Here is where you may post questions about allowed content or rules interpretation. Rulings will be archived below.
Primary note: You may
NOT make use of any obviously broken tactics like infinite loops, infinite CL, etc. as well as prestige classes like Beholder Mage, Incantatrix, Planar Shepard.
Also, Disjunction does not destroy major artifacts.
Here are the list of answered questions as per the original thread:Planar Bubble: Yes (7)
Feanmerc Spell System: No (11), Yes as guidlines for new seeds (29)
Mobile Stronghold (Stronghold Builder's Guide): Yes, approve specific stronghold (13)
Artificer (Ebberon Campaign Setting): Yes, barring stupid combo (17)
Extra Sense Enhancement SDA for Divine Earth Mastery tremorsense: Yes (52)
Proxies: Yes, count against 4 person limit (52)
Full PC Wealth for deities (57)
No (reasonable) ECL limit for nondeities (57)
Essence of the Earth custom SDA (63, 64)
Demilich: LA +8 (on top of lich), magic immunity is like that of 3.5 golems (109), can come from Dry Lich (145), if in hand form, can wield 1-handed weapon (223)
Magic Item Compendium: Yes (109)
Arcane Duelist: Yes (126)
Avatars: Yes, have no independent wealth (126)
5 LA free for deities (126), which can be used as free xp for crafting if not used (641)
SR=PR (133)
Divine Emissary PRC for dieties (145)
Vestments of Steady Spellcasting: Yes, don't ignore limited magic (147)
Disjunction does not destroy Major Artifacts (160)
Dark Creature template: Yes (167)
Underfoot Combat and Confound the Big Folk: Yes, but does not eliminate size bonuses to trip (199)
Corpse Crafter et al.: Yes (199)
Can't cast Time Stop while currently affected by one: (208)
Dispater cannot use iron-based cosmic powers on iron in blood (230)
Use SRD/ELH version of Automatic Metamagic feats (241)
Avoid Planar Traits spell does not protect against getting lost in the city of Dis (245)
Assassination portfolio negates rest for Life and Death SDA (271)
Deities personal weapons are limited to +10 enhancement, 6+DVR equivalent including special abilities (291)
Limiting Conjuration and blocking planar links prevent creatures from being summoned off the plane (301)
Unearthed Arcana variant Paladins: Yes (317)
Ranged Smiting feat: Yes (317)
Undead God can qualify for Improved Damage Reduction with Cha instead of Con (339)
Dicefreaks certified templates: Yes, use double CR increase for LA, ghosts can't enter the outer planes (349)
DVR 0 doesn't count against DVR 18 limit (349)
Ability Focus for feats and divine abilities is allowed (352, 354)
Class Levels do not count as hit dice for the Monster of Legend Template (changed in post 940)
Void Incarnate: Yes (387)
Vile Death Strike: Yes, requires rank check (387)
Epic Ability Focus, +2 DC, stacks with Ability Focus: Yes (387)
Armed Deflection feat: Yes (402)
Metapsionic equivalent of Automatic Metamagic SDA: Yes (481)
Ravages are allowed, and can be picked (588)
ECLs from Epic Level Handbook are wrong (607)
Epic Reflexes can take the place of Lightening Reflexes when qualifying for a prestige class (615)
Virtual class features from the Monster of Legend template can be used to qualify for a prestige class (615)
Mystic Theurge type classes in epic levels alternate between advancing both classes, advancing one class, and advancing the other (641)
Tome of Battle is allowed (665)
Magic of Incarnum is not allowed (703) Allowed for my version.
Survivor prestige class: Yes (764)
Mythal Seed: No (764)
Incantatrix: No (769)
Non-gods built on 25 point buy from DMG (777)
The Iron Staff of Dis negates Sudden Strike like Sneak Attack (794)
Abberant Limbs trait from DMG 2: Yes (825)
Titans have ECL 29 (844)
Vivacious Template is allowed (849)
Rapid Strike and Improved Rapid Strike are allowed (858)
Epic spells provide a maximum bonus equal to that of an item of 25% of your starting wealth; and are limited to providing +25 to attributes (900)
Ring of Free Magic: Yes, but not a unlimited version.
