Author Topic: Vivacious Creature  (Read 8219 times)

Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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Vivacious Creature
« on: October 18, 2015, 12:26:44 AM »
aka the Secret White Mage

That Tiger can Heal and is Incorporeal. 2op4meThis pic wasn't my first choice, but the others were just too lewd...

  • Must be a corporeal aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, outsider, plant, or vermin






Vigorous Body, Positive Energy Touch, Overheal
Spell-Like, Tenacious Healer
Positive Energy Ray, Fast Healing
Greater Overhealing, Death Guard, Positive Energy Aura
Positive Energy Blast, Vivacious Transformation

Ability Score
+1 Cha
+1 Con
+1 Cha
+1 Con
+1 Cha

Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier per level (x4 at 1st level).
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge(Religion), Knowledge(Nature), Knowledge(The Planes), Perform, Spellcraft, and Survival.

Proficiencies: Vivacious Creatures are proficient with simple weapons (not martial weapons, despite their Outsider type). They are not proficient with any armor or shields.

Class Features

Vigorous Body (Ex): The Vivacious Creature loses his previous type (though not subtypes) and gains the Outsider type with the Native Subtype (basically gaining Darkvision 60ft if they do not have it already), and becomes a native to the positive energy plane, gaining immunity to any negative effects associated with that plane and gaining the Extraplanar subtype while not on it. Vivacious Creatures retain their racial traits from their base race.
A Vivacious Creature gains a Deflection bonus to AC equal to their Charisma modifier, though this bonus cannot be greater then twice their levels in this class.
A Vivacious Creature has limited spell resistance (15 + HD), which applies against any spell or spell-like ability that uses negative energy (such as inflict spells).
A Vivacious Creature is adept at absorbing external sources of positive energy, and does not need to eat or drink for the next 24 hours when it benefits or recieves such energy (such as through the casting of a cure light wounds spell), as if it had eaten and drank normally that day.
Finally, a Vivacious Creature heals unusually fast, healing 1 point per character level each hour as if she took a full night's rest to naturally heal (though she does not gain any other benefits of a full night's rest).

Positive Energy Touch (Su): As a standard action, a Vivacious Creature can infuses an adjacent creature (as a melee touch attack) with positive energy, equal to 1d4 + Charisma modifier. This attack damages undead and heals living creatures. This ability has a maximum number of charges equal to the Vivacious Creature's HD + Charisma modifier, which recharge at a rate of 1 charge per hour (she also always starts the day with her maximum number of charges, assuming she had the equivalent to a full nights rest). Further, a Vivacious Creature can forgo the benefits of any spell or spell-like ability that uses positive energy (such as cure spells) that targets her to gain a number of charges equal to half the effective spell level of the effect (rounded up).

Overheal (Ex): Do to their intimate nature with positive energy, a Vivacious Creature can manipulate positive energy like no other, to the boon of allies and scorn of enemies. When a Vivacious Creature uses a effect that heals a creature with positive energy, she can instead choose to store that positive energy inside the target as pool of overhealed hit points. A pool of overhealing can have any number of points stored in it (but see below on the effects of large overheal pools).

Overhealing will immediately heal a creature as it takes damage. For instance, a Human Fighter with 10HP and 4 Overhealing takes 6 points of damage. 4 points of that damage is immediately healed, reducing the Overhealing pool by 4 points (to 0), and setting the Human Fighters HP to 8. Overhealing can even prevent a creature from dying do to their hit point total going below -10 (or whatever number of hit points the creature dies at), as long as the immediate healing from Overhealing brings the creatures hit point total above the death point.

Overhealing can cause great harm to a creature if it grows too big however.
First and most importantly, any creature that has total Overhealing greater then their current hit point total dies as if from a loss of hit points, making a large total of Overhealing potentially fatal. Note however that any damage will immediately be healed and reduced from the Overhealing total, so the Overhealing total should usually be reduced below the point where the creature will die from it.
Next, any creature that has more 1/4th their HP (rounded up) is sickened and more then 1/2 their HP (rounded up) is nauseated. A creature must make a fort save (DC 10 + 1/5 the current overhealing pool total) against these effects once per round as long as the overhealing exceeds one of these limits, and each of these effects lasts 1 round. Note however that this save does not fail on a natural 1, so a creature with a sufficient Fort save can endure these effects even when his overhealing total is above one of these limits. A creature threatened with being nauseated from overhealing is automatically sickened (no save). The nauseated effect ignores immunity, though a creature gets a +5 to its save against the nauseating if it should normally be immune. The vivacious creature can reduce the number of overhealing he gives to a creature to prevent applying the sickened/nauseated conditions to the creature.

