That definition of sprinkling on the heart sounds very wrong. If I were to sprinkle salt on the top of a filing cabinet, have I sprinkled the salt on a steak in the 2nd drawer? No. In order to sprinkle something on something else, it must make contact. Otherwise, you're just sprinkling it on whatever is in the way, such as a creature's hide. In fact, under the effects, it further clarifies that you "season" the heart.
Yes, but effects, from a RAW stand point have nothing to do with activation. In fact, I have never seen such an activation before.
The powder must be mixed with a recently killed enemy’s blood and sprinkled on its heart. Preparing and consuming the heart in this way takes 3 rounds.
The powder must be mixed with a recently killed enemy's blood.
The powder must be sprinkled on its heart.
I'm sure the RAI is to sprinkle the mixture of powder and blood on the heart, but the location of the "and" shows that these are two different actions.
Now, those two steps are "preparation" and consuming the heart would be a third action, so one would assume that you mix the blood one round. Sprinkle on the heart in the second, then consume in the third.
Nothing in here indicates that the removal or access to said heart is a requirement.
Now, when you pledge allegiance to the flag, do you place your hand "On Your Heart"?
For your example, does the cabinet have blood? No? Not a valid target.
If it did, does the cabinet have a heart and/or internal organ serving the purpose of pressurizing a circulatory system? No? Not a valid target.
If it did, Is the heart located just under the top of the cabinet? Is the location where I would stab if I was to attempt to cut out a heart?
If we're talking about there only being an inch of oak between me and the heart and it is below where I am sprinkling, then I'm not sure.
if we go with your interpertation, then it's a seasoning and all I need is a knife that I dip in the powder. That will "mix" it with the blood and certainly with "season" the heart. but is it "sprinkling"?
Like I said. Never seen anything like it. Very strange activation, and very strange result.