Ghostly VisageGhostly Visage | HD: d12 |
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Special | Visage Body, Symbiont, Arrogance, Incorporeal Touch, Arrogance, Dread Look, Face of Fear, +2 Dex, -2 Wis, +2 Cha | Gaze of Terror, Mind Shielding, +1 Cha |
Skills: 2+Int mod, quadruple at first level, no Class Skills.
Proficiencies: Incorporeal touch only.
Visage Body: loses all other racial bonuses, and gains the following Undead traits, plus the Incorporeal subtype.
* No Constitution score.
* Darkvision out to 60 feet.
* Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
* Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects.
* Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects.
* Heals naturaly.
* Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
* Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks.
* Not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is immediately destroyed.
* Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells or abilities. Resurrection and true resurrection can affect undead creatures. These spells turn undead creatures back into the living creatures they were before becoming undead.
* Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep.
As an incorporeal being, it has neither a Str score. It uses its Dex mod for melee attacks, and can get custom magic incorporeal gear by paying a 10% extra on the price. Consider it to only have the Head and Eye Slots, plus up to two magic rings in its beard and/or hair.
It is a tiny sized undead with a flight speed of 10 feet.
In addition, it gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Cha mod. All its future HDs become d12s.
Symbiont: Ghostly Visages can combine themselves with other beings. As a standard action, the Ghostly Visage can connect itself to an adjacent willing creature of small or bigger size. Unwilling creatures can be “joined” by the Ghostly Visage succeeding on a grapple check against them, in which case ignore size diferences and the tentacle whip may use Dex instead of Str on the opposed checks. Once connected, the Ghostly Visage occupies the face as a mask would (if the host already had a mask or other item in this slot, it falls on the ground), filling the same space as the “host” (the symbiont gains cover, the host does not), and the following abilities apply
Telepathy-The Symbiont can telepathically communicate with the bonded host.
Bonding Tendrils- A connected Symbiot digs its tendrils into the host's body to draw sustenance, forcing them to have to eat twice as much to sustain both. The Bonding Tendrils also make impossible for the Symbiont to be disarmed, but it can still be sundered.
Dominate Host- A symbiot which dislikes its host's attitude may atempt to dominate it once per day as a standard action. The save DC is 11+Sum of all mental stat mods and works as a Dominate Monster effect that lasts for 24 hours, except it bypasses any mind-affecting immunities, and doesn't work on creatures with more HD than the symbiont. It ends as soon as the symbiont separates from the host. The player can choose to start with a bonded commoner of level equal to the symbiont of a basic race with 10 on all stats before racial mods and no equipment of its own friendly to the symbiont to “carry” it around. Should he die, the symbiont can find a new willing idiot host with 8 hours of searching in the surrounding area.
Ethereal: A Ghostly Visage is the spectral remains of someone killed by decapitation while filled with hatred, which causes it takes some time to realize it is a spirit now, and will let itself be limited by several material hindrances.
At 1st HD the Ghostly Visage can be harmed by all forms of attacks and can attack others as if it was corporeal. it can interact with unattended corporeal objects for one round three times per day and cannot fly higher than 5 feet off the ground, plus an additional 5 feet per 2 HD. It cannot completely hide within objects and interacts with water as if it had a swim speed equal to its fly speed. It cannot chose not to be heard by Listen checks though she receives a +5 circumstance bonus on move silently checks.
At 5th HD the Ghostly Visage loses the ability to interact with corporal objects but can now fly and interact with water as per the incorporeal subtype and receive a +10 circumstance bonus on move silently checks.
Nonmagical attacks made by corporeal creatures at the Ghostly Visage and melee attacks made by the Ghostly Visage against corporeal targets are now ineffective.
Magical weapons and spells used by corporeal creatures against the Ghostly Visage have a 10% chance miss chance, increasing by 10% at 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th HD (maximum of 50% miss chance, except for positive energy, negative energy, force effects such as magic missile, or attacks made with ghost touch weapons, as usual)
Magical weapons used by the Ghostly Visage against corporeal targets have the same miss chance if they aren't ghost touch weapons.
At 10th HD, the Ghostly Visage is fully affected by the incorporeal subtype as normal.
Arrogance: Ghostly Visages think of themselves as embodiments of hate, when in reality, they are glorified scary masks. This tends to make them forget their own survival instincts. They take hits head on and recklessly throw themselves into danger, confident of their delusionacal superiority.
The Ghostly Visage counts as a small creature when such would not be benefical for it instead of tiny. So for example they only gain +4 size bonus for hiding and +1 size bonus to attack rolls and AC, but still take -8 in grapple checks and have the carrying capacity of a tiny creature.
At 3 HD some good sense has managed to sneak into the Ghostly Visage's spirit, and they lose this ability, counting as tiny sized all the time.
Incorporeal Touch: As an attack action with reach 5 feet the Ghostly Visage can deliver a melee touch attack that deals 1d6 damage. At 4 HD and every 4 HD thereafter this damage increases by one die step.
Meld: As a standard action the Ghostly Visage can disappear inside its host body, making it impossible to target or otherwise affect unless the host is killed, but it cannot take any actions while hidden this way.
Dread Look: As a fullround action the Ghostly Visage can manifest a face anywhere on its host’s body, including over the host’s own face (the host’s vision is unaffected), that looks corporeal. For 1 round anyone within 15 feet of a ghostly visage who meets the eyes of this manifested face must make a Will saving throw (DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod) or be Paralyzed for 1d2 rounds. This is a Fear effect. Creatures that have been exposed to the Ghostly Visage for one hour non-stop grow used to it for the next 24 hours.
Face of Fear: The Visage gains a +4 racial bonus on Bluff and Intimidate checks.
Ability Score Increase: The Visage gains +2 Dex, -2 Wis and +2 Cha at first level, and +1 Cha at 2nd level, for a total of +2 Dex, -2 Wis, +3 Cha at 2nd level.
Gaze of Terror: At 2nd level Dread Look now has a range of 30 feet, can be used as a standard action, and the paralyzis last 1d4 rounds.
At 3 HD and every 3 HD thereafter increase the range by an extra 5 feet.
At 11 HD even creatures normally immune can be affected, but they gain a +5 bonus on their saves.
Mind Shielding: At 2nd level the Ghostly Visage can make the Host immune to mind-affecting effects. In addition if it takes Warlock levels it can count Ghostly Visage levels to stack for CL and Eldritch blast damage purposes.
But NaiXIII is a good guy/girl so I gathered up my courage and tackled this one.
Then discovered the original monster is troll as hell, like having an incorporeal touch attack bonus but not mentioning anywhere that said incoporeal touch does (just made it some damage). Also it says Ghostly Visages are immune to the gaze of other Ghotly Visages despite them already being undead and this immune to Paralyzis not to mention mind-affeccting effects gah!
Well everything ended falling in place as I added the pieces. Pretty straightforward, you glue to somebody, then either look scary, lie, or touch people to death. Added warlock synergy because you have no hands. Or main body.
So if you want to play a scary spirit mask, the Ghostly Visage's for you!