Overhealing points dissipates after 1 hour after the last overhealing is applied. Futher, when a creature takes negative energy damage, overhealing points are reduced by an equal amount of damage dealt, before the healing effect is applied. A Vivacious Creature cannot grant anymore then 10 + 10 per Vivacious Creature class level Overhaling to any one creature in a 24 hour period.

Tenacious Healer (Ex): The Vivacious Creature can heal creatures even when circumstances would normally prevent her from doing so. She can now heal vile damage as if she was in a consecrated area with both healing effects and uses of the heal skill. Further she gains a bonus to heal checks equal to her HD, does not need supplies to attempt heal checks on patients, and can tend to as many as 10 * charisma patients at once with the heal skill (min 10).

Spell-Like (Sp): Select one Conjuration(Healing) spell off the Sorcerer/Wizard, Druid, or Cleric spell list of a level no higher than half the Vivacious Creatures HD (minimum 1). The Vivacious Creatures can cast this spell as a Spell-like ability 1/day per X HD (minimum 1), where X is the spell level of the chosen spell. The spell has a CL equal to HD and any save DCs are equal to 10 + spell level + Cha Mod. The Vivacious Creature does not use any components when casting the spell, although a spell that costs XP to cast still does so and a spell with a costly material component instead costs that amount in XP, though the target can take on some or all the xp cost in place of the vivacious creature.

Positive Energy Ray (Su): The Vivacious Creature can now use her Positive Energy Touch as a ranged touch attack with a range of 10ft per HD by spending 1 additional charge. Further, she now recharges a charge once every 30 minutes instead of 1 hour.

Fast Healing (Ex): The Vivacious Creature gains Fast Healing equal to 1/2 her HD. She now also heals her 1 point of ability damage every 2 hours as if a day has passed for her (or 1 point every hour if she does nothing but rest for that hour).

Greater Overheal (Su): The amount of Overhealing the Vivacious Creature can apply to a creature every 24 hours is now uncapped, and Overhealing now lasts a number of hours equal to her Charisma modifier after the last Overhealing is applied.

Death Guard (Ex): The Vivacious creature now heals Ability Drain at a rate of 1 point per day and automatically succeeds on the fortitude save to avoid permanent level loss do to negative levels.

Positive Energy Aura(Su): The Vivacious Creature radiates positive energy from it's body, healing all creatures within a radius (5ft per 2 HD) 1 Hit Point per 4 HD at the start of the Vivacious creature's turns. The Vivacious Creature does not heal itself with this aura, nor do other vivacious creatures or creatures immune to positive energy effects. The Vivacious creature can apply the effects of Overheal class feature to each individual creature as she sees fit as long as she can perceive the creature. This ability can be suppressed and reactivated as a free action.

Positive Energy Burst (Su): The Vivacious Creature can now effect all creatures with her Positive Energy Touch in a burst centered on her with a radius of 5ft + 5ft per 3 HD by spending 1 additional charge. She may also spend another additional charge to activate Positive Energy Ray, allowing her to instead center the ability somewhere within range of the Positive Energy Ray.
In addition, she may also spend 2 additional charges to apply the effects of her Positive energy touch again to the target(s) of this ability. This benefit can be applied multiple times to a single use of Positive Energy Touch.
Further, she now recharges a charge once every 15 minutes instead of 30 minutes.

Vivacious Transformation (Ex): The Vivacious Creature becomes a conduit to the Positive Energy Plane and transforms in the process. She can allow this Transformation to affect her physically or spiritually.
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
Regardless of which path she chooses, the Vivacious gains a Fly speed equal to her base land speed with perfect maneuverability, and her Deflection bonus to AC is no longer capped by her Vivacious Creature level.


