the Reaper can use Charm Monster as a Spell-like ability. This ability bypasses relevant immunities, but the save for such creatures is made at a +5 bonus. Any creature who has failed the save 3 times remains Friendly even when not under the Charm effect, but only while not being attacked or physically threatened by the Reaper or its allies.

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« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 03:44:16 PM by TraceChaos »
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Offline TraceChaos

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2014, 11:48:38 PM »
One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.

Offline GuesssWho

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2014, 12:07:33 AM »
I think you could make a canon one, actually. You might need 50 levels or so, though. :D

Offline TraceChaos

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2014, 12:12:35 AM »
Harhar. Well that's the point of building it in this style. Scale-by-HD and all that.

I just need to fill out 20 levels worth of stuff and make a reasonably-touch monster with mental 'powers' and at higher levels some sort of enslavement thing.
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Offline SolEiji

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2014, 12:55:49 AM »
On if they are constructs or outsiders... maybe living constructs?  From what little I remember about the lore, I think they were technically cyborgs, metal exterior with LCL-tangified essence of species inside, right?  I know they wanted to make a human reaper anyway.  That, and then you can have a Con score to help buff your hp.

Offline TraceChaos

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2014, 01:07:33 AM »
On if they are constructs or outsiders... maybe living constructs?  From what little I remember about the lore, I think they were technically cyborgs, metal exterior with LCL-tangified essence of species inside, right?  I know they wanted to make a human reaper anyway.  That, and then you can have a Con score to help buff your hp.
I don't actually know what the traits of a living construct -are-. If You can provide those we can see if they're applicable to Reapers! THanks fo the suggestion.
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Offline SolEiji

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2014, 02:08:20 AM »
Here we go!

Living construct is notable for being what warforged are.  Even though they don't have all the immunities of  pure construct, they keep a metric ton of them making warforged very very good.  Big things about Construct (Living Construct) are the fact they have a Con score, they recover 1/2 benefit from positive energy (and full from repair spells and the like), they can be critted, and they are "alive" so they have a soul typically and all that comes with it (death effects, undeath, etc).

Offline TraceChaos

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2014, 02:24:44 AM »
Noted, thanks!

Thoguhts on what I have for the class so far? I'm gonna turn 'em Living Construct, since it seems like it'd work.

Suggestions? I'm gonna need help with this, after the first five levels here.
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Offline TraceChaos

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2014, 02:58:29 AM »
Made a mistake, whoops.
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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2014, 07:46:09 AM »
I'll say right away that I didn't play any Mass Effect, so I don't really know that much about Reapers.

From what bits and pieces I gathered they seem to be cyber-Chtuchullu IN SPACE!

Anyway if this is going all the way to at least level 20, then it's perfectly reasonable to have an hybrid mind-controling monster that's also a combat beast that can solo armies of puny humans. Natural attacks, defenses, some mind-control SLAs, wouldn't be the first monster class like that around here.

Some comments from what you have so far:
-Growth cycles should start earlier.
-DR equal to 1/4 HD is kinda weakish, in particular when it only comes online at 4th level.
-Needs class skills.
-Aren't they supposed to fly?
-One idea for later abilities would be upgrade options for its main lazor cannon. That's also lacking a DC formula right now.

Offline TraceChaos

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2014, 01:58:57 PM »
Bumped growth down to start at level 5.
Bumped DR up to DR /- equal to half hit dice, left it at the same level for now.
I was actually trying to figure out what a good level would be for them to gain flight.

Stuck a DC onto the laser. What kinds of upgrades should there be to it, d'ya think?
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Offline Rakoa

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2014, 02:04:25 PM »
I believe fourth level is the customary minimum level for flight to start.
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Offline Threadnaught

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2014, 07:50:55 PM »
Not here to post anything at all helpful, other than, I believe this Class could easily be replaced by a build made up of Elder Eidolon, Titanic Creature and maybe something else for flavour. Not to mention mind control.

There you have it, Reaper. Also the Reapers are allegedly shaped like the creatures they're made from, so a Class that makes all Reapers the Cephalopod shape, would be wildly inaccurate according the ME Lore.

Offline TraceChaos

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2014, 11:21:10 PM »
All reapers, int he end, ARE cephalapod-shaped. Their inner CORE is shaped like their base race, but they're eventually final-shaped "In the image of Harbinger".

Also, that may be a good idea...

Especially considering beyond what I've already got up there and possibly level 12 and 18 variants of Indoctrination I have -no idea- what I'm doing.
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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2014, 04:24:11 PM »
Yeah, starting with a 20+ levels class may've not been the best of plans.

Laser upgrade option ideas:
-Bonus against specific stuff, like Anti-synthetic (constructs and undeads), anti-personal (humanoids, giants and animals), anti-mystic (magic beasts and outsiders), etc, can only have one such configuration at a time.
-Double/Triple/Quadruple laser aimed at different areas.
-Status effects like shaken/nauseated, gets worst if the enemy fails their save by a lot.
-Gain information on the victim if they fail the save.
-Stacking penalties of your choice.
-Reanimate enemies from lasers in cyber zombies or something.

Special attack consisting of moving while trampling things on their path while shooting their lazors.

Also, steal and convert your favorite player class abilities from Mass Effect and give them to the Reaper?

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2014, 11:26:33 AM »
Yeah, starting with a 20+ levels class may've not been the best of plans.

5-10 level PrC?

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2014, 12:34:54 PM »
Sounds like a more simple, easier to make alternative to me. Make the base creature grow and gain lasers and metal plates and other cyber bits. A more sci-fi version of the Eidolon/half-golem with more lasers of destruction.

Offline TraceChaos

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Re: Reaper (Mass Effect)
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2014, 02:57:29 PM »
I may just switch to a PrC!

Still no clue what I'm -doing- though. But that does soudn markedly easier.
One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.