I don't see this in the compiliation, and maybe it would better belong in Bunko's, but the Shadow Cloak is an absolutely amazing item for the price. Ever wanted Abrupt Jaunt on a non-Conjurer? Now you can have it!
Is that from an official 3.5 source?
I've been looking through the DSP d20 SRd, and found this in the entry for Enlightened Monk:
Ki Psionics: The enlightened monk’s internal mastery brings forth her psionic potential in the form of Ki. Through intense training and meditation, she opens up more and more of her psionic self. The enlightened monk gains bonus power points from her Wisdom score as if her manifester level was equal to her enlightened monk level. These power points can be spent to fuel some Ki styles, as well as allowing her to attain psionic focus, among other uses.
Any class which increases any specific monk class features, such as AC bonus, unarmed damage, speed, or flurry of blows, stacks with her enlightened monk levels for the purpose of Ki psionics.Enlightened monk1/Psionic class manifesting based on wisdom 19
Feats: Monastic training, Tashalatora (Psionic class manifesting based on wisdom)
By my read, You get powerpoints as an Enlightened monk of level 20, that is, the PP you get from WIS for ML 20. That's in addition to the PP you get as a Psywar 19, including bonus PP from WIS for ML 19.
This can get even weirder with Lucid Cenobyte from Hyperconcious, which adds half your level in one psionic class to your effective monk level for a bunch of things. So with Tashalatora, you get level x1.5 towards monk abilities on one psionic class.
With Monk1/psy-war18/Lucid Cenobyte, you have Monk fists as a level 29 monk, and get bonus PP for ML 29.