Swiftblade: Yes (940)
Gloura: Yes (940)
Loremaster Lore stacks with Bardic Knowledge (940)
Cap on mental ability scores is 60, not 55 (940)
Lords of Madness: No (940) Tentatively allowed for my version. Don't abuse this.
God abilities are applied last, and so cannot qualify for feats, prestiges classes, etc. (940)
Divine Spellcasting stacks with Improved Spell Capacity feat (940)
Complete Champion is out, but the other "new" completes (Mage, Scoundrel) are in (940). Complete Champion is also acceptable. Be wary of abuse.
Mountain Plate: No (940)
New rulings:Streamers: Allowed
Power Word (Deafen): Allowed
Nar Demonbinder: Not allowed. Talk to me if you want to use it and be prepared to explain specifics of intended use. Otherwise, no.
Mystic Wanderer: Tentatively approved. If Gem Magic is desired, please explain overall usage.
Planar Shepard: Hell no.
Dragon Magazine: In general, no Dragon Magazine stuff unless there's a hugely good reason and it's been playtested and found to be balanced.
LA Buyoff: Not allowed, you already have 5 LA to use, more is pushing it.
Flaws: Not Allowed. They are nowhere near balanced.
Archivist/Dread Witch: Yes.
Taint: Not Allowed. Taint is excruciatingly broken.
Incantatrix: Absolutely not.
Echoing Spell: Not allowed.
Invisible Spell: Allowed.
Mind Mage: Not Allowed. Infinite caster levels=too cheesy.
Ghost: Already ruled upon by one of my predecessors, Witch, as not being able to manifest in the Nine Hells. No.
Prestige Bard: Allowed.
Fiendbinder: Allowed. I'll tell you right out though that you have zero chance of learning Dispater's true name, or for that matter, of any of his entourage. Dispater is beyond paranoid, and is the most well protected of Lords of the Nine, excepting perhaps Asmodeus.
Runecaster: Allowed.
Tauric: Not Allowed.
Shun the Dark Chaos: Use retraining. No.
Flesh of Orcus item: Not Allowed. Nothing is free.
Lilitu: Not Allowed. Specifically, because of this section of it's entry: "Item Use (Ex): A Lilitu can use any item as though she had successfully used the Use Magic Device skill."
Starmantle: Allowed.
Legacy Champion/Weapons: Allowed, but don't the abilities cap at level 20? You can't advance them beyond the normal limit.
Epic Binder and Epic Vestiges: Allowed.
Ice Assassin: Not Allowed.
Iron Heart Surge: Will have no effect on the Iron Tower itself and will not dispel the Catapsi.
Lucid Dreaming: Not Allowed.
Affiliations from Complete Champion: Not Allowed.
Deities and Proxies: A Deity cannot declare themselves their own proxy.
Prestige Paladin/Ranger: Allowed.
Variant Paladins: Allowed.
Thrallherd: Allowed, but your party still can only be a maximum of 4 characters.
Fusion: Allowed, as long as you don't use this in conjunction with the other tools to abuse having the thralls to destroy the action economy.
Metamind: Allowed as long as you avoid temporal iteration and the other tricks.
Schism: Allowed, see Fusion.
Epic Seed Foresee+Transport: Allowed.
Custom Epic spell Seeds: Allowed, but must be run by me.
Illithid Savant: Allowed, but no eating the brains of other Illithid Savants
-----A note about Illithid Savant's Acquire Special Ability "The chosen ability must not rely on a physical feature of the consumed creature, such as a gaze attack, a breath weapon, flight, or a natural attack with an appendage not possessed by the mind flayer." This means that a huge number of abilities are unavailable. For example, a chronotyryn is able to have the dual actions ability because it "has two distinct brains and two separate voice boxes"
Dweomerkeeper: Allowed
Corrupt Damage: Is treated as Untyped