Psion/factotum is great, I've ran a couple and had a lot of fun. You can do pretty much anything you want, at least for a little while. My made great improv characters. Seamed like anything we came across, they had a solution. Never the perfect stilton, or the easiest, but they could muddle their way through anything give time and a little thought. I remember coming across a dragon way above our ELC that should have been a straight diplomacy situation. Came down to it that the party dwarf had sworn an oath to kill every dragon he came across and wouldn't let it go. The DM warned us that it would likely kill all of us easily. the player of the dwarf insisted that we kill it. Tried to talk him down, and he wouldn't give it up. He session was about over, so the Dm said we would have to hold off on the fight until next time. Afterwords, she then pulled me aside and asked if I thought that the party had any chance in hell if she didn't fudge things. The dragon was an old black dragon (CR 16) the party was I think El 5- or six. I told her that if she didn't mind me getting a little stupid, that we could. One psionic minor creation, a few craft checks and a 5 gallon bucket of d20s later and we had a dead black dragon on our hands. Granted it was covered in black lotus extract and no one could go anywhere near it's treasure without poisoning our selves, but the dwarf was happy, and the Dm was awestruck. One of my favorite gaming sessions I remember.