Malicious Healing
The Vivacious Creature can use her mastery of Positive Energy to bring harm onto others.
Prerequisite: Vivacious Creature 1st.
Benefit: You can cause any overhealing you deal to a creature to not heal the creature when it takes damage. Further, you can apply any points healed to a creatures Hit Points with a positive energy effect to apply directly to Overhealing.
In effect this allows a Vivacious Creature to use her healing abilities as a form of attack. Other creatures can inherently notice something off with Overhealing received in such a manner however, and can treat the effect as a harmful effect. The amount of overhealing you can apply to a creature in a 24 hour period is not capped when applied in this manner.

The Vivacious Creature can heal more then wounds.
Prerequisite: Vivacious Creature 1st.
Benefit: Select one of the following conditions: confused, dazzled, deafened, diseased, fatigued, hunger/thirst, shaken, or sickened. By spending 1 charge of Positive Energy Touch, this condition is removed from the target(s).
The effects of this feat can be applied as part of a use of Positive Energy Touch, or by itself as a standard action, using any effects that affect Positive Energy Touch's range and target(s) to determine its own range and target(s) (spending the same number of Positive Energy charges normally required to do so).
Special: If this feat is taken at 6th level or above, you may select two conditions from the above list, or one from the following: blinded, dazed, exhausted (and fatigued), frightened/panicked (and shaken), nauseated, paralyzed, sleep (though creatures still need to rest to prepare spells or similar as normal), or stunned. One charge must be spent per condition.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, selecting a different condition(s) each time.

Improved Healing Capacity
The Vivacious Creature can heal more often then normal.
Prerequisite: Vivacious Creature 1st.
Benefit: Increase the maximum number of Positive Energy Touch charges by 3.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times.

Divine Touch
The Vivacious Creature can interweave her divine healing abilities with her natural healing abilities.
Prerequisite: Vivacious Creature 1st, Lay on Hands class feature
Benefit: The effective level of your Lay on Hands class feature is determined by stacking the levels of the class that grants it and your levels in the Vivacious Creature class. Further, your Lay on Hands is treated as a Positive Energy Touch and vice-versa, and as such each benefit from effects, feats, class features, and similar that effect these class features, where applicable.
Finally, you can apply the effects of your Lay on Hands class feature when you use your Positive Energy Touch class feature.

Spell Healer
The Vivacious Creature naturally masters the magic of healing.
Prerequisite: Vivacious Creature 1st, Spellcaster 1st
Benefit: The caster level of all Healing subschool spells you cast is increased by a number equal to your levels in the Vivacious Creature class, and any numerical increases to HP healing based on caster level are uncapped for such spells. Further, when you apply any metamagic feats to a spell of the Healing subschool, the spell uses up a spell slot 1/2 your vivacious creature level lower than normal (rounded up). A spell cannot be reduced to below its original level with the use of this feat.
Special: A class that benefits from this feat cannot channel negative energy. All spells that use negative energy are removed from the class spell list, and class features that use negative energy (such as Rebuke Undead) cannot be used. If the class has the option to choose between channeling positive and negative energy, positive energy is automatically chosen, ignoring any restrictions such as alignment.

Positive Energy Impulse
The Vivacious Creature can heal themselves quickly in an emergency.
Prerequisite: Vivacious Creature 1st
Benefit: When the Vivacious creature drops to 0 HP or below, she immediately uses her Positive Energy touch on herself. This is a natural impulse in response to severe trauma, so this is done automatically, though the Vivacious Creature loses a standard action on her next turn as if she used Positive Energy Touch then. The Vivacious Creature can spend as much charges of her Positive Energy Touch as she chooses, up to the remainder of charges she has currently has remaining.
A Vivacious Creature can only benefit from this feat once per turn.

Selfless Healer
The Vivacious Creature can sacrifice her own vitality to heal others
Prerequisite: Vivacious Creature 1st
Benefit: The Vivacious creature can temporarily reduce their Max/Current HP by 5 to recharge 1 charge of Positive Energy Touch. The Vivacious Creatures regains any HP lost in this manner at a rate of 1 HP per hour, and further regains all HP lost in this manner with 8 hours of rest.
The Vivacious Creature can benefit from this feat once per turn as a free action.

« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 07:34:36 PM by TC X0 Lt 0X »
Im really bad at what I do.

Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2015, 12:31:47 AM »
rough first draft.

