Please don't link Dictum's, AC's, or anything that comes up when one searches "cleric archer handbook" on google. I've read those previously and more recently as I've worked on this character.
NG Lesser Drow (yes, this sucks, get over it)
Rolled, post racial adjustment and level bumps
Cloistered Cleric 5/Seeker of the Misty Isle 5
Corellon Larethian
Knowledge Devotion
Point Blank Shot
Weapon Focus: Long Bow
Precise Shot
Rapid Shot
Zen Archery
Holy Warrior
Spell Girding
Quick Reconnoiter - the flex feat, doesn't have to be here
Cloistered Cleric
Spontaneous Domain Casting: War
Bow of the Wintermoon
Rod of Extend
Lesser Rod of Extend
Ring of Enduring Arcana
Mithral Chain Shirt
Masterwork Buckler
Divine Power - Spontaneous
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful (although our Sorceror|Wizard multiclass casts haste frequently)
Magic Vestment x2 /Extended
This is kind of the base of the character and where I'm at with her. I was hesitant to go the Zen Archery route because Wisdom is relatively hard to buff where as Divine Agility is great for Dex and it frees up a feat. I might still go the Dex route.
I'm curious what advice there is in terms of feats, itemization, and spell usage. Oh, DMM is out of the picture. Obviously.