I'm interested in a build that is about buying, selling, and using items.
Current things of interest:
* Feat: Mercantile - sell at 75% list price, buy 1 item per month at 75% price
* Feat: Favored in Guild (Mercantile) - sell 1 item per level at 100% markup (200% retail price)
* Feat: Wanderer's Diplomacy - purchase more expensive item than what a town could support w/ diplomacy check ~ +1K GP per point of check
* Feat: Item Familiar - for bonuses on UMD, Diplomacy, etc.
* Feat: Leadership & it's ilk - ok, but not quite what I want to emphasize right now
* Feat: Landlord - up to 800K GP for a stronghold ... ok, but not quite fitting the idea of "buying & selling"
* Affiliation: Ordained Champion or Disciple of Legend- buy weapons&armor or scrolls&potions at 75% price
* Skill: Diplomacy - 10% discount if vendor becomes "helpful" (
Skills - Diplomacy, UMD
Classes - ... anything that helps UMD is good ... Marshall for Motivate Cha, Exemplar 1 for take 10, ... what else? Merchant Prince fits thematically, but the perks don't seem so great ... (except for the business piece).
Any advice?