Overheal needs work so it is readable, probably. More balance work too.

Positive Energy Touch/Ray/Blast might need a little work too. I didnt want to give the class a at will heal like the template because some people would freak out about it, but sense the class can only heal and kinda blast I didnt want it to be limited on a per day basis.

I dont know give me PEACH
Delicious PEACH
Im really bad at what I do.

Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2015, 03:42:02 PM »
Removed the overhealing effect which allowed the vivacious creature to build overhealing points that could be removed. That ability will be readded as a optional feat.
Added a clause to overhealing where negative energy damage will damage a overhealing pool an equal amount it deals to a creature before the healing is applied.

Moved Fast healing to 3rd level.

Removed the empowered negative energy clause from vigorous body.

Renamed Death Ward to Death Guard, to prevent confusion with the spell of the same name.

Renamed the Vivacious Transformations options to natural and altered.

Added in Tenacious Healer at 2nd level, which allows healing of vile damage and makes them very good at using the heal skill.
Im really bad at what I do.

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2015, 02:07:17 AM »
Hmmm, interesting. Need to check this again later, but for now Overheal seems somewhat counter-intuitive, in need of clarifications and maybe OP.

-No duration for the sickened/nauseated duration.
-At low levels it's basically assured you'll sicken/nauseate your own allies. You're better off "healing" your opponents.
-Then even when it works as a buff instead of crippling/killing, it's basically HP bloat, which is kinda bad in my book as it rewards casters and punishes mundane dudes trying to stab stuff to death.

There's also the part where this grants incorporeability with a 5 level investment and no drawback, while basically every other incorporeal creature around here either gains it slower or with strings attached.

Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2015, 10:15:37 AM »
Hmmm, interesting. Need to check this again later, but for now Overheal seems somewhat counter-intuitive, in need of clarifications and maybe OP.

-No duration for the sickened/nauseated duration.
-At low levels it's basically assured you'll sicken/nauseate your own allies. You're better off "healing" your opponents.
-Then even when it works as a buff instead of crippling/killing, it's basically HP bloat, which is kinda bad in my book as it rewards casters and punishes mundane dudes trying to stab stuff to death.

There's also the part where this grants incorporeability with a 5 level investment and no drawback, while basically every other incorporeal creature around here either gains it slower or with strings attached.

I should probably clarify that you get the sickening/nauseating effect until the overhealing drops below 2/4 times HD.
To avoid accidentally screwing allies maybe I should allow the ability for the caster to reduce the number of points healed to prevent the sickened/nauseated condition unless she wants to, and perhaps make it so saves don't fail on a 1 so high Fort characters could avoid it with raw Fort bonus to an extent, which would allow melee charcters which have Good fort saves to benefit better then squishy casters.
Maybe limiting it to a fraction of the creatures  Total HP and/or making the save a constitution check instead?

I can probably limit the incorporealty easy enough. Personally I don't like it anyways, but the standard vivacious creatures get it so I felt like it should at least have it as a option. For staters I could remove the ability to make a number of items automatically incorporeal and get rid of the +2 bonus Charisma.
Im really bad at what I do.

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2015, 08:40:51 AM »
Hmmm, interesting. Need to check this again later, but for now Overheal seems somewhat counter-intuitive, in need of clarifications and maybe OP.

-No duration for the sickened/nauseated duration.
-At low levels it's basically assured you'll sicken/nauseate your own allies. You're better off "healing" your opponents.
-Then even when it works as a buff instead of crippling/killing, it's basically HP bloat, which is kinda bad in my book as it rewards casters and punishes mundane dudes trying to stab stuff to death.

There's also the part where this grants incorporeability with a 5 level investment and no drawback, while basically every other incorporeal creature around here either gains it slower or with strings attached.

I should probably clarify that you get the sickening/nauseating effect until the overhealing drops below 2/4 times HD.
To avoid accidentally screwing allies maybe I should allow the ability for the caster to reduce the number of points healed to prevent the sickened/nauseated condition unless she wants to, and perhaps make it so saves don't fail on a 1 so high Fort characters could avoid it with raw Fort bonus to an extent, which would allow melee charcters which have Good fort saves to benefit better then squishy casters.
Maybe limiting it to a fraction of the creatures  Total HP and/or making the save a constitution check instead?
Fraction of HP sounds good, rewards guys who invest in HP in the first place.

