Looking at my previous posting schedule I noticed that I only posted here a few times a month at best. And when I did it's been mostly politics and writing schedules.
I feel that part of it is due a variety of factors: I really enjoyed the content, Handbooks, and casual conversations I had with many posters here, from Raineh Daze to Kuroimaken. A few I still keep in regular contact with elsewhere, such as Steam and Roll20.
However, when it comes to Min-Max itself I've been rare at best. This has happened a lot with websites and message boards I've been to; in some cases it's a declining lack of interest for the subject matter, in a few cases the forums themselves became so toxic that I had to excise myself for my own sense of sanity. But I can safely say that most of my memories here are positive; it's just a case that a lot of the most active boards and topics aren't things that I go for much.
I pretty much exhausted 3.X D&D of new things to talk about, and in regards to homebrew most of that energy is spent on self-publishing. I liked the idea of play-by-posts, but as I'm in 4 live games on Roll20 my gaming schedule's full. A lot of RPG games I'm more into now are video games such as Final Fantasy and some D&D alternatives such as OSR retroclones and Pathfinder, which from what I can tell aren't as popular here. The 5E board's rather active, but as I don't subscribe to Unearthed Arcana and don't own any of the adventures I feel limited in conversation.
But like a lot of things, it's hard to give up something which you've been part of for a long time, even if you feel your interests have diverged in places. I still plan on hanging around here from time to time, but I may not be part of the "major" topics, and as of now I'd rather take a break from talking about US politics. Perhaps a Final Fantasy thread's in order in Off-Topic Fun...