I can probably limit the incorporealty easy enough. Personally I don't like it anyways, but the standard vivacious creatures get it so I felt like it should at least have it as a option. For staters I could remove the ability to make a number of items automatically incorporeal and get rid of the +2 bonus Charisma.
Oh, I hadn't noticed this was already a template. I would however suggest something more on scaling incorporeability, don't get the full benefits until you're higher HD.

Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2015, 03:58:37 AM »
Removed the cooldown on Positive Energy Touch. At first level all the class can do is heal a bit, effectively a weaker cleric which only provides cure light wounds castings. Over a prolonged period it does have a lot of healing, but otherwise thats pretty much all it can do, except maybe use a light crossbow. A 1st level Crusader will also bring slightly less amount of healing with actual offensive capability to back it up.
Its also a little annoying to keep track of.

Positive Energy Burst no longer doubles the number of charges needed each time you reapply the effect of a touch to target(s). It is a little annoying to half to deal with I think, and it doesnt scale well.

Applied a cap to the number of overhealing points one can apply to any one creature each day. At 4th level Greater Overhealing removes the cap. This should nerf the ability a bit at lower levels when used excessively and will prevent the class from being a crazy good level 1 dip for a Healer or other Healbot class.

On the flip side, I want to add a feat or two to allow smoother multiclass transition from Vivacious to another healing class without being to far behind on the other. Probably something like a Lay on Hands stacking with Vivacious levels and another that adds provides caster level bonus to healing spells equal to vivacious creature level.
Im really bad at what I do.

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2015, 09:53:14 AM »
Looking better overall. Feats for multiclassing sounds good.

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2015, 06:58:22 AM »
Added 4 more feats, which is probably a few too many but whatever.

The only one I am really worried about is Spell Healer. I figure if it is only Healing spells then it would allow the character to progress her healing spells at the same rate as a normal spellcaster without benefiting the rest of her spellcasting ability.
If it is too strong it can be nerfed to just subtract from Metamagic level adjustments.
I may also have it remove the spell-like ability gained at 2nd level. Its there mainly to give the Vivacious Creature a little more healing and/or versatility, but if she is gaining healing spells of an equal level from spellcasting it is a little redundant and would be a decent trade off.
Im really bad at what I do.

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2016, 01:19:19 AM »
Reducing spell levels is always a bad idea, point.

Selfless healer means that if you grab Fast healing from somewhere else you pretty much never need to worry about charge limits anymore.

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2016, 04:46:24 AM »
Then it will be a metamgic reducer.

With Selfless Healer, I can probably make it con drain which would cost quite a bit more to deal with, though it can probably be removed easy enough.
Im really bad at what I do.

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2016, 03:06:19 AM »
For selfless healer, perhaps a more custom penalty, like reducing max HP, and it recovers at a steady rate, like 1 per hour?

Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2016, 05:09:27 AM »
For selfless healer, perhaps a more custom penalty, like reducing max HP, and it recovers at a steady rate, like 1 per hour?

That works.

FYI I have been busy with classes. I just finished Finals for this quarter and have a week in between my quarters so I am going to try to get some stuff done around here unless something comes up that prevents me.
Im really bad at what I do.

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2016, 03:32:52 AM »
For selfless healer, perhaps a more custom penalty, like reducing max HP, and it recovers at a steady rate, like 1 per hour?

That works.

FYI I have been busy with classes. I just finished Finals for this quarter and have a week in between my quarters so I am going to try to get some stuff done around here unless something comes up that prevents me.

What??? Next are you gonna tell me that you're wasting time sleeping and eating instead of working on monster classes? What am I paying you for? :p

(also Selfless Healer doesn't seem to have been updated)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 03:35:46 AM by oslecamo »

Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2016, 07:38:54 PM »
Woah Im supposed to be getting paid?! Damn, all that back pay I must have =P

Well I applied the changes to Selfless Healer and Spell Healer.

I set Selfless Healers HP reduction to 5, matching it up with what negative levels reduce.
Im really bad at what I do.

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Re: Vivacious Creature
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2016, 02:40:39 AM »
Dududu catching up to my homebrew stuff...

No further critiques, added to the index.